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Fantasy playing around the edges

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9 hours ago, zonaboy801 said:

Sounds very promising. Hope you and Joe can seal the deal.

We could have and I would have if he weren't married.   Girlfriend or even fiancée I would have in a heartbeat, but not a wife unless I have her permission.  Meanwhile, it feeds our sex life at home. 

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2 hours ago, TnA83 said:

You will tell us all about it when it happens, won't you?

Certainly, if it happens, but I doubt it.  I've had guys hit on me before, but this is one of the few I seriously considered and will do if his wife tells me it's ok.

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This is the kind of guy that Daniela had emotional and sexual relationships with before we married.  Relationships that were self-limiting because married men didn't leave their wives, so there was no concern that they wanted to impulsively get married or move in or something.  Usually she had two, sometimes three men like this going at the same time in order to get what she wanted, sexual or otherwise, when she wanted it.  Now one of our rules is "no married men unless the wife approves," and in our closed group of married couples all the wives approve.  ;)  Daniela still likes the fact that the guys are all married, the wives approve, and they are all bi.  She used to chase down lesbians too and no longer needs to.

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A quick update.  Joe hasn’t forgotten me, he has texted and emailed me a number of times and even made several calls.  He keeps telling me how much he thinks of me and I tell him that I’d like for us to get together, but it has to be with his wife’s knowledge and permission.  This seems to have him flustered, but one big move he’s made - He called and said that he is ready to pull the trigger on registration, flights, and hotel for a conference in February.  And his wife Shannon will be coming as well!  I told him to hang on a moment and I got online and had windows open to register and get in the same hotel.  Then we both pulled the trigger.  It’s one of those moderately worthwhile events that’s in a nice place where one can justify arriving on Saturday for a Sunday (evening) start, then into the week.  It’s odd, but as much as I am excited to see Joe again, I am more excited to meet his wife.  I feel like the early days for me when I was getting friends and acquaintances to have sex with David.  It is a reverse variation of my previous game of flattering her and the fact that she “caught” Joe, complimenting her and Joe, and see how she opens up.  It’s a long shot but will be fun.

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21 hours ago, TnA83 said:

That's big news.  I hope his wife is open-minded.

I was surprised.  It will be thrilling just to meet her and explore the thoughts and psyche of the wife of the man I want to have sex with.  The news also caused positive reactions at home.

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38 minutes ago, couplers said:

I was surprised.  It will be thrilling just to meet her and explore the thoughts and psyche of the wife of the man I want to have sex with.  The news also caused positive reactions at home.

Ooo, now, tell us more about that!

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On 1/24/2023 at 5:15 AM, couplers said:

The news also caused positive reactions at home.


23 hours ago, TnA83 said:

Ooo, now, tell us more about that!

It's nice how this has us all stoked.


Verbal reactions were: David said I was pursuing this because I didn't have enough sex partners before I settled down; Lora said I should have just got on with it with Joe last time; Clair said I liked playing mind games with women; Red said, "I love you."


Sexually, we didn't have a rare all-together session like last time, but my guys did the unusual - took me into the bedroom and fucked me like a dog while I was standing, my hands on the bureau. Pants around my ankles, his hands under my braless shirt, cum quick (me too) one right after the other.  A rare instance of loveless sex with those who love me.  That night it was the three of us women together in one bed for the night.  We adults now have only two bedrooms because of the kids, so David slept on a couch.

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I hope he has ALREADY been speaking with his wife about this so it doesn't become a total surprise. Personally, I would want to talk with his wife before making any solid plans to be sure that she is in the loop and okay with this. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that at the last minute his wife couldn't make the trip...


Either way, looking forward to hearing what happens.

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4 hours ago, let's do it again said:

Why do you think Shannon didn't take your offer?

It was clear to me that Shannon has drawn a hard line between sexual freedom/exploration and marriage.  My distinct impression was that she wanted to play with me but was unsure, but definitely didn't want her husband to have fun with me.  She said that she wished that Joe was more experienced and had more experiences, but now that he is locked down in marriage that isn't going to happen.  It is her view of life and marriage; what is perfectly ok before isn't afterwards.  My understanding from what she told me was that she viewed her wild past as ok, but not to be talked about, even with Joe.  And she viewed the boys/men she had her fun with as unsuitable for a long term/marriage relationship.  Those guys were unworthy sluts.  Contradictory and I don't agree with it, but I can sort of see it as the parallel to how men think of those type of women.


I made it very clear that I was open to anything that she wanted for her, Joe, or them together (even just us doing the Lezzie thing together in front of Joe) but it was turned down.  I didn't think of it until afterwards, but I was willing to be that elusive unicorn, but was left unwanted.

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Ok, so it seems certain that Shannon is a definite "no go."  What about Joe, last thing we know was that you was fondling his cock and balls in the pool. Does this mean Joe has no chance with you or does it mean the hell with Shannon and fuck Joe the next time?

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Joe has no chance with me without Shannon's permission.  My hope was that he would have brought up the idea with her and that's why I insisted she be there this time.


From what he had told me last time about the imbalance between their sexual partner numbers, and what she told me directly this time about her wild days, my expectations were up.


If they weren't married, just a couple, or partners, SOs, even fiancés, I would have fucked him last time.  It was frustrating, but fun, and the sex when I got home was good; everyone was charged up.

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I can sense fear in her... in her old self coming back.  Did she mention being part of an evangelical church? It is a great inhibitor.

Edited by kittyswinger
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I was charged up also ! All I could think of was putting myself in each of your situations, what would I do? Also I could only imagine what was going thru all 3 of your minds as you returned home. The what if , and what could have been. 



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David got a surprise call from Shannon.  As I mentioned before, when I told Shannon that she could talk to David about him being ok with me having sex with him/them, I offered for her to call David to confirm it was consensual all around.  There was a “password” I told her that he would immediately say (“I heard you had a nice dinner.”) to show that he was ready to discuss the subject.  If she was still feeling uncertain, in response she should say, “Petra says you are open for her to have an adventure.”  She did and David said, “It’s good with me if Pet has sex with you two,” and it went from there.  David and I went into a quiet room and he put his phone on speaker while changing locations, but I didn’t talk.
Shannon said that was generous for him to offer (hey, what about my generosity?), however, she “doesn’t do that anymore,” but she found our life and his offer interesting.  Shannon said she hoped that we all can get together sometime, and David agreed.  It's clear that both Joe and Shannon are up for playing, but neither is willing to put it to the other.  Let me modify that – Shannon seems open to her fucking with me and maybe her playing with me and/or David, but I got the sense that Joe is not eager to have Shannon fuck another guy.
It was thrilling to try, and I did because I am attracted to Joe, and after I met Shannon more so them as a couple.  But it seems if one or more of us in our family is going to play, the chances are better with a single where the situation is less complicated.

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On 2/25/2023 at 8:48 AM, kittyswinger said:

Did she mention being part of an evangelical church?

Good point.  Shannon did talk about being "churched," but we didn't get into the details.  

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Was you and David surprised when Shannon called? To me, that is a step in the right direction to a sexual encounter. I have wondered all thru this that Shannon wants you more than letting Joe have you.

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15 hours ago, let's do it again said:

Was you and David surprised when Shannon called?


15 hours ago, let's do it again said:

To me, that is a step in the right direction to a sexual encounter.

Perhaps, but I think she finds my situation with hubby fascinating, but can't conceive of opening up their marriage. 

15 hours ago, let's do it again said:

I have wondered all thru this that Shannon wants you more...

I initiated us getting naked in front of each other, we felt one another up, she grabbed my ass, but didn't go for my pussy when I spread my legs and moved her hand in that direction.  I definitely would have done it with her, I don't consider girl-girl play cheating.

15 hours ago, let's do it again said:

... than letting Joe have you.

What kind of girl do you think I am?  Joe wouldn't have me, I'd have him.  🙂  You're right, me fucking Joe seems out of the question with Shannon. 

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Seems to me a lot of work for nothing, unless you like the hunt and proselytizing for the lifestyle.



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Sounds like a seed has been planted and is now starting to take root...I think this won't be the last you hear from them.

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Shannon texted me and said it was great to meet me and when it’s possible that we should get together, she and Joe would like to meet David and our children. I don’t know when that might happen. I’m certainly not going through the same trouble I did just to tease myself again.

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I called Joe at work and we talked for around ten minutes. I specifically asked him about what Shannon told him. He said that she found a connection with me, really likes and speaks well of me. As a prelude to and during sex, however, she accuses him of wanting to fuck me and talks about my sassy personality, my body, what he likes. He says she really seems serious, but not angry, but then afterwards says it’s all just fun talk and doesn’t have any consequences.  Neither of them, however, have the courage to realistically bring up the topic.


Thinking about it, it seems that my best chance of getting anything going with those two is for me to try to talk Shannon and Joe into her having sex play with me in front of Joe. Joe would fuck me in a heartbeat if we went behind Shannon’s back, but I’m not going to do that.  Most likely Shannon still has her Lesbian desires and I get the feeling that Joe wouldn’t be disturbed by his wife and me getting sexual, especially since he’ll get to see me naked and playing.  So my strategy will be to ask Joe and Shannon separately if he/she is ok with Shannon and me having fun.

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The longer that I  follow this the more that I think Shannon doesn't want you to have any part of Joe. I think that if you and Joe have sex ,that Joe will like it better than Shannon and Joe and I think Shannon realizes this. I think Shannon would have sex with you, but not as long as Joe is involved in anyway. Shannon knows Joe has had few partners and probably Shannon has been the best sex Joe has ever had, Shannon doesn't want to jeopardize it by you and Joe having sex, just my view.

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18 hours ago, let's do it again said:

I think Shannon doesn't want you to have any part of Joe.

Most likely, but not because she sees him as "her" man.  She's has fondly spoken of guys she has shared in the past.  It's the "we're married" thing.


18 hours ago, let's do it again said:

Shannon would have sex with you, but not as long as Joe is involved in anyway.

Probably.  That will be my attempted entrée.


18 hours ago, let's do it again said:

Shannon has been the best sex Joe has ever had

Good observation, especially with all of her experience.  But OTOH, why does she complain about his lack of experience and adventure?


A realization about myself: although I'm interested in having sex with each of them individually, what has really grabbed me is being in their relationship.  The interactions among us - a threesome; alone with each of them then talking about it with the other afterwards; just watching them...

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I read about couples getting started in the lifestyle on this website and they should read this entire thread, because this is a perfect example of observing the rules and boundaries of all involved. It isn't always as easy as " do you want to, let's go!" Everyone involved has to be on board for it to happen and the sexual tension it creates when everyone isn't in agreement. I don't think this is nearly over, I think it's always on all 3 of your minds and this may not happen, but who is to say as Joe and Shannon get older that they won't dip into the lifestyle!

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On 3/11/2023 at 6:30 AM, couplers said:

Most likely, but not because she sees him as "her" man.  She's has fondly spoken of guys she has shared in the past.  It's the "we're married" thing.


Probably.  That will be my attempted entrée.


Good observation, especially with all of her experience.  But OTOH, why does she complain about his lack of experience and adventure?


A realization about myself: although I'm interested in having sex with each of them individually, what has really grabbed me is being in their relationship.  The interactions among us - a threesome; alone with each of them then talking about it with the other afterwards; just watching them...

Give us an update on Joe and Shannon, any communication from them?

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On 5/12/2023 at 12:39 PM, let's do it again said:

Give us an update on Joe and Shannon, any communication from them?

I have exchanged texts and some emails with Joe and Shannon - Joe usually about how he wants for us to fuck (without Shannon knowing), Shannon mostly social girl talk.  Shannon, however, did call my husband again as I said she was free to do.  In among the "we should get together talk," she was probing about our "open" marriage, although David did explain that it wasn't a free-for-all, more that I could have another carefully selected partner.


Joe said that when Shannon brings up him and me doing something he would sometimes ask if she really wants that and she says unenthusiastically, “No.”  Since that isn't happening, I asked if it would be ok with him if Shannon and I had Lesbian sex.  He said, “Yeah, that would be great!”  It would likely be more agreeable to both of them than Shannon being ok with him and me.  It would be ok with me if he watched, but that’s up to Shannon.  Unfortunately, even this doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  Neither of them has brought up to the other the possibility of Shannon and me playing (with or without him there).  In a way it is both bizarre and fascinating that these people married to one another will talk to me about their sex lives and fantasies but not with one another.


This whole unlikely fantasy of me getting involved with Shannon or Joe or both has, however, led to exciting talk and resolution among us at home - Clair and Lora try to push it along, Red and David just talk to me about what I've already done.



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a missing space

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20 hours ago, couplers said:

The last week of August, Shannon texted David and me saying that she and Joe are visiting relatives in a nearby town and asking if we were going to be at home and free over the Labor Day weekend.  Lunch, dinner maybe.  I was taken aback and hesitant.  David replied, “Sure, we’re free, that’ll be great.”

After more back-and-forth David and I found that they would be arriving late on Friday and have a rental car, so they wanted to get together first thing Saturday.

Meanwhile, I kept texting Shannon separately and had a few calls with her.  In among all the social talk, we got talking about sex.  Eventually, I adjusted my approach from what I proposed before, me fucking Joe or us having a threesome.  Rather than asking Shannon if she wanted to make out with me, I instead asked if she would do me a favor and touch me again.  I asked not if she would mind, but if Joe would object.  She surprised me by saying with some enthusiasm that Joe would like her and me to do that.  She quickly clarified that he would like to see us do that.  OK, the question is how far would Shannon go with me?  I was happy to get that far and left it open from there.



Long story short, David and I met Shannon and Joe at their hotel Saturday morning and visited a few places in town around their hotel.  We eventually went to their hotel for lunch, then they invited us back to their room to browse some things on the internet and talk about our plans for later.  David surprisingly and suddenly looked at his phone and said that he had to go into the office to take care of things.  Something he rarely had to do, at least never in the office on a weekend.  But I didn’t question it.  He apologized and asked if it was ok if he came back in a few hours to the hotel.  OK.  He said that he would call when he was leaving the office.

Later I found out that it was a set up between him and Shannon.  Long foreplay story short, Shannon ended up naked on her back, I was in just my t-shirt braless on all fours licking her pussy, sending her into orbit and Joe was playing with himself.  While she was in an out-of-her-mind state, I asked Shannon if Joe could put it in me.  She squeaked “Yes,” and I ordered him to get over here.  Now I was feeling the dick I had anticipated for so long.  He came pretty quickly, but I was just as quick.  His ejaculation was fantastic for me.  Shannon snapped out of her ecstasy when Joe and I simultaneously started our cris d'amour.  Afterwards Shannon wasn’t shy about going down on my sloppy pussy to give me another O.  I was also happy that both Joe and Shannon found me to their liking.


After our two hours or so of fun, I had Shannon call David and asked him when he was coming back to the hotel.  I thought I was being clever having Shannon call him.  But David is more clever (cleverer?) and more thoughtful; he had managed to get the hotel to reserve us an adjoining room next to Joe and Shannon’s shortly after they made their reservation - just in case things moved in a direction where we needed it.  He checked in on the way back and David and I went next door into our room to shower before going out again.


It was a tense late afternoon and light dinner.  Not that anything was wrong, but it was a sexually charged atmosphere.  David quietly but clearly sent me the message that knew exactly what had happened, had expected it.  He also left the door between the rooms ajar as a signal that there was an intimacy between us couples, and negative proof that he wasn’t doing anything with me, the potential was being saved for later.

It was clear to me that Shannon was interested in David.  And no one had to tell David that.  As we left the hotel and began to walk down the block David took Shannon’s hand.  I grabbed Joe’s hand.


Shannon had previously told me at one point during our text and email exchanges that Joe, knowing only a small part of her past but knowing that it is still much greater than his, likes saying that she was a slut when they’re in foreplay and having sex.  He stresses it and says it repeatedly and asks her for stories about her past.  It disturbed her at first but it she says it’s all ok, it makes him closer and more loving than ever, even after the sex is over.


When we got back to the hotel we went to our rooms and had sex.  Pretty wild, but nothing that hasn’t been discussed here before.  David and I expected that we would separate into the two rooms, but Joe insisted on us all staying in their room because it had two queen beds instead of one king.  He wanted to see his wife having sex with another man, something he said that he had never seen before and expected only to ever see in his fantasies about Shannon’s past.  But here David was, with all his pent-up energy, doing a good job on Shannon.


David is much more in tune with what was going on in Joe’s mind and how to play it.  He knew that what Joe thought wasn’t that Shannon is a slut, it’s that she was a slut and he is the one who was so good for her that she gave up whoring around for him.  He prides himself on having an oversexed woman who he has tamed and married.  Her past is a point of pride for him.  She previously told me that she fucked a lot of different guys and did all these different things (MFM and FFM threesomes, anal, couples swaps) before and yet she is satisfied, happy with Joe.  For Joe, it is part of her great personality, but he is so proud that she gave it up for him.  David flattered him by saying that he wished that I could have been as sexually adventuresome as Shannon was, that I had only fucked one other guy when we met.  David told Joe that Joe married the town slut, but now she is his.  Joe really liked that.  I suppose that this shouldn’t be so surprising, there are people here, mostly guys, who say that they don’t mind that their wife sluts around (with a boyfriend, at the club, at a party) because, especially because, she is going home with him tonight.  The husband getting the final conquest, and all is well.


In a moment of calm, nonsexual honesty I asked Joe if he was ok, if it disturbed him knowing and seeing Shannon having sex with David (or me).  He seemed good, more than good – pleased, with Shannon’s past but only because it was in the past.  He confirmed that talking about her past in the abstract was exciting, something he loved about her, but seeing the reality of her having sex with another guy was painful.  “But that seems to be the price of admission,” he said.  I was left wondering but didn’t push him on it.  “It’s wonderful afterwards though,” he said.


Shannon confessed that they weren’t in town to visit relatives.  They contacted us and specifically came to visit our place in the world to see if we said we wanted to meet up.  They had reserved the entire weekend for time with us, whatever it may be, and had a flight home on Monday afternoon.  What led to this trip was Shannon “confronting” Joe about me and asking him if he would fuck if me if she could arrange it.  (She already had the signal from me at our last meeting that she could.)  What I didn’t know was that she and David were talking behind my back to set this up.



The big day came and we took Joe and Shannon back to our house to meet the rest of our family: Red, Clair, Lora, and our multitude of children.  The introductions were very smooth and cordial.  The only awkward part for me was when Clair and Lora both said to Joe and Shannon how much I had said about them, but Joe and Shannon were untroubled by me having talked about them.  Shannon said I hadn’t said anything about Clair, Lora, Red, or all these kids to her.  They were curious about the provenance of the kids and we proudly pointed out the biological parentage of each (Lora said “I’m the mother of the brown ones.”).  To say they were amazed with the whole situation would be an understatement.  Especially with the huge house, guesthouse and all the children.  We told them that none of it (the house, the number of children) is as impressive as it seems if you divide it up among us five adults.


David has arranged with Becky and Frank to take our children for the day.  We had also arranged for two of the regular young women we use as babysitters to accompany them to help out.  It worked out great and we really appreciated it.  Needless to say, we all played.  The interesting thing for me was that the pairings that seemed to grab hold the most were Joe and Lora, and Shannon and Red.  David, my husband, and I played together with Clair and laughed that the couple he had set up for me to have sex with had found other sexual interests.  😊


To Joe, it became not that Shannon just was a slut, but is one, fucking both David and now Red.  David and Red now will call Shannon a whore in front of Joe, while the other is fucking her, or both are.  Even when Joe is making love to Shannon, his wife.  I was worried that this was going too far, but Joe smiled.  Both Red and David know how to make him feel good about his wife, portraying her as a sophisticated, super sexually charged woman that he was lucky to get to be his wife.  Tamed but not domesticated.


After all this, I was afraid what the aftermath might be.  But we met at dinner and everyone was happy.  It was almost odd that we talked about everything except sex.  But it also seemed so natural that it was no problem.


One last thing to report: we had breakfast with Shannon and Joe at the hotel Monday (Labor Day) morning for breakfast before they had to go to the airport.  Unlike our other get togethers outside the bedroom, this time we did talk about sex and it was mutually decided that David and Shannon would go back to the room for a quick one.  Joe and I agreed that it was wonderful sitting here together, him fingering my pussy and reaching for my braless tits, knowing what our spouses were doing.


The psychological aspects of what happened excite me as much as the sex, mostly because that’s what I keep thinking about. 1) My husband David went behind my back with another woman(!) to really move along the opportunity for us to play with them.  Plus getting the adjoining hotel room and arranging babysitting.  2) Red and Shannon really hit it off, sexually and otherwise, something that I did not expect, they’re so different.  Same with Joe and Lora.  3) The fact that Joe has such a fetish about Shannon being called a slut.  And that David picked up on the subtle clues early on and had the right instincts on which direction and how far to push it.  Joe gets so worked up having Red and David say so and hearing her tell stories about a past that he didn’t know that she had.  He went from slut-fear to slut-pride in a very short time.


Anyway, overall an amazing weekend.

I always thought that the time would come when you got with Shannon and Joe, I just didn't know that the rest would be involved, Yea! I guess my question is: Was Joe and Shannon as good as you thought they would be? And, just a little competition take place for you when you swap? It does for me, I step up to give my swap partners the best I can!

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22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

I just didn't know that the rest would be involved,

I doubt that it ever would have happened if David hadn't taken control and set things up behind my back, with the knowledge of the others.  Up until Red, Lora and Clair met Joe and Shannon, their participation wasn't certain.  It proves to me once again how much David loves me and what lengths he'll go to make me happy.  And his managerial capabilities. 


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

Was Joe and Shannon as good as you thought they would be?

Her yes, him no.  Although they were more interested in Red and Lora, respectively (sexually), it did get it out of my system. 


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

And, just a little competition take place for you when you swap?

?  Do you mean fuel my jealous nature?  Yeah, that was a nice part of it 


A lot more went on that I didn't talk about, sex that's been described here before, I wanted to describe more of how it came about and unfolded.  And my initial cunnilingus and penetration with them.


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48 minutes ago, couplers said:

I doubt that it ever would have happened if David hadn't taken control and set things up behind my back, with the knowledge of the others.  Up until Red, Lora and Clair met Joe and Shannon, their participation wasn't certain.  It proves to me once again how much David loves me and what lengths he'll go to make me happy.  And his managerial capabilities. 


Her yes, him no.  Although they were more interested in Red and Lora, respectively (sexually), it did get it out of my system. 


?  Do you mean fuel my jealous nature?  Yeah, that was a nice part of it 


A lot more went on that I didn't talk about, sex that's been described here before, I wanted to describe more of how it came about and unfolded.  And my initial cunnilingus and penetration with them.


I would have liked to hear the conversation from both sides of the weekend, what was liked and what's to come in the future. I would like to have heard that conversation about the weekend and you know that it led up to some wild sex with everyone SO.

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On 9/12/2023 at 6:00 AM, couplers said:

It proves to me once again how much David loves me and what lengths he'll go to make me happy.  And his managerial capabilities. 

Sounds like your husband pulled off what you couldn't, or at least pushed it over the finish line.  It also seems like the preliminaries that you started with those two got the others excited about the potential and got them involved.  


On 9/12/2023 at 6:00 AM, couplers said:

my initial cunnilingus and penetration with them.


On 9/12/2023 at 6:00 AM, couplers said:

A lot more went on that I didn't talk about, sex that's been described here before, I wanted to describe more of how it came about and unfolded. 

Don't be shy, tell about at least the highlights. 

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12 hours ago, Numex said:

Sounds like your husband pulled off what you couldn't, or at least pushed it over the finish line.  It also seems like the preliminaries that you started with those two got the others excited about the potential and got them involved.  



Don't be shy, tell about at least the highlights. 

I would have liked to heard the conversation between Joe and Shannon on the trip home. I bet their was some crazy fucking for the first few days home.

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On 9/15/2023 at 9:38 AM, let's do it again said:

I would have liked to heard the conversation between Joe and Shannon on the trip home. I bet their was some crazy fucking for the first few days home.

I don’t know what the conversations were between Shannon and Joe on the way home, but I communicated with both of them since and know a couple of things.  First, they have said that the experience with us has “really opened things up between them” (Joe) and “broken down a barrier about sex” (Shannon).  Shannon said that Joe has move on from repeating the slut and whore thing that he likes to say to wanting to talk about what she did with Red and David (and Clair and Lora and me) and hear tales of her past sexual experiences that she never revealed in the past.  Shan says that she has both expanded the list of men and women that she admits to having sex before she met Joe to “all,” and goes into detail about what they did and how she enjoyed it.  She also tells of what she would like to have done, but didn’t.


The other side of it is for us, we’ve talked about our play with them a lot and it has fired things up for us as well.  The major even was the Wednesday after, I got home from work to the kids being gone, and the others in various states of undress.  Clair was topless, which was incredibly exciting to me, David was wearing just a t-shirt with his dick hanging, that was funny.  They came at me from different sides, not saying anything, serious, and started pulling my clothes off.  Red cut off my bra.


I’ve tried to think of the best word to describe it, but the word I keep coming back to is that I was raped, but totally not in a bad way, by my two husbands and my two wives.  My entire life sex has always started with a suggestion, a proposal from someone for me to go along, and 99% of the time I accepted, and when I didn’t, he moved on.  This time I wasn’t asked, it wasn’t with my consent, but I wasn’t forced.  Like being “kidnapped”, pushed into a car and taken someplace like a great restaurant without being asked.  What distinguished the sex this time was the infrequent occurrence of me having FFM intercourse with both men one after another while they were fresh, getting a full measure of their ejaculate.  Red fucked me missionary while Clair sat on my face grinding into me, then David did me doggy while I licked Lora.  Then the girls went down on me.  I never had so many orgasms in such a short time.


So it wasn't just Joe and Shannon having some crazy fucking after our experience.

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One thing that our experience with Joe and Shannon has brought to my mind again is my attitude and need for sex.  Compared to food and eating, it’s totally different.  I almost always skip breakfast, but a morning quickie and getting an O (usually by a dick, but sometimes a licking) is a regular thing for me.  If I don’t do it the morning before work, it’s almost a superstitious thing for me that my attitude will be bad and things will go wrong during the day.  Lunch is light and I try to stick to a salad, although with stuff on it.  When I get home from work, I’m hungry but can hold my desire in check, eat slowly and deliberately, looking at each morsel and be satisfied with not a lot.  I still weigh within a few pounds of what I did in high school.  But at night I ask for, get, and greedily take all that I want in bed for 30 to 60 minutes before sleep.  And I sleep well.


Sometimes I think that the time could be put to better use, I could exercise more, read a book, and I am determined to do so.  But then something happens as I feel the body of someone I love as I wake up, or as I finalize putting the kids away for the night and think about the possibilities, which man’s bed I will sleep in, which woman will join me there, my mind becomes irrational.  I don’t have that trouble with food.

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On 9/14/2023 at 9:22 PM, Numex said:

Don't be shy, tell about at least the highlights.

A lot happened over those three days, but in calm retrospect, a lot of it was just regular sex (hetero and Lesbian) among people.  The interesting thing to me was the psychological aspects of it and how David, in conspiracy with the others in my family, put it all together.  For me, not being aware of the plan and not being a part of the scheme beforehand feels odd.

The interesting sex for me was what I described above, that while I was going down on Shannon, Joe went into me from behind.  In my fantasy our first pairing was to be missionary love-making.  Instead, it was impromptu doggy, just good happy sex, nothing more.  It was frantic (on his part, as men can be), lasting only between five and ten minutes, but we both came spectacularly, his ejaculation was memorable.  Plus, with my mouth on his wife’s cunt, I was mediating between two spouses in their sexual pleasure, something special.


Also what I forgot to mention was what I described above a few days after when my family ganged up on me for sex, as Red first went into my pussy.  I get very wet quickly (so much that I’ve soaked through at times), but this time things happened so fast and were so unusual that although I was wet inside, the entrance to my vagina was not yet lubed when Red started pushing in.  It didn’t hurt, but there was considerable resistance at first, right at the entrance; it felt good as he pushed his way in.


The other thing that I can’t get out of my head and the others in the family talk about are Shannon’s breasts.  Those long slender mammaries that just hang down and when they are exposed they pull you in, whether you’re a girl or boy, to play with them.  They look slender, until you see how large the nipples are, covering the entire ends.  They are perfect in their own way, cylinders for which the word “teat” was invented.  Shannon is most beautiful and feminine on all fours with her breasts swaying.

And of course during our play all together on Sunday, my jealousy got stoked when Joe fucked Clair or Lora then when Red or David fucked Shannon.  It was then quenched when I got to eat those girls out – it’s my reclaiming process.


Finally, I keep thinking what the dynamics were as we all ended up together, the pairings being primarily with Red and Shannon,  Joe and Lora.  Although everyone had their turns at the beginning and before they left, David, Clair, and I were left as spectators to what was clearly the main attractions.  If this gets anything going in the future, it will be Red and Lora moving it along.

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1 hour ago, couplers said:

A lot happened over those three days, but in calm retrospect, a lot of it was just regular sex (hetero and Lesbian) among people.  The interesting thing to me was the psychological aspects of it and how David, in conspiracy with the others in my family, put it all together.  For me, not being aware of the plan and not being a part of the scheme beforehand feels odd.

The interesting sex for me was what I described above, that while I was going down on Shannon, Joe went into me from behind.  In my fantasy our first pairing was to be missionary love-making.  Instead, it was impromptu doggy, just good happy sex, nothing more.  It was frantic (on his part, as men can be), lasting only between five and ten minutes, but we both came spectacularly, his ejaculation was memorable.  Plus, with my mouth on his wife’s cunt, I was mediating between two spouses in their sexual pleasure, something special.


Also what I forgot to mention was what I described above a few days after when my family ganged up on me for sex, as Red first went into my pussy.  I get very wet quickly (so much that I’ve soaked through at times), but this time things happened so fast and were so unusual that although I was wet inside, the entrance to my vagina was not yet lubed when Red started pushing in.  It didn’t hurt, but there was considerable resistance at first, right at the entrance; it felt good as he pushed his way in.


The other thing that I can’t get out of my head and the others in the family talk about are Shannon’s breasts.  Those long slender mammaries that just hang down and when they are exposed they pull you in, whether you’re a girl or boy, to play with them.  They look slender, until you see how large the nipples are, covering the entire ends.  They are perfect in their own way, cylinders for which the word “teat” was invented.  Shannon is most beautiful and feminine on all fours with her breasts swaying.

And of course during our play all together on Sunday, my jealousy got stoked when Joe fucked Clair or Lora then when Red or David fucked Shannon.  It was then quenched when I got to eat those girls out – it’s my reclaiming process.


Finally, I keep thinking what the dynamics were as we all ended up together, the pairings being primarily with Red and Shannon,  Joe and Lora.  Although everyone had their turns at the beginning and before they left, David, Clair, and I were left as spectators to what was clearly the main attractions.  If this gets anything going in the future, it will be Red and Lora moving it along.

I think what really surprised me was the participation of the others, I thought it would be more Petra, Shannon, and Joe. I also thought that one of the guys would try to reclaim Petra soon after Joe had Petra. Did Dave or Red reclaim Lora or Claire?

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22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

I think what really surprised me was the participation of the others, I thought it would be more Petra, Shannon, and Joe.

It was David who picked up where I had given up, talked with and really worked with Shannon, and to some extent Joe, to arrange the weekend.  David also reserved our room adjoining theirs and the Sunday babysitting.  While I thought that Shannon and I playing while Joe watched was the only possibility, David, Shan, and Joe had already agreed that the four of us would fuck.  David kept the others in our family fully in on what he was doing.  Clair, Red, and Lora had already been given details by me about my initial flirting and soft play with Joe and Shannon and it was part of our sexual discussions, so although they were tentative about sexual play, they definitely wanted to meet them and were fired up about the possibilities.


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

I also thought that one of the guys would try to reclaim Petra soon after Joe had Petra.

Saturday into Sunday it was just David and me at the hotel enjoying the novelty of swapping, so the play was pretty much Joe and me, David and Shannon.  We did get with our spouses for a short while so we could watch that as well, but it was short enough that the guys didn’t cum before we swapped back.  On Sunday unfortunately, Petra was not the center of attention since Red and Shannon became a pair and Joe and Lora became a pair, but David and I did connect during that time; we put on a show.  Also, Clair and Shan connected in the Lezzie world.
But also to quote another young woman who recently posted here:


On 8/27/2023 at 2:04 PM, JessicaJJ said:

I actually find the group dates really hot, since the "waiting" has become moments of excitement, partly because I look forward to "my turn", so to speak, and partly because it is a turn-on to see the other girls get visible orgasms with him;

I have also had a couple private dates with him, and they were super-hot as well.

So I have essentially learned to enjoy both types of dates, haha.


On 8/27/2023 at 5:09 PM, JessicaJJ said:

It has mainly been the whole line-up thing these last times when I have met him with other girls, and there is something about those dates that I feel is a big turn-on for some reason;

there is something thrilling about being one in the bunch like that.

I guess it is the submissive side of me that causes those feelings, haha.

And of course, there is also the whole actual sex part, where I observe the other girls go crazy when he has his way with them, and the whole anticipation when he has walked up behind me and I am like "any moment now...!".


 It’s the same for me - waiting my turn, not knowing whether I would get be lucky enough to get Joe or maybe Shannon as my next partner, sometimes joining by kissing him as he was humping Lora… was thrilling.  There were three men but four women, so hard dicks were the limiting factor. 


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

Did Dave or Red reclaim Lora or Claire?

Not while Shannon and Joe were with us, but I did detect some jealousy by David because of the way Lora and Joe connected and the attention they gave one another.  (I’ve admitted to myself some time ago that David has come to love Lora more deeply than me.  But it’s ok, because doesn’t love me any less than he did before he met her, and I’m in love with her too.)  After Joe and Shan had departed on Monday, there was a lot of action in our family, but the kids were home so we had to take turns parenting them and breaking off for adult play.

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On 2/24/2023 at 8:32 PM, couplers said:

It was clear to me that Shannon has drawn a hard line between sexual freedom/exploration and marriage.  My distinct impression was that she wanted to play with me but was unsure, but definitely didn't want her husband to have fun with me.  She said that she wished that Joe was more experienced and had more experiences, but now that he is locked down in marriage that isn't going to happen.  It is her view of life and marriage; what is perfectly ok before isn't afterwards.  My understanding from what she told me was that she viewed her wild past as ok, but not to be talked about, even with Joe.  And she viewed the boys/men she had her fun with as unsuitable for a long term/marriage relationship.  Those guys were unworthy sluts.  Contradictory and I don't agree with it, but I can sort of see it as the parallel to how men think of those type of women.


I made it very clear that I was open to anything that she wanted for her, Joe, or them together (even just us doing the Lezzie thing together in front of Joe) but it was turned down.  I didn't think of it until afterwards, but I was willing to be that elusive unicorn, but was left unwanted.

So how or why did Shannon cross this line of sexual exploration and marriage? If Shannon was so hardlined what was it that changed her thinking. I think Shannon was desiring you and that changed it. I would like to think that Shannon was attracted to Petra and wanted to get Joe more experience to make Joe a better lover. My opinion, Shannon is in it for the woman on woman action!

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22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

So how or why did Shannon cross this line of sexual exploration and marriage?

Shannon and I (and Joe) have communicated some since our long weekend together but have not had any in-depth post analysis of how they (and we) feel about what we did, although everything has been positive thus far.
To answer your question, my guess is that we got where we did for two reasons:  The first is because Shannon views her more adventurous days, before Joe, fondly and wanted to relive it, including having her male partner/boyfriend/husband being with other women.  The second reason is that David is extremely good at convincing people to go along with his idea.  Actually, he makes them think that it is their own good idea to act on.  The logic David said that he used with Shan and Joe is that having me play with them is something that we all want.  Joe certainly didn’t disagree, and Shannon admitted she was intrigued, both about watching Joe and playing Lezzie with me.  David said that he would be around for anything that was needed.  (From all the facetime, calls, texts, and emails David and Shannon exchanged, they got to know one another, flirted, and there was interest there as well.)  


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

If Shannon was so hardlined what was it that changed her thinking.

Shannon thought that marriage meant leaving past fun behind, but that “hardline” wasn’t so hard when David convinced her (and Joe) that they could have their cake (marriage) and eat it too (sex with others).  It was a combination of it being something that they wanted, extramarital sex, and David being smooth about ‘it’s ok if my wife plays with you guys.”  David’s attitude calmed Shan that me do such a thing was fine within a marriage (us being older and married longer), and it excited Joe.


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

I think Shannon was desiring you and that changed it.

Shan and I definitely had the hots for one another, that was part of it, but pile on the thought of Joe fucking me (she previously had threesomes of both types with boyfriends before Joe), and the outside possibility of her playing with my husband was cumulatively enough to make them visit us.


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

I would like to think that Shannon was attracted to Petra and wanted to get Joe more experience to make Joe a better lover.

Yes, definitely and yeah, maybe.  According to Shan, she shared boyfriends (hers and other girls') before Joe, so sharing is one of her fond memories.


22 hours ago, let's do it again said:

My opinion, Shannon is in it for the woman on woman action!

There is significant evidence that she did it for both homosexual and heterosexual experiences, as well as pimping out her husband.  😉

Edited by couplers
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46 minutes ago, couplers said:

Shannon and I (and Joe) have communicated some since our long weekend together but have not had any in-depth post analysis of how they (and we) feel about what we did, although everything has been positive thus far.
To answer your question, my guess is that we got where we did for two reasons:  The first is because Shannon views her more adventurous days, before Joe, fondly and wanted to relive it, including having her male partner/boyfriend/husband being with other women.  The second reason is that David is extremely good at convincing people to go along with his idea.  Actually, he makes them think that it is their own good idea to act on.  The logic David said that he used with Shan and Joe is that having me play with them is something that we all want.  Joe certainly didn’t disagree, and Shannon admitted she was intrigued, both about watching Joe and playing Lezzie with me.  David said that he would be around for anything that was needed.  (From all the facetime, calls, texts, and emails David and Shannon exchanged, they got to know one another, flirted, and there was interest there as well.)  


Shannon thought that marriage meant leaving past fun behind, but that “hardline” wasn’t so hard when David convinced her (and Joe) that they could have their cake (marriage) and eat it too (sex with others).  It was a combination of it being something that they wanted, extramarital sex, and David being smooth about ‘it’s ok if my wife plays with you guys.”  David’s attitude calmed Shan that me do such a thing was fine within a marriage (us being older and married longer), and it excited Joe.


Shan and I definitely had the hots for one another, that was part of it, but pile on the thought of Joe fucking me (she previously had threesomes of both types with boyfriends before Joe), and the outside possibility of her playing with my husband was cumulatively enough to make them visit us.


Yes, definitely and yeah, maybe.  According to Shan, she shared boyfriends (hers and other girls') before Joe, so sharing is one of her fond memories.


There is significant evidence that she did it for both homosexual and heterosexual experiences, as well as pimping out her husband.  😉

LOL! I totally agree with you about pimping Joe out, I accused my ex of this while we swapped while married and also whenever I am single my sister does this pimping me out to her friends.  PIMPING ISN'T EASY!

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I was not surprised, but a little disappointed when I told that Red and Lora have arranged a visit to see (and play) with Joe and Shannon.


I was surprised and very happy to find that David has planned with them for me, just me, to visit them at a time of my choosing and however ling I want.  Hubby is the best. 

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On 10/27/2023 at 6:15 AM, couplers said:

when I [was] told that Red and Lora have arranged


On 10/27/2023 at 6:15 AM, couplers said:

and however ling [long] I want

Sorry for the mistakes; it bothered me so much that I had to make corrections. 


On 10/27/2023 at 6:15 AM, couplers said:

David has planned with them for me, just me, to visit them at a time of my choosing

He hand made and gave me a gift certificate (like the kids do for Mother's Day), a travel voucher for me to fill out with all the options and details for the visit - when, which airline, rental car or Über, which hotel if I want one.  How sweet!


It's exciting talking to Joe and Shannon, about this.  And Lora's and Joe's visit too.

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Lora and Red visited Joe and Shannon over the past weekend, left Friday returned yesterday Monday.  Debriefing them, they all had a good time.  Nothing unusual to report, just swapping and threesomes.  Probably boring for those here that go to clubs and house parties, but exciting for us opening up our poly family to some outside play.


The consensus is that I visit them by myself next, probably before Christmas.  After that, Joe and Shan will visit us and stay in a nearby hotel.  They, especially Joe, are looking forward to having MFMMs with David and Red.  Shan enjoys taking multiple men and Joe likes the mind game of his wife doing that, watching, and her being called and calling herself a slut. 


We haven't really planned beyond that, but David and I with them has been discussed.  There are many more permutations and possibilities. 

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On 11/14/2023 at 4:35 PM, couplers said:

There are many more permutations and possibilities. 

That's what I like about the lifestyle and our group in particular, always something new to explore. 

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