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What's Your Club Preference?  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. What's Your Club Preference?

    • I/We don't have a preference
    • I/We prefere off-premise clubs/ socials
    • I/We prefer on-premise clubs/ house parties
    • I/we haven't experienced any clubs/parties yet.

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An On-premise club is one where they have provided space for the sexual activities (swinging) to actually occur at the place where the party is being held. An off-premise party is more like going to a bar.. you find someone and invite them back to your place to continue the fun (no sexual activity takes place at the party itself).


What are your thoughts on which one is better? and why?

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Guest CyberMWCouple

Hi Julie, long time no see! *VBS*


We've never been to a club yet, but our options are kept open to the idea. We've heard so much about "clubing", been invited many times, even got a form hand-delivered to us by some friends of ours. *lol* It's just not an option that we wanna explore yet. *VBS*


Personally, I'd prefer "Off Premises". It's more personable, away from the BIG crowds, and maybe more intimate, I think. I guess it's because we're into seeking friendships first, and not just jumping right in the "sack" with just anyone couple(s). But then again, unless you're going there with "friends", then that's another story. *VBG*


Anyway...That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it! *LOL*

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it really all depends on what you are wanting at the moment. the off premises clubs do give an air of semi risque, but are safe to the point of nothing can happen there.....this is actually more a protection from youreself than from others.....

on premises clubs give you the ability...if the chemistry is right....to hook up then and there....this again is a choice each individual has to make for themselves.....they can also be a whole lot more fun....if you are not looking to do any swapping...but want to play with youre voyeristic tendancies....this is a great place to do it...sex in a public....yet safe place.

the #1 rule of ALL on premises clubs is...NO MEANS NO!!!!!! now if you are out in the open...expect a stray hand to wander with that look of.....can I....nothing wrong with asking....

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Guest CyberMWCouple

Now, you said:

"expect a stray hand to wander with that look of.....can I....nothing wrong with asking..."


To me, that is VERY rude and totally uncalled for. Just because we happen to be in a club does not give anyone permission to touch my wife, any more than it gives me permission to rip his arm off for not asking permission first. See my point?


If we did go to a club, it would be an off-premise one for a number of reasons, some of which I have discussed before. But, frankly, we are just not into the 'group' thing.


Husband of CyberMWCouple

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Originally posted by hgwells:

the off premises clubs do give an air of semi risque, but are safe to the point of nothing can happen there.....this is actually more a protection from youreself than from others.....


I think there is a lot more to it than that. Even just a stray hand wandering is more than should be done without asking. If that hand wanders without asking then it has done to much. As for off-premise clubs being more a protection from yourself.. the reason clubs are off-premise really has nothing to do with protection, they are usually set up that way because the owners don't want the hassle of dealing with the problems (including possible legal problems) that come with on-premise clubs. The reason most people who choose to attend off-premise clubs do, is because they prefer the pressure free environment. There is much less risk of a stray hand wandering or a stray dick for that matter. And at midnight they don't have to play cinderella at the ball and either have sex or turn into a pumpkin.



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I don't know. I think a passing hand on my arse is sexy. I get that alot because I'm short and like to play pool. I have to lean over the table to get the shot sometimes. Now, grabbing the front is just uncalled for. If your that eager, introduce yourself! You might get alot farther than just a grope!

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We have only been to on-premise clubs.......small, medium and LARGE. The first few times at the large club were a lot of fun but you really get tired of ALL the people.....a lot of people crowded around just watching, full clothed. Sometimes the bedroom area is so jam packed you can barely find space, plus it gets really HOT. A small or medium on-premise club is great, they have a nighclub atmosphere with sex taking place mainly in a seperate area....although you do see some sexual activity in the dance floor area. I have never wanted to try a dance because it just seemed kind of like going half-way.....Sure you can meet other couples but you can't really DO anything without getting a hotel room or going back to someones house. We totally jumped in.......went from discussing it for a couples weeks to attending an on-premise club. But for a couple where one or both is hesitant, a dance is probably a much better choice to get started and warm up to the idea (or NOT as the case may be!)

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Originally posted by Kumquat:

I don't know. I think a passing hand on my arse is sexy. I get that alot because I'm short and like to play pool. I have to lean over the table to get the shot sometimes. Now, grabbing the front is just uncalled for. If your that eager, introduce yourself! You might get alot farther than just a grope!


LOL... Yes there is a difference between a simple ass grab and a grope. When I was referring to stray hand wandering I was in sex land.. ie. You are having sex in a room and the couple (or single) who happens to be watching is suddenly trying to join without even asking. I've even seen women walk up to guys and actually sit on their faces without so much as a "how do you do", that's pretty rude.


A simple ass grab tho.. that's just as likely to happen at an off-premise club.. and hell if I bent over a pool table to make my shot and didn't get my ass grabbed I might almost be offended...lol.


And a great way to help your partner is to pend over the table and help direct his aim by using your tits as a guide...LOL.

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Here's a good question that should spark some comments and thought:


What is your preference, On Premise Clubs (clubs that allow sex within the club) or Off Premise Clubs (clubs that are meet and greet social dances)?


My own belief is that On Premise Clubs are a great way to catch any number of diseases. Even with protection people are just asking for a train wreck.


What if a person had some type of disease that could be transmitted sexually?


In a group sex situation, even with men wearing condoms, as a man changed from a woman who was carrying a disease (virus or bacteria) it would still be on the outside of his condom. If he swapped to a new partner that would infect her as well as his condom would have fresh bodily fluids on it. The only way to prevent that would be to use a new condom with each new partner. I have never seen a person change a condom in a group sex experience unless that person climaxed.


Even in oral sex, one of the safer activities, as a person changed to another partner the body fluids of the previous person would be around the edge of the mouth.


Can anyone really be safe at on On-Premise Club? I don’t think so.


In my mind, lifestyle people should participate more in "couples dating." By that I mean that you should date anther couple like back in high school. If you find that couple is for you, then make commitments to each other to be 100% monogamous. Everyone should get tested for sexual diseases before going past the point of no return. If you all get along fantastic and you want to bring another couple or single into your clan, make sure they can be trusted to be monogamous and get tested as well.

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I don't agree that on premise clubs are anymore dangerous than off premise clubs. If you are willing to jump in the sack with just anyone either place is equall. We attend on premise clubs and have had nothing but good experiences but you have to get to know the other people in any circumstance. Only careless people are asking for a "train wreck"

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Your on-premise club sounds a bit limiting. If the only choice is group orgy with Chinese fire drill type sex or nothing, what you suggest may make some sense. Most on-premise clubs, however, are not that way. Rooms are usually available for 2, 3, or 4 couples to play, which can be as private as the couples choose.


The main advantage of on-premise clubs is the chance for spontaneity. Couples NEVER look as hot at a second or third meeting as they seem in the club atmosphere. The second advantage is providing a neutral location for play, if you can't, or prefer not to entertain at home.


What you describe, going steady with another couple, sounds like polyamory, not swinging. Couples need to play safe either way. Besides, I always assiciated going steady with acne.

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We're not able to give a first-hand comparison of off premises and on, since we've never been to an on (would love the opportunity though). However, we feel on premises would offer a wider variety of choices to both newcomers and seasoned swingers who attend. After all, one isn't obliged to have sex on site, but the opportunity is there if so desired.


We're wondering if it's common practice for onsite clubs to have their own "core" members, who occasionally get together for group sex without outsiders participating. What brought this to mind, we have two videos called 'Nina Hartley's'ultimate orgy'. Filmed during one large group session, many participants in the video are wearing colored wrist bands, some pink and some green. Leads me to wonder if on premises clubs have specific methods for identifying members.



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While we prefer off-premise clubs it has nothing to do with your reasoning. Every club is different. If we had more choices locally for clubs to choose from our preference might be different.


We have only been to one on-premise club and we felt that it wasn't the place for us. The way it was set up if you were there past midnight you pretty much had to be having sex, the people were very pushy and we just didn't feel comfortable there.


We have been to several off-premise clubs that we really enjoyed. We also went to one club that was sort of a combination of the two. It was an off-premise social for the most part but the place where they had the parties was below a hot tub showroom and a couple of the hot tubs were available for use during the parties. So in the hot tubs it tended to turn into an on-premise party. That was the ideal for us as you had total control over how your evening went without having to feel like you had to leave at midnight if you didn't want to play.


As for the question of higher risk of STD's. The on-premise club we partied at very much encouraged safe sex to the point of providing the condoms. Your risk of STD's is the same no matter what if you are in this lifestyle as long as you are having sex with more than one person.


Polyamory or committed swinging (which aren't quite the same thing but they both apply) aren't for us.

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we haven't been to an on premises club yet thats only because we don't know of any in our area to go to at times the off premises clubs seem a little to stiff, I wish that they would lossen up a little but not to the point where everyone is just going crazy like at some house partys we have heard about.But we do like seeing ladys going topless or wearing very sexie outfits.wouldn't it be nice to have a club that is somewhere inbetween.;)

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We go to an on premise club as there are a lot less hassles and very frankly they screen out the pretenders and the wannabees. The club we attend is not crowded, but it is very large and has private areas as well as more open ones. On premise isn't the mass orgy that a lot of people think it is. The people that attend ours are well mannered and respectful or they get the bums rush from the security staff.

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We have only been to on-premise clubs and house parties. I think (but don't know) that off-premise clubs might be better for people who are tentative about the lifestyle or for people like me that are really picky about their partners. At on-premise clubs things tend to happen really fast. There are men and women that touch uninvited and you can easily have a number of partners in a single evening and may not even know their names. I think the on-premise clubs are very conducive to anonymous sex which in some ways is less threatening to a relationship. It really depends on what you want.

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I have been to an on-premise club only. Me and my spouse like it alot. You can be a voyeur or an exhibitionist ( a little of each in both of us). I get to dance half nude with my girlfriend while our husbands watch (my favorite part of going because can't act this way at a non-swing club). It is a great atmoshpere with alot of nice people. Also like the screening process they have before your allowed to become a member ( helps cut down on the fakes and troublemakers).

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We have only attended an on premise club. I think I would prefer that over an off-premise because we are not interested in a swapping relationship but more enjoy the open sexuality (especially me- the male half of course).


We have not had a problem with unwanted touching and we don't go for the big crowds so we go on friday nights that ussually have a smaller group.


As far as a questioning touch goes, we don't have a problem with a light touch on an arm or leg that says "would you like more" but that is a lot different than a hand just reaching in to grab a hold of a breast or cock, THAT we would consider offensive.

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we have only attended OFF premise clubs and House parties (which I compare to ON premise)


I definitely prefer the OFF premise club. I don't want the anonymous sex of the ON premise. I want to form friendships with people before I sleep with them. Although I can understand that a lot of what we go through to find a compatible couple could be avoided if we went the alternate route. Just not what we are looking for.


Naughty A.

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We have only been to ON-Premise clubs, which personally I do not care for.


I think though, that I might have a different outlook when it comes to an Off-Premise club, as it provides (in my opinion) somewhat of a safety net with a lot less pressure to get involved. It is very easy to make an unswise decision at the On-Premise clubs as nudity and sex is at times in front of you or just around the corner.

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We can see definite advantages to both. Which of the two we preferred would depend upon what sort of mood we were in, and what we were looking for. We wouldn't discount either out of hand.


The continental european on-premises clubs are certainly eye openers when you're in the mood for near instantaneous action.

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From what we can tell, the off-premises club is a much rarer beast in Europe than it appears to be in the US. The on-premises variety certainly appears to be the more abundant, more apparent and more popular. Almost all the clubs we've seen websites or adverts for promote full-on action within their walls.


What this says about Europeans (if it says anything) we're not sure we're qualified to state. Do we possess reduced levels of patience, or higher levels of decadence? Maybe it's something in the air or the water. Chernobyl perhaps?




We've attended just the one continental on-premises club, and, without an off-premises experience with which to make a truly fair comparison, the on variety is almost certainly the one that suits our attitudes and philosophies best.

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I can't say that we're qualified to answer your question Mrs. O, as we've never been to an on-premise club. We did very much enjoy our trip to the off-premise Swingset Club in Windsor however. For our first trip to a club, it felt 'just right' to us. The atmosphere was sexually charged and exciting, but we never felt any pressure to have sex with anyone. The nudity was generally confined to the women taking their tops off, but a few stripped down to nothing. :D


If we'd have been bolder and had wanted to hook up with someone, the opportunity was there. We're not sure that's what we really want to do, but if you did, you easily could have.


Mostly, we just thought it was a lot of fun to be in a room with sexy people, of all shapes, sizes, ethnicity, etc. It was a good, positive experience and liked it so much that we're going to make the trip back in October. (Hopefully we'll see some of you there again!) Next time we will try to meet some people and strike up some conversations to get to know them. We probably wouldn't swing with them that night, but would like to exchange email infomation and try to get to know them better that way to see what future visits might hold. ;)



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If all we want is to dance and party we go to an off-premise. Its cheaper and better set-up for dancing. If we want to play with ourselves or others then we go to an on-premise. For that its cheaper and as someone in another thread said the folks are presorted.

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We have been to both an on premis club and a few off premesis clubs. We liked both. we had a lot of fun watching at the on site club. there was a hot tub and about 12 different rooms with sex going on in them. we didn't do anything but had alot of fun there. we really have alot of fun at the off premesis clubs too. there really relaxed and just geared for a good time in mind for everyone. we try to go to a club atleast every other month, but its usually like every 2-3 months. the cost we have found is relativly close at both clubs. i dont mind paying $40-50 for a night at a club, since all the clubs ive been to had food and mixers. a dj and nice dance floors. i would spend almost as much at a regular bar.:fun:

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We co-host a local social (essentially an off-premise monthly party in a hotel conference room) and can give you a run down on what happens at a typical party.


Upon arrival you will pay your entrance fee and enter a room full of like-minded people. Lights are usually turned down low, candles on the tables, music playing in the background. The host or hostess will welcome you and ask if this is your first time ever attending a social…if it is they will then take the time to explain to you the rules. These will vary from club to club. The one rule that is always standard is No means No. Some places are a little more relaxed with the nudity rule…if it is a regular off-premise club where there is a liquor license involved nudity is prohibited as well as any sexual act. A BYOB club can get away with a lot more…most on-premise clubs are BYOB or no liquor allowed at all for this reason. The laws and rules vary greatly from state to state, county-to-county, as well as country-to-country.


Many people will do nothing more than sit at a table and chat with new and old friends, just taking in the atmosphere. Others will be up dancing and making their way around the room talking to everyone.


The on-premise club we attended was much like an off-premise…the only difference was there were back rooms with beds, which you could use when and if the mood struck. Nudity was allowed throughout the whole club if that was your desire with no pressure to do anything you did not want to do.


Your best bet is to contact the host of the event you wish to attend, who will be more than happy to explain customs and etiquette at their particular party.


As we attend several different socials and clubs we have found that there is a definite difference in what is allowed from one to another…ranging from extremely mild to extremely wild. Only with research will you find the right place for your particular tastes.


In conclusion an off-premise is geared more towards socializing and meeting others for play privately. An on-premise is geared more towards instantaneous sexual gratification.



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We prefer either on site clubs or house parties. We like the spontaneous atmosphere and the fact that most of the people there are there to have sex. You don't have to deal with as many wannabes and people that really don't know what it is that they are looking for.

As far as one being safer than the other, I think that is rediculous. Granted you will probably have more people asking you to play at an on site club, but you certainly don't have to. All you have to do is say NO.


We don't have a lot of free time to try to hook up with someone. Trying to meet someone off of a swinger site takes time and then there is no guarantee that anything is going to happen once you meet. At on site clubs you have the chance to meet somebody that is attractive to you and can decide whether or not you want to play with them after a little conversation or whatever it is you normally do to feel somebody out.

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Ok, we are fairly new to the whole swinging scene and new to this board, but we have been to both on premise clubs and off premise clubs multiple times.


I guess I really like off premises clubs. Yes, I like the voyeuristic opportunities and the ease of playing with another couple right there at the club. However, it seems that the dance floor at on-premise clubs is a bit tamer than at the off premises clubs we have been to.


My absolute favorite thing to do is to flirt/tease/kiss total strangers on the dance floor. My hubby likes to full swap, and we do this as well, but I am just as satisfied if I am making out with a hunk on the dance floor. Especially if he is Latin. The off premises clubs, it has always seemed to us, that people are a bit wilder and trying to squeeze a bit more in at the club and on the dance floor than we have found at on premise clubs. In other words, why get carried away on the dance floor.....when you can go back to the backrooms and get totally carried away.


I am not offended if someone grabs my ass or comes up behind me and starts dancing suggestively with me. I love getting groped and being the center of attention. In fact, I am more offended if nobody persues me at all. I guess my attitude is to let loose and have a wild and crazy time on the dance floor.


Anyways, I really enjoy the board.



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I'm probably biased because I was a co manager of an off premises club, but we prefer the off prems. like someone else has said, too many of the on prem places are full of pushy, "you're here so you're lunch" sort of folks. I know that not the way all On prem clubs are, but here in central florida, well....


Also, when we go to a club we want to meet people we are interested in, converse, and build a friendship before we get to jump bones. And thats so very hard to do while the folks next to you are naked and humping each other. Plus I hate sitting my drink down while someones johnson is flapping by. I already have a straw, dammit! :D


Off prem, preferably attached to a hotel like ours was, offers the best of both worlds I think. You can flirt and party as much as you want, and if you hook up with someone (or several someones, no sheep on the linens please, and tip the housekeeper for all the extra work you're making for her) or drink too much, you have a room to go to. Although if the club doesn't own the hotel, you might want to watch the scheduling of your parties so they don't coincide with the hotel checking in a large youth group. Hoo boy. :nono:

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We have to agree with those that like the off premise because of the setting being more relaxed. We have been to one 'on premise' club and see the pros & cons but we are not your typical ' party animal ' type and felt that the 'on premise' club was more for that type personality. While we're on this subject,does anyone know of any 'off premise' clubs in Columbus that you can find swing couples at and not just single guys? :eek:

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Since this post seems to have been reawakened from the depths of the archives, I would like to enter my vote, which I did, and respond in kind.


We actually prefer on-premise parties and the reason is this:


We started out very mildly ... going to the off-premise clubs and getting acquainted with the lifestyle. Now I know that the option was there for us to meet up and go elsewhere to play, but the environment seemed kind of stiff and difficult to mingle with the loud music. Really not much different than mainstream bars where you can barely talk to one another, let alone anyone else. :rollseyes


Also, we have children, as do many others. It is not an easy task to arrange impromptu get-togethers as we wouldn't want to bring virtual strangers home, and we have kids at home about 95% of the time and that's a :nono: for us. Most others have kids at home as well. And while we are not poor, we aren't well off enough to simply get a decent hotel room each and every time we wanted to go out. Plus, therein lies the issue of whether to assume we *might* get to play and therefore need a hotel room and reserve it in advance, in which case we might not get to play and .... well, hell ... we can have sex with each other at home for free! We have a great bed. :lol:


So, when we discovered the relaxed, casual yet sexually charged atmosphere of the on-premise party, and the welcoming nature of the hosts and the ability to stay overnight, bring our own booze, enjoy a buffet as well as a large group of like-minded folks ... well, we were hooked! The house parties we attend definitely have a no pressure environment and, in our opinion, allow for a much more relaxed method of meeting people as well as allowing for the opportunity to take advantage of impromptu play time. ::P:


We rarely attend off-premise clubs anymore.

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We have been back and forth between on and off premises clubs for years. We just tend to go through cycles. There are times we want a low pressure environment just to meet others, and if things go well, go someplace else for a fun encounter. But there are also times we just want to throw ourselves into the sex, without any need for compatibility or friendship.


At this point, we no longer go to any clubs at all. We got tired of both scenes and for the last year, have been playing around more at house party style events. Just this past Saturday, we attended a great hotel suite party. There were 9 couples and 8 extra single guys. It was just all about the sex, and the fun. Carol ended up banging 12 different guys, and had a great time! We have a smaller "Gang-Bang" we are setting up for this coming Friday with just me, Carol and six others guys (not swinging, just sex). We do these about every 2 months.


We like to mix things up, and out Lifestyle tastes change constantly. I know that we'll get back to both on and off premises clubs again, just don't know when. That is what is so great about our Lifestyle, it is so diverse with so many different flavours and colours. What works for you one week, may not the next, so you just adapt and change to find the pleasure.


-- Danny

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My husband and I posted about Clubs in a different area. We are talking about on-premise. There are serveral reasons for this.


1. The kids issue-it is very difficult for us to get a baby sitter, so if we want to play, we have one night maybe once everyother month if we are lucky


2. It would seem that if you went to off-prem and meet a couple and suppose you all went back to your hotel and nothing happens (I don't want to sound crass, but if we have payed a babysitter to stay all night and a hotel we want to make sure that we are truley doing what we want that night)


3. We are only going with soft swing in mind and feel that this might be the best environment for us to play in for now. We don't want "relationships" maybe friends someday but for now we just want to give it a try no strings attached.


However I will say that after reading these post I am afraid I will walk into a club with my eyes looking huge. How do you take it all in and process quickly enough so that no one can tell that you are new to the whole lifestyle?

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We prefer on premise clubs. We've been to both and while not much is missing from an on premise club, IE, you can be in the main area and just flirt and dance if thats all you want to happen. The ordeal of meeting people you like and would like to play with then having to go to the cars, drive around and find a place to go play really sometimes can take the wind out of your sails. It's so difficult to really find and have that really good chemistry that sometimes happens and driving around really puts a dampener on it. Contrast to a on premise club and you are really in the grove so to speak and ready to really have some fun. Go to the locker room and change, all the while still flirting and keeping the motors running. Then a short walk and off to playland. Sure, sometimes finding a room is a challenge. But in our experience, for the most part an on-premise club is as mellow or wild as you want/make it to be. In marked contrast to off-premise where crossing a line is sure to get you ejected, and that surely will dampen the evening. Just our opinion.

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We like both types for different reasons... although I think if we lived closer to the ON premise it would win. Off-premise is all we have locally and it is a nice way to go out and just meet like-minded people and talk. I think we enjoy the on-premise a lot more and quite often find ourselves wishing it was closer.

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We prefer ON, provided the other folks there actually want to play rather than stand around talking about playing. In addition to on premises being spontaneous -- and immediate -- sex, on premises has the advantage that L has a large exhibitionist streak, and she gets extra turned on with a crowd watching her in action.

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We also like both for different reasons.

We're closest to an off-premises club, and it's a great atmosphere. It's at a hotel, so playing is still an easy option.


We enjoy the on-premises club we've attended for all the extras that aren't available at an Off club.

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We prefer parties at home now. Was the other way around

at first ,I had many more men to choose from,lol. But my hubby sees that I get all the cock I want

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I don't quite understand the point of off premises clubs. How do they differ from a simple, and usually much cheaper, meet and greet? And if you do hit it off with some folks, then you have to go find someplace to play. Seems silly to me.

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We started out going to on premise clubs. We liked the dancing, the erotic ambiance and if we found compatible playmates, facilities that would facilitate hooking up without having to go back to a hotel room. We have started to go to house parties in the last year and I was very surprised how much Mrs. Celtic prefers them to the clubs.

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Though this seems to be an older poll, we just want to put in our vote for on-premise. While we don't use clubs as much as we used to for our primary meeting method for a variety of reasons, we see little point in frequenting off-premise ones.


Since we are both introverted in general and play is not allowed, off-premises spots are only about the social aspects and thus cause us more awkwardness than on-premises or houseparties. There are also the logistics and possible additional cost of having to relocate elsewhere should you meet a couple and wish to play.


We have only been to two off-premise M&Gs in our time and while the second went ok since we meet a couple we already played with before and used their room they rented in the same location afterwards, the first time was very uncomfortable and we sat by ourselves the whole night, ignored by the regulars.


Thus to us, a strictly social function with no option for play is like decaffeinated coffee or a non-alcoholic drink.

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Hi everyone ...


On premise/Off premise ... We prefer On premise especially when we are at a new club. We have found that Off-site clubs tend to clear out with the regulars pretty quickly. If we are new, we'd like to meet as many people as we can, even if we don't hook up. An On-site club allows us the ability to meet and greet.



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We much prefer on-premise clubs because we are not at all interested in having relationships with anyone else. We just want the sex and nothing more. I enjoy seeing several men have sex with my wife and there are always plenty willing. Plus it is a very safe way to be with total strangers as well as have an audience. Yes we love to perform in front of strangers.

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We have only been to an on-premise club twice and have never been to off-premise or house party. Given all that we've read here, we think we would much prefer on-premise. Our experience was at Club 440 in/near Cincy. She never got grabbed, although other men enjoyed looking plenty when she was exposed. As mentioned above, due to kids and expense, it is very handy to have play area at the club - we don't have to reserve a room and hope something works out.

Also, we are relative newbies even though we are no longer nervous about doing things such as going to the club. We don't swap, although we've had a couple of mfms. We are more into the atmosphere, getting to watch people of all shapes and sizes in sexual settings, and getting to have sex in front of others. We wish that we lived closer to that club than 4 hours and are planning to check out a couple of other clubs closer to home. We have nothing but good things to say about on-premise.

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      “Every few weeks,” I responded, “you?”
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      “Trouble’s our middle name,” I joked.
      Our conversation continued, where do you live, what movies have you seen lately, etc. It was a screen, of course, we were all calculating if the four of us would be pleasurable bedmates. I paid my attention to Marilyn, my wife had told me numerous times not to worry about her, she can take care of herself. My hand found Marilyn’s knee, she smiled at me, encouraged me to reach a tad higher. We bent towards each other, our mouths met.
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      I, of course, was all for it, but then I heard Mary. “Uh, not right now. But thanks.”
      We’ve always had the guideline that if one person doesn’t want to do something, she speaks for both of us. Regretfully, I pecked at Marilyn’s lips a last time, we stood, went separate ways.
      “You’re not upset, are you?” Mary asked me.
      “Of course not, not at all. You’re not in the mood?”
      “Oh, I’m in the mood all right, just not with Ed.”
      “Something wrong with him?” I asked.
      “I tried to get him interested,” Mary revealed, “but his kiss was a little cold, indifferent. I put my hand on his leg, he was too busy watching you and Marilyn, he never responded. My guess is that if we went into a room, he’d be watching you two, I’m not even sure he’d get hard for me.” It was a reasonable thought, it had happened to us a couple times before. “Hope you don’t mind, bet she’d have been a firecracker.”
      “Maybe. But you’re a firecracker too.”
      We headed back to the dance floor, in search of another couple.
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