We received a PM today from a single guy. There were a couple of reasons why we weren't compatible, but the biggest reason was probably a little weird.
He stated that he worked at the local video store. Normally, where a guy works isn't the first thing he puts in his PM, but in this case, he did - and to be honest, we rent there all the time...
We'd hate to think that renting would be awkward if we hooked up - or worse, if we didn't. I mean - are we going to suddenly stop getting coupons in the mail? Are the "rent two - get one free" deals going to suddenly cease? Will we ALWAYS get the DVD that has been dog chewed and left in the heat?
Swinging is fun, but the idea of ruining my peace of mind while renting a flick just isn't appealing.
So - what are the weirdest reasons you've ever said "no"?
Granted, any reason is a good reason. After all "no means no" regardless of why you say it. But how many "left field" no's do we have floating around out there?