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Best Age for Swinging.

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Is there a best age for swinging?


I have always wondered about what is the best age for swinging. I began in my early 20's. I was introduced to the lifestyle by an older woman (Alice 40.) And for a long time I would always be looking for an older woman of around the same age as Alice. (35 to 45)...


But over the years I grew older and of course I came to realise that age was just a number and that the personality of the people you meet is more important then their age.


So I would like let people comment on about the age of themselves, partner,  and the other people that you choose to meet and have become involved with.


(🙂 Yes I have found the text and colour buttons..!)

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3 hours ago, William2001 said:

Is there a best age for swinging?

From my experience having started in the lifestyle (but not exactly swinging) not long after I became sexually active, I would say that the best age is from the beginning.


There are two reasons for this.


The first is that humans are non-monogamous by nature, so it's best to throw off the religious and social inhibitions and constraints as young as possible. (Better even if one is raised without them in the first place.)  I struggled a little with non-monogamy; not my own, but my husband’s and boyfriend's.  From what I've read here, it's much more difficult for couples who have been married for twenty years to do so without doubt, drams, and difficulties. 


The second reason is that having multiple sex partners, and knowing that the person or person you love do as well, is physically and emotionally fulfilling.  Let the fun begin early! 



Edited by couplers
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3 hours ago, couplers said:



I miss PSU Lioness as well, for the same reasons, although her approach to the lifestyle and her situation as a young married woman is different from Kellimc and more similar to mine,

Our Lioness has gone through so much since she stopped posting. Very ironic the two quotes you posted, not all situations turn out the way we want.
Our friend is a young lady that has witnessed some dark times but has support from very good nonjudgmental friends now. 

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40 minutes ago, lcmim said:

We started later than some of the others. We were in our 60's. We married later in life, and it was not until then that the last of our children had moved on.

Same here. We had less than a year in it when COVID hit. Now wishing we could have started earlier … sigh.

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Fascinating response to my question about the best age for beginning to join in the lifestyle and a wide range of ages and advice.



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14 hours ago, NC_Seniors said:

mim — Note that I said “could have” … not “would have”.   ;-D   Like you, we had our priorities. Although to be totally honest, the idea of swinging didn’t really occur to us until several years after the kids were all gone. Like many males, I had told my wife in bed — more than once — how exciting it would be to see her with somebody else, but we never actually considered acting on it until our 60s. Maybe one of these days, I’ll recount the story of how that discussion came about.


We're all ears!  I love hearing about how other got into it!

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We started very young and the swinging wasn't great.  You don't find a lot of others who are also in their twenties that are swingers and the ones that were, were not ready for it.  We did a lot more MFM, hot"wifing" (she my GF) and keeping an open relationship which worked better at a younger age.

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5 hours ago, TnA83 said:


We're all ears!  I love hearing about how other got into it!

I didn't consider it swinging at the time but looking back, it was  cuckolding. In the late 70's my brother told me about this bar in our college town, it was known for older married women that would pick up college men for sex. Sure enough I would start dancing with the older women and eventually go to a hotel or their home. Many times their husbands would watch and either jerk off or go for sloppy seconds.  The first time that my ex wife and me swapped was with her maid of honor and her boyfriend. Me and the ex was having sex in front of them and they joined in. 

Edited by let's do it again
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I am beginning to see some patterns between the various answers that people are giving to my Question..!


I would say that most people agree the the best age...

Is the age you are already at...

And that that Age Range is between your 20's and all the way to your70's. And Beyond..!


Edited by William2001

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5 hours ago, starswingers said:

We started swinging 10 years a go when she was 23 and I was 28.


It's nice to hear from another married couple who started in the lifestyle young.  We're you married first, or did you meet in the lifestyle? 

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On 12/4/2023 at 3:47 PM, MidwestHoneys said:

The best time to start is when she wants to start. Starting before marriage gives you an idea of what your future together will be. 

We were both sexing around a great deal prior to marriage. We met in a group sex setting. Sort of crazy that we didn't swing from day one. I think is would have been amazing. However, we never thought about having sex with others as a couple in the beginning.  I assume it was because we had so much exploring of each other to do. We did tell each other all about our exploits which fueled our nonlove making (the crazy sex portion). Still it never came up, to swing. 


On 12/7/2023 at 1:58 AM, starswingers said:

Im 38 and my wife is 33. We started swinging 10 years a go when she was 23 and I was 28.


We have managed to juggle an active home and work life with an extremely busy social life. We have some great memories recorded to look back on when we decide to 'retire' from the lifestyle.


We have agreed that when im hitting 50 we will start to wind down and finish our swinging adventures. 


We wanted to enjoy it while we were young and in good shape physically. We have played with partners ranging in age from early 20s right up into their late 60s!


So basically whatever age is the right fit for you as a couple is the age you should start.


Our sex partners range 20s to 60s as well. 


On 12/7/2023 at 6:20 AM, hunterdonNJcpl said:

We once thought that, but we're both in our 50s now and see no sign of slowing down - quite the opposite in fact!

We are building steam as we go. 


As for a good age to start? For my husband it was when our fantasy play got out of hand and he realized he might need some help sexually with me. For me it was when I recognized that my fantasies were projections of what I wanted in real life that I wish I'd continued from college and the fact that I had truly found the best man for me and wanted to share every single experience with him, no matter the experience. No specific age number, more of a time in life. 

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12 hours ago, herpob said:

We were both sexing around a great deal prior to marriage. We met in a group sex setting.

I find these "how we met" marriage stories romantic.  How it should be - love blossoming obviously without sexual jealousy. 

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No one has regrets or says to wait.  

I will rephrase the question and ask what is the median age of swingers? Do men tend to be older or younger than the median?  On the other end, at what age do swingers fade away, e.g., at 80?

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Well that is a good question... Probably better than my original question...


I began in my early 20's and have kept dabbling in and out of the lifestyle over the years... ( I am now officially a Retiree...)


Over all I met 'older' people until I was into my mid 30's and after that most people I met were of a similar age group.


Year by year there seemed not to be much age difference... Then it was like a whole new younger generation came in and I found that there was a more even general spread of ages... from 20's to 60's 70's etc.

Edited by William2001
bad spelling...
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On 12/8/2023 at 6:28 PM, herpob said:

For my husband it was when our fantasy play got out of hand and he realized he might need some help sexually with me.

My marriage started as a threesome; I brought my boyfriend (ex-fiancé) along with me.  The love and the sex were wonderful, but it was a challenge keeping them satisfied, but I never failed to respond positively to any hint that either one (or both together) of them wanted it.  Women have it easily that way.


And I never regretted having made love or letting either of my men just "use" me.  It wasn't that I needed help sexually that led me to set up my husband with other women, it was the thrill of knowing, watching, participating with in him and another woman. 

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Posted (edited)

Best age is before 50, our age when we started. We missed out on younger fun. When your relationship is secure is the best age. 

Edited by ToeDippers
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13 hours ago, ToeDippers said:

We missed out on younger fun.


13 hours ago, ToeDippers said:

When your relationship is secure is the best age. 

For a couple to not miss out on "younger fun," yet be secure with partner sharing, I think it best that they meet and fall in love in the lifestyle. 

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On 1/7/2024 at 9:06 AM, kellimc said:

I'm still around.

May I ask, are you still in the lifestyle?  Do you have a husband or partner?  

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7 hours ago, couplers said:

May I ask, are you still in the lifestyle?  Do you have a husband or partner?  

Yes, I'm still very much in the lifestyle. Recently got out of a relationship. Single and enjoying it.  

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5 hours ago, kellimc said:

Yes, I'm still very much in the lifestyle. Recently got out of a relationship. Single and enjoying it.  

Unicorn in the house 😀

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17 hours ago, kellimc said:

Yes, I'm still very much in the lifestyle. Recently got out of a relationship. Single and enjoying it.  

That's great to hear.  Living life your own way.  I admire you. 

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On 1/10/2024 at 11:36 AM, couplers said:

I think it best that they meet and fall in love in the lifestyle. 

Yes, It is much easier to enjoy this kind of lovemaking if one or both of the couple already have some experiences.
In our case, it was my wife, who had some previous experiences in clubs.
This gave her a good relationship with her own body and she also learned to experience herself and her sexuality as normal and natural and that it is something completely natural when you can share it with others.

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On 2/8/2024 at 6:13 AM, ChristianSwinging said:

Yes, It is much easier to enjoy this kind of lovemaking if one or both of the couple already have some experiences.
In our case, it was my wife, who had some previous experiences in clubs.

In our case as well, it was my wife who was much more experienced, mostly having two men going romantically at once as well as a woman just for sex.  My wife says, however, that I've had more sex because I had a very active, albeit monogamous, sex life with my ex-wife.


On 2/8/2024 at 6:13 AM, ChristianSwinging said:

she also learned to experience herself and her sexuality as normal and natural and that it is something completely natural when you can share it with others.

My wife learned that before I did.

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46 minutes ago, Numex said:

In our case as well, it was my wife who was much more experienced, mostly having two men going romantically at once as well as a woman just for sex.  My wife says, however, that I've had more sex because I had a very active, albeit monogamous, sex life with my ex-wife.

Would be interesting to know how starts you open your sex for others after your monogamous sex life.

Normally monogamous people don't Open it.


46 minutes ago, Numex said:


My wife learned that before I did.

So your wife was the motivation for you both to open up the sex life?

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Christian Swinging, after over two decades of being monogamous my wife and I decided to open our marriage to swinging in most of its variations, then adding on hotwife activity. We started by recollecting about our past lovers and fantasizing together. After nearly three years of talking about it, we jointly decided to jump into the pool.


We knew many couples who'd been monogamous for years or decades, and then became open in one fashion or another. It usually happened as they were hitting the empty next period of their lives.

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On 2/11/2024 at 8:38 PM, ChristianSwinging said:

Would be interesting to know how starts you open your sex for others after your monogamous sex life.

Normally monogamous people don't Open it.

My first wife and I had a monogamous but vigorous sex life.  We still had sex during and after the divorce for a while.  




On 2/11/2024 at 8:38 PM, ChristianSwinging said:

So your wife was the motivation for you both to open up the sex life?

Yes, it began when


On 2/11/2024 at 9:53 PM, AdamGunn2 said:

We started by recollecting about our past lovers

Daniela had a many lovers, both men and women before me, many more than I had despite her being much younger.  It turned us both on to talk and hear about our past sexual experiences, although mine consisted of sex with the same woman for twenty years.  It didn't take long for me to realize that Daniela was inherently not a one man woman, and liked sex with women as well.  I wanted her to be happy, so for a while she played while I didn't.  Then we started couple swapping and are now in a closed group of married couples.

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On 1/7/2024 at 11:06 AM, kellimc said:

I'm still around. Surprised anyone still remembers me. I might not post as much as I used to, but I do read the forums occasionally. 

A lot of people remember you. Just many of us are just too shy to ask you stuff.  Before signing up here, Me and my husband were just people that readied the forms time to time till we needed help in our situation back in 2022. There were a lot of questions that I would've like to ask you giving your age and experience into the lifestyle but I felt many could of been too personal to ask. And also you were rarely posted anything in 2022 you were probably busy in personal matters. 

Lucky for us, other members here help us in our situation back in 2022. Which we were grateful.

Do not know if you replied back to people but if not, I wish the best of luck to your in life.

Take care

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On 6/24/2024 at 7:00 PM, sweetcadcouple said:

A lot of people remember you. Just many of us are just too shy to ask you stuff.  Before signing up here, Me and my husband were just people that readied the forms time to time till we needed help in our situation back in 2022. There were a lot of questions that I would've like to ask you giving your age and experience into the lifestyle but I felt many could of been too personal to ask. And also you were rarely posted anything in 2022 you were probably busy in personal matters. 

Lucky for us, other members here help us in our situation back in 2022. Which we were grateful.

Do not know if you replied back to people but if not, I wish the best of luck to your in life.

Take care

I just looked at the posts you were making in 2022.  I can see why you'd have had questions for me.  😉  I'd have been happy to answer your questions.  If they were really personal, I would have answered in a private message.  Anyway, it looks like you got some pretty good advice from the forum members and it seems that everything worked out well for you and your daughter.  I'm happy for all of you.

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On 6/27/2024 at 12:23 PM, kellimc said:

I just looked at the posts you were making in 2022.  I can see why you'd have had questions for me.  😉  I'd have been happy to answer your questions.  If they were really personal, I would have answered in a private message.  Anyway, it looks like you got some pretty good advice from the forum members and it seems that everything worked out well for you and your daughter.  I'm happy for all of you.

Hiya, again thanks for the reply. I sent a private message to you, if you read them and want to write back. 

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