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Body odor or unwashed hair don't work for me.


What are other the kinds of things that will stop “The Mood” dead in its tracks?

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Once at a pool party someone who looked really nice clothed, great personality, etc., obviously put more emphasis on their outward appearance as I don't think they had had their toe nails trimmed since Mom did it as a baby. Ugggh, it was really gross and immediately killed any attraction.

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What are other the kinds of things that will stop “The Mood” dead in its tracks?


Many years ago I was dating a gal from Sweden. As I found out later, in her part of the world women don't shave under the armpits. We were going to go for a swim and proceded to change clothes, she had a very hairy armpits and a very hairy bush that stuck out from her bikini. That was a complete turn off for me.


Once I explained to her what American men like she shaved under her armpits and trimmed her bush, which was much better looking.

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Yes, truly arrogant people are a true turn off and also people who like to talk a lot but have no content when they speak. You may be beautiful on the outside but if you don't have anything to say...well, I just walk the other way.

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In her topic about their first trip to an on-premise club, Tina78 was talking about the guy she was with and said....

(oh, and he LICKED my face, which I'm not into, so that was a little bit of a mood-killer),


This cracked me up a bit as I imagined it then I went into a bit of revulsion as it would have killed my mood too. Then that got me to thinking about some of the things I have encountered that people do that just make you wonder "WHat the heck are you thinking?! At what point did you think that would be a turn on?!".


The one that comes to mind most easily for me is the worst kisser I have ever encountered.... he attempted to lick my teeth (the back of my teeth), and the roof of my mouth. His first kiss was also his last.... and to think I had a crush on the guy.


So what MOOD KILLERS have you encountered, that took you from 60 to 0 in .01 seconds?

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I have to agree with you Julie.


Bad kissers are a definite mood killer. I really enjoy kissing and to me it's highly erotic. If someone's tongue is halfway down my throat or attempting a dental exam I just can't continue playing with them. It kills the mood and there's nothing I can do to overcome it. It ranks right up there with B.O. and bad breath. :nono:

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Fingernails when they slice delicate areas of my body. Nothing is worse to me getting fingered and starting to get off, but then then.... RIP It's all over for me then...I dry right up and might as well just get dressed.


Any foul smelling odor can kill it too...be it bad breath or b.o.

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A few weeks ago I was out at the club and in the middle of playing with a guy... his cell phone rings and he proceeds to answer it and have an extended conversation with whoever was on the other end.


He just couldn't understand why I got up and walked away!

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A few weeks ago I was out at the club and in the middle of playing with a guy... his cell phone rings and he proceeds to answer it and have an extended conversation with whoever was on the other end.


He just couldn't understand why I got up and walked away!


:lol: Damn, and I thought people who answer while they are at a meal with you were rude. That takes the cake!

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Am I the first guy to answer this one?


Without a doubt, the thing that can completely kill my mood is getting WAY too personal. If we are at a club and during the course of the "pick up" one of them starts talking about multiple ailments - well, my wood just withers away. I mean, I am not trying to get to know you so I can enlist you as an organ donor, so please, spare me the details of your current "itis" or "osis".


Also - drunkenness is a huge turn-off. We had one couple that we met and liked quite a bit until the husband had too much vodka and ran around the club in a tuxedo-thong. I couldn't have sold his "sexy ass" to Mrs Spoomonkey if I'd have thrown in a free set of Ginsu Knives...


Those are the biggies for me.

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I've had someone lick me -- from chin to forehead -- and no matter how much I tried to ignore it, that was it.


Bad breath is a killer too -- Smoker's breath and alcohol don't bother me, but just plain bad breath will make me turn away and gag.

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I just don't get the licking thing. I can see it as a playful thing (when you are rolling around wrestling with your honey trying to outdo each other with annoyance) but NOT A SEXY THING.


Is there anyone here who finds that sexy? I just wanna know. I mean I know there is a fetish for everything...

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I just don't get the licking thing. I can see it as a playful thing (when you are rolling around wrestling with your honey trying to outdo each other with annoyance) but NOT A SEXY THING.


Is there anyone here who finds that sexy? I just wanna know. I mean I know there is a fetish for everything...



Well I dont know if it makes any difference, but she was Quebec French -- She was also a little drunk, so maybe that makes a difference too.

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Bad breath is a killer too -- Smoker's breath and alchohol dont bother me, but just plain bad breath will make me turn away and gag.



This would be number one for me too along with bad hygiene in genral.


Also Spoo's hearing about your ailments is way up on my list too. I have plenty of my own life trials I really don't need to hear about yours when I'm feeling frisky.


Other than that, almost all of the above are somewhere on the list. :o


I don't get face licking either.

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I won't go into details, but did I mention HYGIENE???????

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Since we don't go to swing clubs, we just have our meetings with other couples to go on.


To us a mood killer or 2 we have come across.


1. Someone who was really pushy and rude. We met a couple and told them, Tazzie don't do anal, but the guy was really rude & pushy about wanting to do anal with her, and we were in the middle of playing with them when she stopped the whole thing and said they had to leave.


Another instance of rude & pushy, we met a single guy who had come to visit Tazzie a few times, and one instance last summer, she had a really bad sunburn and he came over and was really pushy about wanting a blow job when he came over just to visit in the first place and we said to him she wasn't up to doing anything because of the sunburn. (Her neck, back, chest & arms were burnt. Went out for father's day last year to the local waterslide park most of the day. lol)


2. The other mood killer we had happen, A couple years ago we met a couple and we told them, that we would like to get to know them first before doing anything with them, said that to them on-line. When we met in person they were really urgent about getting naked and getting down to it. Guess it would fall under rude & pushy. And we were just not quite ready yet. With us, when we first got started in swinging, we met a few couples, swapped the first time we met, and then they never talked with us again, so we want to get to know people before we do anything sexual because we don't want to feel used. But this couple we found out all they were interested in was the sex.


But that's what we have had for mood killers.

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I just thought of another thing that can really kill my mood. When a guy asks "is it big enough fo you" the first time is irritating and the second time "are you sure" I could just get up and leave... regardless of the size. If I'm still playing attention to it after I get it out of your pants then it must be just fine.

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1. And exactly when was the last time you were innoculated?


2. Hey, aren't you my son's 2nd grade teacher?


3. Wow! That's the biggest bush I have ever seen!


4. Is that your penis or your pencil?


5. That's not a rash... I'm just allergic to Sex!


6. I knew you were a cowboy but.... comm'on 8 seconds?


7. I like my men like I like my rice...done in a minute.


8. Please don't tell anybody that my boyfriend is a Bandito!


9. Nice dick... bye the way... do you have any extra batteries?


10. No, no.... really.... it's cute.



Texas Blondie

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When the girl jumps up and walks away screaming: "You have no idea what you're doing, do you???" :hahaha:


When a guy asks "is it big enough fo you" the first time is irritating and the second time "are you sure" I could just get up and leave...

Can't believe a guy would be that insecure about the size of his willy...

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I won't go into details, but did I mention HYGIENE???????





Also, when someone looks at my tits, rather than my face while talking to me. Though they are incredible :claps: they do not carry on a conversation! :lol:

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Can't believe a guy would be that insecure about the size of his willy...


Believe it Stoutgatte! Some guys are that insecure and ALilOEverything's right- It is a BIG turn off. If someone's worried about their performance and prowess the entire time it takes the fun out of the act. Small size is not a turn off but insecurity is a mood killer.


I'd be kind of turned on if a guy was lacking in the size department but he "pretended" it was huge...ie:

"Watch out! My 3" Luv-sword has been known to cause some serious damage- Are you sure you're up for this MONSTER?"......:lol:


I think confidence is sexy!

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::P: In regards to licking mrs oh likes to have her neck, ears, eye lids, in fact her whole body lightly licked and kissed. this is not to say a slobbery (like Rover your St. Bernard type licking) type though. As to Julie stating about the roof of her mouth (not the dental exam) type that was the way I learned many many ice cream seasons ago growing up in detroit as a teen. Light flickering on the roof and around the tongue sucking on the top and bottom lips. I'm 60 and thought that was the way to French kiss. Oh well, I guess old dogs can learn. I am however curious as do the ladies out there like to have the cheeks (ass) licked and kissed as well as up and down the legs? Maybe an old guy still can learn. ::P:

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A cheering section. I can't stand it when there are people in the background basically acting as a cheer section... "oh yeah Julie, you're so close..." "Yeah, cum", "Oh yeah she's liking that".... I don't need a cheering section nor do I need play by play of my own sexual encounters.... it only serves to KILL MY MOOD.

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I agree with everything that has been said as a mood killer, except the licking. I must agree with tnohcpl in that aspect. facelick


Hygiene, cheering sections, and slobbery kissers top my list. I don't care how much of an attraction there is, if you stink anywhere it's a turn off. Like Julie, I don't need anyone cheering me on or telling me what is going on. I think I can figure that one out. :rollseyes I love to kiss, but that doesn't mean I want to be cleaning your spit out of my ears, (and from behind them also) or having to dry myself off from the neck up. GEEZE my shepherd doesn't drool that much! :rolleyes: The only thing I would add to this list is a peeve of mine. That would be to see someone at a club or party that I was really attracted to. Finally get to a comfortable place to strike up a conversation, and ooops, he should have never opened his mouth. :eek: Lights are on, someone is home, but he speaks like he never had a day of education. Sorry, BIG turn off.




::P: i am however curious as do the ladies out there like to have the cheeks (ass) licked and kissed as well as up and down the legs. maybe a old guy still can learn. tn of tnohcpl ::P:


I know I do!! It is so sexy, and arousing. :)



mrs hmr :)

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Body Odor is a definate mood killer for me. Guys make sure you wash that thing good before you leave home. Balls do sweat and we understand especially if you've been dancing. Heck, if you know you are about to go play you might just want to do what we girls often do and stop by the washroom just to make sure all is well.

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Some that burst our bubble are (not in any order) include:


* Bad hygiene. Yuck! C'mon, Wash up first!


* Pushy, demanding people. Hey, we're not doing this solely for your pleasure, bub. If it were, you'd have to pay for it. And not with us.


* Treating L disrespectfully. For minor infractions, they get one gentle correction/warning. Second offense, the party's over.


* Guys who want the TV on during the action. If you'd rather hear the umpteenth re-run of Gilligan's Island than to have sex, please do it somewhere else.


* Sidebar conversations. It's a killer to be almost there, and overhear "how 'bout them Braves" or some such. Distracts L from her pleasure and can be deflating to the guy in the saddle at the moment. Often in crowds, there's a personality man who feels he has to crack jokes to entertain the group. Big buzz kill for the folks trying to enjoy sex. Do your Chris Rock / Jackie Mason number after the party, guys.


* Sharp fingernails. They scratch L's delicate inside. Dirty fingernails should never go inside her.


* Smokers who reek of it. We're tolerant of most smokers, but when it's coming out of your pores and your, um, member tastes like an ashtray to L, big turn off.


* Trying to act like you're in a porn movie. This ranges from humorous to annoying to a deal breaker. Don't pull her hair and think she'll find it sexy. Don't repeat a mantra of "who's your daddy?" while humping (what does her father have to do with the business at hand, anyway?). Don't say crap like "Gag on it, bitch" and expect us to continue.


Basic courtesy, good manners, treat us like you want to be treated, and the party goes on until everyone's drained.

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Body Odor is a definate mood killer for me. Guys make sure you wash that thing good before you leave home. Balls do sweat and we understand especially if you've been dancing. Heck, if you know you are about to go play you might just want to do what we girls often do and stop by the washroom just to make sure all is well.



Ball sweat. That is funny. And serious. Reminds me of my thread "sniffed my finger". All is well.

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A cheering section. I can't stand it when there are people in the background basically acting as a cheer section... "oh yeah Julie, you're so close..." "Yeah, cum", "Oh yeah she's liking that".... I don't need a cheering section nor do I need play by play of my own sexual encounters.... it only serves to KILL MY MOOD.


This one made me laugh only because it reminded me of our trip to Hedo2 last winter. We where hanging out with a bunch of couples that we had gotten to know and a couple of the ladies where giving one of the guys a blow job. Every time he would get close all the other guys started talking shit around him, about the Brave, politics or they would start cheering him on. Telling him to hurry up that it was about time. Poor guy never did get to finish. :lol::lol:


Under normal circumstances this would be a huge mood killer to me, but among friends that we know as a joke I do find it funny, but then again I have a twisted sense of humor. :)


* Sidebar conversations. It's a killer to be almost there, and overhear "how 'bout them Braves" or some such. Distracts L from her pleasure and can be deflating to the guy in the saddle at the moment. Often in crowds, there's a personality man who feels he has to crack jokes to entertain the group. Big buzz kill for the folks trying to enjoy sex. Do your Chris Rock / Jackie Mason number after the party, guys.


Again under normal circumstances this one can kill a mood also. Again however, among good friends that we know we both have been known to crack a joke during play time. Just something happens in the middle and it happens. For us we here for fun and as long as it doesn't get out of hand we can handle it, but if you are doing a complete stand up routine, yea that's not so funny.


Some others would be sloppy drunks. We don't mind a few drinks but we do want you to wake up in the morning and remember that you had sex with us. :)

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I've only been turned off three times.


1) A tough, body building type of chick who just wanted me to get it up and fuck her so she could move on to the next guy. It might have been a charity fuck because her husband wanted my wife. After they went off to the bedroom this girl then suggested that we should do it too. I was not really turned on to her. Then the bedroom antics really turned me off.


2) A woman who dragged me off to the bedroom too soon after we met and then complained that everything I did to her, no matter how gentle, hurt.


3) A long time friend that I had never had sex with who wanted to finally do it. She wanted to go immediately to 69 as foreplay. When I went down on her, she smelled as though she had not washed the area for a couple of days. That was the end of that session. A year later we had another opportunity for sex and it was truly wonderful. We are still friends 15 years later.

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Guys who blow on my nipples.....how annoying! Granted, I don't have the most sensitive nipples in the world, and I'd much rather have them pinched or tugged than licked or caressed, but does the blowing thing really work for anyone?


I don't know why, but thats the one thing that will instantaneously put me into the "gee, I'd rather be learning to knit right now" mode.

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People who think their hotness makes up for the fact that they have no passion or skills.


Drunk people.


People who bitch and complain.

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for us it's....

1.) couples who talk alot about nothing.

2.) couples who don't use condoms.

3.) couples that repeat over and over again that they are not prejudice and how much they want to be with a black person.

4.) cell phone use.

5.) couples that come on strongly.

6.) couple that overly complement you.


7.) couples that swear alot

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The comments about the cheering section are definitely on my list after the last "after party" we attended. It wasn't even me they were cheering on, but having to listen to it . . . too much pressure. Then again, it didn't help that the guy I was with did not seem to know what he was doing . . . or take a hint. But that's another story . . .



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I haven't run into bad breath and personal hygiene problems. It seems to me that folks who expect to have sex are usually smart enough to assure cleanliness.


Loud and boisterous drunks ruin it for me.

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Yeah, we don't do drunk, loud and boisterous or any other kind for that matter. Its only fun for us if everyone has their wits about them.

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For the nurse and I we have these things that kill it for us:


- Pushy/Anxious people

- Bad breath

- Smokers (because I quit :))

- Bad teeth

- Self promotion

- Snobs

- Non-drinkers (mainly because we drink)

- Loud people (always loud and really loud laughing that draws lots of attention)

- Story tellers who tell the same story over and over

- Drunks


Gee, after looking at that list it's a wonder we ever meet anyone that we like. :lol:

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I just have to pass this one along.


I agree with most of the turn offs listed already but this is just to strange to be true but since I was there I can swear that it is.


We had been courting this couple for a few months, met them at several parties and all 4 of us got on well. We finally set up a date that works for all of us, no one had to get up early, be home fo the sitter or any of the other issues that had been causing us to not hook up. We went to dinner and a little dancing, everything was as perfect as can be. We switched spouses for the ride to the hotel (I had already checked in earlier in the afternoon) We got into the room and the girls started to play, they spent a couple of hours having fun with each other as us guys chatted quietly and took pics. The girls jumped in the shower to clean up a little, then it was time for us guys to join in, L took C to one bed and they got right down to it, as they were going at it N and I started more slowly, after I had got her off a few times with oral, she went down on me to get me nice and hard, L and C had finished up by this time, she slipped a condom on me and just after I had slid into her, her hubby makes a beastalty joke, BOOM!! mood killed, for her, for me, and for my wife.


I could have killed him!! We never got together with them again, even though we are still friends.

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Lady coming back from the bathroom with TP hanging from the crack of her a**. Ughhhhh.

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Women who won't stop talking, loudly, during sex.


Women who lay there as if they are sleeping expecting me to do all the "work". If you aren't in the mood why bother getting started. You aren't doing me any favors acting like that.

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A mood killer for me is a couple and myself go to a room with an agreement that the two women are going to gang up on the guy/husband. Then once in the bedroom and everything is getting hot and heavy, the woman point out she is disappointed that she is not getting enough attention from us. Please stick to the agreement. I don't swing that way.

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Had a bi guy we played with that kept biting both of us. We told him 5 times to stop. Finally on the 6th time I rudely told him to leave and he was like "what? I didn't know".

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Just about all of the above for me too. One I find particularly a turn-off is sloppy stupid stumbling drunk. Nothing wrong with a nice buzz, but If I feel like I have to constantly babysit you just to keep you from falling over and hurting yourself or something equally dumb, then sex is the last thing on my mind.

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