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I thought there was a topic for this, but couldn't find it.



What are you going to be for Halloween? How many parties are you going to and are you wearing the same costume for each party or a different one to each?


It looks like I'm scheduled for 4 (or 5) at the moment. One tomorrow for the local social. Two next weekend (the costume party and the Vamps/Vampires party at Bewitched), and two the following weekend.


So far I have 3 costumes lined up.


An indian girl

A flapper (aka Velma Kelly in Chicago)

and a sexy Robin Hood

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We have already been to one party this month, went as vampires.


We will be wearing these again at Bewitched as well as pirates for one of the nights there, all very sexy and see-through, our mine are, Ted's are sexy, but you can't see through them, lol.


I just love Halloween. What other Holiday throughout the year can adults act like kids?



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Originally posted by TNT


I just love Halloween. What other Holiday throughout the year can adults act like kids?




Christmas... but only if you don't have children....hehe

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Sexy wizards or warlocks might be popular since the rings and potter movies are around.


Maybe a fun lovin' female football player ready for a tackle.


Maybe a tried and true Cleopatra or goddess.


Or a sexy fisherwoman - just sort of fishin' around for ohh, I dunno what... hip boots, one of those vest thingies they wear with hooks attached to condoms...maybe.


A movie director...hmmm


I dunno.

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We're going to two different parties, one next weekend and on Halloween night. I'm wearing the same costume to both.


I'm also going as a sexy robin hood type gal, with thigh high boots and all....


Hubby still hasn't decided what to wear. He's thinking chaps and a g-string type of a cowboy-biker sort of a guy.

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Hubby and I are also going to two different parties on two different nights. One is a home party on the 25th - the other is at our favorite off-premises club on the 31st. Probably very few of those from one will be at the other, so we will repeat our costumes this year.


We will be dressed pretty much identically [under garments accessories will vary for each cuz God said so].


Both of us will wear oversized grayish colored t-shirts which will be emblazoned with a large letter "P" on the front. Both of us will wear black leotards, although I will probably wear heels and hubby won't [he just can't walk in them].


We will each utilize black theatrical make up to put a circle around one eye only.


We're going as "Black-eyed Peas". :D



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Two Halloween swinger parties for us.


I'm going to wear my chainmail bikini again this year for one (but these people haven't seen it before... and there just isn't a whole lot of opportunities to wear it that often)... and will be going as a woman warrior. Hubby is going a warrior as well but he will be wearing more clothes. LOL.


For our other party... I haven't decided.


Maybe a witch in black lingerie and the hat... with hubby going as a devil.


I wanted to do caveman/woman costumes... but don't think I'll have the time to get to the fabric store and sew them this year.

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Halloween parties - I wish our town had that great spirit. Little old coastal towns have a monster bash for kids and then some contests around town at the local bars... geeze guess I need to meet more people sounds like you all have fun! I love to dress up...too!


I've got these cool spider lashes...I can't dress up at work, but I'm gonna wear those! It'll be great.


Happy Halloween everyone...hey let's post pictures of our costumes. :evil:

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I don't have any swinger parties to go to :-(


I have two BDSM parties, and I think going as a "Mardi Gras Flasher" is a cool idea. I have Mardi Gras beads, and a shirt with no bra, and flash everyone :-)


I went as a bubble bath to one party. That was kinda fun.

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We have three parties lined up for Halloween, looking forward to them. The one main party is at our favorite club and should be a blast. Now for costumes I need some ideas...can anyone help me out?


I would prefer sexy ideas !! lol ::P:

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So what did everyone end up being for Halloween?


I did 3 parties and 2 costumes.


Party 1 and 3 were Robin Hood (thanks you Close Encounters for returning my hat just in time for party 3).


And Party 2 I was a flapper.


Actually I went home part way through party 3 and changed (couldn't take the boots anymore) and came back as a porn chick. (I put on jeans and a t-shirt that says "I Love Porn".

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Originally posted by JustAskJulie

Christmas... but only if you don't have children...hehe


Even if you do have kids just wait till they are asleep Christmas Eve :bj::fun:

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I'm already thinking about Halloween and the party at our local club. The problem is Mr. can never decide what he wants to be so we end up picking up some lame outfit at the last minute :nono: . I found this great Little Red Riding Hood outfit but Mr. doesn't want to be The Big Bad Wolf. Why is it so hard to find a great men's costume? Any ideas?

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Last year I just wore a suit -- with a Red Ribbon and a tag the read:


From GoD


To Women



Throw a set of HillyBilly teeth and a really bad wig or combover and you have a great costume. :D

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We didn't go to a club costume night but we did go to a halloween event and Mr Spoo went as a pirate king and I was a beer wench :D that was fun!! facelick


This year we are going to the same event and I am going 'goth' . . . black boots, fishnet hose, black leather mini, choker that says Slut . . . . you get the idea. :rolleyes: Hmmmm, maybe I should say Goth Slut :lol:

Mr Spoo is going as corpse . . . he says that will make me a gothed out necrophiliac! :lol::lol::lol:


What do you expect from a couple of Monkeys?!

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Guest Mr&Mrs-naughty

You know what's funny?


I just came to the chat forum to start a thread about Halloween costumes and saw this thread... :lol:


Last year I was Dr Evil & Mrs naughty was a fembot. We won second place. The year before I was Austin Powers. I won third.


So now the pressure is on to take first place!! We came up with a good idea but this is where the dilemma lies.

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Guest Mr&Mrs-naughty



Here is our thought on Halloween costumes for this year:


Do you watch Comedy Central at all? If so are you familiar with the show Reno 911?


That is who we want to go as. Mrs naughty is going to go as "Clementine" the blond slut.


She wants me to go as "Dangle". He is like the lead cop in charge of the rest. I think if we went as those two we would kick ass! The only problem is "Dangle" is a gay cop. And I am not .(Gay or a cop :lol: ) I know it's only a costume but I am struggling with the fact of dressing up as a character who is gay. I know it just a costume & I really am not all that homophobic.


This is going to take place in our "Vanilla World". So these will be people I see all the time at work etc....


I am just afraid of the hazing I will get from the people I know.


What do you think?

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Guest Mr&Mrs-naughty

For those of you who are not familiar with the show it's a spin off from the TV show COPS. It plays out just like the real COPS show does but all the scenes are staged.

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I think that would be great. I think one of the things that is great about Halloween is how it allows you to do things and be things you would never otherwise be/do.


Going as a gay character isn't really any different than going as anything else. Just thinking about the number of guys who dress as women (in some form or another) for Halloween.

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Guest Mr&Mrs-naughty
Posted by Julie:


Going as a gay character isn't really any different than going as anything else. Just thinking about the number of guys who dress as women (in some form or another) for Halloween.


Good point! ;)


I never looked at it that way.

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I've seen plenty of guys go to vanilla parties in drag without any lasting repercussions so I don't imagine going as a gay character should be much different. It's even possible the guy that plays that part on the show may not be gay in real life (although, he is a really good actor if he isn't). And if you decide to do it, be sure and let us know if it turns out poorly, so I can mark it off my list of things to try in the future. :D


Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I'd rather go to a vanilla party as a gay guy than a swingers party. Wouldn't want any potential playmates getting the wrong idea, you know. :eek:

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Guest Mr&Mrs-naughty
Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I'd rather go to a vanilla party as a gay guy than a swingers party. Wouldn't want any potential playmates getting the wrong idea, you know. :eek:




Nope, definitely would not go to a swingers club dressed like that!

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Well we finally decided to go as pirates only problem is I found a good costume for Mr. but now I can't find a costume I like. They are either too sexy for the vanilla world or too tame for the swingers club. I can't find anything in between.


Damn, I wanted to be Red Riding Hood.

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I have no idea if we will be attending a club or not for Halloween, tho I would LOVE to! However I have decided that I am gonna be the naughty school girl with the plaid skirt and white blouse with a sexy leatherette bra underneath. Though not highly original, for me, this is really breaking out of my shell! Typically I am a good girl in my costumes.....hahaha! I think I will have my hubby dress up in a suit and he will be my nerdy "dean" of the school....

I described this costume to my mom, and well she got a real kick outta the idea....she is sooo much fun, so I know for sure it will be a hit!! :D

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J's going to go with the sexy vampire, her favorite thing to be, and I don't know what I'm going as. If the Spoo's don't mind, the corpse idea might work for me. Or, I could be a vampire too. Ideas are welcome... ;)


We're hoping that Club 104 will be having a Halloween party. :)



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Here is our thought on Halloween costumes for this year:


Do you watch Comedy Central at all? If so are you familiar with the show Reno 911?


That is who we want to go as. Mrs naughty is going to go as "Clementine" the blond slut.


She wants me to go as "Dangle". He is like the lead cop in charge of the rest. I think if we went as those two we would kick ass! The only problem is "Dangle" is a gay cop. And I am not .(Gay or a cop :lol: ) I know it's only a costume but I am struggling with the fact of dressing up as a character who is gay. I know it just a costume & I really am not all that homophobic.


This is going to take place in our "Vanilla World". So these will be people I see all the time at work etc....


I am just afraid of the hazing I will get from the people I know.


What do you think?




I can't believe I missed this thread!


I think the Clementine & Dangle idea is hilarious! :lol:



Damn. Wish I would of thought up something so original! You guys rock!

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We need some ideas about what to wear to our club's Halloween party and even suggestions of where to find a decent outfit. What things have you guys seen for both a him and her that was clever, cute, hot, whatever.

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I don't know if you could call this a costume.


I've always thought it would feel so sensual to wear nothing . . .


and have your whole body painted in some beautiful design.



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We have decided to take the plunge and go to two on-premise clubs for Halloween weekend. We are lucky enough to have a couple highly recommended clubs right here in town and fortunately for us they are having their parties on different nights.


This will be our first time to the clubs. We think the fact that we are going to go in costume makes things a little easier and less nerve-wracking.


We are dressing up as sexy pirates (well SHE is going to be sexy anyway) and we got some very nice costumes from a local theater costume rental place.


Natasha is not sure if this is a good idea for our first time to the club. What kind of costumes do people wear to these parties? She is worried about not blending in with our fairly 'normal' costumes.


Anybody else going to a sexy Halloween party? What are you wearing?


Boris & Natasha

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R here:

I've gone as a Dictator: Take a Idaho Spud hollow it out, insert manhood, and strap it between your legs.


Usually though: A monk, or Druid with nothing under the robe, some rope sandals...dildo in a old box (as a sacred relic)


The Toga (Roman) or Greek is kinda too well used.

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Anybody else going to a sexy Halloween party? What are you wearing?

We try to wear something that will not hide what we look like. IE: No masks or heavy makeup.

This year we're both going as prohibition era gangsters. I've got a pinstripe zoot suit with the black & white wingtips, and she has a cute pinstripe romper outfit, with the matching hat. ;)

-We picked up a couple toy "tommy guns" to carry as props.

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All of the dances we attend have themes, and let me tell you there are some pretty interesting costumes there. Don't be worried, as long as you are comfortable...who cares!


I think this year I am going to go as a bumblebee.... :)

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Well, our first visit to a club was not a holiday event, but we can tell you one thing: we have loved the two Halloween parties that we've gone to, and they are still among our most outstanding club memories.


Talking about it afterwards, we realized that, aside from the fabulous and fun costumes that we got to enjoy seeing, there was something about a costume event that just naturally lent itself to a party atmosphere -- and particularly in a swing club. Because people are in costume, they seem to take on a different, more uninhibited personality because they are quite literally going there as "someone else." Hard to describe, but it was definitely a different kind of atmosphere!


Have fun with it, and remember that the costumes alone are also a terrific conversation starter, which is great if you're not good (as we aren't) at breaking the ice in a room full of strangers.

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Natasha is not sure if this is a good idea for our first time to the club. What kind of costumes do people wear to these parties? She is worried about not blending in with our fairly 'normal' costumes.


Anybody else going to a sexy Halloween party? What are you wearing?


Boris & Natasha


She'll be sexy in whatever she wears - she could go as a sack of potatoes and still get attention I'm sure! Whenever we've gone to parties, they were usually themed in some way. For Halloween, if I went as a witch, I might slit the side of my dress and go Elvira style or something.

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Very good information for us, thank you. Natasha feels much more comfortable now and likes the idea of 'going as someone else' for our first time. It just might take the edge off. :)


We will definitely let everyone know how our Halloween Parties went! We are very excited.


Boris & Natasha

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Just wanted to tell you that we went to our swing club Halloween party last year as pirates and we had a great time. I added thigh high boots to my short-short pirate costume to put a even sexier edge to the costume. Good and bad idea though. The good part was that my partner enjoyed me waring them in the playroom but the bad part was I couldn't sit down all night, they don't bend well at the knee. :lol: Have Fun!

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I used to be one of the co-managers of an off-premise club in Clermont, FL and we hosted a huge (for our area, maxed the room out at 350 people) Halloween party every year. Costumes got...creative, to say the very least. But from what I know and saw, pick a costume that's comfy, skip a lot of makeup because it's usually hot and sweaty (If not now, it will be later :facelick:) and comes off easily. And have a great time!!

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"normal"? It's a swinger party. While there may be costumes - MOST (not all) will be doing everything they can to make their costumes as sexy as they can.


As someone else mentioned, the biggest thing to avoid is wearing heavy make-up, it will get hot, and you will want to remove it before the night is over - not to mention that it makes it impossible for anyone else to see what you look like.

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I did the heavy makeup thing at the last party we hosted. Dressed up like a Mad scientist, lots of white makeup an mousse in the hair. About 20 minutes into the party, I wanted to stick my head into the beer tub. I was dyin'! Back to the hotel room I went to change. Came back in a suit with a condom in the jacket pocket. I was a member of the immoral minority. Hee. :D BTW Julie, love your avatar!

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You guys, you're not the alone. We are going to our first club Halloween party too this year. We've been going to the club for about 10 months but this is our first Halloween party and we're excited with anticipation of all the sexy costumes that are going to be there.

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Hi! We're attending our first on-premises weekend event on Halloween weekend, too.


Since this is our first time and we hope to meet, mingle, hook up and have a great time, we wanted to look like "us", and also look our best. We didn't want to look goofy. We also wanted to be wearing something that makes us feel confident, comfortable and sexy. He's going to be wearing a classic tux (early James Bond-ish), and I'll be wearing a sexy black dress, stilettos, black thigh-highs with seams up the back, jewels (classy vamp Bond girl look). Our "costumes" aren't very dramatic or Halloween-ish, but we're excited about it, looking forward to dressing up, and seeing what everyone else is wearing at the ball, too!


We totally agree about heavy makeup and masks. We want people to see our friendly faces (hope to see theirs, too).


Having been to theme parties and such in off-premises clubs, I imagine there will be a lot of the common themes there: pimp and 'ho, schoolgirls, French maids, things like that.


Looking forward to reading more of what people will be wearing in clubs that weekend. :)

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L here:


Well, We got our costumes yesterday. We don't know 'Where' or 'If' we will be able to locate a club, or if we can just "walk in". R says holidays are special, many clubs are only open to regular members by invitation on these nights. R doesn't know where in the U.S. we'll be-but we are prepared. I'm just wondering if he's going to get us in trouble? He's going as a Roman Catholic Father and I as a Nun.

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Wife and I have decided to "dress" as swingers for a Halloween party. We're thinking of Ted and Alice maybe 70's attire and carrying a bowl of keys and business cards with our statistics.


But we need something more.


We're looking for other ideas and dress suggestions. Thought of this board.


Thanks for your help



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