Sorry, but I often find in threads that become combative the statement "why did you even open the thread if your not interested"
To this I have to say.
BECAUSE.....I have on several occations passed over a thread that did not seem at all interesting to me. Then I go back to the main page and oh look it says there is a thread that I missed in "The Cafe" for example, so I go back and it turns out to be the one I don't care to read about.
In order to get ride of that little posty note I have to open the thread and scroll down to the end.
Some times I read for interests sake and find out that I was wrong in my assumption, you know the whole judging a book by its cover thing. or I find a comment that I feel I need to respond to. What ever my reason, it is my reason alone and because I put it out there to begin with, it is for me to deal with what ever comment comes back to me.
If you don't like the comments that are being made, don't make comments in the beginning. Seems like a simple solution to this problem of people having different likes and dislikes.
Or perhaps, everyone with a comment that is not COMMPLETLY 100% politicaly correct please keep said comments to your rotten little selves. Those of us with glass jaws don't appreciate them.
Now I have been bitcher then I normally am, and I am sure to get both kudos and finger wagging, but as a poster on this board I am going to have to deal with what comes my way whether I like it or not.
By the way, just to save time for those of you who chose to finger wag at me. If you do not want me to express my feelings, don't bother responding to me.
I appreciate other peoples point of view whether it works with mine or not. I may not like the way it is stated, but we are all different in our mannerisms.
As a friend once said to me. I have sexy and volupuous (?) all the time. Swinging for me gives me cute and pixy like every now and then.
Isn't that what makes us so unique, our ability to accept our differences and even celebrate them like no vanilla group can.
So stop squabbling over who said what and why they need to be in this or that thread.
Your contriverical(again with the spelling thing)friend,
What were we talking about, I am guessing either male sexual preferences or something about wieght. Ya, those two topics usually lose thier focus after post number 2