Even now I don't see myself as sexy. More cute then anything.
I have always been the athlete, sweats, big shirts, ball caps. It wasn't until Dog started talking to me about the lifestyle that I started to look at clothes that actually FIT me. I wear shoes instead of sneakers, I let my hair down instead of always in a pony tail. In doing these smaller things, bigger things have come from it. I am turning heads now. I have been in college now for the past 3 years (last year YA!!!). Last year and this year I have been getting hit on my my peers. They are young men around 20. We are in a building full of young fresh hotties, and it is me they are hitting on. They also think its cool that I get in on the "sex" type talk they have. I even helped one of the guys ask a girl out. Gave him some tips and built up his confidence. He is a cutie.
I would have NEVER done this if it was 2-3 years ago.
Just being around the lifestyle can do wonders for how you take care of yourself and that in turn creates an increase in self image.
I have always been fit, but it wasn't until recently that anyone was able to notice. And boy are they noticing.