two4youinswva is right, I was not 'equating" it, just saying that "just because the pieces fit" doesn't make a thing right. Although I guess if "all of a persons recent experiences with cows" were not very satisfying, I could certainly understand why they would no longer want to have sex with cows. It probably wasn't very satisfying for the cow, either.
in our area, it WAS a big deal - in the 1960's and '70's. Most of the people we know who were ever curious about other races just because of race have gotten it out of their system and moved on. One of the girls I knew from high school still dates mostly black guys (I think she's on about her 8th), but it's so like, YAWN, to the rest of us. Her car (which is a broken down POS) still has "end apartheid! bumper stickers on it too.
The important thing is we don't see it much in the lifestyle. There was a club in Indianapolis that was all white but it's out of business now. There was another that was mostly black or interracial and it's out of business too. I think we all (or most of us at least) grew out of that racial stuff. If you want to have "taboo" sex nowadays, date an Arab or a Muslim or even better a HINDU!
That is SO true! That is all we were really trying to say, that bringing down ANY group of people just makes that person's motives seem questionable.
Confident people are secure people, and don't feel a need to bring others down or speak badly of them. their confidence makes US confident.
Friendly people find something to like about other people, and don't look for reasons to hate or belittle others. Their friendliness draws us to them not away from them.
Sexy people are a combination of both, and will have no shortage of admirers in the lifestyle or anywhere else regardless of color.