God, it's amazing how my views change over time. I had to reread what I wrote back in 2007. Not at all my views now. Admittedly, I'm a flip-flopper.
I agree that most prostitutes have no other choice what their profession will be. While I don't have a nasty attitude towards them or their profession, I know I couldn't do it. Now that we've played with several different couples, I get to choose who we'll play with. I don't want them choosing me without recourse.
There is nothing wrong with prostitution as long as it's done willingly. I don't have any ill will toward someone who's been with a prostitute. In fact, a lot of married couples break their FMF cherry with a prostitute according to one of the workers at the Bunny Ranch. If this is true, so be it. They are in a controlled atmosphere, where no untoward problems would occur. It's legal and consensual.
I would probably be more curious as to their experience with a prostitute more than repulsed. Would I play with them if they'd been with a prostitute -- if they meet our criteria, sure. How many couples do we play with regularly privy us to their entire sexual history? How do we know that someone we've already played with hasn't visited a brothel before they've played with us? We have no way of knowing unless we ask them, and that's just not important to us. There are pros to playing with a legal and legitimate brothel. Prostitutes are at least tested regularly for STD's. They always use condoms. How many people that we've played with can we say that about?