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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2008 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    My opinion? Being in a marriage is like having two bags of cookies. For some people, their bags are small or spare, so they're unable/unwilling to share their cookies with anyone besides their partner. For other people, their bags are full and of a good size, so the idea of sharing a cookie or two with someone who has a unique type of cookie (and is not in a position to demand more than the odd cookie) seems logical and a bit exciting. And for a select few people, their bags are overflowing with cookies and it makes sense to give a cookie or two to people who manage to hold their interest, or to people who have delicious cookies of their own, or just to get ideas for new recipes. Either way, the important idea in my analogy is to always make sure that your primary partner has his or her fill of your cookies. Or, obviously, being given permission to enjoy other peoples' cookies if/when your partner realizes that his or her bag is empty.
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