Almost everyone has a hobbie or two AND almost everyone enjoys sex. If we take that as a given, let's look at possibilities.
1-Husband golfs on Saturdays/wife goes to lunch with girlfriends.
2-Husband plays poker on Wednesday night/wife plays bunko.
3-Husband goes fishing all weekend/wife cleans house.
4-Husband surfs the internet/wife tends flower beds.
5-Husband & wife go out together to movies. Find place to park, wait in line to buy ticket, sit for two hours next to people they don't know, pay top dollar to eat or drink while listening to wierd interupting conversations around them. Drive home.
6-Husband & wife go shopping. (maybe fun 'til credit card bill comes next month)
7-Husband & wife find a fun couple to play with. Husband & wife enjoy anticipation of first meeting. Husband & wife live out fantasies most only dream of. Husband & wife relive best parts of "living fantasy" through memories and conversations later.
Gee Wally? I will have to think about whether swinging is worth it or not???? Let me get back to you on this after more research...