If we're talking about my ex-wife here, the answer not only is "Yes," but the specifics run well into double figures. But if we're talking about the woman whom I think of as my real wife, the answer is: No way--and, since I can't imagine that it could ever happen, I can't choose any of the options offered in the poll. Of course, we've both had other partners we've enjoyed lots, both before we knew each other and since we started swinging. But we've come to understand that a lot of what makes our swinging encounters exciting (apart from the obvious elements) is that, when we go to a club or meet a couple, we're making sex the main event of the evening. Conversely, when our one-on-one sex generates something less than fireworks, it's usually because it comes in the context of a busy day when we don't have all that much time for it and we're just trying to get it in (all puns intended). However, we've been on vacation together of late, and have been reminded of something that's proven true of other such vacations: when we're able to relax, ignore the clock, pour a drink, put on a porn movie, and take the time to do all the fondling we want before we move along to other activities, our sex is not only as good but better than anything that happens when we swing. And that's after 16 years together.
If there's any exception I should make in answering this question, it's probably on my wife's behalf. I believe her when she tells me that she's never enjoyed any other man as much as me, but when she's with a woman--well, it's not that she might enjoy her partner more, but she certainly enjoys her differently. And I can't really feel threatened or diminished by that, because I know that it's comparing apples and oranges. And, since she hasn't announced that the three of them are running away together (i.e., her, her favorite lady friend, and the strap-on), I assume that, on the whole, she'd rather be with me.