I just got into this sort of conversation with my Mom tonight. I was brought up in a very traditional Christian home. But I'm...well...let's just say I've always been that green apple among the red. I am not a joiner and never will be. I'd go to church purely for the fellowship, but I have no interest in signing up to teach Sunday School or take Bible Study classes. Join, join, join. "Come, be just like us! Here's your badge and your hat, and don't forget the rest of your welcome-wagon literature!" And if you tell them you haven't been to church in over 2 years, their face nearly melts with pity...then their eye takes on a I'm-going-to-single-handedly-save-this-wretched-soul gleam. 'Scuse me, but I'm saved enough, TYVM. Just because I don't happen to go to church doesn't mean I'm "straying from the straight and narrow way." Well...I guess I am if you went by usual church standards, but my point is that I don't really care WHAT their standards are. I have little use for church; they just attempt to teach me how to put God in a box. Doesn't work that way.
I've run into the same thing with the definition of Agnostic. I understand the true meaning, but most people are so ignorant about it. The most annoying thing I can think of is when someone makes uninformed assumptions about you. Like assuming you couldn't possibly know the "real Jesus" if you believe this or that. Or that the reason you don't go to church is because you've been "led astray by Satan" and that all you need is to get back into the fold. Wouldn't have anything to do with you feeling more alienated and alone in that group because you can't stand being told that it's better to be like everyone else and better to not think for yourself. Nah, couldn't be that.
I'm not your standard Christian. I totally agree with swinging, I disagree with most of the doctrines of the modern church, I'm open to the possibility of reincarnation...I even read Tarot cards and whatnot! Admitting that to my Mom actually raised her voice an octave. She's quite upset with me. *sigh* but what are we to do? It hurts to have to disagree with people I love, but it would positively kill me to be anything other than what I am.