I read a funny list somewhere, probably on this site, of ways to know whether or not you're a swinger. On that list was something to the effect of "You know you're a swinger if you'd rather go to a strip club with your wife than with the guys". My wife and I occasionally go to a strip club. I would NEVER go to a strip club with my guy friends.
Artificially sexually charged vanilla settings weren't all that exciting to me before I was a swinger, and they're just downright boring, and even a little insulting, to me now. After you've been in a room with a large number of naked people having sex in various combinations, A waitress with big boobs and a tight shirt just isn't all that noteworthy anymore.
Add that to the hypocrisy on display (99% of the people paying to see whatever lame display it may happen to be would judge my wife and I quite unfavorably if they knew about our lifestyle, yet they see it as perfectly alright as long as it's fake and they can hide it from their spouses), and I really have little to no interest. However, if it keeps the hard core vanillas distracted from the fact that there are places with REAL sexually charged atmospheres in the world, then I guess these establishments are doing us a favor. If the city council is busy worrying about a proposed Hooters, then maybe they won't be hassling the house party that's no doubt going on somewhere else.