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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/2010 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I used to think I was Baseball-curious, but after I went to a game, and realized how really going to a game just changed my whole outlook on the sport, I realized I wasn't just BB-C, I was just into baseball. Based on your post, I can tell you are just afraid of baseball, and the fact you try to equate it with watching men spit is quite telling.
  2. 1 point
    Unfortunately, I think this is a side effect of two things... 1. The over-abundance of female bisexuality in the lifestyle. 2. The low odds on finding a four-way match. We've seen it many times where couples approach us and after a few minutes it's clear they just want another female - no thanks. If I don't feel my hubby is getting proper attention then I'm going to give it to him and we won't be playing with that couple. We have to both feel we are getting something out of this. And as for me with other guys, if I'm into you, you'll know it.
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