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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2011 in all areas

  1. 0 points
    Fun4, Please read the entire post. By 'taking advantage of", I was talking about the opportunity, not taking advantage of your partner. Two very different things. If my GF wanted an all-girl GB, I would consider it as perfectly OK, she is bi and enjoys being with women. I, however, am not bi , so I wouldn't enjoy an all-men GB, but I would definitely enjoy an all-girl GB. I say again, that the only equality I am talking about is that of opportunity. An analogy would be conversation. If I monopolized the conversation, and didn't allow others to speak, how fair would that be? But, if I make sure that the others had the opportunity to speak, then that would be fair, and they could speak or not as they choose. Bottom line is that I don't care about numbers, I don't care about the sex. I DO care about fair-play and equal rights for both partners in a relationship. Mrs. H is very willing to accord her H the same respect and opportunity, so that was all I was asking.
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