For us it's not about what categorical "tribe" you list yourself as, but what actions you enjoy. Your description sounds similar to some by guys who talk about possibly enjoying some form of sexual contact with a man as long as it's in a threesome with a woman present and it's mostly about the woman. In your case its about male/male with the woman present and perhaps participating as long as it's mostly about the men.
We enjoy geography of sex that includes more than simple heterosexual sex, on into the same sex realm and preferably the all sex realm, where the focus ceases to be on hetero, homo, or bi, but sensually arousing actions all enjoy. In threesomes and foursomes we enjoy inclusiveness, warmth, heat, friendship, touch, massage, tasting. The fetish of labeling whether it's hetero, homo, or bi is not about arousal or fun.
My wife as well as our closest couple female friend are aroused by men playing, sucking, touching, licking, as I am, as he is. Pleasure is arousing. He and I are aroused by the two women playing, touching, tasting. Six hand massage is so much fun. There is so much more geography of pleasure if you aren't hamstrung by labels.