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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I am just going to be 100% blunt and straight forward here. I find these strings of threads from this user to be suspect. I say that because it is the same song and dance and when the advice doesn't go the way the OP wants, or he doesn't get the pity party he wants he goes on the defense. I am in no way trying to start any drama. I am just speaking from my heart here. If this were a true scenario I would say the husbands internal core values are not that if a swinger and until he learns to communicate with his wife , control jealousy issues, differentiate sex from love, and even kissing from affection, and learns to mature a bit that he is not ready for real swinging. The wife on the other hand seems to have the core values to separate sexual acts from affection and love and is ready to swing, but shouldn't until her husband is on the same playing field. In any case, if you can not do something when you are stone cold sober, you have no business doing it at all. With the back and forth posts of the OP it is hard to believe this is not just for attention. I don't know if I am the only one to feel this way about it or not. I don't know how anyone can put swingers down, and then come back and ask those same people for advise and consider doing the one thing he seems to loathe. Even when he talks about his wife's friend he supposedly had a threesome with he talks about her in a negative manor. It makes no sense. If you felt that way, why go through with it? SMDH
  2. 1 point
    I think you and those males in question may be outwitting each other to the point that it ends with this disappointment. Take a look at it from the single male's perspective: He's straight, and he's been on the ad site for a while with very little if any success so far. Suddenly, a couple shows interest. They're listed as straight, so that's cool. He's going to help a husband please his wife for a night. Excellent! After a little internet conversation, it's looking even more promising. She is interested! Now he's getting excited about this possibility. I'm going to have fun with a couple. Hot damn! Then, she asks the question: "How do you feel about MM play?" Hmmm. He thinks they are undercover, and want to incorporate some bi play. He's hit the "Whatever it takes" stage, and, whether he intends to play with the male on some level, or try to get away without doing that, he's going to say "I'll do it! I'll do anything dammit!". So, he falls into the trap. Now you're pissed that he said he'll do MM play. He's wondering what in the hell he did wrong. If someone is listed as straight, we assume they are straight, and if they aren't straight, they can play that way. Good luck with your future attempts at a hookup!
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