Sure. Heck, with regular playmates we've dealt with plenty of "Not now, we're hunting wabbits." Once you're not new and shiny, you don't compete well with others who are. The trick is in remembering that you're no less valuable. Every once in awhile, you'll meet others who view you as a lucky penny (a favorite). It's lovely to feel that, but unless you're being exclusive, then at some point, "favorite" status gets trounced by new opportunity. I remember feeling a sizable irritation about that "second choice" sensation, till the guy of the couple pointed out to me, later, "You guys get so many opportunities to do what you want, and we get so few." After looking at it through his eyes, I was actually kind of ashamed of being so irritated.
I've gotta add, the idea of "settling"? Pffft... maybe it takes playing for years to feel this way, but if I'm playing at all, with anyone, I am damn sure not settling. I'm doing it because I want to.