We decided to check out a hotel party near us last Saturday. It was a new group, so we didn't really know what to expect. I'll tell you what we didn't expect, though...
We're standing in line at the bar right after we arrive. The host comes over and introduces himself.
"Hey. I'm so-and-so. I'm the host."
Then, from behind me my wife says, "Oh, this is awkward."
Awkward? He's confused. I'm confused. Until... I turn around to see her standing right in front of her boss. Well, we're all adults. We're all there for the same thing. So we acknowledged the awkwardness, exchanged brief small talk, then all went about enjoying the party.
Some bridges you don't cross.
The first time in 10 years of swinging that we've ever run into someone we know in vanilla life. Frankly, I can't believe it didn't happen sooner. So, I guess it does actually happen.