Take it to heart, because what all the posters have said is good advice. The comment, "Sexy is really just a woman that is okay with who they are and is able to have fun with it." is absolutely true, but I know it is difficult to accept and to internalize.
My fervent hope is that my wife, 64 yo, with quite a few extra pounds, feels as beautiful as I think of her when my average dick gives her a fantastic orgasm. Neither of us know where the erotic connection comes from, but we know it is exquisite. She can give that to others, and it has nothing to do with his physical attributes.
You have the same magical ability. You can also spoil it. Let's say you were given a vacation on the beach in the Mediterranean. With a guy that you find attractive. You could go with that energy flow, or you could complain about the cleanliness of the accommodations. Choice is yours. But I don't "accommodate" those who are negative and find fault, nor do most people. You have the choice to acknowledge the positive.
Good luck