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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2019 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    The great upside is you already like people you are friends with. What better thing is there than to enjoy more with them. Shouldn’t you have something in common with someone you are going to be intimate with. I/we started with college friends of mine. The safety was they lived hours away. They have introduced us to new couples. There is an excitement to new people but the attraction is at first just physical. Currently the people we play with the most are my husband’s best friend and now we are including my best friend. So far, so good.
  2. 1 point
    The thread convolves faith--sets of beliefs that are not amenable to scientific verification -- and teachings, which can include sets of expected behaviors. Such convolution has been with us since the beginning of religion, which of course combines faith and teachings. The teachings have typically been used to guide (read:control) the behaviors of the faithful. The control often breaks down--example Catholics and contraception--when there is an inconsistency between reality and teaching. Controlling sexuality has been part of the teaching for many if not most major religions. It doesn't work. Example--Catholic clergy. Swinging is an accommodation that respects the institution of marriage while allowing for sexual variety. Swinging need never challenge faith, it inevitably challenges teaching. What matters is how swinging affects your/your partner's life views. Divorcing monogamy from commitment (how's that for a brain twister) requires rejection of teaching but may in fact support your faith. If you wake up in the morning, embrace your partner, and say with meaning "I love you more than anyone else in the world", what else matters?
  3. 1 point
    HAHAHA. I came here using the first unread button and I scrolled up to see the previous post. Halfway through scrolling I was like "This must be Sun&Moon. 5 minutes later I got to the top and sure enough. Cliff Clavin himself.
  4. 1 point
    For us walking through the door was easy. It was ordering the Lyft to the club that scared the shit out of me! ??????
  5. 1 point
    Nomads, I'll take a swing at one of your questions, "Is there not a similar risk to bringing people from your swinging life into your vanilla life? In this day and age of information it is very difficult to hide." We had a great relationship with a couple, and after a couple of months of seeing them we went over to their house for a vanilla dinner with other of their friends. They turned into great vanilla friends as well as LifeStyle friends. I don't think the risks are the same. For our couple they desired to be discreet, and so did we. As such, we knew they wouldn't out us, and they seemed sure we wouldn't out them. It worked out well.
  6. 1 point
    I know I've seen something that sounds like it'd be similar to what you're designing where you straddle it except there's a wand vibe that meets up with the anatomy. But it doesn't sound like you're hoping to profit/patent it so it sounds like a great idea! I am curious about it being 3D printable though... not sure how that would work since a lot of the design is padding/motor/controls/etc. Not a ton of 3D parts there as I'm imagining it. I did something similar with a sex swing I designed. I combined two other designs I saw and now everyone that sees/tries it loves it and wants to buy one! It uses a chin up bar for mounting to it installs and comes down in seconds. Plus it uses closed cell foam padding on all the weight bearing straps and dual shock absorbers for a really comfortable ride. Good luck and please continue to post updates/pics!
  7. 1 point
    We have swung with friends in the past and had zero issues. Maybe because our family knows what we do.
  8. 1 point
    I'd say that's an accurate statement. Corinth was a very corrupt city. The church of Corinth was made up of people who were thick in that corruption but were interested in a new way of life and this new promised easy pathway to salvation. Perhaps Paul had a bit of a problem with it being just that easy so he made it seem more difficult by issuing his own rules based on the principles of Jesus as he interpreted them. Thus the "religion" of Christianity was born. I have a hard time reconciling that God would give us something so amazing as sex then tell us it's only to be shared with one person.
  9. 1 point
    I agree with the saying, "I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty."
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