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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/2019 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Any woman who ever bared and gave her pussy to me is giving me a gift. I treat it accordingly and am grateful.
  2. 2 points
    Life is too short and we'll not get younger or better looking if we put off playing with a couple if we click on first meeting. That being said, if a couple is 20 years older and 60 lbs heavier than their profile indicates, we'll finish our drinks and head for the door. Our 20/20 rule would kick in immediately. We know within 20 seconds to 20 minutes if we'll ever want to see them naked. In the above case, 20 seconds will be more than enough.
  3. 1 point
    We don't like to be rude or hurtful either, but blatantly misrepresenting themselves...isn't that just a fancy way to say 'lying'. Anyone who is willing to lie about how they look, KNOWING that eventually we are going to probably meet them and will know the truth is probably willing to lie about just about anything else as well. We don't have the time and are not willing to put up with the potential drama that liars bring to the table. You don't have to remember the story you told if you stick with telling the truth. That's also why when we meet for the first time, play is not expected. In fact, it rarely happens, if ever. This way everyone can be on the same page the next time we meet.
  4. 1 point
    We consider everything we do to be a 'package deal'...everything, not just swinging. Good luck and let us know how things progress.
  5. 1 point
    Sometime back I wrote this analogy of having an affair with bowling. I’d enjoy your comments on it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A woman having a affair with her husband’s knowledge and permission shouldn’t be an ethical or moral problem. Let’s take an example. Let’s suppose I decide to take up bowling. My wife Rebecca isn’t interested, or it might be an all-guys league. Every Thursday morning, Rebecca says “Have a nice time,” and that night instead of going home I head over to the bowling alley and hang out with the guys. Knowing me, after the game we go to a bar and I have a few beers, I don’t get home until after Rebecca’s in bed. Let’s suppose my team does well, and we decide to go to a couple of out of town weekend tournaments. I tell Rebecca about it, and she tells me to go ahead, have fun. What has Rebecca lost by my bowling? She doesn’t have me on Thursday nights and a couple of weekends. But she knows I’m not going to be around, and probably she’s actually happy about it – she can have time without me, not worry about me, do some things I’m not fond of. I use some money for my hobby, buy a bowling ball and shoes, pay the fees, and drop a few bucks on beer and the weekend trips, but that’s well within our budget, Rebecca won’t go hungry because of it. If Rebecca has a real need for me on a particular Thursday night, maybe her company’s Christmas party or something, I simply cancel my bowling and go with her. And if there’s an emergency, all she has to do is call the bowling alley, and I’ll come right home. And I’m not bowling most nights, I’m still mowing the lawn and shoveling the snow. Have I done anything wrong by taking up bowling? I hope you’ll agree that I haven’t. Now, let’s suppose that Rebecca starts seeing another guy, and decides she wants to get it on with him. She comes to me, tells me about it and gets my permission. Then let’s suppose she tells me they want to get together on Thursday nights for dinner and sex, and I say fine with me. Every Thursday morning, I give her a kiss and tell her to have a great time. Maybe she comes home right after they screw, maybe she spends the entire night with him; it shouldn’t matter to me, I know where she is, that’s she’s safe, and if I have a real emergency I can always get a hold of her. The guy wants to take her out of town for a romantic weekend. Again, she lets me know plenty of time ahead, and I don’t have a problem with it. If I need her for something on a particular Thursday night, I can ask her to cancel the other guy and I’m sure she'd accommodate me. Maybe she spends some money on the other guy, Birthday and Valentines Day gifts, but nothing out of line, it won’t break the bank or anything. And she’s home Monday thru Wednesday and almost all the weekends – if I want to make love to her those nights, she should be as willing as normal. As long as we both know about it and agree on the ground rules, an affair is no worse than bowling.
  6. 1 point
    I am accustomed to meeting new friends for drinks or coffee with no expectation of play. Afterwards, people can decline to pursue fun for any reason. The rule is be sensitive. "No thank you, we are not a match," is enough. Just don't ghost the other party. This is a small community and gaining a reputation as discourteous or worse can be harmful to further fun.
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