As I've continued to read this interesting thread and people's opinions, I'm becoming more convinced it means such a wide spectrum of different things to such a wide spectrum of different people that it makes one wonder if it really means anything at all? That then goes back to Enhancer's point about it being so overused.
Everyone puts their own context on it based on their own lives and perspectives. But, profiles are slap full of stuff like that. For example, a couple writes: "Let me tell you girls, he's awesome in bed. He's like the Energizer bunny, lasts for hours!" Well, Mrs. cplnuswing doesn't think that's awesome at all, she has no interest in getting pounded for hours. The wife there though, she does evidently like that, so from her perspective in the context of their sex lives, that's a good thing.
We just don't get hung up too much either way on the details. Whether this word is or isn't present, whether that word is or isn't present, what they think is a plus, what we think is a plus. Any one little piece of the overall picture doesn't make or break anything.