Hispanic culture and catholic upbringing are tremendous hurdles to overcome on the way to sexual liberation. Im not an old hippie but sexual liberation is, in a nutshell, what swinging is all about. Mrs Doc had one husband and after him, one b/f before me. While she wasn't catholic, she grew up in a strict patriarchal home in a very harshly judgmental religion. She had to work through a lot of guilt to simply have and enjoy sex outside of marriage. I had dealt with and dismissed a lot of my catholic roots as a young man in the late 70's but I remembered them enough to understand her feelings. We talked a LOT. We had lots of playful sex and she began to realize that something that felt so good and was so much fun couldn't be a sin. After exploring and enjoying sex with me and before that with her b/f it was a much shorter leap for us to start to explore swinging. She's still a believer, in fact, she often goes to church on Sunday morning after a swingers party on Saturday! I think we've concluded that since swinger sex takes place within our marriage then its part of our marriage and therefore not a sin. I can thank the Jesuits in the catholic high I attended for helping me logically define that rationalization.