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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2020 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Update : Since my last post here we have continued to find our way through this process of MMF. We had another 3 some this past Saturday with the same guy and the moment couldn’t have been better. My wife was comfortable with laying her head on his lap and rubbing his cock. It felt completely natural and the 3 of us went up stairs for more fun. Anyways ! I am extremely happy that I reached out to this group I have been able to find a variance of opinions that were spoken in a constructive mannerism. Thank you all !!! Next stop is adding another female
  2. 2 points
    We just had a similar experience this past weekend. The couple we wanted to play with last year but didn't get an opportunity to were reintroduced to us over the weekend and we all seemed to hit it off great. Good conversation and we had a great time dancing and talking. But when it came time to play the guy and I had a great time but my husband just wasn't into her. They fucked but he said he just wasn't into her, even though he gave it his all. There just wasn't chemistry there to make it an awesome experience. So we decided that this will be a one and done experience. Since she is 100% straight and I'm not a girl-girl only won't happen. Sometimes it just doesn't work.
  3. 1 point
    From a strictly sexual standpoint, almost any "losing my virginity" experience has the theme of not knowing what you were doing or even how to go about doing it. So, if you remember feeling that way yourself, then why in the world you would think that a plus when it comes to a sex partner? Sex is like anything, the more you do it, the better you are at it. And hell no on the paying for it. I've known people to who the whole "she gave her virginity to me" thing seemed like a very important part of their relationship, but I don't really get that either. To those who seemed to still consider it a big deal years later, there always seemed like some darker undercurrent of control or possessiveness or something there that just made me cringe a little. Certainly nothing wrong with a couple being each others first, or one of them being the first, but I don't think it is any predictor of future relationship health or stability.
  4. 1 point
    We went to a club once and opened the door putting the chain on it. We had a nice crowd watching. It was very hot. Just her and I doing with others watching. You could try this.
  5. 1 point
    We have the same interest as you, voyeurs and exhibitionism. We've had good luck putting our profile on SLS.com with our interest being "Watch." Our profile name on SLS is "luvtravel" if you want to contact us for more information.
  6. 1 point
    When we started in 1986, my wife was not working and the husband of the couple who introduced us to swinging was working nights and his wife was working days. He. who was, and still is, my best friend and my wife got together for sex many times and I loved it. I was really turned on by the thought of the two of them playing while I was at work. The other couple eventually got divorced but we are still good friends with both of them.
  7. 1 point
    Our best swinging experience was inviting a very good male friend into our marriage. For us it was the it was what we would consider a poly relationship. Him & I shared my wife and he had even lived with us for a time.
  8. 1 point
    We aren't the only ones having this conversation. Here's another opinion. https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/03/open-relationship-coronavirus-advice.html There's a twist there in that there is another person in the household who would be high risk, and so it brings in the element of your decisions vs risks to others. That is an interesting question. Before becoming a husband and father, I used to have a hobby most would consider on the high risk end. I never really dwelled on it. I knew the risks and knew what I was doing and took all the necessary steps to make it as low risk as possible. Once I had more to think about though than just me, then my interest in it just faded away. It really wasn't a conscious decision, it just did. The funny thing there is my main hobby since then is one that most people would consider extremely safe, and something happened and I had a week in the hospital and very nearly died from it. I just say that to say risk assessment is a very individual thing, but what makes it even more a conundrum in something like this is the risk isn't limited to just yourself, your decisions may directly affect others. I'm not saying that means any one size fits all answer is the only right answer for everyone, but just that these are complicated issues and we all deal with them in different ways. Really, it's a lot along the lines of condom use vs bareback discussions we have here and the wide range of opinion on that subject.
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