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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2020 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    GoldCo -- You asked us to be kind and I'll try ... BUT! 1) No, the FACTS don't say that "the worst thing that can happen is you 'catch' something that will seem like the flu. You will be sick for a few days then you will get better." Two 17-year-olds died in Florida last week. An eight-year-old died in Durham, NC -- just 20 miles from us -- earlier this month. People of all ages and in seemingly good health are dying from this. Just this afternoon, the CDC released more information saying that your risks are higher if you have COPD, or hypertension, or a BMI over 30, or ... all kinds of medical conditions that have nothing do with being immune-compromised. So your statement simply isn't correct. 2) Your phrase, "the version of the truth that we have found" is as nonsensical as Kellyanne Conway's reference to "alternative facts". There's no such thing as a version of the truth ... something is either true or it's not. Please tell us all where you got your information, because I'd love to see it for myself.
  2. 3 points
    We don't play with friends. While it may seem easy to swing with friends, the risk/reward is not great enough for us. If anything goes south, at any time (including years later) your friends/family/coworkers could find out what you do in your bedroom and who you do it with. It's safer to make new 'fun' friends that are already in the L/S and prepared for the emotions and other things that swinging entails.
  3. 2 points
    If the gold standard is - "deviation from conventional behaviour" - then the whole of Swingersboard is fake news! :-D
  4. 2 points
    I found The Swingersboard twelve years ago when searching the internet for validation of what I was doing: getting married to one guy while having a boyfriend, and they both knew about the other. This place made me feel, if not normal, at least among fellow perverts. More surprising, everyone was so nice and finding that others had their own doubts comforted me. It also enabled me to first open up to having my husband play with other women, then to myself recognizing my Lesbian side. Now I am more happy than I was or could have been otherwise. So thank you to all who shared, whether it was reality or fantasy. I do, however, recommend the reality of it.
  5. 1 point
    14.1% of the deaths in California have been in the 35-59 year old age group. More research is happening all the time, to suggest that you do anything based on current statistics (other than say, "Yeah, I ought to wear a face mask",) is a mistake, in my opinion.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    I sort of learned that long ago in college. A nice girl I was dating and I started having sex. She had a thing where the second time she started saying, "Hurt me! violate me!" and other things that bothered me. I stopped seeing her. I hope that she found someone who was good to her, but engaged in her kink. But it wasn't for me. And I'm glad that she didn't hide it and either shock me with it later after we were invested in one another or she kept it unhappily repressed.
  8. 1 point
    I've thought it would be fun to write (call it a) radio play and enlisting Swingers Board members to act the parts.
  9. 1 point
    I no longer have my virginity, but I still have the box that it came in.
  10. 1 point
    Yes, I too find some some stories credible, other stories not. 1. The longer the story, the greater the probability that it's bullshit. 2. I consider the braggadocio factor; e.g. "I cum in quarts." 3. If a member's first post at a social-media Web site, Swingersboard or any other, is a story rather than a friendly greeting or a solicitation of advice, there is a large probability of bullshit. 4. A new member posts a story. The other Website members point out flaws in logic or deviation from conventional behaviour. Two days later, the new member comes back with a report that the situation has been completely corrected. The report of the course correction is probably a fiction.
  11. 1 point
    The elusive four way match. I think you have to move on. Someone told us that the odds that four people can all like each other are 24-1. I don’t know the math, but it sounds right to me.
  12. 1 point
    You've learned an important lesson - not all the fish in the sea make for a good fish fry. When you aren't feeling a connection, it's best to say so up front, be honest with yourself, with everyone. In this case, you should have said, "no, not tonight," and abandoned play. As far as just playing with the girl and not the husband, turn it around. How would your husband feel if the other couple wanted to play with you, but they didn't want anything to do with your husband? I hope you'd agree that nothing should happen in that scenario. Yeah, these people might make good friends, but it's likely they'll never make good swapping partners. Throw 'em back, go fishing again.
  13. 1 point
    As a healthcare professional in the front lines of care of COVID patients, I will attest that your caution and prudence are entirely appropriate. While your wife's disappointment is understandable, we continue to see apparently healthy people sicken and in some cases die from the infection. LS friends who are true friends will accept your caution.
  14. 0 points
    Taking a risk by responding here, but the FACTS say that unless you are older (65+) and or experiencing a weakened immune system, or are taking care of or living with someone who is 65+ and/or weakened immune system, the worst thing that can happen is you 'catch' something that will seem like the flu. You will be sick for a few days then you will get better. Despite popular mis-belief, a mask won't 'filter' it out and keep you from catching it, it only prevents someone that already had Covid from spreading it as easily (via water droplets when they sneeze or cough). If you are in the 'danger' group, or around others that could be susceptible, then you shouldn't be thinking about playing with others until things improve. I don't think that you want to be the cause of someone else possibly dying because of you having a little bit of fun. If you are not in the danger group and don't mind the risk of catching the flu (the flu is still MUCH MORE COMMON than catching Covid) then go for it. If you aren't sure which group you belong to, then take the safe route and stop playing until things improve in your area. If you are just scared of everything the media tells you (and not just what they are saying about Covid), maybe just don't even leave the house. Life is a risk, and the only way not to take that risk is to not play the game. Any responses...please be kind. I know that this is a hot topic and that there are two very opposed camps here. However, if you do some research, the truth is out there and the version of the truth that we have found says that more people (10 times more) will die of the flu than Covid...and they will die of the exact same reasons: old age and/or compromised immune system.
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