I enjoyed reading the last post, especially the part of why prostitution is seen in such a negative light. See, the problem with prostitutes is that its a job. Its their job, like you and I go to the office. So there are no feelings of conscience. Not in regards to how the woman feels about herself mind you...I'm talking about the fact that the vast majority of men who hire prostitutes are married and cheating on their spouses. Not okay in swinging, and not okay in the vanilla world in my opinion. Now. You take a state like Nevada, where it is legal in certain venues from what I understand. The women are mandatorily tested. If you are going to use a prostitute I would say go to one of those facilities. However, on the streets of any given city a prostitute is usually a poor woman, usually on drugs, who is treated like property. I don't know. Everyone has their own opinions. I do not like it when women allow themselves to be used like chattel. Exotic dancers I love, those women work their butts off. They get a man horny, he goes home to his wife and they have a great experience.