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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2021 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I miss seeing friends, both clothed and unclothed. I miss being able to just go out and get a haircut or quickly run to the store. I miss everyone getting along. I miss the old world and fear that it will never return.
  2. 3 points
    Agreed first and foremost we miss the simple things. Getting together with friends and family. But from a swinging perspective: we were real active pre-kids, much less so while raising them, sent our youngest to college in Sept. 2019, didn't do much for the rest of that year, then made New Years resolutions to get back into the "swing of things". We had a good start in 2020 then BAM. The pandemic hit, the kids came home... So we missed all the stuff we said we would do: lifestyle clubs, resorts, houseparties and private parties. We were fortunate to connect with a single male (old LS friend) over the summer and we managed a couple playdates just the 3 of us, but we were really hoping to relive some of what we experienced 20 long years ago! So our big return to the Lifestyle wound up being a handful of threesomes at home lol! But we know it could be worse!
  3. 2 points
    Who knew Syrians were so skilled in the bedroom??? lol
  4. 2 points
    Honestly what we miss most is being able to spend time with family! Not being able to do the swing thing is really not that big of a deal to us. We have been more then content having play fun with each other. It never gets old to us.
  5. 1 point
    Yes I miss house parties, but they are so much better than clubs. This covid is incredibly depressing.
  6. 1 point
    I miss going to our football games and friends weekends. I also miss seeing my friends and going to an office to work and seeing my coworkers. I miss going into restaurants, movies, museums, concerts, shows. I miss seeing people walking and talking. That’s it, now I’m getting depressed. I’ll tell you what I enjoy. Being with my husband and not rushing out in the morning. We have also made a decision that we allow two friends into our house. We have also been able to save money because we aren’t traveling, eating out, and doing all the things we are missing. Think we are going to need the savings after things get back to normal.
  7. 1 point
    I will go with, because they are self centred assholes! No woman needs to do anything they do not want to sexually for any man and they shouldn’t. There are plenty of people out there that would be more then happy to play with them on their terms. As far as we are concerned women hold the power when it comes to sex as much as men don’t want to hear it. The days of men getting what they want when they want from women are long gone. I don’t know why any woman would tolerate it. They can do better.
  8. 1 point
    I have never understood the amount of people in the lifestyle that are homophobic. I had one lady say they wouldn't play with a bi guy because she didn't want him checking out her man's butt ?. We know several LS couples where the guy is at least bi curious. But it's almost an instant "pass" for most other couples if you identify as bi or bi curious. While I am straight, I never say never. And with a couple of drinks and under the right circumstance.....who knows?
  9. 1 point
    I say it doesn’t hurt to experiment in bisexuality if the actor is curious themselves. It just seems to me that every profile on SLS lists the woman as bi or bicurious and I doubt that many women are interested. Conversely, very few males are listed as bi or bisexual because so many males in couples are militantly against male bisexuality. I bet many more males are bi or bi-curious than are listed. It’s a peculiar dynamic in the lifestyle that female bisexuality is so much more acceptable than male.
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