Agreed first and foremost we miss the simple things. Getting together with friends and family.
But from a swinging perspective: we were real active pre-kids, much less so while raising them, sent our youngest to college in Sept. 2019, didn't do much for the rest of that year, then made New Years resolutions to get back into the "swing of things". We had a good start in 2020 then BAM. The pandemic hit, the kids came home... So we missed all the stuff we said we would do: lifestyle clubs, resorts, houseparties and private parties. We were fortunate to connect with a single male (old LS friend) over the summer and we managed a couple playdates just the 3 of us, but we were really hoping to relive some of what we experienced 20 long years ago! So our big return to the Lifestyle wound up being a handful of threesomes at home lol!
But we know it could be worse!