Thanks for the EXCELLENT feedback. This is also very useful, and helpful.
Well my wife and I have been talking all week. We had somewhat a of a breakthrough actually. My wife had a good conversation with the other wife which gave my wife an idea of where the other wife is emotionally and practically with swinging. It opened my wife's eyes and really put her at ease about a few things.
So much that she told me last night after having such a good conversation with the other wife she would actually be ok if I fucked her. However, I know that won't happen because like I said she's not attracted to the other husband enough to make it a full swap for everyone. So we are sticking to our rules. Best thing is. Our communication has reached a whole other level this week. It was always good, but this week even better. I also amended one of our rules, because I felt strongly about doing so. One of our rules. Is we only play together. Last night I amended it to. My wife can play alone with the other wife only. There have been a few trips, and girls nights where I know those two would have loved to play. So I opened that door. I realized, that really doesn't bother me and if it could increase her enjoyment, and show the trust I have why not?
Very productive week. Thanks folks.