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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2022 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Still fresh from a house party I’ll try to write what happened. We are still very new to this whole scene and Linda and I promised we would always talk after and say what we did. It’s funny how we can remember the minute things and can’t remember a name. Love Linda said she was with Jeff, I thought it was George. I read on a number of posts that kissing can be an issue with others, it doesn’t seem to be an issue with the group we have met. We all kissed on our first meetings and last night it wasn’t a problem with any of the partyers. We knew and played with the host and two others at the party and not with the three others. Linda and I agree we are still the outsiders, the newbies where the others all know one another. My feeling it was a plus because everyone wanted to meet us. It didn’t take long for things to heat up with one of the wives I just met started kissing me and guiding my hands. I looked over and Linda was busy too. Plenty of fun for both of us, Linda said something strange for me to hear, had nothing to do with size, she said, her words, he had a gorgeous cock. I laughed and asked what? I asked if he was large. No. It was just a very pretty cock. I had to laugh. I asked if the sex was good with him and she said it was, she said she came a few times. I figured the comment about a gorgeous cock had something to do with that, she said it was just an observation. It was during secondary sex when she was doing a 69 with him she noticed how it looked perfect. I said you were just high, she laughed a said yeah. Best part she isn’t sure of his name. Hysterical. Have any other woman made comments about how a cock looks outside of size?
  2. 3 points
    My wife has mentioned that she had fucked some guys that have a large difference between the head of their penis and the rest of the shaft and that she finds it more pleasurable than most dicks. Daniela says that it feels particularly good as he enters and exits the entrance to her vagina. I guess if she saw another guy like that she'd like to fuck him.
  3. 2 points
    My poll, so I go first. When we met and later when we started having sex, Daniela was still in relationships with two other guys (married) who she fucked regularly, and one woman she saw occasionally. I and my ex-wife still amicably got together after our divorce to discuss the kids and other matters and would end up screwing. Later, we just got together for sex when we wanted. After Daniela and I started having sex together and knew it was love, over a couple of months she started having less sex with the other guys, then stopped seeing them. I just told my ex that I found someone else and although the sex with her was great, I didn't want to do it anymore. She understood. All that made it easy for us to go back in the other direction and start having sex with others again after we got married.
  4. 2 points
    Does your wife find any of your, or her, other friends attractive? It may be time to move on. Your can always bring the best man/godfather back later.
  5. 1 point
    My wife and I were out with another couple who is almost certainly vanilla. In telling us how they met, they both admitted that when they first started "sleeping together" they were both in relationships that included sex with someone else, she even living with another guy. They got things sorted out, fell more deeply in love, moved in together, got married. So I was was wondering, who else among us started this way? It's probably not all that unusual even among non-swingers to transition to new love interests while overlapping with an old sex partner.
  6. 1 point
    When it comes to playing, using friends is not the best idea. If anything eventually goes sideways, there is a very likely chance that they will tell everyone what you do in your bedroom (and with whom you do it). Also, most friends are not ready to deal with the emotional aspect of what is happening. All too often, they will think sex=love and since they are having sex with you or your partner, they must be in love. It is always safer to swing with swingers who know that sex is just sex and are much better prepared to handle any emotional 'confusions'. If one wants to catch a fish, it is best to try where you know that there are fish. If you want to swing, it is best to try with other swingers.
  7. 1 point
    Funny wrinkled tennis ball, I have to chuckle. Reminds me of Shwetty Balls. This discussion about a gorgeous penis is something I only thought to myself and never openly mentioned. There is one man we play with who I secretly think his penis is perfect in look and length, easy to go full deep on it, he also keeps his balls clean shaven. I have been told I have a pretty looking pussy by a woman which meant a lot to me. Think men only care that it’s a pussy that is clean and not smelly and don’t comment on attractiveness.
  8. 1 point
    You may think it strange, but I immediately looked at a man's testicles. A nice pair of large balls hanging separately and distinctly in his scrotum attracts me and turns me on. That's what Red has. Hubby's scrotum looks like half a wrinkled tennis ball attached down there and I have to search for his testicles. Not such a good look.
  9. 1 point
    A bold suggestion: perhaps your wife and your friend could get together without your presence. It would lower the pressure on him and create more opportunities for them to do so. After he has overcome his performance anxiety, then you three can use the limited opportunities to get together for what will then seem like natural and comfortable sex.
  10. 1 point
    Honestly our social circle kinda took a massive nose dive after we had our daughter. Those we had been friends with didn’t really like that we had responsibilities and as time passed other obligations would throw a wrench into our plans such as my training and work schedule at the hospital. now my daughter is a bit older but my wife and I really truly have only two days out of the month to really do anything when my in law can watch our daughter. the benefit we had with my friend is that I have known him for so long that it was like expedited shipping as all the concerns and talk most people would have were already addressed and we could focus on the most important parts .
  11. 1 point
    That is what swinging should be, talking after is very much part of the fun Kissing is situational for us. Some men think they should kiss if they are having sex, for me if I am meeting a man for sex I don’t need to be kissed. If we will have a relationship I want to know your name, if it’s a one time thing I don’t care who you are. I have said before that size is more visual, less sexual. Seeing a bigger one is exciting, perfectly shaped I can also understand the gorgeous remark. Proportionate head to shaft to balls. Clean looking. PJ I’m sure you have a preference on what a pussy should look like, it has nothing to do with the person. Some people are just better looking overall.
  12. 1 point
    Sometimes wishes come true.
  13. 1 point
    Definitely mostly pee. Question is, is there any other magic ingredient in it? And what's it for?
  14. 1 point
    Hi Popcorn! I'm originally from New York so I know "hamlet" is an actual designation and not a character from a Shakespearean play Anyway... Congrats on your first play date with a stranger! I'm sorry it wasn't quite perfect though Some people are ok playing with "swingles", and you might get some opinions to that effect here. We are not. If the guy is willing to be dishonest to his wife, what else is he being dishonest with? Maybe he has an STD and isn't saying? Who knows? He's also willing to risk destabilizing his child's home life and world. To us, that's despicable. My wife and I have never knowingly had a threesome with a single male who was married. We do look for telltale signs, and we ask straight up if they are and why they're single. We have turned away a couple of guys who we figured out were married and cheating. If you feel horrible about participating in a guy cheating, then don't. On your feelings about having seen Mr. Popcorn having oral; that's hard to unpack. The emotions around it may take some time to figure out. It might be a thing where you're ok with the thought of him doing it, but don't want to see it. Or, it could be that you're not ok with it at all. That can be a rule for the two of you; no guy-guy play, or guy-guy is ok but not if you're in the same room. That's ok. Really, it is! Just so long as you're both on the same page and go in to future encounters with the same understanding.
  15. 1 point
    Unfortunately, your friend suffers from a very common problem in the L/S. It's hard (no pun intended) for lots of people to get over that what they are doing is okay, especially if they have spent a lifetime being taught that it isn't okay. Luckily there is a pill for it...
  16. 1 point
    I agree that I condensed the story more happened in between things and the lead up to going to the hotel happened over many hours. I also didn’t want the focus of the story to be about how drunk we were but that was a major factor. After they had sex she immediately passed out. Her response or not wanting to talk about wasn’t so much a controlling thing but more of embarrassment about what happened and wanting to forget it. I was a total pushover in that situation and looking back thing she was more trying to get me to get the guy out of there and instead I caused it to go much farther.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    A bloody big step from drinks at the bar to your buddy's wife sucking your cock! "One thing leading to another" sure covered a lot of ground in a hurry. As long as everyone enjoyed their selves.
  19. 1 point
    I think that's a really interesting level of self-awareness about your commitment to new things. Just make sure you're looking out for your own needs and being honest with yourself. On check-ins, other people may have better ideas, but it is both of our responsibilities to respect any boundaries we set verbally. It is also both of our responsibilities to speak up, and it's both of our responsibilities to make sure there's a way for the other person to be heard. We can both unilaterally veto anything at any time, and that means it ends with no recriminations - a rule I learned here and that I think a lot of people here work under. Even when once in a while, we play separately, we both get text message notifications on our fitness trackers. (Not for this, just in general.) There is no "the phone was dead" or "I didn't see the message, I was too busy getting oral" excuse, etc. We turn on location tracking and know where each other are physically located on Earth if it rises to the level of needing to show up, and also for basic safety. This isn't a cuckold/cuckquean situation. There's no room for humiliation or closed doors or uncertainty. These are straightforward rules. I will also note that the first time we played, we went to take a shower after the pool and connected verbally there. Were we both having a good time? Did we like what happened? Did we want to stay longer or was this played out? Getting a couple of minutes alone after a session is probably not a bad idea.
  20. 1 point
    From my perspective it is Extremely HOT!!! From my husband's he most definitely enjoyed receiving it, even spit roasted, and bareback.
  21. 1 point
    So I'm an extreme doggy lover, bury my face in the bed and ass in the air and you can pound me into the bed. I also love being on top and riding him hard. It is super yummy.
  22. 1 point
    My wife has backed a guy up against the wall so his movement was limited but not hers. Seemed like she was really fucking HIM.
  23. 1 point
    My guess is that the reasons they disappear are as diverse as there are people. Others tell me that single men are notorious for not showing up. That may be because a lot of "single men" are really married. Have you considered finding a couple who would be willing to "trade threesomes?" Not only do they seem to be more reliable and discrete, they offer a lot more possibilities: two different MFMs, two different FMFs, etc. Mr. Alura
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