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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/2023 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    "Would we choose 'us'?" It depends on what choices are being made, doesn't it? Is this elementary school, and we are choosing up teams for dodgeball? Is this high school, and we are choosing the prom king and queen? Is this college admissions, and we are choosing based on probability of success? ...and perhaps more on point.... Is this people on SLS (and similar sites) to send out an introductory message? Is this people to go up to and have a conversation with at a house party or LS resort? Is this people to get naked and play with? (not quite the same as the line above) What binds all of this together is the idea that those choices are always made in context of the choosers perception of what they want/need/desire at a particular time coupled with the "catalog" issue. By the catalog issue we mean the following. If you go to some high end supermarket, you can 35 types of peanut butter. You can stand there reading the labels for hours. If you go to the convenience story, you have creamy and chunky. Easier choice, and you can think clearly among the limited number of options. We think that at SLS and similar sites (our profile name there is the same as here except without the space between the two words) , we are likely to get lost in the crowd, which is fine with us. We are older, certainly not flashy at this point (never have been, either), and our profile is going to be seen as TL;DR etc. We think that at a party/cruise/resort, yes we would choose us to start a conversation precisely because we are easy to approach and give thoughtful and engaging responses. All of this even while not breaking mirrors or frightening small animals. We are not movie stars, but attend to appearance, grooming, hygiene, fitness, and overall health. Suppose we get to/past the point of 'that's an interesting couple' and are asking 'where might this go?' . We would most assuredly choose us because we respect pace and boundaries. We are never in a rush, make it a point to be sensitive to how others are responding to the situation, respect limits and so on. That's fairly rare, at least in our experience. In summary, it depends on who is doing the choosing. For most choosers, many couples will easily make a first cut, but have progressively less chance of being chosen on a second or third round. We might well have trouble making others' first cut, yet our chances will improve at each succeeding cut. It depends on their clarity of "what they want".
  2. 1 point
    The deed is done. I sent a full-frontal nude of my wife - in the shower, glistening wet, not even a glass shower door to obscure the view - with the simple comment: "We have been enjoying Alicia's pic all week. Fair is fair. Enjoy!" A minute later: "OMG 😳" Then: "Fuck!! 🤩" Then: "But we sent that as payment for your services. Now we owe you again!" I don't want an ongoing pic exchange, so I replied "Let's get together in the new year and settle it then. Merry Christmas!" So it seems the story continues. In 25 years of swinging we have "broken in" several new couples, but never actual vanilla friends before. So at this point, we are open to any suggestions regarding next steps!
  3. 1 point
    Being sexually attractive to men and other women is a strong, perhaps the primary, motivator for me to not overeat and to workout hard. That's me as well, but I do think that in this world of the obese most people like seeing fit. My concern was always my small breasts, but I found there's a market for that. The "meat" on me is muscle. There's a market for that as well. Although it's still necessary sometimes to put a pillow under my ass for missionary. We in our poly family are all pretty fit. The downside is that hard workouts during the weekdays after work has diminished the men's nighttime sexual abilities as they have gotten into their thirties.
  4. 1 point
    I get it about the looks part, but I like to swap on vacation and personality has much more influence than looks. If someone is beautiful but has a personality like a doorknob, it doesn't fly with me. I would choose a woman like me, not afraid to experiment and push the limits.
  5. 1 point
    Agree with @KatrinaandDriverX, @curiousmarriedwoman your husband is not ready for this. I see too many red flags, even if he agrees to take it on your terms, he is not ready.
  6. 1 point
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