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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Our hubbies suddenly have a new passion. When finished the first time, us girls cleaning up our pussies is not allowed. They like to fuck the pussy the other has filled before. We have no problems with that because we get our fun. Both hubbies said it is evidence that their close friendship is working. Let us know your experience. Sometimes men are indeed...
  2. 1 point
    Who cares it is just a title that has different meanings to different people that use it! There is no special badge of honour for it. We have known people that do swap with others that do not like to use that title. Just live your life the way you want and don’t worry about it.
  3. 1 point
    Even with my parameters I would say you are part of the community . People worry way too much about labels. The labels are important when trying to be precise, otherwise , not so much.
  4. 1 point
    Sex in front of others for self gratification and performance art, to turn on other couples or singles, qualifies as swinging in my book. Even though nobody touched nuthin on the other couple. Tell us some of your "soft swinging" episodes. Did either of you want more? Were you both okay with your level of participation? I think soft swingers are hot!
  5. 1 point
    It's something that should be done with birth control. The multiple creampie parties are great if that is your fun.
  6. 1 point
    Slopping seconds as it's called is not the cup of tea for many but at hard core swinging parties that may be the Normal thing. DON'T knock it until tried. For a woman's perspective of it all...WOW... semen is the best lubrication. DID it a few times and enjoyed those wild parties...
  7. 1 point
    My wife goes bareback with two men and it's a turn-on for me when she's filled. I'm not gay or bi but I love to eat her pussy after she's been with another guy.
  8. 1 point
    My wife had a b/f for about ten years, a very close friend before I met her, but not then a sex partner. When we ventured into the lifestyle, she called him and she saw him off and on for ten years. This was prior to HIV. He was our first venture into the lifestyle, she went to him, and she spent hours with him and came home to me. We were both very excited and we were undressing her as she recounted the evening and at one point, she started pushing me down, and down. When it dawned on me what she wanted.... duh.... it drove me nuts, the idea of eating her and the fact that she wanted it. I'd never see her that excited in all the time we'd been married. And, of course, in other ventures she always preferred our guest go first. Who was I to argue? She just loved the idea of someone else's cum being there before me.
  9. 1 point
    90% of the time my wife Aimee goes bareback, which is a lot, several times a week with other men we meet. I love to have sloppy 2nds even 5ths or more. Feels great and yes I do eat the creampies occasionally and I am not gay or bi.
  10. 1 point
    I have done it with my wife after she has been with her BF many times & enjoyed it. He was in a bad marriage & hadn't had sex in several years. He was checked out & was STD free, so my wife decided to start barebacking with him. I have barebaked the occational woman who hasn't made the rounds so to speak as well.
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