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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2024 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Great fun! Perhaps some of her role play can involve a little flirting with other bar patrons before working her way to you 😛
  2. 1 point
    Hi , thanks .( once again ) to answer a few questions. yes I would like to see my wife play with another guy and him her , maybe go all the way , if she’s into that . I would like to have a soft play with a woman and then and I can have sex together. perhaps a soft swap with another couple at some stage would be something I would like to do together. But atm in good to just let her get played with . Your right about the taboos and what’s said , we have worked hard on getting where we are today , and near enough every area we can say things like how we dress and other stuff , it’s not about what’s said but how it’s delivered. You know the story I guess . anyways I like the suggestion about eventually I’ll have to cross the bridge , she’s not stupid and as I said in a previous post there’s not a lot we do t do other than swingers / threesome and couple swaps , we ruled out anal as neither of us are into that and that’s was easy to discuss . I think she would be blown away if I just said would you Like to have a play with another man or sex , at this time it would freak her out and not only that she was not there yet . from my wife’s conversations o think she wouldn’t mind going to a swingers club and just us watching a bit and getting turned on at first and see how it goes . We got an evening planned where she will Meet me in a bar and rile play an escort, something she said yea perhaps that will be nice , which means in her language yes.
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