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About Botcpl

  • Rank
    Swingers Board Addict
  • Birthday 06/11/1951

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  • Location
    34 N 11.120 118 W 17.179
  • Interests
    Him: sailing Her: Hotels
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  1. That sort of takes the fun out of doing things together, doesn't it? Besides, it is so hard to keep everything you do a secret and that takes the fun out of it too. I would think most people looking for "a fling" are actually looking for something a little more long term. I don't think anyone is just hanging around home hoping their "friend" doesn't have anything else planned.
  2. In my world, being a cheater would be a lot easier to deal with. Not that it is right, but that is how it is. The rumor mill would continue to ramp up, but if known as a swinger, it would ramp up into overdrive and then who knows the stories that would be made up. We're not swinging (looked into it, she's not comfortable with it) and we're not cheaters, but even a simple conversation can get me (usually) in trouble. Not with my wife, but with others. I tell her about every conversation, every day sail, etc. It sometimes gets to the point where I don't even want to go to the YC to talk to friends. Had a friend who came to the YC when we had a band playing. I was joking with her and another friend. At one point, she was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand it. I put my arm around her waist and leaned in so she could talk into my ear. Two days later, my wife gets a call from someone in the YC telling her I am getting too "close" to my friend (who I've known for five years. The other day I was told I was "dating" someone I haven't seen for months and when I did see her it was at the YC and it was, "Hi, haven't seen you for quite a while. How have you been?" So what do you think would happen if we were swinging? It is a bit of a rant, but I hope you get my drift.
  3. It's always better on the water.
  4. The thyroid can wreck your life if you are not careful. Most people go hypo, but she is sounding hyper and that can drive everyone crazy. You jump from action to action and everyone is too slow for you. You ask a question and as soon as someone syarts to answer you don't wait for them to finish, but jump to the next and get upset because they are taking so long. There are other things too, but get that checked out. There is a book called "The Thyroid Connection" I would check it out. When I went through it, my wife and I almost split up. If not treated, most people die of heart failure. My heart rate was 120 beats per minute instead of the normal 70. I could eat like a pig, but was loosing weight with no effort. I was always hot even when everyone had to wear coats because of the cold. Do not make any major life changes until you have this under control. It took some major meds and three years until I went into remission. (I didn't do the radiation thing) You would think a town like Los Angeles would have a support group, but no. Not that many people have it and lots of Doctors don't even recognize it. It is very heavey duty stuff. The thyroid is the thermostat of the body and controls everything. Get it taken care of. Botcpl
  5. It is funny what lables can do. If I invite someone for dinner at the "yacht club" their eyes roll and I can see the images of mega yachts and and silver buckets to ice the champagne down. If I say my "sailing club" the reply is, "oh, that sounds like fun." even though it's the same building and the same people. The only time I've seen a silver bucket was from a visiting boat when they asked me where they could get some ice. It was pretty funny, but they did know how to sail. P
  6. You might have turned down meeting some very nice people. They might have had more money than you, but they might not have been the type to flaunt it. You do have a lot in common: you walk this earth like other humans, you married and raised families and have a lot of the same issues, clean air and water and the traffic you each deal with going to work. I was talking to a retired accountant about boating and said the only reason I could do the boating I do is because I can fix everything myself. He was lamenting how it cost him $250 to fix a problem that turned out to be two $25 switches and how he wished he could fix things like me. But maybe boaters are a different lot. Nothing levels the playing field like 30 knot winds and 15 foot seas.
  7. A professional is someone who gets paid for it. I am afraid it is being used as a class distinction and not properly so. I am a carpenter by trade. Through my trade I became a construction expert. That lead me to being part of a real estate development team that includes accountants, lawyers and engineers. Last night they told me how glad they are to have me on their team because they would have been lost without me. In act, one keeps saying, "...and you learned all of this by being a carpenter?" "Aaah...yeah." I think we all have to be discrete whether you are a brain surgeon or a taxi driver, we all have the right to privacy. As far as class distinction goes, the content of you heart is more important than the content of your bank account. Several years ago I was at a social function and wound up at a table where this guy let me know that he was better than me because he was a lawyer and a professional and I was only a contractor. Later he was talking to me about remodeling his kitchen and I had to let him know, "Sorry, I don't work for attorneys, they work for me."
  8. Lots of people die in restaurants, nightclubs and at home on the toilet...there's no shame in any of it. P
  9. It's usually the male half (me) who spends most of the time on line. She works different hours, so I have more computer time. I report back on any "finds" or happenings.
  10. I enjoy it when mine are played with, just one more item on the list I enjoy.
  11. Well, it is a nice place. That is basically what it costs, this is a jazz club so we're paying for more than the food. We could go to "Tommy's" (A hamburger place out here), but the candles keep getting blown out in the dinning room "the patio". I can feed the four of us for $20, but it ain't so romantic. Drinks at hotels are very expensive, drinks at our yacht club are more realistic , $3.50 for well drinks, $4.50 for a Martini., $2.00 for draft beer, but the patio overlooking the marina is free. P
  12. It costs $ to have a good time. Ms Botcpl and I can easily go through $ 80-100 for dinner & drinks for just the two of us. Second homes, like boats, are only worth it if you use them. Out here, a one bedroom apartment would run about $850/mo or more. The nice things about boats is you can move your apartment around. P
  13. I think you two should sit down and talk to each other. Remember this is a TEAM SPORT! You should level with the other guy, he should dump you like a used rag. When you play with matches.... Maybe you two need to step back and rethink the whole thing. Maybe the couple thing is the way to go, maybe the whole swinging thing should be on hold. People who play games are only happy when they're playing. P
  14. You had to sign a paper? Do you have a form you use with all your playmates or is this for the club? I can just see it now,..."Hey Baby, I really have the hots for you, but first you have to sign this and have it Noterized." "No problem Honey, I'll just run it by my attorney first. I'll get back with you in a day or two." P
  15. We're talking and going about trying to meet people now and then. I think it is a matter of meeting the right people. When everything finally clicks, I sure it will be a blast.
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