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Roman Hands

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About Roman Hands

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/20/1959

Personal Info

  • Relationship Status
    Couple with bi-male
  • Location
    Twain Harte
  • Interests
    We like many outdoor sports, snow skiing, hiking, fishing, biking, rv'ing, boating and working out.
  • Occupation
    Financially Independent
  • Swinging Experience

Swinger Info

  • SLS Name
  • Favorite Club(s)
    None yet
  1. 45 minutes???????????, 15 minutes???????????? I take it these time constraints are for play partners, not husbands and wives, or SO and SO? If I don't get at least an hour of lovemaking with my wife, I feel cheated. Of course, that hour is consumed by a lot of foreplay. We're firm believers in the "journey"!
  2. Not into it ourselves, but there is a community of those who practice "urine therapy". Everything from bathing in it to DRINKING it! Doctor Oz was on the Oprah show a few days ago and said that he has told his friends in the military, serving in the war, that if wounded and no other means of cleansing is available, to irrigate the wound with urine. Urine is apparently sterile when it is excreted. It becomes no longer sterile when left to sit. Go figure!
  3. Italian scientists found far higher levels of NGF in the blood of 58 people who had recently fallen madly in love than in that of a group of singles and people in long-term relationships. But after a year with the same lover, the quantity of the 'love molecule' in their blood had fallen to the same level as that of the other groups. No intended disrespect to the scientist of my heritage, but.....I say horsepucky! Yeah, yeah we all have heard about the "science" of sex. And I don't disagree that certain "chemical" reactions occur when two people meet. But it has been pretty well established that men and women approach sex differently, for the most part. And I think men are more "proned" to "puppy love" symptoms than women. Largely because men have such a need (myself included) for ego "strokes". And it doesn't take much for us! An attractive women, other than our SO, shows us attention, no matter how slight, and "KABOOM" we're in love!! We have been married 18 years. Neither of us have ever had, nor even been tempted, to have an "affair"...a la carte. We retired at 40, and for the last 9 years, have been inseperable 24/7. And WE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we travel, we hike, we work out, we play, we have sex, we have sex, we have sex (you get the picture )We are beyond "best friends" (unless you are having 2 hour lovemaking sessions with your best friend). Our love life, our sex, is not a smoldering fire that sometimes needs fanning. Its a couple of "mad" dogs in heat that have to be hosed down to seperate. We both still get the butterflys and adrenalin rush. Often she says she has to catch her breath! I know, as does she, that if either of us ever met someone who caused us that level of intense desire, then we as a couple are through! Inviting a playmate or playmates, to our bed, is simply another "toy" in our arsenal of sex toys. We don't say that to be rude or degrading, its just how we view it. And we would hope that the playmate, or playmates, would view us in the same way. I suppose it goes back to the question of sex versus love. After a friend of mind was divorced for the 5th time! another friend said to him....You know, you don't HAVE to marry every woman you have sex with! My suggestion is that you quit the "puppy love" behavior and figure out, with your wife, just what you DO have and DO NOT have, in your relationship with each other. And then decide whether you want to build on it or tear the whole thing apart and either start over, or walk away.
  4. Anyone who has ever had a colonoscopy can attest to how MUCH girth and length our various orifices can handle DP or DV, has been on my "to do" list for some time. Just haven't found the right "co-pilot" for the ol' cockpit yet! If you are looking for training films on this subject, may I suggest http://www.onlydp.com
  5. AGREE!!!!!.....but we seem to be in the minority! There is a difference between a calculated risk and deliberate indifferance!
  6. I don't have any "in the moment" suggestions for the guys. But this subject does bring to point the relationship between good sex and good health. The better you take care of yourself, mentally and physically, the better your sex life will be. Men, on average, live shorter and less healthy lives than women. Why??? Quit smoking, lose some weight, exercise, take some time away from work and quit eating donuts with beer chasers. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish without the "blue pill" crap. Personally, on "big" nights I like to hit the gym hard in the afternoon, and then fuel up on fresh, wild salmon. Follow up with a short nap (my Italian heritage demands it). A COLD shower to wake up the senses and I'm good for hours of "activity". And at 49, I'll match my "engine" and "throttle control" against any 30 year old! Guys, the least we should do is treat our body as well as our last new car!
  7. Oh yeah, one other I remember, long before my bride.....In the judge's chambers, during lunch recess. Not with the judge though, with his female bailiff!....And no, I wasn't on trial, I was one of the good guys! (The statue of limitations has run out which is the only reason I'm copping to the deed! )
  8. Lost World Caverns, Lewisburg, West Virginia https://www.lostworldcaverns.com/ We were living in Virginia for several months in 1995 while I was attending Quantico. One weekend we went camping in West Virginia. We happened across the Caverns and decided to take a tour. The young girl at the register handed us a couple of flashlights and directed us to the entrance. We were a bit surprised by the informality, but were excited about exploring on our own. The Caverns were lit by floodlights, however there were many dimly lit areas just off the trail. Within a few minutes we realized that we were the only ones on the trail. We quickly shot each other a knowing look and slipped behind a large boulder just off the trail. In the dim light I quickly slipped my throbbing manhood deep into my brides rose. We made a quicky of it, dressed and stepped back onto the trail. We were giggling like school kids. At that moment, an elderly couple rounded the corner and nodded hello to us. I don't know if they saw anything, but if they did, I hope it inspired them! That was our one and only experience at "hard rock" mining!
  9. What do you call the bird that brings the baby?.....a stork What do you call the bird that brings NO baby?.....A SWALLOW! Yeah, I know, its a 6th grade joke! Years ago the Mrs. read that blueberrys sweeten a mans love "nectar". We tried it out, and sure enough, she said I turned sweeter than a huckleberry pie! Ever since, I have at least one blueberry protein shake a day!
  10. Lets cut to the chase....the odds that counseling is going to repair your marriage are about the same that you will win the lotto. It sounds to me like you had "issues" before this swap took place. And, while there are two sides to every story, if your story bears any likeness to the truth, your husband is a selfish jerk. How could he miss what a miserable time you were having? Obviously he was more interested in his own satisfaction. Bottom line, you have a serious fracture in this relationship. Bite the bullet, acknowledge the raw truth and make a decision, stay or walk away! Good luck
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