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Everything posted by yachtclub

  1. not aware of any clubs in south dakota, we went to vegas
  2. First time club experience was a disappointment, it was fun but very closed group, we then went to a sponsored meet and greet and it was absolutely great, met lots of wonderful people. If anything it was even more sexually charged environment then we expected. Everyone was great to us and we now have several new friends. We were overwhelmed and flattered by all the invitations to play. Everyone was let us know we were welcome and within minutes we were at ease and having a great time. Lots of soft play for us there and at an after hours event. We now have lots of options and are looking forward to this lifestyle, my wife is perfectly at ease with this latest group and looking forward to more. This message board has been a great help to us and we might not have had such a great time without all the little tips we get here. Like just be honest and let people know what you are comfortable with, many want more but go slow in the beginning. We are also surprised how many couples "volunteered" to help guide us in our new journey. We are now going to try more clubs and are looking to book a lifestyle trip to hedonism. Thanks everyone especially sunbuckus.
  3. this is a great discussion, all the concerns we have. we are going to a club for the first time tomorrow. not sure how it will be. we are very apprehensive but excited. looking to play together only but in a sexually charged environment, possible touching with another couple and same room sex if the situation works. i am wondering about the jealousy issues most of all. thanks for all the great postings
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