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A Memorable Thanksgiving


There is an Indian Casino not far from Albuquerque that Jo and I like to go to, mainly because they have a bar. This particular Thanksgiving I had four days off, and our friends were out of town, so we decided not to have Thanksgiving Dinner at home, but just go there for the buffet.


We got there about 2 p.m., and while Jo got us a table, I got us each a glass of wine. When I finally got a couple of plates and settled down to eat, I noticed a good-looking silver-blond directly in my line of sight at another table. While Jo and I ate and talked, I would occasionally see the woman looking in our direction. Once, when she raised her coffee cup as I picked up my wine glass, I nodded to her and raised my glass a little higher. She smiled and tipped her cup toward me, and we both drank while watching each other. Jo was busy eating and didn't notice, and neither did the man the blond was with. A little later, when they got up to get some more to eat, I pointed them out to Jo. She agreed that they were a good-looking couple.


Jo and I finished and decided to go to the bar and watch the game for a while (Dallas and somebody), and the blond and her companion were still eating. By half time it was a blowout, and Jo wanted to play her favorite slot machine. I went into the poker room, but they only had one table and twelve players. So I wandered around and watched the blackjack and craps for a while. I don't gamble much, just poker. As I moved toward the other machine area, I saw the blond standing by one of the machines with an unlit cigarette in one hand and digging in her purse. Being a gentleman, I walked up and flicked my Zippo to offer her a light. She thanked me and drew on her cigarette. I then asked her if she came here often? That's when she looked up to see who I was. She seemed to recognize me from the dining room, and smiling, asked me if I was trying to pick her up?


I smiled back at her and said, "Of course I am." Then I told her that my wife and I had seen her and her companion in the dining room, and as they were alone like us, I would like to invite them to the bar for a drink. And that Jo would join us as soon as she had lost her money in the slot machine. Just then he walked up, and the blond introduced him as her husband, Jim. I told him my name, shook his hand, and learned the blond was named Pam. I again invited them for a drink, and they both said yes.


Now a little about us. Jo is a blond haired, blue eyed, 5' 4" 125 pounds of well-built woman with a 36 C or D bust depending on the bra style. Pam had to be at least 5' 9", and slender, with green eyes. I couldn't tell much about her figure because she had on a bulky sweater and baggy jeans. Jim was 6', maybe 180 pounds, with dark hair and blue eyes. I am 5' 11", 145, blond, and brown eyes.


On the way to the bar, I caught Jo's eye and pointed to the bar. She nodded and held up one finger (not that one), and I understood she would be there soon. Jim and Pam asked for white wine, so I got four and went to a table away from the football watchers so we could talk. We had just gotten seated when Jo joined us, so I made introductions. Jim seemed not to want to let her hand go as they shook. It was a small table so we could all talk without raising our voices too much. In fact, it was so small I was touching knees with Jo on my right, and Pam on my left. I'm sure Jim was also playing kneesies with Pam and Jo.


We talked about all kinds of things. They were almost exactly our age, and their kids were gone too. They had come to Albuquerque just to get away from everything and were staying at a hotel not far from where we live. They were like us in that they were well-educated professionals and could talk about a range of subjects knowledgeably. By the third round of wine, we were laughing it up like old friends. We were telling blond jokes, and I said that I could get away with it because I was the only natural blond at the table. Pam gave me a quizzical look, and I asked if she was too? She blushed and nodded. I then said she would have to prove it to me sometime. That's when she looked at Jim, and I could see he had a funny look on his face.


BINGO! I looked at Jo, and she was smiling real big. I leaned across the table and asked if they were swingers. Jim stammered a bit and then said they had talked about it but had never found anyone outside their circle of friends they would try with. I then said that Jo and I occasionally found some people, but not regularly. I looked at Pam and told her I would love to suck her pussy until she came at least three times, then fuck her until she screamed. She blushed and looked at Jim. But he was listening to Jo tell him she would suck his dick until his ears were indented and then ride it until he couldn't get it up again for a week. I then asked Jim if he would like to get his hands and mouth on her tits? He stammered a bit, glanced at Pam, looked at Jo's tits, then said yes!


That did it. We were on our way out the door and driving to our place. It had started to get dark, so Pam rode with me, and Jo with Jim, so he wouldn't get lost. It only took 30 minutes, but Pam seemed nervous. As we talked, she seemed to relax and told me she had never been with anyone but Jim. She was a late bloomer and was always tall and skinny, always taller the boys in high school. She and Jim got together in college and married. By the time we arrived home, she was much more relaxed, as I didn't push anything in the car.


We all got to our place at the same time. When we got inside, I put on an oldies station with some soft rock. Everyone wanted to continue with the white wine, so I poured four glasses, and we settled down to talk some more. After a few minutes, Rod Stewart's 'Tonight's the Night' started playing. I stood and asked Pam to dance. The best place in our house to dance is the entrance hall, which is tile. It was also kind of dark because I had dimmed the living room lights.


Pam was quite slender but felt good in my arms. I could feel her pointy tits poking into my chest, and I started to get hard. I did not have to reach down far to lick the side of her neck. She tasted good. I nuzzled her neck and ear while she rubbed her crotch against mine. I looked over and saw Jim and Jo dancing. He had both hands on her ass, and they were rubbing their crotches together. OK! So far, so good. I reached down with my left hand and cupped a very fine ass cheek. With my right, I went up under the back of her sweater to find a very smooth, warm back. I massaged her back up to her bra strap, and under it. She didn't do anything to stop me, except to melt closer into me.


Another slow song started, and by then our tongues were playing with each other as we kissed. I sneaked a peek over at Jim and Jo to see what they were doing. They were also kissing, but standing a little apart while his hands were up her blouse playing with her tits. I then unsnapped Pam's bra, and ran both hands up her sides and leaned back a bit to get to her tits. I pushed her bra up and found two very lovely pointy B cups with no sag at all. By this time, she had pulled my shirt up and was rubbing my back while pushing her crotch onto my hard cock.


That song ended, and I looked over to see that Jim and Jo were gone. Pam and I stepped into the living room to see Jim and Jo half-reclining on the couch. Jo's blouse was open, her bra pushed up to her neck, and Jim was sucking and rubbing her tits. I looked over to Pam, and her eyes were wide open, and she was licking her lips while watching them. I grabbed our wine glasses and told her that we should leave these two to themselves and see what kind of mischief we could get into. She seemed mesmerized by the sight of Jim and Jo, so I took her hand and led her down the hallway to the master bedroom.


I dimmed the lights and took her into my arms. I started kissing her and rubbing her back and sides again. While doing this, I slowly raised her arms and pulled off her sweater and bra. She still seemed a little shy until I started to lick, kiss, and suck her nipples. I laid her on the bed and continued to lavish her breasts. While doing this, I undid her belt and unzipped her jeans. My hand went under her panties to find a very fine tuft of hair. Pushing through this, I found a very warm and wet opening into which I pushed a finger. Her hips rose up as I fingered her, and started a side to side movement when I massaged her clit. I then started kissing and licking my way down toward this jewel.


I stopped at her belly bully button to suck and lick it a while. Then continued down while moving her jeans and panties lower. I stopped long enough to remove them and surprise, she was a natural blond! A very soft, silky, and fine mound of blond hair covered her pussy. And her aroma was intoxicating to me.


I now had her lying on the bed with her feet on the floor. So I knelt down and started kissing and licking her inner thighs and working toward the middle. By the time I got there, she was humping her hips up and down and making soft mewing sounds. I had just licked the outside of her pussy lips and flicked her clit a couple of times when she started cumming. Her hips jumped so fast that her mound almost broke my nose. But I stayed with it.


As she slowly came down, I continued to lick the outside of her lips and then worked my tongue inside. As I licked and sucked her hole, she started to cum again. I loved the taste of her juices and continued licking them up as she released them. Because her feet were on the floor, I still had a hard time keeping up with her moves. She finally settled down, and this was the time to go for her clit. I had just started to gently suck and tongue swirl her clit when she began to cum again. Was she hot! I was now in a position to see her pinch and kneed her own tits as she came this time. She seemed to most enjoy pinching her nipples hard and pulling on them, like she was trying to lift herself up by her breasts. It was way rougher than I would have ever been, but one thing I've learned is when a woman knows just what she needs and is doing it to herself, then don't get in her way! Her head was rolling back and forth, and a low moan was coming from her mouth. Her hips were again bucking like crazy.


Enough of this, I was bone hard and close to cumming myself. I stood up and stripped in under a minute. I couldn't wait and plunged my dick into her waiting cunt in one lunge. I started to piston in and out of her while she met me thrust for thrust. I didn't take long for both of us to climax. I could feel the muscles of her cunt like little fingers massaging my dick, and then they seemed to squeeze me like a clamp as I pumped my sperm into her deepest reaches. As my knees hit the floor, I lay my head on her stomach, panted from my exertions. Her stomach was also heaving, and I could hear her trying to breathe deeply to slow her panting.


In a few minutes, I moved up into the bed and pulled her with me. As we snuggled under the covers, I asked her if she was OK? She told me she was and that she wanted to do it again. I told her we would have to wait a while as I was worn out. She laughed and said she could wait because she was also worn out. After resting and talking for a while, I suggested that we join our spouses because I was thirsty, and could use something to eat. (Fucking always makes me hungry.)


I put on my robe and got a spare one of Jo's for Pam. We walked into the living room and found clothes thrown all over the place. I laughed and said that Jo and Jim seemed to have disappeared. Some alien must have beamed them up naked. Pam laughed and said that she didn't think that was what happened. I went back to the bedroom and got Jo's robe and a spare one of mine. I put my ear to the spare room door but didn't hear anything, so I knocked and asked if they were decent? Hearing a yes, I peeked in to see them both under the covers. I tossed in the robes and said we were hungry and thirsty, and drinks would be up in a few minutes, and a snack would be sweet. They both laughed, and Jo said she would be out in a minute.


I had just poured Pam and myself some wine when Jo and Jim came into the living room carrying their glasses. I poured theirs, and Jo asked what we would like to eat. I patted Pam's stomach and said something light, as I hate to sleep on a full stomach. Pam blushed, and we all laughed at that. While the girls were in the kitchen, Jim and I sat and talked about what had happened. He said that surprisingly, he was not jealous. He just hoped that Pam had as good a time as he did. I assured him that she seemed to. He told me that they had fantasized about swinging for over a year and that the reality was better than he had thought. I told him that the novelty of a new person enhances the experience; but only if they are compatible and if their permanent relationships are secure. If not, jealousy would intrude. We continued talking until the girls came in with the snacks.


After eating, and another glass of wine, Jim said it was getting late, and they should get back to their hotel. I told them that they could stay in the spare room if they wanted. Jim looked at Pam, and they both nodded but said they would have to go in the morning, as they needed to change. Jo said, "OK, we have to flip to see who sleeps where!" With a laugh, I said to Jim and Jo, "You two messed up the spare room, so you get to sleep there!" I then grabbed Pam's hand, and we raced to the master bedroom.


As we snuggled under the covers, I remembered that I had forgotten the cigs and wine. I told Pam I would be right back, threw on my robe, and went into the living room. There was Jo in my recliner, her legs over the arms, spreading her cunt open for Jim as he knelt in front of her eating her out. She had her eyes closed and was massaging her breasts as Jim sucked and licked happily at her cunt. She looked beautiful. My dick rose, and as I watched, and I began to slowly stroke myself. Maybe Jo sensed something because she opened her eyes, looked directly at me, and smiled. When she saw me stroking myself, she slowly licked her lips, smiled again, and shut her eyes to enjoy herself. That broke the spell, and I got the wine and cigs without disturbing them.


When I returned to the bedroom, Pam asked me what took me so long. I told her what I had seen. She laughed and said, "So that's what made you so hard! I would love to take care of it!" She moved down my chest, stopping to lick and suck my nipples for a few moments, then continued downwards. She knelt between my legs and started to pay homage to my erect dick. First, she blew on the tip, then slowly started licking around the head. Suddenly she took the head in her mouth and sucked. She continued sucking while slowly moving down the shaft. When she reached the base, she opened her mouth and slowly licked the under vein back to the head. She did this three times, and by the third, I was ready to cum. She must have sensed this because she grabbed my balls in one hand, and the base of my dick with the other, and squeezed like hell. I forgot all about cumming as I bucked and yelled. She released the pressure and smiled up at me. Then she started it all over again.


"Bitch!" I teased her with a grin. She just gurgled something back at me as she had her mouth full of my dick. Now that I knew what was coming, I tried my best to calm down. But soon, I was ready again. This time she raised up and grabbed me again. No squeeze, but I knew what not to do. I passed that moment quickly. She then moved up and sank her cunt down on my shaft. As she moved back and forth, I could again feel the muscles in her cunt massage me. She didn't move up and down, just back and forth, rubbing her clit on my pelvic bone with my dick shoved up her cunt as far as it could go. It didn't take long for her to cum that way, and as I felt her muscles squeeze me, I erupted into her. She was still sitting up but shuddering from her orgasm.


She then collapsed onto me, and we both tried to slow our breathing. I could still feel her cunt clenching and unclenching on my softening shaft. After a few minutes, she rolled off me, and we cuddled under the covers. I asked her where she had learned that technique with the squeeze? She giggled and said she had read about it and always wanted to try it. After a cigarette and a sip or two of wine, we came together like spoons with me holding a tit. We both drifted off to sleep.


I woke up the Friday morning after Thanksgiving horny as hell. I remembered every detail of last night. I looked over and saw that Pam had her back to me and seemed to be still asleep. I had to pee badly, so I quietly rolled out of bed and hit the bathroom. I gently sneaked back under the cover and wondered if Pam was willing to have a morning romp. (Jo never does, in fact, she can get downright hostile about it.) So I moved closer and settled my hard dick between the crack of Pam's ass. I reached over and started to gently massaged her mound as I worked my way toward her cunt. After a minute of gently rubbing her clit, she hummed deeply and seemed to stretch a little. Good sign!


I then reached a little lower and stuck a finger into her cunt. Warm and wet and sticky. So I moved a little lower and put the head of my dick at the entrance to her cunt. Using her juices to help lubricate the head, I settled it in the entrance of her cunt and just held it there. When she moved her knees toward her chest to give me better access, that's when I knew she was awake. I slowly inserted myself into her until I was snug against her ass, all the while massaging her clit. She hunched back at me, so I moved in and out with long slow strokes, all the while rubbing her clit. A few minutes of this and her hand came down to help me with her clit. I then grabbed her hips and started slamming it to her, hearing my stomach slap her ass cheeks and her moaning as we both started to cum. Her cunt grabbed my dick as I exploded into her.


We lay there for only a minute when she said that she had to pee really bad. She jumped up, pulling my semi-hard dick from her cunt, my jizz slowly running down her thigh. I got quite an eye full as I watched her ass cheeks jiggle across the floor. When she returned from the bathroom, she snuggled next to me, kissed my cheek, and said, "Good morning!" I said, "Yes, indeed, it is a good morning!"


After laying a while, I thought I should get up and showered. I gave her a new toothbrush, and we stood at the dual sinks and brushed our teeth. When finished, I told her the shower was open, and I needed to shave. I shaved real fast as I watched her get the water to the temperature she wanted. She had only been in for a few moments when I opened the door and joined her, asking if she wanted someone to wash her back? She smiled and said that I could wash her back, and anything else I thought needed it. OK! I washed her back, her front, her up, and her down. I washed every part of her that I could get to, and she helped me get to those parts.


Then she started washing me. She also got every part of me spotlessly clean. Sometimes she used her mouth to make sure things were squeaky clean.


By this time, the water was starting to cool, so we got out, and I dried every part of her I could find. This was tough. Every now and then I would lick a nipple, belly button, clit, etc. Then I would have to dry them again. She then started doing me the same way.


A little of this, and my dick was throbbing hard again, and I was ready to take her back to the bed. Just then there was a knock on the door, and Jo asked if we were coming out today? I told her yes, and Pam and I put on our robes. Jo said she wanted to clean up and wanted to do it in here. I told her we would put on the coffee, and Pam would take the other toothbrush to Jim.


A few minutes later, we all met at the breakfast nook for coffee and decided what to do today. They didn't want to go to the malls, so we agreed to pick them up at their hotel and visit Old Town. When they left, Jo and I had a late breakfast and talked about last night. I was glad to hear Jo saying she had a good time and would like to do it again. Only she missed sleeping with me. I agreed, and then told her Pam likes a morning romp. Jo smiled at me and said that I was always a horny bastard in the morning. We finished and puttered around the house; changed the sheets, quick vacuuming, played with the dogs (they acted like they had been neglected), etc.


We met Jim and Pam at the hotel, and I drove us all to Old Town. We all had a good time that afternoon as most people seem to be at the malls. We walked, looked, snacked, and they did some buying of the Indian stuff. When we drove them back to the hotel, we agreed to meet for dinner at a steakhouse close to our house. We dropped them off and went home to get ready for dinner. Jo and Pam seemed to get along very well together, and that relieved my mind. Sometimes women don't, and that makes for strained relations.


Dinner conversation was like when we first met. We all had a range of opinions on many topics, and Jim and I tried to change each other's minds on some items, but all in good humor. The girls were really dressed up. Both wore black dresses, but different. Jo's big tits were almost falling out of the top, and the skirt barely covered her ass. She doesn't dress like this often, and she looked really hot. Pam's dress covered her to her neck, but she had a slit down the front that proved she wasn't wearing a bra. Also, the long skirt had a slit up the side that almost reached to the top of her thighs. When she walked or sat, you could see a little of her soft white skin above the top of her stay-up black stockings. Both of these women kept me half-hard all through dinner.


We were having a cigarette and finishing our drinks when Jo asked them if they wanted a nightcap at our house? Jim asked if that was all being offered? Jo told him that if he was good, more could be provided. As he leered down the top of her dress, he said that he would be very, very, good. We all laughed at that, finished, and left. Again Pam and I rode together, and Jim and Jo were in their car.


The girls went to the bathroom as Jim and I fixed the drinks. We all settled down for a glass of wine, with Jim and Jo on the couch, and Pam and me on the loveseat. I again told Pam she looked ravishing, and I would really like to ravish her. I then asked her what she had on under that dress? She smiled at me and whispered that I would have to find out. OK! I'm up to the challenge. I drew her to me for a kiss, and let my hand massage her tit through the opening on top. No bra. I then moved it down to the slit skirt where the slit had moved up to almost her waist. There I found no panties! I fingered her pussy and sneaked a peek over to Jim and Jo. He had her tits out of her dress and was kissing and licking them. Her dress had ridden up, and I could see that she had skipped the panties.


I watched as Jim slowly laid Jo on the couch with her feet on the floor. He then put his head between her legs, and I could hear him lick and suck at her cunt. She closed her eyes and held his head in her hands as if to keep him there. From what I could see, he wasn't planning on leaving any time soon.


As I watched Jim and Jo, I got harder. Maybe it was also because Pam was rubbing me through my pants. She started to undo my belt, so I helped. Soon I was free; my cock sticking up like a steel bar. Pam settled herself in a position to continue watching Jim and Jo, and then took me into her warm, wet mouth. What a scene. Four people, almost fully dressed, and both couples engaging in sex. Watching Jo, I could see that Jim was doing a great job on her pussy. She had her legs up over his shoulders by now and was squeezing his head now and then. Every so often, she would give a little shudder, as if she was having a mini-orgasm. She was humming as she rubbed her tits. She had never looked so beautiful to me before.


Pam was doing a fantastic job on my dick. Pam was watching Jim and Jo too, and it seemed to turn her into a wild woman. She was sucking and blowing and moving her head up and down my shaft. At times she took me to the base, and I could feel her throat muscles working around the head. She was massaging my balls like she wanted as much cum as I could give her. I tried to hold off, but watching Jim eat Jo, and Pam milking me like a baby going for a tit, I was close. Suddenly Jo straightened her legs, her toes curled, and she moaned as Jim brought her off. That sight did it. Just then Pam's lips hit my curly hairs, and I shot my first blast straight down her throat. She then backed up and sucked on the head as the second shot came out. She continued to suck out the rest while watching Jo come down from her climax.


Pam sat up, licked her lips, and smiled at me. Jim sat up on the couch and looked over at us. Jo and Jim took in the sight of me sitting with my pants open, and cock and balls hanging out. Pam looked fully dressed. Jo had her dress bunched at her waist so we could see her tits and wet cunt. Jim was fully dressed. We all laughed and had a sip of wine. I told them that they had put on quite a show for us, and Jo said we should put one on for them.


I reclined Pam on the loveseat and opened the slit on her skirt. I could see a glisten on her inner thighs where her juices must have run down during the show. I stuck out my tongue and licked at this. It had a pungent taste that was very sensual to me. I licked my way up one thigh and then moved to the other. When I finally reached her pussy, I softly blew on the fine silky hair surrounding her lips. Using my hands, I pulled the outer lips open and started to lick her inner lips gently. The taste was stronger and very appealing. The harder I licked, the juicier she became. I lost myself in her. I stuck one finger in her, rotated it around, and licked her clit. That's when I noticed she was putting her legs on my shoulders, which gave me better access to her cunt. I really went to work on her then. I now had two fingers into her and was licking and sucking her juices as fast as she released them. I then started sucking and licking her clit, which had peeked out from her hood. Suddenly her thighs tightened on my head, and I could hear muffled moans from her, while her mound rose up toward my mouth. I then moved down and licked up her copious flow. I then withdrew my fingers and looking up at her. Seeing she was watching me, I slowly stuck them into my mouth and sucked her juices from them. I winked, and said, "Finger lickin' good."


I could see that she had moved the top of her dress down, and her rosy red tits showed me that she had been playing with them as I made love to her pussy. I don't know how long that took, but my knees were starting to hurt, so I moved up to sit next to her. Looking over to Jim and Jo, I could see that Jim now had his pants undone and his cock and balls were hanging out like mine. Only I was again hard, and he wasn't. Looking at Jo, I could see a sheen on her lips, and knew that he had gotten the same treatment I had during the show that Pam and I put on.


Now everybody was showing everything. We all decided to have another glass of wine, so Jim and I went to get refills without bothering to straighten up or put our cocks away. Let it all hang out! While we all had a cigarette, Jo sat with her dress around her waist so we could see her tits and cunt. Pam left her top down and had twisted her slit so we could also see her cunt. Jim and I still had our cock and balls hanging out. We all critiqued our performances with a lot of laughter. After a while, both Jim and I started to get hard again looking at the beautiful ladies letting it all show. Jo saw this, stood up, and asked Jim if he wanted to join her in the master bedroom? Jim stood, bowed, and said to lead on. They left.


I asked Pam how she felt, and she told me. She said that watching Jim eat Jo, she had thought she would be jealous. But while sucking me and watching them, she had been really turned on. And she had peeked when I was eating her, and watched Jo suck Jim. That was better than any porno movie she had ever seen. I then asked her if she wanted to join me in the spare room where last night Jim fucked Jo? Her eyes lit up, and she smiled and said to lead on.


Once we cuddled up in the bed, we had a long, slow, fuck. Again, I woke up horny, and Pam must have too because we had another morning fuck. Jo had moved my supplies to the spare bath, so Pam and I enjoyed another morning shower together. I put on the coffee while Pam went to awaken sleeping beauty and her consort. She came back smiling and said that she found them in the shower together, and they would be in soon. The rest of Saturday went like Friday, except that we took them to Santa Fe for the day. Instead of having dinner out, I said I would grill some steaks on the patio.


They arrived at our house at about 6 p.m., and I had just gotten the grill started. Jim and I stood out in the cold coaxing some heat from the grill. Believe it or not, the steaks were perfectly done, and Jo and Pam had set up a salad and baked potatoes. Again, we all had a good time during dinner. Pam had on a white silk blouse that was just sheer enough to see that she was not wearing a bra and black slacks. Jo had on a zip down the front jumpsuit, and the way the front bounced, she also was bra-less. When we finished eating, Jim, Pam, and I retired to the living room with our wine, while Jo put the dishes in the dishwasher. When she came in, she found Pam and me on the loveseat, so she joined Jim on the couch. Jim asked, "Now what?", and I said, "Let's just go with the flow."


I leaned over to Pam and kissed her. By this time we should have been comfortable with each other, so I thought I would see just how comfortable. I unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it off her. I then began to suckle her breasts. After a while, I moved down and loosened her slacks and slid them and her panties off. I now had her naked laying on the loveseat. I moved to her pussy and started licking and sucking on it. A few minutes of this, and she was humping up at me. I stood and removed my clothes. I looked over to Jo and Jim, and they were watching us closely. Jo was sipping her wine and rubbing the front of his trousers. Jim had his hand buried in the front of her pants, obviously fingering her cunt through the cloth.


Seeing that they were not going to stop us, I climbed atop Pam and with one lunge buried my cock in her cunt. We went at it like never before. She was really hot and met me thrust for thrust. But she wasn't looking at me, she was looking over at the couch. I looked and saw that Jo had Jim's cock out now and was rubbing it kind of absently while watching us. Someone had unzipped Jo jumpsuit, and he had his hand inside. I met Jo's eyes and blew her a kiss just before Pam's cunt clamped down on my cock with her climax. That did it. I buried myself as deep as possible in her cunt and blasted off. It took a few minutes, but we both eventually calmed down and sat up. Both Jo and Jim tipped their glasses at us and took a sip as if toasting us.


Jim then took Jo's glass and sat both glasses on the coffee table. He then removed her jumpsuit. All she had on was panties. He started to suck and lick her tits and then moved down toward her panties. He moved them down, kissing and licking each area that appeared. She raised her legs so he could get them off her, and then he settled between her thighs to work on her cunt.


While this was going on, I had lit cigarettes for Pam and myself. We were both watching them, and smoking and drinking our wine. I looked over at Pam, and her eyes were wide open and appeared not to be blinking. She seemed mesmerized by what was happening in front of her. I was hoping that I would get one of my greatest wishes, seeing Jo get fucked in front of me.


Jim suddenly stood up and pulled at his clothes, trying to get them off as fast as possible. When he was naked, Jo opened her arms and legs to welcome him. And welcome he was. He buried his cock in her cunt and started a rocking motion. A few minutes of this, and he began to thrust in and out. Jo's tits were dancing from the motion. Once she looked over to me and winked, then shut her eyes to enjoy the action. Jim had kept looking at Pam from the time he entered Jo. A few minutes of this, and Jo raised her ass from the couch as her climax hit, and almost immediately, Jim's ass cheeks clenched as he pumped his cum into her cunt. God! She looked beautiful!


It took them a few minutes before they could sit up. When they did, Pam and I toasted them like they did us earlier. That started us all laughing. No inhibitions now. So we all went into the master bedroom's king size bed and spent the rest of the night fucking and sucking. Jim and Pam watched Jo and I fuck. Then we watched them. We tried a daisy chain. Once, while Pam and I were fucking, and Jim and Jo were fucking, Jim called out SWITCH! so we ended up cumming in our own spouses after starting in the other's. Finally, sometime around three in the morning, Jim and I couldn't get up anymore, so Jim and Pam staggered off to the spare room for the night. Jo and I cuddled up and slept.


We all had brunch together when we got up, and then they had to leave to go to their hotel to pack for the flight back. We haven't seen them again but stay in touch. We are planning to get together this summer, and if it happens, we will tell you about it.

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    • By MenPoundMyWife
      My wife and I have been married for over 10 years. She is 5'4, about 130lbs, 34F, and very fit. 
      We dated for couple of years before getting married. From the very beginning, she was the most sexual woman I had ever met. Soon after we started dating, she started to push me to talk about her former lovers. Slowly, I started to get turned on by the stories and became more and more curious about her past sexual experiences with boyfriends before me. Eventually, we got married, and few years later, she started to throw hints of wanting to raise her score. I quickly got on board and we started to regularly talk about how other men would fuck her and so forth.
      Finally, during a trip to Vegas, we decided to visit a sex club and she was very excited, although a little nervous. She wore a new tight black dress with red lingerie underneath. We got to the club and just hung out. She was very uneasy and she said she had never been to a place like this. About 30 minutes in, we were starting to talk about leaving, she suddenly pointed at a slightly older guy and said: "Go bring him here." My dick was hard as a rock. I walked up to the guy and asked if he is interested in my wife, he had been staring at her the entire time. He quickly smiled and said, "Oh yes, let's go."
      They shook hands, introduced themselves and we all decided to find the area with beds and more privacy (so to speak). We found a room downstairs that was only enclosed by a curtain. She told me to go and get condoms so she can get to know the guy for a few minutes. When I came back, they were just talking, slowly, she walked up to me and started kissing me. Once I let go, I gestured to the guy to go ahead; he quickly moved in on her. They started making out, he started kissing her all over the place, slowly, she dropped backwards on bed and pulled him on top of herself. 
      He lowered her dress and started sucking her big tits. She asked me to join in. We each had a tit in our mouth and we were both fingering her pussy at the same time. Slowly, I moved down and started eating her pussy. She is always fully waxed like a porn star. As soon as I stopped eating her pussy as she came, he went down and started eating it. Slowly, I moved back up and she took my dick in her mouth. 
      To our surprise, a crowd gathered and four other men wanted to fuck her. She shook her head but they all watched her get pounded. 
      The guy that went in there with us, quickly got naked and tugged at her red thong. She took it off and handed it to me. This whole time, she was playing with my dick, it's about 5.5". The guy was much larger, about 7". She looked at it and winked at me. She told him she likes it rough.
      He had it fully up and moved close to her pussy. She stared into my eyes, grabbed his dick and guided it to rub her pussy. He took his clue and shoved it in. She reminded him to not be gentle. He obliged and fucked her like a whore. She begged for more by saying, "Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard...look babe, he is fucking me so good, he is so big, look, he is fucking your wife right in front of you....oh yeah, fuck me." About four other guys and a couple were now watching her get fucked. I asked her if I should tell them to leave, she said no, she likes it. She slowly turned to them so they can get the full view of a dick in her pussy while she was playing with mine. 
      Once the guy got done, she said, "Okay honey, this was awesome," and kissed me multiple times thanking me for a great experience. She said she wanted to stay for a few before we walked out. She wanted to walk around and be noticed as the woman who had just been fucked, since rest of the crowd was just hanging out.
      We cannot wait to do it again.  
    • By Skhan
      It's a long ride on your way to your first threesome.  No matter if you are driving 2 hours or 2 minutes, it seems like you are forever getting there.

      You don't know if the thoughts in your mind or the blood in your cock will explode first.
      You have nothing to go on but a few grainy photos; usually one, maybe two if you are lucky.  And the eyes... the eyes are always blotted out in those photos. No one wants to be recognized by friends or family.  They never realize that friends or family would have to be swinging to see those grainy photos in the swinger magazines.  Those "dirty" magazines hidden in the back of the combination book store/record shop.
      Yes, you were nervous going to the checkout with those swinger mags, purchasing some mediocre cd or magazine to hide from the other patrons the depravity of the sex acts dominating your thoughts.  The relief you feel when you are sitting in your car with your treasure.  The thrill of looking through the candidates, sifting through the obese or obnoxious looking couples to find that perfect gem, the one couple that displays "couple or single male wanted."  You don't focus on the husbands, just the wives to see if they are hot.  Hell, they don't have to be hot, just the average to middling females who aren't looking for 10 inch cocks.  They nearly all ask for 10 inch cocks for a 7 inch cock holster.  You curse your parents for the mediocrity of your birth right.
      You find a few candidates. You mail to the reference number on the photo c/o the magazine forwarding service, enclose your Polaroids....and wait.  You buy an answering machine...and wait.  You check your messages for two weeks...and wait.  You wait and you masturbate to the thoughts of what you want to happen.  The answer doesn't come by phone, but by mail.  The couple writes and expresses interest.  Apparently your cock pick wasn't all that mediocre, or it's your young flesh she desires more than the cervix pounding from the other bullish candidates.  
      They send photos. Colored ones. Kodachrome.
      They give you a phone number. A city two hours away. They are a better than average couple.  No heavy weights. He is bi, she is straight. Your are 24.  They are 33 and 35.  You haven't tried bisexuality before, but your heart is racing now, anticipating something new, something erotic...your first threesome.
      You call the number. The wife answers and you give them the phony last name that you made up on the letter, and they give you the phony last name that they made up.  It's part of the game.   You banter nervously. They ask questions. You ask questions.  "What do you enjoy?"  "Do you like anal?"  "Do you like cum in your mouth?"  It doesn't matter.  If they said that they were going to cut your throat afterward, you would still go.  You are hooked. You set up a weekend meet at a motel at their location. King-size bed. Hard to explain to the motel clerk why you are asking for a king-size bed.  They don't ask. They've seen it all.
      The husband picks you up at the motel. Nice guy. Personable. Not his first rodeo. He drives you to their place, which is a surprise, but you are so nervous that you don't remember the address or how to get there. You go in. You meet the wife and son. She doesn't disappoint.  She is a looker. The teenage son is off to a friend's place and you are just someone going to a party with his parents. He doesn't know that you will be soon fucking his mother.  After the son leaves, they show you photos of their past swinging adventures.  If you had doubts, then now you are sure that this isn't their first rodeo.  Your cock or your mind. Both are about to explode.
      They follow you back to the hotel room that you rented.  Locked door, "Do not Disturb" sign.
      She kisses her husband and it starts. The disrobing. You are nervous. What to do first. Follow their lead and try not to appear overbearing or demanding.  She's on the bed, and he dives into a mouthful of vaginal bliss. You nervously start kissing her, massaging her breast, kissing her nipples.  Then you get on your knees and present your mediocre cock for her to devour.  She doesn't hesitate.  She has your cock buried down her throat while the husband buries his tongue in her bush.  The husband comes up for air, and moves to her breast, teasing.  You move to the holy of holies.  You lick, suck, and drink in the juices, probing with deep tongue thrusts, tasting the walls of her vaginal cavity while she is licking the husband's cock. Your member is not much different than his. You are relieved.  
      The position changes. She lays on her side. He enters her vagina from the rear, leaving her clitoris exposed. She discussed this with you on the phone.  Licking her while her husband fucks.  You go down and start to lick that clitoris, less than a inch from the pounding cock. You remember that he is bi. He wants this. You hesitantly reach up, and start to cradle his jewels, all the time her juices mingles with the fleshy taste of cock.  You can't bring yourself to put his cock in your mouth, so you go on licking the clit and fondling the balls until he grunts and fills her with cum.  He withdraws. You switch position.  His cum lubricates her vagina.  There is nothing sloppy about these seconds. You pound her while he licks and returns the favor of cradling your balls.  He doesn't suck you off, not sure if you will be offended. It doesn't matter he says. They just love fucking.  
      You release your semen into her, and you all relax, sitting and talking while a double load of cum streams from her pussy. You regret what the hotel maids will have to clean up. She pees. Returns. The ritual starts again. This time the cunnilingus is mixed with unfamiliar flavors. His cum. Your cum.  You don't give a fuck.  The thrill of the three-way has over ridden any social mores that you were raised with.
      More sex. More bi touching. This time you pull out and shoot your cum over her.  With that baptism, the holy rites have been completed. There are photos and kisses given. Promises of future sex.
      This was your first threesome.
    • By C3po
      This all started around forty years ago when my wife Beth and I had dated for a few years then married. It wasn't long after we married that I introduced her to her first big realistic porn star dildo.  When she first saw it she laughed and said, "That'll never fit in my pussy, are you nuts?!" But she agreed to trying and found not only did it fit but she really enjoyed it. She was amazed by how much she enjoyed it.  So much so that she requested I use it on her quite a lot. She also discovered she enjoyed big cock porn, she was fascinated by it. Soon was I combining using a huge dildo on her at the same time she watched big cock porn, this led her to experience huge orgasms. She couldn't get enough. She was finally exploring her sexuality and expanding her outlook on sexual pleasure.
      One night after some really hot sex I  questioned her if she ever fantasized about fucking other men, especially well-hung men. She responded that of course she did, stated that most women had this fantasy, and she believed it was quite common. So I pursued it further and asked her if she wanted to try another man's cock and how much did she really desire to do it? She said that it sounded exciting and fun but she would never do anything to endanger our marriage. I said,  "What if I told you that I wanted to watch you have sex with another man, one that had a really big cock. Would you then consider it?" She laughed and said she'd be game if it was something I was serious about and really wanted her to do. She said, "Come on, let's be real. It's exciting and fun to imagine it, but to really do it? Please! That's a major game changer."
      So I said, "I'm very serious. I've watched the way you enjoy the dildos especially while watching big cock videos. It turns me on big time seeing how excited you get and how many times you climax from doing these two things at the same time. I want to watch you do it for real. No BS, just watching you getting slammed by a big cock would be a huge turn-on for me. So what do you really think now that you know that I'm serious and am giving you this opportunity?"
      I could see her giving it some serious thought, she didn't get mad or upset at me or the idea, no resistance whatsoever to my request.  The more she considered the idea the more it appeared to me that she was very intrigued with the idea and it excited her.
      She started asking all kinds of questions, like wouldn't I be jealous, or think the worst of her, or what if she really enjoyed it and wanted more or didn't feel comfortable screwing another man, then what? Were there any rules and what were the consequences? Was I absolutely sure that I really wanted her to do this, because once done there was no going back!
      After she finished asking everything she had concerns about I answered all her questions and we talked about the rules/boundaries we would have in place to keep it fun and exciting without any reservations or guilt. This was to make sure she fully understood my concerns and alleviate all of hers as well. It seemed she came to a decision at which point she smiled and enthusiastically said yes, she'd do it! Did I have someone special in mind she wondered? She said she had to agree to my choices for her sexual escapades or it wasn't gonna happen.
       I then informed her I was thinking of Bruce. Beth squealed with glee, she admitted she has had fantasies about Bruce for some time now and I couldn't have picked a better choice for her first time. She would absolutely love to fuck Bruce. She said she was getting wet thinking about sex with him.
      A few days later I met up with Bruce for an after work drink. As we enjoyed several drinks we talked a lot. Soon I steered the conversation towards my wife Beth. I asked  Bruce to be honest and tell me what he thought about Beth. He admitted he thought Beth was smokin' hot. She had a killer body and was just gorgeous, always was friendly, and liked flirting with him when they were together. I asked him if he' ever had the chance would he consider having sex with her? He looked a bit concerned by my question but answered yes, he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of such an opportunity. So I told him that Beth really wanted to have sex with him, and that I was okay with them hooking up. I explained that was my kink watching her get fucked by other men, it really turned me on. Bruce considered it for several minutes then said okay sure, he'd love to fuck Beth. Just give him the details when we're ready to make it happen.
      When I got home I told Beth about my conversation with Bruce and what he said. She looked startled and said she couldn't believe I did that. So I asked her if what I did was so wrong and did she still want to go through with it? She excitedly said Oh hell yes she did, and no I wasn't wrong! So we made plans and set a date for Beth's first cock. 
      The night arrived finding Beth both excited and hot with anticipation. She was dressed to kill showing off her sexy body wearing no underwear. When Bruce knocked on the door I answered it and escorted him into our house. Beth entered the living room and gave Bruce a big hug pressing her chest and pelvis into him and then kissed him on the lips. Bruce kissed her back and he sat down pulling her on to his lap. Nether one of them wasted any time, tongues going everywhere, hands exploring and groping each other, clothes coming off. Soon they were both naked and Beth got a pleasant surprise, Bruce was very well hung. She giggled with delight.
      Beth took Bruce's hand and led him to our bed. She pushed him down on the bed and went to work on Bruce's big cock giving him an enthusiastic blow job. After a while Bruce flipped Beth on her back and went to work on her pussy and clit. Beth orgasmed in minutes, fully enjoying Bruce's skilled tongue. I stood in the background watching the show.
      Soon Bruce moved into position between Beth's legs. As he rubbed his cock against Beth's open pussy and clit she responded with loud moans and started pressing her pussy against Bruce's cock. As he slid his huge cock into Beth's pussy she had a big climax. As he went deeper he increased his speed and Beth climaxed again. She was enthralled with his big cock pumping her pussy, she was moving her hips and swearing, telling him his cock felt so good. She looked over at me and said she loved how good his big cock felt inside her. She told Bruce to stretch her pussy good, to fuck her hard. She was in sexual ecstasy, a place she'd never been before. Her facial expressions showed pure bliss and the sounds she was making were hot as hell. I never seen her so turned on, she must of had a dozen orgasms, many of which were huge.
      They fucked each other hard for a good twenty minutes then Bruce erupted into Beth's pussy, filling her with his cum. This gave Beth another climax. Afterwards he laid on Beth for a minute then rolled off her. He'd destroyed her pussy, it gaped open with his cum dripping out of her. They kissed and he got up to dress while Beth laid there spent. She looked at me and smiled big time. She said, "Your turn!", so I took sloppy seconds and enjoyed it beyond belief. Bruce watched us have sex then commented that watching real sex was so much hotter than any porno ever could be. He understood my enjoyment of watching my wife fuck other men. He said he'd like to do it again and Beth was all for it. So they made plans to hook up again. Then Bruce left.
      Beth and I talked about how well things went, and how she wasn't prepared for how much she enjoyed his big cock. It was mind boggling! She thanked me profusely for asking her to do this, the opportunity to experience such awesome sex. She says she'll never be the same again and is looking forward to more big cock sex. So our new lifestyle began.
    • By Falcon88
      My wife and I have been together for almost 25 years. Through out the years sex has been fantastic. No complaints on either side. We are very faithful and never cheated on each other.
      Then one day two years ago we were having a few drinks and watching porn. We watch all kinds of porn. That night we were watching some really good gangbangs. Curiously, I turn to my wife and asked her if she ever thought about swinging and group sex. If it ever crossed her mind. Surprisingly, she looked at me and said she’s been thinking about it for while. So we ended up talking about swinging and group sex for hours. We got online and read stories on experiences about swinging and group sex. The pros and cons. It turned me on taking about it but at the same time I got a crazy feeling in my stomach. Nerves I guess.
      So to make a very long story short we ended up having an open marriage and took up swinging. We both decided to have (safe) sex with other people until we felt comfortable on having our first group sex. All this took very long planning and preparing, especially mentally.
      Finally last November we planned out her first group sex. We carefully selected three familiar friends to join in the fun. Of course they decided to do it and agreed on our rules.
      So, it finally happened that November night. I really enjoyed watching my wife get screwed by more than one man. She had the time of her life. She had multiple orgasms one after another. The crazy feeling never left my stomach but I really enjoyed watching though. After the guys left we kicked back and talked about our experience. Then we go back about agreeing on what we’re doing and never to do it without the other knowing. We keep an oath of trust. Every time we have a date with someone we let each other know. It’s always planned out days in advance so it will never interfere with our personal lives. We have a great understanding.
      Since last November she’s been involved in several group sex averaging 3-4 guys each time. Of course I joined in most of the time. Lots of lube is needed. But now she wants to go a little further. She wants to do a gangbang of 6-8 guys. Seriously.
      Lately she’s been playing with large toys to get her vagina ready. She wants to try double-vaginal penetration. I’ve been preparing her by inserting a dildo in her while I’m inside. Very carefully with lots of lube. We practice every time we have sex. She even carefully inserts a large thick toy in her vagina while watching a movie and keeps it in there. Yes, our sexual curiosities has increased tremendously. My wife wants to explore even more and I’m all in.
      Well the day we both have been looking forward too occurred this past weekend. We managed to round up 7 guys for an all night gangbang. It involved a lot of planning and phone calls. We’ve noticed that guys will be all in at first then drop out later. But eventually we got things going. That night when everyone arrived she was kinda nervous but excited to have that many cocks at once. Most of all, she finally had double penetration in her vagina from two guys for the first time. The strange thing I seemed more nervous than her. Lol But she absolutely enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed watching her. She came hard many times. She doesn’t like anal so that wasn’t attempted.
      So after joining in all the fun and after almost two hours of great sex we had the grand finale. My sexy wife knelt down and we all gave her an awesome bukkake. Her face was drenched with cum. It was one heck of a hot night. After everyone left we took a long shower and stayed up almost all night talking about it. We were both so turned on that we were already making plans for the next one. But we are gonna take a break for about three weeks. It’s just going to be me and her for now.
      Yesterday she mentioned about having a messy cum sex in the near future after watching a great creampie movie. I was like, a messy cum sex? She asked me what I would think about her having a messy gooey bukkake and creampie night. Having about 4 guys cum all over her face while 4 guys cum inside her. Then rubbing the cum all over her breasts. Man, just listening to her drove me crazy. My wife was willing to be explosive. But that would take lots of planning because we are very cautious. My wife cannot get pregnant anymore so that’s really something we don’t have to worry about. It’s about the unprotected sex. We do know many cool friends well enough that we can trust but still we must remain careful. Yet, I’m sure it’s gonna happen very soon.
      I’ve been asked if we have taken it too far. If there’s actually any sign of regrets. Some close friends wonder about my wife wanting too much now. Our answer is no because we enjoy it and have a deep understanding and trust. We are responsible adults and are having fun. We first talk about what we’re going to do and have to both agree 100%. Any sign of doubt from either side we will not do it. We are friends with our sex partners but no feelings are involved or ever shared. We have proven that to ourselves already.
    • By AdamGunn2
      It was a fairly typical night at D.J.s Island, an early autumn evening. Mary and I hadn’t set anything up in advance, we’d decided to go almost at the last moment. From the second we entered the door our radar was beaming across the club, searching for a couple that might be searching for what we were also interested in - an enjoyable tryst.
      Mary took a few minutes to change into what she called a ‘trolling outfit.’ As I remember, that night it was a black babydoll with a loose bodice, thong, low heels. Many men admired her legs as I checked the forty or so women, many as scantily clad as my wife. None of our regular playmates seemed to be in attendance that evening, but we had our customs, we weren’t concerned. Perhaps an hour and a half later, I sat at a table next to the dance floor, Mary was on her feet, on the parquet, moving her body, seeing if anyone would move in. A slow sequence of men approached her, danced with her. Some would take liberties such as moving their hands under her garment, feeling the small of her back, perhaps place their palm on the roundness of her ass.
      I’d seen this many times before, I waited for one of two reactions.
      The first was that she’d spin away from the man; it signified she wasn’t interested in what he had to offer.
      The second was that she’d get closer, I’d watch her whisper in his ear. I knew the question, “Where’s your wife?” Some of them would shake their heads, they were attending as one of the few single men the club allowed, and when they received Mary’s response, they’d move away - that’s not what we were looking for at the moment.
      But the man might indicate where his wife was dancing a few feet away. When this kind of thing happened, Mary would glance to me and give our special signal - she’d put one hand on the back of her head, one on her stomach. When I got the cue, I’d come out, we’d dance as a foursome.
      As I approached, a man grasped the elbow of a tall attractive lady who was more modestly dressed, at least for the club. There was no conversation on the dance floor, the heavy volume of music and the thumping of the bass wouldn’t allow for speech. But I could tell the woman was interested in me, the four of us paired off and I often found myself facing this vixen. It was obvious they were as interested in us as I was in them, I could tell by the way Mary was rubbing against the man that she felt the same.
      After a couple of songs, Mary led the way off the floor, holding his hand, leading us off into a corner away from the speakers. As we sat, the man said, “I’m Ed, this is my wife, Marilyn.”
      Marilyn and I softly shook hands, I believe she raised the hem of her skirt to give me a view of her upper thighs. Ed had no problem seeing Mary’s legs, or where they met - she was sitting so that the babydoll was gathered to her side, leaning forward so her globes were exposed to his view.
      “Do you come here often?” Ed asked.
      “Every few weeks,” I responded, “you?”
      “This is our first time here.” Mary gave him a look that asked for further info. “We’re just starting this,” he admitted.
      Marilyn picked it up. “We’ve only had one time with a couple of friends. We liked it, heard about this place, decided to see if we could get into more trouble.”
      “Trouble’s our middle name,” I joked.
      Our conversation continued, where do you live, what movies have you seen lately, etc. It was a screen, of course, we were all calculating if the four of us would be pleasurable bedmates. I paid my attention to Marilyn, my wife had told me numerous times not to worry about her, she can take care of herself. My hand found Marilyn’s knee, she smiled at me, encouraged me to reach a tad higher. We bent towards each other, our mouths met.
      Marilyn opened her lips to me, the kiss was ardent, her mouth moist. She licked at my upper lip, her hand fondled the back of my neck. Our tongues clashed, promising cupidity, mimicking what I presumed our bodies might be doing in a few scant moments.
      We broke for a moment, Marilyn invited, “Would you guys want to go to one of the rooms?”
      I, of course, was all for it, but then I heard Mary. “Uh, not right now. But thanks.”
      We’ve always had the guideline that if one person doesn’t want to do something, she speaks for both of us. Regretfully, I pecked at Marilyn’s lips a last time, we stood, went separate ways.
      “You’re not upset, are you?” Mary asked me.
      “Of course not, not at all. You’re not in the mood?”
      “Oh, I’m in the mood all right, just not with Ed.”
      “Something wrong with him?” I asked.
      “I tried to get him interested,” Mary revealed, “but his kiss was a little cold, indifferent. I put my hand on his leg, he was too busy watching you and Marilyn, he never responded. My guess is that if we went into a room, he’d be watching you two, I’m not even sure he’d get hard for me.” It was a reasonable thought, it had happened to us a couple times before. “Hope you don’t mind, bet she’d have been a firecracker.”
      “Maybe. But you’re a firecracker too.”
      We headed back to the dance floor, in search of another couple.
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