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They Visit Our Park


Their turn to visit our park


Last month we had a delightful time with Tony and Sal at a party in Portland and at their nudist park. Last week they drove up here on their way to Canada and we took them to our favorite nudist park for the day. In the middle of the week there weren’t too many people there, mostly the permanent residents. We knew the restaurant would be closed so we packed a lunch into a backpack and had breakfast at our favorite diner before we headed out. I can’t say enough about the feeling of freedom running around naked all day. They met some nice people and had a good time too.


We about wore ourselves out canoeing and swimming then soaked in the hot tub with two other couples. Everyone there were vanilla friends so the talk never got salty. We just enjoyed ourselves. Finally, about two we decided it was time for lunch. Barb suggested that she knew just the right place for a picnic so we put on our hiking shoes and walked up to the top of the park where the trailhead is. The park doesn’t encourage cameras but since we were going to be in the woods we threw our camera and tripod into the backpack.


The hike down was fairly easy but Sal remarked several times that climbing that steep trail on the way back would be kind of tough. We stopped at one turn-out where Sal and Tony were impressed by the view from the top of a very impressive waterfall. It’s one of our favorite places to go. I was setting up the tripod when George, one of the residents came hiking up the trail. He looked askance at the camera so Barb let him know that we were just taking pictures of ourselves and that we knew better than to take indiscriminate pictures. He snapped a few for us. George makes the trip down to the waterfall twice a day to help keep in shape. He warned us to be careful. The trail was kind of washed out just beyond the big turn. If we fell and broke a leg we’d be on our own. Nobody else makes the trek during the week.


We packed the camera and hiked on down the trail. It got steeper as we went and sure enough, if we slipped on the wash-out it would have been a forty foot slide. Not nice to contemplate on bare skin.


When we got to the bottom of the trail at the river {creek?} Sal and Tony were impressed by the view of the waterfall. It must fall 120 feet or so. We clambered over the boulders up near it and took some more pictures. We knew it was dangerous, the falls often kick rocks loose from the top, but we showered in the waterfall for a while and played in the pool. By this time we were hungry and Sal started looking for a place to eat. We took them downstream a bit past the trail terminus to a little kind of glen in a shallow canyon off the main stream. I left for a few moments while they spread the blanket and set out the food on a downed log. I returned as the three of them were opening our sandwiches and pouring the wine.


The lunch was great, maybe because we were so hungry, maybe because it was such a beautiful place to be. The mix of deciduous and conifer trees, the soft forest floor, the sound of the stream, all added up to a wonderful place to dally. Afterwards we stretched out on the blanket. The leaves and pine needles were very comfortably soft but I had to go under the blanket to remove a pine cone that was in the way. We lay there talking and sipping wine for a while then Barb asked if the others enjoyed sex in the great out of doors. We all nodded. She reached over and took Tony’s cock in her hand. “Could I help get this ready for me?” All four of us grinned. I got up and moved over next to Sal who grabbed my limp prick and began playing. Tony asked what if someone from the club comes by. I assured him that we’d have ample warning.


Barb and Tony began to kiss and fondle. Sal and I were not far behind. I took off her hiking shoes and gave her a first class foot rub. She oooh'd and ahhh'd and I appreciated the view of her pussy and boobs from my vantage point. “Ohhhhh.” She cooed. “This is as good as sex.” I answered that “Maybe we had better test that hypotheses.” I kissed and fondled up her legs, pausing to nuzzle her pussy fur then proceeded up to kiss and lick her lovely full breasts. I kissed her fondly, tickling her breasts. She suddenly attacked me with her mouth and we were sharing a deep, sensuous kiss, intertwining tongues and hugging strongly. I tickled her more and she broke the kiss to tell me “Let’s get it on, Rusty. Don’t tease me this time. Fuck me. Fuck me hard.” Her talented hands had me hard as a rock by then. My fingers quickly discovered that she was very wet and warm, ready for me. As I was getting up to slip between her legs, Barb, who was climbing over Tony’s hips lost her balance a bit and fell against me. We kissed and told each other how much in love we were. Sal grabbed my dick and said, laughing: “You two can kiss and fuck any time you want. Now’s the time to fuck me.” What else could I do? I leaned forward and let her guide my cock into her soft warm pussy.


A quick kiss with Barb then I leaned down to kiss and fondle Sal. Oh what feelings. Chills, hot flashes, shivers took me over. Having my cock in Sal, kissing her, tweaking her nipple, and feeling Barb right there fucking Tony raised my feelings to wonderful heights. Watching Tony’s hands fondle Barb’s boobs added even more as I thrusted strongly into Sal’s wonderfully receptive pussy. Our tongues and lips were doing to our mouths what my cock was doing to Sal’s cunt. Even after swinging for years it is incredibly exciting to be fucking right next to Barb and her lover.


Sal began groaning. It turned into almost a scream as her whole body convulsed. That was too much for me and as her pussy muscles milked my cock my feelings exploded. The shivering feeling spread from my balls throughout me and I couldn’t help thrusting harder into her. The world turned dark to me as I was totally enveloped in her charms. We humped and fucked and kissed until my floppy sloppy cock slipped from her love channel. I slipped to her side and we cuddled into each other spoon style with my hand on her boobs as we watched Barb and Tony go at it.


Barb suddenly threw her head back, letting out a slow moan that increased in intensity.


Barb picks up here


Oh God it was great. Watching your orgasms really turned me on. When I’m riding a guy like that I’m in control and can maximize my stimulation. He’s got a good size cock and it was as deep as it gets, stirring things up inside me. When I came it was all of a sudden, breath-taking. The release was just fantastic as I ground myself onto him. It took me away to another place for a while but it left me still wanting more. I ground on him more and more but could feel that he was getting close and I didn’t want it to end yet so I pulled off of him and got up on my hands and knees and yelled at him to get it into me doggy style. He didn’t need to be told twice so quickly my pussy was stuffed again. Once I got used to that feeling I dragged Rusty over and took his sloppy dick into my mouth. Tasting his and her juices made it even better as I enjoyed getting fucked from behind. Rusty knew just what I wanted. His finger found its way to my clit and I was drifting off again. Sal joined me and we took turns sucking on Rusty’s floppy cock. Oh man. It doesn’t get better than that. I started my cum with a massive shudder and I must have been very vocal. It was Won der ful and just as I began to come down from the heights Tony shot his load deep inside me. A few moments later we all collapsed and must have dozed off.


I awoke to the sound of many pine cones rolling down the hill. Rusty’s booby trap warning worked. I just made sure that we weren’t overtly sexual. The three of them were just sleeping next to each other on their backs, a very innocent scene for any newcomers to see. I quickly wiped the cum from my legs and was up, putting the picnic away when three nudists I didn’t know emerged from the trail. That was the end of the dalliance at our park. We shared the last of the wine with them then headed up the trail. We continued the sexual romp at our house that evening.

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