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Exhibitionist & Voyeur

Erotic stories of swingers who enjoy watching and being watched.
My wife Hilda is from Mexico. She's 5'4'tall, about 118-124lbs, and has legs to kill for. When we married in '92, she was a virgin. How rare is a 25 yr old virgin in the US??????
Anyway, I was first attracted to her by her fantastic legs, and soon we were married, and in 1995 moved here to Huntsville. I have always harbored a fantasy about other men watching my wife, or touching her, or fucking her. About six months after we moved here, my fantasies were fulfilled in a BIG way.
A local topless club here had a sign advertising for dancers. Now Hilda was a little too prudish to ever consider this, but one night a stage show came to Huntsville, and the guy hypnotized people in the audience. I had gotten free tickets to go, and Hilda was sort of halfway thrilled, half bored at the idea. So we went and during the show, she was selected along with seven other women for an experiment. Myself and the other husbands were asked what we would like for him to do,{within reason}. I asked him to remove her inhibitions about her body, to be more relaxed. Well, the show took an adult turn here, and the audience was cheering and clapping as the Hypnotist worked on the eight women. He whispered something in Hilda's ear, and when it was her turn, he told the audience she would think she had on a long dress instead of a knee length dress.
As she sat down in the chair, she kept crossing her legs, causing her skirt to lift further up her thighs each time, exposing more of her stockings , much to the delight of the crowd. As the show went on, she ordered drinks, which is VERY unusual, since she doesn't drink. When the show was over, she wanted to go to a club, again very unusual for her. The Hypnotist, an older man named Harold, had invited all of us participants in the show to join them at this local club. We talked for a few minutes while Hilda went to the restroom and I confided in him that I had gotten turned on by Hilda exposing herself. He just smiled and agreed that she was very sexy, but he could show me how to have some fun with her since she was very susceptible to hypnosis.
She came back to the table and sat down on the other side of the booth and Harold whispered in her ear again. She smiled at him and he hugged her with a little squeeze as he put his arm around her shoulder. We talked awhile, enjoying the evening when I noticed him slide his right hand down to his lap, then ever so smoothly move his hand to her thigh. My heart beat faster as I watched him slowly move his hand up and down her knee and thigh. She just slid closer to him! I nodded at him, my hard-on threatening to burst from my jeans. He smirked as his hand moved up her thigh, and forced her legs apart with no resistance. Hilda leaned over to me and kissed me as she told me she was getting hot. She was totally different.
I walked to the bar for a fresh coke as I don't drink alcohol. On the way back, I could see her thighs completely, and so could anyone who happened to look! His hand was buried in her snatch, and she was gazing at Harold with a look I know all too well. That glassy look she gave Harold was saying she was horny. She got up to go to the restroom, and I followed her so we could talk. She told me he wanted to take her to Fantasia, a topless club, so she could really let go of her inhibitions. I asked her how she felt about that, and she told me she loved me, but she was getting excited by Harold, and the idea was a little intriguing.
We left the club quickly and I drove to Fantasia, the topless bar. Harold told Hilda we would go in first, and she would go in later. That way the men wouldn't think we were together. We kissed quickly as Harold and I went in, paid the cover charge and found a table. The club was a redneck joint in the truest form of the word. The customers, around 12 or 13 rather hard working gentlemen hooted and hollered as the girl on stage took off her top, exposing some excellent specimens of breasthood. She smiled and pushed her snatch in their faces as they placed dollar bills in her panties.
Harold and I observed Hilda as she came in the door, but the bouncer said no women allowed unescorted. She said she would like to apply for a job! He showed her to the bar where a woman introduced herself as Melba. Hilda told her she wanted to learn to dance, and if possible, could she watch the girls a minute or two, then try herself?
Not one to turn a potential moneymaker, she agreed and showed Hilda to a table where they talked and discussed the rules. Basically there were none unless the cops showed up, which rarely ever happened. She watched intently, as the girls danced, and then she went to the back room with Melba and returned in only her undergarments...a black camisole/lingerie affair with garters and stockings which revealed the finest legs in Alabama. As she climbed the stage, every man in the club crowded around the stage to get a closer look. For a rookie she did fine! The tips were ok, and I got to see my formerly prudish wife strip in front of a bunch of rowdy rednecks!
Then came the best part...she walked to a table where a guy sat who had tipped her particularly well. In no time his hand was on her thigh, heading higher, and Hilda never tried to stop him.She opened her legs wider as his hand found her bush, and I clearly saw him move her panties to the side and insert his finger, which caused Hilda to lick her lips seductively and smile at him. She sat with him when she wasn't dancing, and before long, he paid for a couch dance! Harold simply drank his beer and told me not to worry, she was doing fine.
She disappeared behind a curtain with the guy and the music started again. As I went 'to the bathroom' I could peek inside....he pulled Hilda into his lap, and his cock was out of his pants! He guided it into my wife's pussy and she ground her hips into him as the two of them began moving to the beat of the music. I heard her gasp once and moan to him he felt so good she couldn't stand it. They kept it up until the song was over. She came back out to the main area when another customer paid for a couch dance. Once again, she disappeared behind the curtain as I actually had to jack-off in the men's room to keep from cumming in my pants.
Later I asked Harold how he had done all this, and he explained simply,'I gave her a suggestion that she would lose her inhibitions about her body completely, and be more free with her love to you, and anyone else you choose. She agreed very quickly when we talked at the club, about me giving her a suggestion to relax and enjoy sex, in many forms and fashions.' I was stunned. Hilda knew exactly what she was doing and was loving it. She sat down with us momentarily when Melba came over and asked Hilda to work the next day, on the day shift! Then came the shocker, Hilda accepted!!
Now I was married to a dancer! My two greatest fantasies had cum true in one night, and two weeks later, began a swinging adventure that ended in a gang bang with of all things, 12 of the biggest, blackest cocks I've ever seen! That will follow shortly, but for now, my wife is looking for someone to have an ongoing affair with, someone to have great sex with, and someone to build a relationship with instead of one night stands. All applications are considered! Write to my email address for a pic of Hilda in her lingerie and garter outfit!!!!!!
Keith & Hilda
Huntsville, Alabama

After much thought about whether to write this story or not, I have decided that perhaps I should share a true experience that occurred just this past July. This is not an attempt to claim any kind of writer skills. It is simply an account of an experience my wife and I had that surpasses any fantasy that I could dream up.
My name is Tom and my wife’s name is Sue. We’ve had a good sex life. We’ve never gotten further than watching porno movies together, which at times has given us some very long and exciting nights. Also, we have often shared our fantasies with each other.
This past June an old friend named Buddy called me from Philadelphia. Several years ago Buddy married a local girl and then they both were hired by the IRS. That was why they relocated to Philadelphia. About our only contact has been class reunions and rare events like that.
Buddy’s reason for calling was to ask a favor. The IRS commissioned our local university to host a seminar during the third week of July. Buddy explained to me that this seminar would be important for Jane in order to be promoted any further. He no longer had any family here and he told me that all of the motels were booked for that week because of the seminar. The favor he needed was for me and Sue to put him and Jane up for the week.
I gave Buddy the green light right then because I knew that Sue would have no objection.
In the past I have told Sue many episodes about Buddy and I growing up together in the same neighborhood. We were the same age but he was always further advanced then me especially in the area of girls. He taught me many things. Sue liked the stories and sometimes asked questions. Questions about size and endurance in the sack. Buddy was actually the character in some of her fantasies and she only knew him through the stories that I told her.
Sue asked me, 'Do you think that you two have settled down any?'
'Let me put it this way, Sue', I answered, 'If Buddy and Jane lived close to us I would be willing to bet that the four of us would be having some good times together'.
'What kind of good times?', she persuaded.
'I mean good times. Lots of fun,' I said, 'some horse playing now and then, maybe everyone naked in the hot tub, maybe a little fooling around. Come on, Sue, you can’t say that you haven’t had certain desires now and then. And the best part is that they are a good couple very similar to us and nothing to be afraid of.
'You really think Buddy would allow you to mess around with Jane?' she asked.
I started joking with her now to lighten the mood, 'Only if you give Buddy one of your famous blow jobs, Sue, and if that would be the cost of getting in Jane’s pants, well, I guess that I’m willing to pay it.'
Sue started punching at me and tried to retaliate by saying, 'From what all you’ve told me about him, maybe I would consider that a fair deal!'
The day finally came when Buddy and Jane arrived for their visit. Jane looked no different than she did ten years ago. Jane was a petite thing just like Sue, but Jane had a big beautiful set of tits that begged you to gaze at them. Whether her chest was covered or exposed her tits would draw much pleasing attention.
Sue and I showed them the room they would be staying in. 'We’re putting you in the basement', we joked. Actually, we had just finished remodeling and finished off our basement into living space. Part of the renovation was to have a nice 'guest room' and it really turned out to be a nice and attractive room.
Sue really got to like Buddy and Jane. They were not the show-off or loud macho type, which made them very much our type.
During the first two days Jane attended her classes and Buddy played golf. The evenings were spent by the four of us on the patio just talking and having a few drinks. We were all very much enjoying each others company.
The third day was Wednesday. Sue had some shopping to do. Buddy went to a garage to get a new muffler put on their car. Jane’s classes were in the afternoon and evening. I spent the day mowing the lawn and other yard work. That evening I had to go to a union meeting and it was necessary for me to be there. The only thing that I didn’t like was the fifteen mile drive.
So when supper was over Jane went to her evening class and Buddy said that he was going to catch up on some reading. Sue was going to finish up some laundry and some light housework. I changed cloths and left for my meeting.
I stopped at a convenience store for a coffee and drove off. When I arrived for the meeting I was totally pissed off because the meeting had been rescheduled and I didn’t receive a call. So, I headed back home. When I arrived back home it was just between twi-light and dark. I pulled into the driveway and walked around the house to go into the back door. The first thing I saw was Sue down by the basement window looking in. As I approached her she turned and saw me and seemed a little startled. I asked, 'What are you doing?'
'Shhhhhhhhhhh', she whispered, 'you’ll ruin the show! Why aren’t you at you’re meeting?'
'It was canceled and Ruth somehow overlooked calling me', I said.
I came closer and looked through the thin sheer curtains of the window only to see, to my surprise, Buddy lying on the bed totally naked. His cock was standing up tall and stiff as he slowly stroked it with his left hand. Then I also noticed that he was watching a porno tape on the television.
I asked her jokingly, 'What interest you most, Buddy or the film?'
'Both', she whispered, 'look how he strokes himself in time with that girl going down on that guy. Does that make it feel better?'
'Oh, you bet', I said, 'it makes it more like being there'. Sue knew that sometimes I masturbated watching skin flicks so she was interested in my opinion.
Then I asked her, 'How did you come on to this?'
She said, 'I was going out to the cloths line to take down the towels because it was starting to get dark and I didn’t want them to get wet from the dew. I noticed the light on down here and immediately became curious because of some of the stories you told me about you and Buddy while you both were growing up. I just came over here as quietly as I could and looked in and I’ve been paralyzed since.'
Sue’s fantasy has always been to see a man stroke himself and give himself pleasure. She liked when I would put a show on for her, but she still had a desire to catch a guy doing himself without him knowing he was being watched. She would always get irritated when we were watching porno movies that they didn’t show the guys doing that more.
'Is watching this what you expected it would be like', I asked with interest.
'Even more so', she answered with a cracking in her whispering voice.
I was actually becoming excited that this was exciting her. Sue knows that I have fantasized about her with another cock. Even though Buddy was inside and we were outside, there remained the fact that I was standing with my wife only ten feet away from a totally naked man. I was actually imagining Sue in there giving Buddy a helping hand.
I leaned in closer behind Sue so that she could feel my hardness pressing against her. She reached back and unzipped me and pulled out my cock. Her cold hand felt so good and her grasp was tight. I thought that this was the time to determine for myself if I wanted fantasy to turn into reality. I began toying with her about our entertainment right there before us.
'Does Buddy’s cock look good to you?' I asked. As quick as I asked the question Sue breathed in deep and tightened her grasp on my rod.
'It’s a nice one', she said. 'Look how shinny and slippery his cock looks. He must be using something on it'>
I continued, 'What would think if I told you that it would be okay with me if you went in there and had some fun?'
Sue gave me a quick elbow in the ribs and tried to change the subject. 'Don’t you realize how much I’ve always wanted to catch a man doing this?' Her excitement was building even more. 'Do you think he’ll cum soon or stretch it out awhile?'
'My bet', I answered, 'is that he is feeling pretty good right now and that he’ll stretch it out awhile.. He’ll bring himself close to cuming and then stop for a minute. Then he’ll hammer away some more.' I knew that this was kind of talk would really work on Sue.
Sue seemed pleased with my answer. Sue turned her head to watch the television. The scene that was on now was a girl on her knees and hands sucking some guy laying on the floor while another guy was hosing her 'doggie style'. She knew that this, also was one of my fantasies. Seeing Sue wrestle two cocks at the same time.
'Do you think', she asked, 'that Buddy is fantasizing that he is one of those guys?'
'Maybe', I answered, but now it was time to raise the stakes. 'But, do you know what I really think?'
'What?', she answered quickly.
'Now think , Sue!' I began, 'Jane is over at the university tonight for three and a half hours. I’m suppose to be at a meeting fifteen miles from here until ten o’clock tonight. You’re doing laundry and going about the house getting things done and the only other person around is Buddy. The only two who are suppose to be here right now are hostess and guest! And here before us is guest lying naked, stiff and hot. Think, Sue! He wants to get caught just the way you see him there!'
'Oh, he does not!' she said in a little bit louder voice.
'Shhhhhhhh', I said pointing to the window that was open about an inch or two. At times we could hear the people on the television as Buddy was entertaining his cock and I thought that just as easily Buddy could end up hearing us.
I got up close to Sue again. My cock was still out of my pants and hard. When she felt it against her ass again she reached back and grabbed it and began messaging it at the same rhythm and speed that she saw Buddy messaging himself.
'Your cock is really hard. You must be enjoying this yourself aren’t you?' she asked. I must admit that I was feeling an envy for Buddy as he laid there in the raw and having a woman peeking in at him and enjoying the show.
Then I answered her before I even had time to think. 'What I would really like to see is you in there with your hand wrapped around Buddy’s cock and you doing the work so that he could better enjoy his movie.'
Quizzing me she asked, ' Are you sure?'
'Let’s get this straight', I responded, 'First of all, wouldn’t you like to be in there right now? Just the way you describe to me what you are watching tells me what your wet pussy is thinking.'
She almost answered uncontrollably and with no hesitation, 'Yes, I would. I really would and it excites me that you want me too. But actually doing it is another thing. How would I get in there?'
'He’s our guest, right? Take down a glass of iced tea and knock on the door and take it from there. My bet is he will let you in the door! I’m telling you, Sue, he wants you to catch him. I sure wouldn’t mind laying there with my cock out and have Jane walk in on me! I’d love to slide my cock between those tits of hers!'
'Really', Sue asked with some onriness in her tone, 'I think I’d like to watch that show from out here sometime, too.'
'I’m telling you, Sue, you had better get in there. You can tell that he is really wound tight.'
Sue was convinced that I was serious and I think she was convinced, also, that she was serious about going in there. I continued, 'If he doesn’t invite you in you’ll be able to come back out here and watch him shoot his load. I still say that you’ll get in and he’ll let you shoot it for him!'
Sue was squeezing my cock hard and then suddenly let go and said, 'Okay, I’m going before I change my mind.'
Sue went up on the porch and entered the kitchen. The light went on and then I heard her getting ice out of the refrigerator and preparing the tea. My cock was throbbing and twitching as I anticipated the show that I was about to witness.
A few minutes went by. Just then, a knock on his door. The skin on my cock almost split down the length of my hardness! Buddy hit STOP on the VCR and it changed to the weather station on regular television. Then he flipped the sheet to cover the lower half of his body. I almost laughed out loud because his hard-on made him look like he was under a tent. I could actually see the outline of the head if his rod against the sheet as it stood straight up.
It was now Show Time!
'Yes?' he said.
I could hear Sue’s voice, 'Buddy, is there anything that I can get for you? I brought you down a glass of iced tea.'
Buddy said, 'Come in. I could use some iced tea about now.'
Sue entered the room and approached the side of the bed. My heart was pounding. I’m actually watching my wife in the same room and within inches of a totally naked man only partly covered with a sheet.
Buddy’s cock was still erect and even twitched a few times and the action caught Sue’s attention. He knew he was giving a show and now I knew for sure that Buddy hadn’t changed a bit.
Sue stood against the bed and handed Buddy the tea. Then she said, 'There must really be some exciting weather coming our way.' As she was saying that she grabbed the remote and pushed PLAY and with the other hand flipped the corner of the sheet to expose Buddy’s cock. The video was now showing another scene with two women and one man. As Sue watched the television she knelt down on her knees at the side of the bed and placed her finger tips on the head of his cock and began lightly and teasingly touching it. His cock was throbbing and so was mine.
Sue occasionally looked at the movie and then she suddenly turned and made eye contact with Buddy and commented, 'You must have brought your own movies because this doesn’t look like one of ours.'
Buddy said, 'Actually, I brought five movies with me.'
'Really?' Sue’s response and tone gave evidence of her growing confidence in her current adventure. 'You and your little........I mean big friend here must spend a lot of time together, don’t you? I know Tom likes to lay naked and wag his tail at the ladies of video, too.'
I was so amazed at how calm and cool Sue was acting. She continued teasing the tip of Buddy’s cock with her finger tips. She was matching her moves with the video and Buddy was starting to show signs of high level arousal. He was gyrating his ass in a circular motion and even let out a little pleasure moan.
Buddy asked Sue, 'What do you like about a man’s cock?' Talk about driving me crazy! He continued, 'Come on, tell me. I love to hear a woman talk about cock.'
'I like to watch a soft one grow tall and firm,' she started. I like to feel the soft skin on a hard cock. I like to pump one and stop just before it cums. I like to feel a cock’s belly on my tongue. I like to ride a worked up, throbbing cock like a cowgirl. I like when we have company staying at our house who 'tips' with a shiny , slick 'love stick.'
It was clear that Buddy got more answer than he thought he’d get and even clearer that Sue was driving him to the edge.
Then I centered my thoughts on what I was watching. Buddy was completely undressed and Sue was completely dressed. I can’t explain the extra arousal that this was giving me.
Then Sue stood up and said, 'I’ll be right back in a couple of minutes. Don’t pump that thing off yet because we aren’t finished.
Several minutes went by and Buddy was now sitting up on the edge of the bed still watching the video. He couldn’t hide his anticipation. It was all over his face.
Finally Sue returned to the room and I could hardly believe my eyes. Sue was totally naked. The light from the television was the only light in the room and as it flickered it created quite an erotic effect.
Sue came over to were Buddy was sitting and stood with her pussy right in front of his face. His cock was wagging like a happy puppies tail.
Sue pushed on Buddy’s shoulders instructing him to lie back down. She knelt down beside him again and with one hand she grabbed hold of his shaft and with the other began messaging his balls. The hand on his cock she slid down to the base and then she leaned over and began circling the head with her tongue. She continued to surprise and amaze me. I never would have dreamed that I would like this so much.
Buddy was moving his ass again in a circular motion and moaning louder. Sue suddenly brought both of her hands to her tits, holding them, and she began moving her head up and down sucking Buddy’s cock. This was something that I knew she was doing for me. She knows I like watching her do that to me.
This was the point when Buddy started taking charge of the show. Buddy reached down and picked up Sue’s lower body as if she were light as a feather and placed her on top of him in the 69 position. He shot his head between her thighs and now Sue was letting out the moans of glad tidings. Now Sue was grinding her ass in a circular motion as she at the same time kept swallowing Buddy’s rod. They both kept a steady rhythm for several minutes with one or the other letting out pleasure groans.
Buddy pulled his head out and then reached across the bed and pulled something out from under the pillow. It was a dildo that actually looked like a large penis. Sue didn’t know what was going on yet.
Without Sue expecting it, buddy started easing the head of the love toy into Sue’s pussy. He made little jerky in and out motions and twisted it at the same time. Sue was really making some noise now as she was trying to force her body towards it so that it would penetrate her more. Buddy kept teasing her by not letting it go all the way in. I was wondering if Sue was thinking about the times I’ve told her about my fantasies of seeing her take on two cocks at the same time.
Buddy gradually fed her more and more of the rubber rod and she took it all with a vengeance. Then he started pumping her with it. I could tell every time that Sue had an orgasm. Sue began moving her body back and forth controlling the stroke of the cock in her pussy as well as the one in her mouth.
Sue raised her upper body and grabbed Buddy’s cock with her right hand and began pumping it forcefully. Then she suddenly let go so that she could watch it bounce and throb. She started stroking it again with long accurate strokes. Buddy starts twitching and jerking and Sue lets go again. A few quick sucks and she grabs it again and resumes her pumping. Buddy was really howling a tune now. I probably would have been able to hear him all the way down my back yard by the fence!
This time Sue was not letting go. She pumps and twists her hand on his stick. Buddy keeps feeding her the dong in her pussy. They both begin screaming at the same time as Buddy shots a load of cum almost twelve inches straight up in the air. His body jerking wildly and he is shining in sweat. Sue collapsed on top of him and then rolled over to his side. For a few minutes more they were silent but continued stroking each others nakedness.
Sue got up and said, 'I’ll be back in a minute.'
When she returned she had a sweat suit on and was carrying a towel. She sat on the side of the bed and helped Buddy wipe off. She wiped his joy stick and he did everything else.
She remained sitting on the bed beside Buddy as he laid on his back still naked with his cock resting back on his belly half limp. They were talking but I couldn’t make out their conversation. As they talked Sue lightly messaged Buddy’s balls and occasionally gave a single pet of her hand up his manhood. Then she would return to his balls and again gently knead them with her finger tips. He appeared very comfortable laying there with both his hands behind his head. The talking and ball messaging went on for about ten minutes. Then they began laughing and agreeing about something. Sue started to stand up but first leaned over and ran her tongue up the length of his cock to the head. Then she gave a last squeeze with her hand around his shaft and then started walking towards the door with a noticeable grin on her face. She opened the door and as she turned to pull it shut she gave a quick glance towards the window where she knew that I was standing and she was still wearing her grin.
I started to walk away from my 'peeping' spot and trying to get my cock back in my pants. It had been hard for the entire hour and a half that this show had been going on.
I entered the house and heard Sue in the shower. I made noticeable noise to make it sound downstairs like I had just gotten home.
I went into the bathroom and removed my clothing and got into the shower with Sue. I told her, 'I just made some noise at the front door to make it sound like I just came.' Sue quickly and wittingly replied, 'Buddy just made a lot of noise when he came, too.' We both started laughing. 'I know', I said, 'I saw the whole show'.
Sue looked a little concerned and asked, 'Were you okay with it?'
I motioned for her to look down. She saw my hard-on sticking straight out. She grinned and put both her arms around my neck and pressed her tits into my chest and her pussy against the head of my throbbing prick.
'Tell me the truth, Sue, was that good cock?' I asked.
'Mmmmmm', she moaned, 'It was really good. You two are similar in a lot of ways, even your cocks. Yet, there was a difference too. His cock felt good in my hand and it taste so good that I almost sunk my teeth into it. I really wanted to climb up on top of him and sit down slowly and feel his knob enter my pussy a tiny bit to feel him throbbing in me. Then I wanted to slid the rest of the way down to let him fill me. I didn’t go that far though because I didn’t know how far was too far.'
I motioned again for her to look down. 'I don’t have to look down', she said, 'I can feel the happy fellow’s head bagging between my thighs.'
I shut off the water and as we were drying off I said to her, 'I must admit, however, I am a little curious about that talk session the two of you had at the end. I couldn’t make out anything that you both were saying.'
She said, 'Well, Buddy and I both agreed that it would be a shame to waste the last two days of their visit with us. So while we were thinking of a way to get you and Jane together for some adventurous fun we figured out a flawless plan.'
'And what might this plan be?' I asked, showing obvious interest on my expression.
'Remember the other day when we were all having lunch together and you were telling Buddy and Jane about the bike trails that we often go to? Well, Buddy said that Jane loves doing that sort of stuff and that tomorrow is the one day that all she has is an evening class. She’ll have the whole day free. We’ll think of a reason why I can’t go Buddy said that he did want to look up a few of his old school friends. Besides, we only have two bikes.'
'Buddy said that he was sure of it', Sue said. 'He said that just on a couple of occasions he and Jane were involved in a threesome and one time a foursome. Turns out that they have enjoyed it with people they were comfortable with. And apparently he has shared many of the adventure stories about you and him when you both were growing up and those stories got her as interested and curious as they did me.'
We walked out of the bathroom and went straight to our bedroom and shut the door. As Sue reached for her PJ's off of the closet door I laid down on the bed still naked. My cock standing straight up. When Sue looked she said, 'Ohhhhh Baby, second time tonight I’ve gotten this show.'
She dimmed the light and crawled onto the bed. She reached her hand over and wrapped it around my cock and said, 'I want to suck and stroke your cock while I describe to you my experience tonight.'
Sue began describing every sensation and feeling that she experienced downstairs just less than a half hour ago. As she stroked and sucked and licked me she described how much she enjoyed the touch and taste of Buddy’s cock. How much she loved the feel of his tongue dancing around her pussy. How much she liked the rubber cock that he used on her. She continued to arouse and tease me using explicit detail along with her experienced hands until I started to twist and jerk and gasp with total pleasure feel myself release a tremendous load of cum straight up into the air.
'Hey', I said, 'You said that there are two days left of their visit and that tomorrow I will be taking Jane out on a bike trail, what our we doing on their last day here?'
'Buddy and I agreed that tomorrow you and Jane are going to have such a great time out on the trail studying nature that you both will both quickly agree that on our last night together the four of us should all get together.'
Sue was really blowing my mind. Everything she did tonight took me beyond all expectations that I might of had. I think that I have created a monster!
The Next Day
Morning seemed to come quickly and I was pleased as I looked out the window to see early signs of what appeared to be the makings of a beautiful day. I quickly shaved and dressed and went out to the garage to install the bike carrier on the back of the car . When I entered the kitchen I was surprised to see Sue and Jane already sitting at the table sipping on coffee.
'Boy!', I said. 'That really smells good.'
Sue got up and poured me a cup as I sat down at the table. Jane appeared dressed and ready to go. Sue returned to the table and said, 'Tom, I wasn’t going to make breakfast because I thought maybe Jane would like that little country restaurant that we always stop at when we go riding.'
'Good idea, Sue.' I continued, 'Jane, I don’t know what your breakfast habits are but this little restaurant will really get you filled and energized for a full day of riding.'
Jane replied, 'Sounds great. I’m really excited about this. When I got home last night Buddy told me what was planned and I just couldn’t wait for morning. These classes cram so much information into such a short time that my brain is short circuiting! I will really enjoy going out on one of those trails away from everything else.'
Sue responded, 'That’s probably the best way to describe it. We are in the middle of the week and hardly anyone else will be on those trails. I’ve even taken advantage of such days to work on my tan lines and full tan.'
Wow !!! I couldn’t believe Sue said that so casually and I just tried to act like it went through one ear and out the other.
However, Jane did reply to Sue’s statement, ' Ouuuu, that sounds neat, but I don’t really have any tan lines to work on but more tan does sound good.'
No tan lines !?!? Wow, Jane has a great tan. I was getting suspicious if they were plotting but at the same time I knew Sue’s way of sliding in the power of suggestion.
As we were getting up from the table to leave Sue hands me the backpack and water bottles and instructs me, 'I put some snack foods in there and also, Jane, I packed that oil you said that you wanted to try.'
Mmmmm, sounds like there WILL be some tanning today. We proceeded to the car and Jane instructed Sue, 'Buddy said he would like up around 8:30 and that you don’t have to worry about breakfast. He’s really not a breakfast person and he wanted to get on with his plans of looking up a few school friends'
'Okay', Sue responded. 'You two have fun and watch out for those big wild things that prowl out in the wilderness.' I turned and saw Sue grinning at me.
We drove to the little country restaurant and had a good time discussing were we were going and what we would be doing. Jane was very attractive even now wearing a sweat suit and totally covered she had a very sexy appearance about her. I had already committed my brain to think that this was just a day for bike riding and nothing else. If something else happens, fine. Unfortunately, at the same time, I’m fantasizing about Jane the whole time we are eating.
We continued our drive for another thirty-five minutes to the trail parking lot. It was as Sue suggested, deserted. As I unloaded the bikes Jane stood on the passenger side of the car with the door open and removed her sweat suit. Her back was to me as she pulled the sweatshirt up over her head. Ooohh Baby, I thought to myself when I saw that she was wearing one of those crop tops that are cut short to expose the midsection. Then she bent over to remove her sweatpants and while doing so totally exposed her breasts while reaching towards her ankles. When she stood back up I saw that she was also wearing a pair of loose fitting nylon shorts. Ooohh Yum Yum. I could feel my shorts tightening and now no longer needed my imagination to wonder what those lovely things looked like. I continued as if I hadn’t seen a thing. What an acting job that was ! Jane mounted her bike and I removed my shirt and then placed it in the back pack before putting it on. I placed a full water bottle into the brackets on both bikes. The sun was climbing and this was going to be a postcard day.
I was dumbfounded. As we began pedaling toward the entrance of the bike trail I purposely looked and noticed how Jane’s posture on the bike allowed a bottom view of her tits. She had to be aware and yet totally unconcerned. Our conversation was about the beautiful day and beautiful forest setting. We continued our journey for several miles stopping only briefly now and then to observe some wildlife. While riding I stayed to Jane’s left and as much as possible let her a half bike length ahead of me. What a show !! I enjoyed every bump and especially the back and forth swaying of her breasts that coordinated with her pedaling motion. If you could have examined my brain you would have thought that this was the first time I ever saw a woman !
After going a few more mile markers we decided to stop for awhile for a short rest. We figured this would be a nice spot because it was at a beautiful overlook. I was surprised at how good of shape Jane was in. I hadn’t thought at all that we would put this much mileage on. Jane really appeared to be enjoying it. We grabbed our water bottles and found a spot to sit down. We sat across from each other and agreed of how good a workout this has been. Jane sat with her legs straight forward and was leaning back on her left elbow. As she raised her water bottle for a drink with her right hand she totally exposed her right tit. After taking a drink she looked in the direction of the valley and said, 'Boy, I really like the view'. Spontaneously I responded, ' So do I'. Jane quickly looked straight at me and grinned.
Jane reminded me so much of Buddy just last night when I dared Sue to go into his room. {Read previous story: Easing into Swing}. Buddy enjoyed showing himself to a woman and having her respond. Now Jane seems to be doing the same thing.
'Where is our final destination?', Jane asked
'About three and a half miles further', I responded. 'It is a place similar to this only nicer. There are a couple hiking trails and one goes to an overlook that is above a river and railroad tracks. We’ve made such good time getting here that we can probably hang out there for a least two hours'
'Wow, sounds great. The idea of hiking sounds good, too. We’ll be able to stretch out', Jane announced.
The next few miles went by quickly. We arrived at the rest area where there were some facilities and a place to park and lock the bikes. We did so and also grabbing our gear I pointed to Jane the hiking trail to head for. It was a well used trail and rated probably semi-rugged and sometimes steep. We reached the spot of the overlook and Jane was speechless. We went out onto a huge rock and took in the view. Below us was the river and on the other side the railway. I opened the backpack and removed my poncho liner which was a lightweight blanket and spread it on the rock surface. Jane went over to the edge and sat down. I went over and joined her. We talked awhile and then she placed her hand on my shoulder and said, 'Wow, you’re getting a little red from the sun. Let me get that lotion that Sue packed for us. When Jane returned she sat down behind me with her legs stretching out on either side of me. She squirted some lotion on her hands and began gently rubbing it in my shoulders.
'Feel good?' She asked.
'OH yeah' I responded. After my response she reached her hands around my sides under my arms and began putting the lotion on my chest. In doing so her chest was snug against my back and I could tell without a doubt that she had very craftily removed her top. The flesh on flesh of her breasts upon my back felt so good. My head was spinning a little from the disbelief of what was happening.
'How does that feel'? she asked and with a little more teasing detectable in her voice.
I responded, ' That feels even better.'
Jane continued applying the lotion when in the distance we could hear a train whistle. Jane jumped up and while standing totally topless said with an exciting voice, 'How long until it gets here?' I told her that we had about three to five minutes. She quickly went to the backpack and removed her camera. I didn’t even know it was there. She started looking for different angles to take a picture. I thought that maybe she had never seen a train before. She next handed me the camera and said, 'Here, you stand over here and take a picture of me watching the train.' Just as the train was coming around the bend, Jane stooped down and grabbed her top. Instead of putting it on she started jumping up and down and waving it like a flag! She kept saying to me, 'Not yet, not yet.'
As she continued to jump and wave her shirt the train began blowing it’s horn. When that happened she slid her flimsy nylon shorts off and stood totally naked with her ankles wide apart and her hands on her hips. The train horn kept sounding it’s approval. Jane yells out, 'Take the picture. Take the picture!' I snapped off a picture and realized how good a picture it would be. The back view of Jane’s naked body waving at a train some fifty yards away with someone’s arm reaching out from the train waving.
As the train disappeared Jane turned to face me and enjoyed my expression as I looked at her. She did have a full tan and her pussy was totally shaved. Now that was a first for me. Jane walked over to the blanket and laid down with her back side up and she said, 'Now you put some on me.'
I began applying the lotion on her back and gradually worked my way to her ass. It felt good touching it and I thought my cock was about to burst out through my pants. I continued down each leg and then she turned over exposing to me her front side. She looked straight up into my eyes enjoying the sight of arousal upon my face. She took the bottle of lotion from my hand and said, 'Please show me how excited you are!'
I stood up and loosened my shorts and removed my shorts and underwear at the same time. My cock sprang forward and bounced and throbbed. The air felt so incredibly good and I was enjoying the fact that now I was also totally naked standing in front of Jane. Jane motioned me to kneel back down beside her. As I did she gently wrapped her right hand around my cock and steered me closer. With the other hand she handed me the lotion again. I continued applying the lotion to the front of her and taking my time and enjoying it to the fullest. Jane’s eyes were closed while I rubbed in the lotion ever so gently and she massaged my balls with my hard on resting on her wrist.
She opened her eyes and while looking straight into my face said, 'Is it okay that we don’t have sex?'
Not wanting to ruin the rapid progress that has been made, I said, 'Sure, I’m okay with that.'
Now is when the dialog really opened up. We both seemed so at ease. Jane kept looking to watch me as I viewed her body and she would run her eyes over me as well. She broke the silence, 'I want to share an experience with you that is as good as sex, believe it or not.'
'Sounds great to me', I said with my voice cracking some.
Jane begins talking while we continue looking at each other and massaging each other. 'You know?' she says, 'We are not the only two people who knows what is happening out here. Sue knows and so does Buddy'. I’m speechless but just in case she holds a finger to here lips for me to be quiet and listen. 'Are you aware of what happened last night?' I shrug my shoulders. 'Come on now', she says. 'Do you know?' I shake my head yes and when I started to say something she quickly held her finger up to her lips for me not to say a word. 'You’ll get your chance to talk but right now just me.'
Jane continued, 'Buddy told me last night that Sue visited him in his room for over an hour.' I shook my head in agreement. 'Ouuuuh, so Sue told you about it?' I shook my head ‘no’. 'Ouuuh, so then you must have caught them.' I shook my head ‘no’. ' Hmmmmmm, I wonder how else you could have known?'
I quickly and uncontrollably responded, 'I watched the whole thing.'
Jane quickly reached up and placed her finger on my lips to be silent but at the same time showed signs of increased excitement upon hearing what I said. She began messaging my cock more passionately.
'So', Jane said, 'You saw everything that happened? How?' She motioned for me to speak.
'Well', I started, 'Sue was in the back yard and saw Buddy’s light on and she went over to investigate and caught him naked and entertaining himself. To make a long story short Sue decided that she wanted to go in with him and I gave her my approval but that I could watch. Sue agreed. The rest is history but they sure did give me a show to remember!'
Jane was showing extreme signs of excitement and her grip on me tightened. 'Wow, to bad we couldn’t have watched that show together', she said. Continuing she said, 'Let me fill you in on something.' As she began talking I laid down beside her and we continued touching each other and both enjoying it.
'Well', she began, 'Buddy and I have a unique arrangement. We have extremely good sex together but we both have the same weakness. We both like to fool around. We have only had sex with other people only a couple of times and when we do it is with both of us present. It would be a threesome or on one occasion we were with another couple and we traded partners and had sex in the same room with dim lighting so that all four of us could watch everything. It is a turn on for both of us to watch each other turn someone else on. I love watching Buddy drive a girl crazy and he persuades me sometimes to please a guy. It is always with people that we both agree upon. But there have been times when we each have fooled around on our own but we have always told each other when we did. That’s part of the turn on for us. While I’m describing an encounter that I had, Buddy goes down on me and buries his head between my thighs and drives me to such a level that it would be impossible for me to leave out any parts of the story. He wants me to describe everything we did and what I liked and what the guy’s cock was like. The more I tell him the better he likes it.'
'And when he fools around', she continued. 'He tells me all about the girl and her physical features and how she loved his cock and begged him to use it on her. But we have always saved going that far for both of us to enjoy at the same time. My wildest experience was when we had a threesome with another guy and I took on two cocks at the same time. The other guys name was Tony and to Buddy’s surprise I out did both of them. And do you want to know a little secret, Tom?' 'Sure', I said. Jane said, 'Well, Sue and I have had some talks this week and we both have the same interests and she even asked me to share some of the escapades Buddy and I have done together. She was most interested in taking on two cocks and said that many times you told her that you would like her to. She just doesn’t know how serious you are. You and Buddy could really help her decide if a threesome is what she would like. Buddy already told me he would like it. If when we start, Sue becomes a little backward, maybe she could watch you, me and Buddy get it on. I’d like that. I’m past due, myself , for a threesome.'
Jane proceeded with even more, 'Sue also told me things about you that totally surprised me as to how much you two and Buddy and I are alike. She said you both like masturbating in front of each other. That you both like masturbating each other while watching videos. She even told me that anytime she masturbates privately that she does while fantasizing about you with another woman getting it on.'
Jane started to stand up and while doing so held me down. She stood straddling me with a foot on each side of my hips. 'Wrap your hand around your cock', she instructed. When I did so she placed her hand over her inviting pussy. We both started massaging ourselves without even realizing at first that we were even doing it. What a fantastic view I had looking up at her naked body above me. I raised up bringing my face to her pussy and began searching her with my lips and tongue. She moaned and also held the back of my head firm and steady. After a few minutes she pushed on my shoulders for me to lie back down.
Jane then bent her knees and stooped down and sat her bare ass on my thighs. Her pussy and my cock were actually touching each other. She wrapped her hand around my loaded cannon and began messaging it against her love entrance. I was wanting her to give in to the desire and let me enter her if only for a brief moment but she somehow remained disciplined to her agreement with Buddy. Her expressions were telling me that she was as aroused and full of erotic thoughts as well as I was.
'You see', Jane said, 'it’s like the old saying, ‘The journey is as much of the adventure as reaching the goal’.'
'What do you mean?' I asked.
'Foreplay', she answered. 'One of the most erotic parts of making love is anticipating and fantasizing your way through your desires before you even actually do anything. The biggest sex organ in the body is the brain.'
'Would you like to feel your cock enter me and drive me insane', she asked breathing heavy and speaking almost too loud not to be heard if someone were near by. 'I know you do, don’t you?'
'Oh yes', I said. 'I want to fuck you all day.' Jane moaned even more hearing that. She continued to press my cock against her bare pussy and stroked my cock with long firm strokes. She said, 'I heard that Buddy really liked this last night , let’s see how you do.' Jane pumped me as I looked up at her full nudity which stimulated me to peak performance. I started to jerk beneath her as I shot my full load up onto her stomach. 'Mmmmm Baby', she said teasingly. 'But if I want to catch up with Sue I need to suck this thing before Buddy and I leave to go home.' 'Tomorrow night sounds good to me,' I said.
'Will you let Buddy please Sue the same ways you want to please me', she asked.
'As long as Sue is okay with it so am I and I think last night showed me that Sue is more than ready', I answered her. 'This is new territory for Sue as well as myself and we both seem as excited to try something. We’ve always fantasized about this stuff and until last night and also today is the first that we have ever done anything.'
Jane responded, 'Sue and I already talked about it. We both agreed that tomorrow night you and Buddy are going to take us out to wine and dine us. Then we’re heading back to your house where we are going to cross over the line from foreplay to you two guys feeding us girls some serious cock all night long !! Then the following morning Buddy and I will be heading back to Philadelphia'
'Wow', I replied. 'I think Buddy and I ought to let you girls do all the planning from now on.'
We gathered up our stuff and got dressed and made our way down the hiking trail to the bikes. We started the bike ride back in the direction of the car and continued our conversation all the way back concerning our new adventure that we shared today. We began planning what we would like to do tomorrow night when the four of us get it on together on the last night.
Jane even started planning for Sue and I to come to Philadelphia to visit her and Buddy.
When we arrived back to the car we started loading the bikes. Jane was wiping her neck with a towel with her arm in the air giving me another look at one of those nice tits. 'Hey', I said. 'How are you going to get that picture developed?'
Jane looked at me and grinned. 'Buddy develops film as a hobby and I’m going to have him make you an 8X10 of me waving at the train.'
The Following Day
Friday morning at 8:45 Jane was on her way to the university for the final class of her seminar. At 1 PM she finished, came home with certificate in hand and told Sue she felt like doing a few hours shopping. The two of them left for the mall in our car because Buddy was in the middle of washing and waxing their car. I was taking advantage of the time to get a few Saturday chores done a day early. I had taken this whole week off and it turned out to be one of the best vacations I’d ever taken and didn’t have to travel anywhere.
Among my assigned chores were to hose off the back patio and wipe down the lawn furniture. As I was doing so I was standing only a few feet away from the window where I had the peep show of Sue and Buddy two nights ago . I came to a full erection as I thought my way through what I had watched them do. Then my mind went on to reminisce about yesterday out on the bike trail with Jane. Rubbing sun oil over every inch of her voluptuous naked body. My hands started aching with a desire to do it again. I thought about the incredible hand job that she gave me. Stroking me and working me to an eruption of love lather that sent my hips bucking like a bronco.
After my chores were finished I called Janice to make some reservations. Janice and Scott are really good friends of ours. Scott is a supervisor at a telemarketing company and travels a lot. Janice inherited her family run Greek restaurant and runs it with the help of a few college students who work part time for her. Her and Scott live above the restaurant. Janice is not part of the plans for tonight but she definitely is fantasy material. I’ve never heard anything about her and Scott doing anything on the daring side except for one time when they catered a bachelor party for some other friends and she jumped out of the cake topless and wearing a pair of white short shorts. Then she lap danced on the groom. From what I heard Scott really liked it. Wish I would have seen it for myself.
When Jane and Sue returned home the four of us got together to make our game plan. I said, 'Hey, guys, we’ve been doing ribs and steaks outback all week so I went ahead and made reservations at a Greek restaurant.'
'Oh, good idea,' Sue said. 'Jane, you two will love this place. We know the people that run it and they have a great menu. Tom and I usually get a salad that’s loaded with all kinds of stuff and a sampler bread tray to dip in olive oil.'
'Mmmmm', Buddy and Jane responded at the same time.
'Good, sounds like we’ve agreed, ' I declared. 'Reservations are at 7 PM'.
Around 6 PM Buddy and I were ready and went out on to the patio to relax and wait on the girls. Buddy looked at me a little concerned and said, 'Tom, are you okay with everything so far?'
'Oh yes', I answered, 'and I think from the vibes I’m getting that Sue is okay also.'
'Good', Buddy continued , 'I guess we’re in unanimous agreement. I think this will be a good night for all of us. Don’t feel pressured. You can bail out anytime you want. This is just stuff that Jane and I have done on a few occasions and really enjoy it. When anyone becomes uncomfortable we’ll stop.'
'It’s been a good experience for Sue and I so far as well', I said. 'We’ve always talked and teased each other about it for quite some time but never, until now, persuade swapping partners or having a three or foursome.'
Just then both Sue and Jane appeared on the patio and both our jaws dropped. They were both wearing flirty and revealing sun dresses and quite obvious that might be all they had on. Their nipples were pressing against the material and the dress allowed free movement of their breasts that only poetry could describe.
'My, my', Jane said. 'They can’t even talk. Wonder what their thinking?'
Sue replied, 'Their thinking what every man thinks when he sees a woman wearing a sun dress or short skirt. They’re wondering if we have panties on or not.'
'You’re right, Sue', Jane said. 'Think we ought to show them if we are or not?'
Sue returned, 'No, not right away. They might bypass taking us out and just attack us now on the spot.'
Jane continued, 'Right again Sue, I think that when we came out here we turned three pounds of raw meat into ten pounds of hard meat! We must be magicians !' They both laughed. Sue said, 'Yeah, but the real magic show will be later when I make that ten pounds of hard meat disappear!'
'Alllllllllright,' Jane said loudly.
This was reinforcing my satisfaction in knowing that Sue was comfortable, confident and willing to continue with something that also had me very thrilled.
I looked at Buddy and said through my teeth so he could hear, 'I think Sue is ripe and ready to be picked.' Buddy returned a nod to me.
We headed for the car and proceeded to the restaurant. As we drove off I became even more aroused thinking about everything. Here we were; all four of us on the same consensual wave length that promised to produce an extremely erotic finale to a full week of progressive excitement.
We arrived at the restaurant and were greeted by Janice. We made the proper introductions and then Janice said, 'Tom, it’s a good thing Sue called me back and filled me in on your reservation that you made this morning. Sue, since this is a special occasion I’m going to seat you all out back on our deck. Scott is out of town inspecting a sister marketing firm up in Pennsylvania. So go ahead and use anything you want and stay as late as you like.'
'Sounds great', Sue responded
Janice led us out and when we all came in view of their deck we responded in unison, 'Wow !' Privacy fence! Dim lit lanterns! Wet bar! Just the four of us! And a HOT TUB !
Janice took our orders and personally became our waitress. She was quite a dish to be looking at as well. Her little black skirt and ruffle white blouse cut down nice and low in the front helped to add to the erotic atmosphere that we were all enjoying.
We were all having a wonderful time. Great food! The best of wine! Unbelievable selection of breads and dips! Beautiful, warm summer night! Good conversation! Two DELICIOUS looking women! And two massive hard-on's waiting to be released from their cages! Three hours had gone by and the restaurant had been closed since nine but Janice had reminded us again that we had no curfew. She practically insisted that we stay late.
'Well Sue', Jane started, 'do you suppose that we should settle their curiosity.'
'I think so', Sue replied.
With that they both stood up and removed their little short sun dresses which left them both standing wearing only a tiny little triangular thong that matched their dresses. They both seemed so bold and confident and enjoying what they were doing with teasing smiles on their faces. Buddy and I applauded. I’ve always had an extreme appreciation of women who like to show themselves off and then allow a guy to make that eye to eye acknowledgment.
Jane stepped over behind Sue and knelt down. She reached up and tucked her thumbs under the thin strings of Sues thong and started pulling it down revealing her partially shaved pussy. Chills went through me as I looked at her looking good at feeling good. Then Sue got down behind Jane and removed her thong to divulge her totally shaved cock pleaser. Oh how good they looked!
They walked over and stood right before us and Sue said, 'We girls want to get into the water but we need some life guards.' With that Buddy stood up and I followed his lead as we removed our cloths. Sue’s eyes devoured Buddy’s cock when it sprang out. She knew she could react freely in front of me. The moment of truth had finally arrived. The four of us were all standing together naked sharing the same excitement and desire. I had wondered if I would be shy and timid but as it turned out I was loving it and now considering it as a bliss. The warm breeze blowing on me along with Jane’s stare was almost enough to make me cum right then on the spot Fantasizing such an event is one thing but to experience it in reality is so exquisite and beyond description by my limited vocabulary.
We climbed into the hot tub and sat about fifteen minutes talking and savoring what was happening. Buddy was across from me and Jane and Sue were across from each other. Jane reached out both her hands through the water and grabbed a cock in each hand. Both our cocks respond to her touch. I couldn’t help noticing how Sue studied every move that Jane made. Sue was a good student eager to learn.
'You know what?' Jane remarked, 'Sue told me that she has never had two cocks at the same time and I think you guys ought to give her an opportunity to satisfy her curiosity.'
Buddy and I both stood up and stood in front of Sue making the water below hip level. Jane stood up behind us and placed her left hand on my ass and her right hand on Buddy’s. Each hand moved squeezing us while at the same time coaxing us to move closer towards Sue. Sue, still seated in the water, reached her right hand towards me and wrapped her hand around my cock and then leaned in towards it and started licking the head of my throbbing joy stick. Then with her left hand grabbed Buddy’s rod and leaned over in his direction and began licking and lightly sucking him. Sue was showing increased signs of stimulation and excitement as her grip tightened on me. She slowly stroked me as she sucked on Buddy and then began to alternate. Jane had since moved her hands under and between our legs so that she could fondle our balls. What sensation it was all producing!
Sue released her grip from both of us and scooted her butt up onto the decking with her legs still dangling in the water. She spread her legs apart and Jane gave Buddy a little push to move in. Buddy started kissing his way up Sue’s thighs until he made contact with her love opening. I climbed out of the tub and knelt down beside Sue and began kissing her and touching her tits. She let herself lay down and then pulled her feet out of the water so that her knees were still spread and positioned up. As I continued to kiss her I could feel her breath hot and she was partially gasping. Jane came and knelt down on the other side of Sue and said in Sue’s ear, 'Sue, the love gods are here and they want to grant you a wish. Their magic wands possess wondrous powers to fulfill your secret desires. Do you have a wish?'
Breathing heavily Sue responded, 'Yes, tell them to never stop.'
Jane moved over next to me and started teasing my hard on with her hand while I still had my face near Sue’s. Sue whispered to me as she got a glimpse of Jane’s hand on my cock, 'Tom, Buddy’s tongue feels so good. I want you to do the same thing to Jane. Would you do it so that I can see?'
Jane eagerly laid herself down on her back and spread her legs wide open. Her shaved and open pussy looked so good and I wanted to memorize it in my mind. 'Do it, Tom, go down on her', Sue begged. 'Lick her hot pit and satisfy her need.'
I went up between her silk smooth thighs with my face and aimed right for her love opening. Mmmmm, she tasted so good and my ears were enjoying the sounds of escalating pleasure coming from both girls. Jane placed both of her hands on my head and occasionally lightly squeeze her thighs against my head. In the past Sue and I only occasionally performed oral sex but I could tell now that was all going to change. The taste of Jane along with feeling her body respond to my flicking tongue and watching Buddy have the same control over Sue was driving me to another level of sexual desire. Sue was arching her back and pushing her ass up off the deck as if assaulting Buddy’s tongue. This had to have gone on for fifteen minutes at which time we all climbed back into the hot tub.
'This is incredible', I said. 'Are you girls still okay with it?' They looked at me somewhat surprised that I would even ask.
Jane looked at Sue and said, 'Sue, Let me watch Buddy enter you doggie style and then I want you to suck Tom at the same time.'
Sue immediately, as if obeying Jane’s command under hypnosis, climbed out and got into position. Buddy followed her and knelt down behind her. By then Jane and I came over to them were I laid down in front of Sue trying to position myself to also watch. Sue immediately started sucking and pumping my cock slow and firmly. Jane took Buddy’s cock in her hand and began wetting it down in her mouth. Then she guided Buddy’s missile in closer and closer until the head of his cum rod touched Sue’s entrance. Sue quivered and let out a sigh. Jane moved Buddy’s cock in a circular motion until shortly Sue’s juices flowed. Sue’s hips were jerking and she was trying to push herself towards Buddy so that she could devour his bait. Jane pushed on Buddy’s back directing him to enter Sue’s canal. Sue let out a yell of delight . It was now official; Sue has had her first threesome or as she would say 'made two cocks disappear.' Hell, this was my first threesome, too!!! Nothing could compare to it.
Jane stood up and she looked at me as I watched her walk seductively over towards the table were we ate earlier. When Jane got to the table she spread her beautiful legs apart and laid her upper body down on the table with her ass aimed at me. Sue was able to see what was going on and said to me, 'I think there is another pussy here that needs some attention. I think that you should go and provide it to repay her for the ride I’m getting. Oh, Tom, Buddy’s cock is so delicious and feels sooooo good. I want to watch you make Jane feel as good.'
As I approached her she stood back up again and whispered in my ear with her body touching mine, 'This is how I want you to fuck me, while I’m bent over the table. I’ve wanted your cock so much ever since I got my hands on it yesterday. But before you slide it into my hungry pussy I want to suck it with my hungry mouth.' It was incredible. I remained standing and Jane knelt in front of me and gave me such pleasure and sensation that only an experienced master could give. Her hands continually roamed my body as she sucked and stroked me with her throat. I kept glancing at Sue and Buddy as he maintained a steady rhythm. Buddy was emitting sounds that indicated his pleasure and satisfaction also.
Jane sucked me with such skill that I had forgotten about Sue and Buddy only twenty-five feet away from us. My senses were going numb and I couldn’t even hear their moaning though I knew they were. Jane sucked and stroked me with her hand at the same time. My cock was swelling and swelling to the point that I knew I was going to cum and then she suddenly stopped and stood up against me. My cock was throbbing like crazy. She was good. She knew how far to take me. My face had to be flushed red and I was sweating also. She grabbed by cock tightly and whispered, 'If you want me to suck out your cum, you and Sue will have to come to Philadelphia to visit us.' I was ready to go gas up the car and get my Pennsylvania road map Right then.
While still facing me and holding my cock she pulled it in close to touch her pussy. 'Please fuck me now. Let me feel this thing swell inside of me.' I was amazed at how much under the influence of cock that she was. She needed a fix and now.
I turned her around so she could bend over the table again. As she did I came in close to her and made my entry. She was loudly moaning. I entered her slowly and gradually and easily slide in to her passion pit. She was so smooth and warm and I could feel the inside of her squeezing my love stick. I wanted to fuck her hard and cum but at the same time I wanted to pump her slow and gentle and make it last. She lifted herself up onto her elbows and asked me to reach in under her tits. They hung so nice and I allowed them to brush back and forth across my hands as her body responded to the gentle pounding that I was giving her.
As I continued pushing myself deeper and deeper into her delightful desire pit I noticed some movement. Over in a darkened corner of the patio I could see that Janice was sitting in a chair watching us. She had her skirt up and was masturbating. I felt my cock jerk wanting also now to please Janice’s eyes as she watched. I continued to look in her direction wanting her to know that I was also enjoying her. Oh man, seems like everything that happens makes the night even better.
Suddenly Sue and Buddy hit paydirt. They both started screaming as Buddy must have left loose with a massive load. The commotion stimulated both Jane and I even more to were within a minute I was swelling ever so tight inside of Jane to where we also were nearing climax. As I began to cum Jane and I both began howling and Jane’s legs began to weaken. I held her at least until I finished cumming and then we both fell onto the deck. When we were able to get back up we saw that Sue and Buddy had gotten back into the hot tub. We went over to join them and took with us a bottle of wine that we hadn’t finished. Passing the bottle back and forth we just kept looking at each other and laughing and sighing that reassured each of us that everyone had a great time. Under the water Sue was rewarding my cock with a soft message. I think Jane was doing the same to Buddy.
I looked over to the darkened corner and saw that Janice was gone and that now there were lights on upstairs in her apartment. Here I am involved in a foursome and find myself briefly fantasizing about Janice. Wow, I must have gotten a bad case of the pussy virus.
'You know?' Jane broke the language barrier. 'Buddy and I would really like for you two to come up to Philadelphia sometime and visit us.' Buddy was nodding agreement as she spoke. 'This has been so fun and exciting. I loved every moment of it. You two really make good partners.'
'Me too', Sue respond. 'I loved our time together. It would be a shame to let it end here and now.'
'Right on', I said.
We gathered our things and straightened up some and Buddy and I pitched in to leave Janice a generous tip on the table.
When we got home Buddy and Jane went downstairs to their room holding hands. The four of us were somewhat sad that the week was over but the foursome farewell will live in memory. Not to mention the possibility of a future get together.
Sue and I relived the whole evening while we took a shower together. She told me that she wanted to make love through the night or first thing in the morning. We were both still aroused over everything.
Before we went to bed I checked the phone answering machine. 'Hey Sue', I said 'Come listen to this.'
The message said, 'Hi, Tom and Sue this is Janice. Just wanted you to know that I hope everything went well for your special evening. I want to talk to Scott about inviting you two over some evening for a barbecue and who knows, maybe we’ll get in the hot tub too. Bye'
I said, 'Sue, were you aware that Janice was sitting in a dark corner of the patio watching us tonight?'
'You’re kidding?' she said.
'Nope, and I feel pretty sure that she enjoyed the show. I think you ought to call her back tomorrow and say that we accept her invitation.'
'I’ll do it first thing in the morning', she said.
We went to bed and kissed and fell into a deep sleep.

One of the marketing consultants that my husband Tom works for has us keep an eye on his house while his family travels with him on business trips. Sometimes, especially in the summer, they can be away as much as a month. It is more like an estate which sits on a huge piece of property and is very private. Alarm systems and the works protect this place.
Tom and I just check the place and if we see anything that needs taken care of we just call the proper service and arrange the repair or maintenance.
The swimming pool pump needed repaired and serviced so we contacted the pool service. It was a family run business with the three sons now operating it. It was usually Joey that came and sometimes he brought his wife. We always got a kick out of them because they always acted like love birds. We were also humored by her name, Jo. That’s right, Jo and Joey. They were recently married after dating for a very long time. Joey was 38 and divorced to a previous marriage when he was in his 20’s. Jo is 36 and for some unexplainable reason no guy until now managed to slip a wedding band on her.
Joey was well trusted and knew the security codes to enter through the gate.
On the day they were to come I also needed to do a few things inside the house. Tom dropped me off and then went back home to do yard work.
Later I heard Joey and Jo arrive and they went straight to their repair work. I paid little attention to them as about a full hour had gone by.
I went about the house and freshened things up a bit. Upon entering into their large bathroom off from the master bedroom, I noticed very little that needed done there except some minor freshening up. This bathroom was unbelievable in design features. It was mirror wonderland. A large window gave a picturesque view overlooking the pool and beyond that the beautiful valley with the roof tops of a small community visible several miles away.
As I approached the window I became somewhat amused at the view that I had of Jo and Joey sitting on some of the lawn furniture by the pool. It looked like they finished their repair and were just taking a break and having a soda before leaving. They still could not have had any idea that I was there. It was very evident that they were still very much in a mental honeymoon phase. I smiled and continued doing a few things and when I was about to leave the room I opted to take another glance out of the window.
When I looked out Joey had just stood up and in one swift motion removed his tanktop. Jo was sitting in a lawn chair directly in front of him and with her back in my direction. The moment Joey stood to remove his shirt Jo slid out of the chair and dropped to her knees in front of him. With her hands she began rubbing up and down his muscular legs and with the flat of her right palm was rubbing a circular motion and rhythm on the front of his very short cutoffs. They were the kind of cutoffs that I sometimes thought looked silly on a guy but not this time. I was actually concentrating my vision to see if perhaps his love meat was hanging down below the cutoff. No such luck. His shorts were too tight. I realized that I was very much being attracted to his appearance and I couldn’t resist staring at that tiny pair of shorts that he had on that was teasing my imagination.
My heart began racing uncontrollably and I was realizing how instantly my thoughts desired Jo to keep going. My husband, Tom, crossed my mind because he always talks about wanting to catch some one getting it on. It is so arousing to watch a couple make love together and what Tom also really loves is outdoor sex. But Tom’s not here and I am so consumed by what is about to start that my eyes are sealed upon Jo’s rubbing and light pinching at the front of Joey’s shorts. 'Unzip them, Jo.' I think out loud. 'It’s just such a small piece of material that remains and you are both here in a location that is private and secure.'
As if our minds were connected Jo proceeded to do just that. She took her thumb and index finger and in a teasing way pinched the zipper flap and slowly pulled it down. 'OH, yes, yes, yes, let it out', I said out loud and still trying to remain out of view. Jo proceeds to pull Joey’s shorts down and I became totally paralyzed when his shorts cleared the way for his cock to spring forward. It was enormous! How could all that cock hide behind such a small garment? I couldn’t move. I could barely breath. His cock was so erect and thick and long as none I have ever seen. His balls were hanging low. His face was showing excitement and anticipation. I looked into one of the mirrors and realized that so did mine. 'Damn', I thought, 'How I wished that I had our video camera with me to preserve this action for later use and satisfaction. Also, would come in handy to prove to Tom that I am not exaggerating my story when I tell him.
The knob on his 'cum rod' was huge and glowing. The sun is no stranger to this awesome pussy pleaser. He was totally tan. He showed signs of pleasure while in silence he observed Jo concentrating her gaze at his cannon.
She leaned forward and began circling the head of his cock with her tongue. I released an audible 'Mmmmmm', as I felt my desire and appetite growing to wanting just if nothing else a brief taste or lick of his scent. I entertained the thought that, 'There is so much cock there that Jo and I both could share it and when we’re done Jo could take home the leftovers'. Jo continues satisfying her appetite by sucking and stroking his 'love stick' with her face.
Jo then stands up and backs up about three steps. With her back still to me she begins removing her cloths. Joey took his right hand and wrapped it around his cock and slowly stroked his hand back and forth. 'Oooohhh', I let out. I love watching a guy hold himself and do things to himself that visibly excites him. If they only knew that I was watching and would have gladly paid a hundred bucks to watch this show!
Jo is totally tan also. With her back towards me I find myself wanting her to turn that I might fully see her. When I share with Tom my experience today he will want ALL of the details. Wishing that I had a video camera crosses my mind again. He loves hearing me talk about cock. It turns him on immensely. I find it also arousing to me to describe women to him or to get him to open up to me what he likes when he looks at another woman. We have learned to have an equal and mutual satisfaction in this. It turns Tom on to no end to have me persuade him to think out loud about the women on the adult videos that we watch. He has me do the same with the guys. I have always been intrigued by and have always loved cock and Tom encourages me to express my desires.
Joey rises up out of the chair and places his hands on Jo’s hips. He moves her a few steps backwards to where the pool cover was laying folded up. He has her kneel down and lay back. 'Mmmmm', I thought, 'What a nice bed in a pinch.'
Jo, now on her back, revealed her nice full breasts that were fully tanned. Her love nest was shaved down to a small patch. Similar to myself only Jo took the razor a little closer. Joey stood facing in my direction and was standing between Jo’s open legs. Her knees were up and spread wide. She began teasingly running her finger tips up and down both of her thighs. Joey’s cock stood straight out casting a twitching shadow down onto the cement walkway.
Joey knelt down and brought his face in close to his afternoon delight and began kissing the inside of each thigh. I could feel myself melting. He placed his hands in underneath her brown buns and lifted her ass up a little so that he could better position himself. Moving slowly and tenderly he ran his tongue in closer and made contact with the entrance lips of her passion pit.
My legs became weak. I dropped to my knees and realized that my hand was touching myself from the outside of my shorts. I could hear the sounds that Jo was making. She was circling her hips in time with Joey’s experienced tongue. Oh, how I envied everything about her at this moment. Several minutes of this went by until Jo lifted Joey’s head with her hands. They stood up. She motioned Joey to sit back down on the reclining lawn chair. He did so and reclined about half way back. His legs were spread wide with his feet straddling the chair on each side with his feet on the cement walk. His cock? Standing room only and Oooohhhhh how it stood.
This was reminding me so much of last July when Buddy and Jane were visiting us. One evening during their visit Tom caught me outside looking in a window watching Buddy entertaining and stroking his cock. That was when Tom coaxed and persuaded me to go in and tend to Buddy’s horny needs. { For the complete story read: Easing Into Swing, by Tom}. The only difference is that this time I’m inside peaking outside.
Jo knelt down by the side of the chair and slide her right hand under his massive balls that were hanging low. She leaned forward and started moving her tongue around his chest . From there she dragged her tongue teasing her way over his stomach until her cheek was against his massive meat. Turning her head she teased the base of his erection with her tongue and then worked her way up to the head. Then Jo began more aggressively to attack the mammoth beast before her. Taking him fully into her mouth she begins an up and down rhythm that sets Joey squirming on his ass and me squeezing my knees together.
I stood back up so that I could have a better angle and view. One of the windows was barely cracked open. I very carefully cranked it open another inch. I could hear Joey moaning. His deep tone vibrated between my thighs. If I would have touched myself I know I would have cum.
Jo moved her hand from under his balls and wrapped it firmly around the bottom half of his drive shaft. She continued pumping his rod with her mouth and throat with her hand that was wrapped around the base following every move. Occasionally she removed her mouth and allowed her hand to enjoy the full length of his manhood.
Oh, how I loved this! Oh, how I was getting lost in what I was watching! As I gazed down upon them I wondered what it would be like to stand above him and slowly sit my way down to feel his monster tease my entrance. Or to take Jo’s place grasping his flesh. Oh, how I would love for my hand to be wrapped around him as he fired off his loaded cannon straight up towards the sky. Or as I gradually and gently worked him until his love cream just oozed out profusely and warm down over my hand. Oh, just to sample a small taste of his sweat cum on the tip of my tongue.
As I regained my focus on the love making couple before me I couldn’t believe it! 'Oh no, Oh no, Oh no !' Jo was still pleasing her man but Joey was now looking...................straight.................up..........................at..........................me! I felt a hot flash go through me. I was afraid and embarrassed. I moved over, out of view and went over to the adjoining bedroom. Cautiously I approached another window there to look out. 'Wow!' Nothing happened! Jo was still working and pleasing his meat and Joey occasionally flashes a glance towards the window where I stood before. I bet Joey is just like Tom; loves it when his cock is the focus of attention.
A new urge raced through me. Without much thought I removed my cloths and returned to the bathroom and slowly approached the window. He didn’t say a word to Jo about their audience. I came to the edge of the window for a quick peek and I decided to go for it. Moving in front of the window I exposed myself to him completely naked. He sends me a little smile with Jo still not aware. I lifted my foot up onto the window sill which is only about a foot off the floor. I opened myself to give him full view of my aching pussy as my hands began to explore myself. His gaze felt so good upon me. For several seconds he stared at me. 'Look all you want, Super Stud!', I thought. I was feeling so bold and wanted him to know without any doubt of how much I wanted his milk. Joey began moaning aloud for which I took pleasure in knowing that I was partly responsible for.
Jo stood up and started walking towards an umbrella table where their gear was. Joey then again looked straight up into my stare. He was leaning back with his feet straddling the chair giving me a wide open view. He could feel my eyes upon him as well. He was entirely tan and shining all over from a light sweat from the afternoon sun and Jo’s efforts. His cock still standing upright as if the sun were pulling on it. As he looked into my awe he wrapped his hand around his cock and pointed it towards me while making an expression as if he were seeking my approval. When I nodded my head he slowly executed a long, firm stoke towards me. I continued nodding at him. With my fingers inside of me I began to cum and was desiring his cock even more. He knew that I was cumming and he broadened his smile towards me.
Jo returned carrying a bottle. She knelt down beside Joey and squirted some lubricant over the head of his cock. . Using her fingertips she spread it to cover the entire surface. Then straddling the chair she stood directly above the beast.
Jo started slowly bending at her knees until her love opening just barely was touching his twitching cockhead. She continued down so slowly only allowing his tip to enter her. She began a circular motion with her hips that caused the three of us to moan. Now, even more, gradually increasing the depth and penetration. Both of them were now exploding with audible sounds of pleasure. Finally Jo lowered herself all of the way down. I could hardly believe it! She took it all! They both shined and sparkled in their coat of sweat. I could even feel the sweat on myself as I brought myself to cumming again with my fingers.
Next, Jo got down to business and began riding Joey’s horse at full gallop. Every time Jo went down Joey could see me over her shoulder. I wanted him to see how hot they were making me and for him to continue to gaze at my cock craving nakedness. My left foot again on the window sill and standing so that I gave him wide open view of myself. I was so overwhelmed by his powerful muscle and with such great desire I wanted to ride it.
As I felt myself again coming closer to a massive climax Jo and Joey began screaming uncontrollably. We were all three cumming at the same time. Oh, it was feeling so good!
Jo continued as long as she could to milk his cock but as her legs became weak and tired she rolled off to the side exposing Joey’s volcano still oozing the last of his load.
I backed out of site again and went over to the bedroom so that I could keep watching. As I looked out they both dived into the pool. They needed something to cool them down. They were joking and laughing as they climbed out of the pool. My eyes were straining to get another glimpse of the star of today’s feature. Aaaaaaaaahhhh, there it was, still semi-hard and relieved. They dressed while still wet and began to gather their belongings and started walking towards their van while holding hands. Joey took a last quick glance towards the window that I had abandoned.
When they left I wandered downstairs and went out onto the patio. The warm breeze felt good exploring by bareness. I was still quivering and hot and I’m not to shy to say, 'I needed some cock, bad!'
I sat down in the very chair that Joey was in and I looked up at the window to check out the view that he had of me. Aaaaahhh, yes. He had a good enough view to know that he pleased two women today. I felt a sensation and with a finger I no more then touched my sensitive love nest to persuade it to cum again. I was so exhausted and I began to dose off.
I woke up startled to see Tom directly in front of me standing naked with his cloths in a pile at his feet. He had a tight grip around his hardened rod and aimed it right at me. 'Oooohhhh, Baby, how did you know I was in need of that?' I asked. I reached for him to come closer to me. As he did so he said, 'Mmmmmm, looks like while someone was tanning they dosed off and had a nice dream.'
'Oh no , Tom, it was much better then that.' I said. 'You’ll never believe what happened here today. But, please let me tell you about it later tonight. Tom, I’m so desperate! I need your cock so bad.' I reached and wrapped my hand around his rod and used it to pull him closer. It felt so good in my hand and I always loved the feel of the soft skin on a throbbing hard cock. I ever so gently raked my fingernails along the length of him as it jerked and danced.
'Tom? Do you know what I’d really like to do sometime?' I asked.
He responded, 'What would that be my little sexy lady?'
I continued, 'I would really like for you and I to get caught sometime when we are getting it on. You know! Even if we arranged who it was that would catch us but they wouldn’t know that we knew they were there. Someone who would watch us and enjoy it as being an experience in itself.'
Tom responded, 'I like it! Yep, I like the idea!'
I leaned forward to let his meat poke me in the face. I kissed it and kissed it and lapped it down the side with my tongue. Tom was responding to my actions and now I could no longer control my horny body. I took him into my mouth and with animal like instincts began to ....................................
Tom & Sue

My husband Ken has convinced me to write you and share with your readers some of the fantastic events that we have experienced in our 2-year relationship. This a second marriage for both of us and our relationship continues to surprise and amaze me. I say amaze because my first marriage ended after 15 years with a man who now seems so totally different from Ken that I often wonder what the attraction was that brought us together in the first place. My first husband was very possessive and controlling. He ended up leaving me for another woman who surprisingly was more like I always wanted to be, independent, and self-confident.
Ken encouraged me to be my own person and not to be controlled by what other people may say or do. This was very refreshing after a long relationship with someone who tried to control your every move. Ken has made me feel desired, loved, appreciated and very sexy. I feel like the caterpillar that changes into a butterfly.
I am 42 years old, brunette, and now 132 lbs. I've lost weight and work-out regularly. I've always been very busty or as Ken says "built like a brick *….house", and find that rather than hide under baggy sweatpants and tops, I'm wearing tight jeans and tops to accentuate my body. Ken was encouraging me at every step of the way. I feel more confident and in control than I ever have in my life and it feels terrific.
My first adventure began more as a test than anything. My close friend Karen had suggested many times that I join her and a few of her friends for an all-girls weekend. I, of course, had always declined, as my first husband would never have approved. With Ken that all changed, and he encouraged me to go and have fun! This newfound freedom was exhilarating!
We met at a Hotel downtown on a Friday night, drank wine, talked our heads off and had a ball. I felt like a schoolgirl again. Saturday night we all went out on the town and ended up at a loud and noisy bar. I felt myself shrinking into the background again, and called Ken to check-in, to confess we were at a bar and having some drinks. I still remember him almost berating me for calling, telling me to have fun and let go, enjoy myself and not to worry about him as he was just fine! I was actually in shock, this was such a new experience for me! After a few more glasses of wine, I was ready to party. I felt renewed!
After declining many offers to dance, I found myself ditching my bulky sweater and hitting the dancefloor in the white T-shirt, I'd worn underneath. I felt like a temptress as guy after guy would offer to dance with me, buy me drinks, and leer at my tits. Karen couldn't believe it was the same old Susan she'd know for so many years. It was phenomenal.
Arriving home the next day I confessed all to Ken, the drinking and dancing, still not sure he was OK with this. Surprisingly, he was not only elated that I'd had such a good time but admitted he was turned on with the idea of me dancing with other guys and playing the part of the bar-room vixen. We made love like never before. I was in heaven!
The next day Ken brought up the subject again, and again he developed a massive hard-on as I told him about this guy or that guy, how they were looking at my tits, and again we ended up on the living room carpet. It was wild! He said he wished he'd been there just to watch as it would have excited him so much. After we caught our breath, I suggested we could go back, just the two of us the next weekend, and we could maybe repeat the performance if he really wanted to. The grin on his face said it all, we set a date for the next weekend.
I spent the week shopping. I'd never owned a pair of really high heels before and now found myself practicing walking in 4" spikes. Tight jeans, a stretchy white top, and a new hairdo and make-up, as a gift from Ken, and I felt like a million bucks. Ken couldn't believe the transformation and couldn't keep his hands off me. I've never had so much sex in all my life.
We ended up going to a similar bar close to home. As the wine kicked in, and the man of my dreams by my side, I was getting horny. We danced and had a great time. I was getting lots of looks in my new outfit and at Ken's urging flaunted myself for the benefit of the many single guys at the Club. I accepted some offers to dance, and it felt so strange having a strange guy ogling you on the dance floor, then looking over your shoulder and seeing your husband flash you a huge grin and raise his glass to you. It didn't take me long to get into the groove, and I began moving very seductively. This was fantastic!
I returned to Ken at the bar, and he took my hand. He placed it on his crotch, and he had a huge hard-on. "You are driving me crazy," he said, "you look incredible up there." We kissed. "Let's go home. I want you right now!" This was incredible, it was like we were nineteen again and I was so turned on. I grabbed my jacket, and we headed for the door. Just before we left, I decided I would surprise him even more and quickly ducked into the ladies room. Inside one of the cubicles, I took off my bra and put the white top back on. In the glare of the lights, you could see my nipples as clear as day, right through the thin fabric. Perfect, I thought, and with my jacket over my one shoulder walked out to join up with Ken. I arched my back and thrust my tits out as I walked up to him as his jaw dropped open. He was grinning from ear to ear as he looked at my tits. Many other guys also liked the look as they too were grinning like crazy as they watched me flaunt. Ken's eyes closed as I kissed him and we headed for the car. Three guys just coming in from the parking lot got quite a view through my see-through top, all of them grinning as they watched us head for the car.
It was the fastest drive home I'd ever had. Ken pulled into the garage, and with the lights out, I pulled off my jeans, and we actually did it on the trunk of the car inside the garage with the door up. I had one of the best orgasms I could remember.
I remember walking from the garage to the house with nothing on but my heels and my white top. I really had changed from the person I barely remembered. It was invigorating. More to come.

My friend Brian and his wife Ann invited me and my wife Jan out this past summer for a day cruise on their new boat. I figured this was some of Brian's maneuvering as he has outwardly confessed to both my wife and me, that he finds Jan's 36DD's absolutely amazing. His wife Ann has more or less written off Brian's obsession with big breasts as something he just never grew out of and doesn't really mind his antics. Anyway, Jan has always enjoyed playing the flirt, and finding out about Brian's obsession only added fuel to the fire.
She told me she was going to wear a new bikini she'd bought, leopard-skin print that was almost obscene it was so skimpy. "This'll give him something to think about," she told me as she paraded around in front of me. Her big tits were barely contained in the bra top, and the string bikini bottom was instant hard-on material. It's been a longtime fantasy of mine to see her naked, or better yet, have sex with another man. My head was swimming with the possibilities, pardon the pun!
We packed a day bag and were about to head off when we got a call that Brian and Ann's babysitter had bailed out at the last moment so they would be bringing their two kids along. Suddenly, our adult outing had turned into a family day, but it was such a great day we decided to go anyway. Jan quickly threw on a modest black one-piece suit and wore shorts and a top. I was kind of bummed out, but these things do happen.
We met at the marina and piled onto the boat and headed off. We cruised for about an hour and found a deserted cove to beach the boat. We set up lawn chairs and the bar-b-que as the kids took off into the sand dunes, having a great time. We all had some wine and then taking advantage of the great day, spread out the towels to grab some rays. I dozed off completely and was finally awakened to my name being called. Anne was calling to Brian to take the boat and go get her cigarettes as she'd run out and why not take me! Jan had immediately jumped up suggesting they let me continue to doze and that she would go with Brian. I was willing to go with the flow but lifted my head to notice Ann was obviously not real keen on this arrangement. Nevertheless, Jan and Brian pushed the boat back into deeper water and took off.
When we arrived home later that night, Jan confessed that she'd had a very interesting time on the boat with Brian. I had to know the details, so she continued.
She said he was ogling her breasts, even in the modest black one-piece and finally blurted out that she looked fantastic. She, of course, knew where he was headed and admitted that she had planned originally to wear her new bikini but had to ditch the plan when we'd heard the kids were coming. She said he was obviously disappointed, but then she remembered she'd thrown it into our day bag which was still on board. That's when the idea came up! She asked him if he'd like to see it, and she said his eyes just lit up! She went below and changed while Brian steered the boat across the lake.
She said the look on his face was priceless as she climbed up from below. She said he couldn't even speak, just grinning from ear to ear, and leering at her huge tits, overflowing the little bra top. She said she made of point of arching her back and at one point brushed her breasts across his arm as she gave him a hug. Laughingly she said he must be very religious as all he could say was "Oh, my God!" Anyway they headed down the canal to the marina and many guys fishing along the shoreline seemed to be equally impressed as she stood on the back of the boat. She said she was waving to them and loved all the attention. They docked, and Brian hobbled ashore, something about him trying to walk with a massive hard-on, then returning moments later with the cigarettes.
She said they started back down the canal when she asked Brian, "Do you think, I should give them a thrill?" Brian still grinning asked what she had in mind, and she said, "Oh I don't know, maybe flash them, what d'ya think?" She said Brian thought she was just playing with him, but she walked to the front of the boat as they cruised down the canal. They'd gone under a few bridges, and on the bridge they were approaching was about 4-5 guys fishing. They all started whistling and waving as they saw her approaching with one of the youngest bold enough to yell out: "Show us your tits!" She looked back to see Brian still grinning, and decided why not. She said she reached back and pulled the strings on her top and let the bra drop exposing her chest for all the guys. She said a huge cheer went up, with a few more guys on shore running up the bridge to get a better look. She waved at them as they passed under the bridge and then headed back, topless to join Brian.
She said by this time Brian had a huge hard-on sticking up from his trunks and was just speechless. She said she walked up to him and gave him a big kiss. Immediately she said he began to maul her tits as he tried to keep the boat in a straight line. She said he was going on and on about how incredible she looked when she decided it was time. She put her hand down his trunks, and grabbed his cock, and then pulling his trunks down, dragged her breasts down his chest and legs until his cock was between her breasts. She then took him in her mouth as Brian had the foresight to kill the engines. She said he was moaning as she gave him pleasure. She said she then stood up and both of them knew that they wanted to go all the way. She said she moved to the rear sofa, spread her legs and Brian was on his knees in seconds and driving into her like a madman. She said it was so hot and erotic doing this in full daylight with other boats around. She said Brian came very quickly which left her somewhat unsatisfied but that it had to be one of the most exciting and brazen adventures she'd ever experienced.
I haven't told Brian I'm aware of what went on, but I am happy knowing that he enjoyed this incredible adventure with my incredibly sexy wife Jan. She has indeed made our many years of marriage more intense, more exciting and more incredible than I could ever have imagined.

"It's really sexy," Jan spoke quietly to herself as she watched the video. "But it's just not that well filmed." Jan continued to watch herself on the tv screen. "It needs a close-up right there!" She pointed to the screen as it showed her squeezing her left nipple with the thumb and index finger of her right hand. "Then scan down and close up of this." She watched as her left hand was rubbing over her clitoris and spreading the juices of her wet pussy onto it. "Then it should back away and get a full view of me climaxing..., yes now..., I can see me..., oooh, yes..., I can tell that I'm cumming. Wow!" Jan suddenly noticed that she was again rubbing her, again wet, pussy while she watched the video. "Not bad..." Jan muttered as she came, both on and off the screen. "But, it could be so much better..., if someone else was working the camera instead of it being on a tripod."
Jan had decided on the perfect Christmas gift for Mike. They had been married for so long that it was a difficult task every year. She wanted this year to be extra special because it had been such a fantastic year. Well, she knew that he always enjoyed seeing her masturbate, and loved watching erotic video's, so what else? She had decided to make this video for him. Jan rewound the tape and played it again, this time scrutinizing it even more. She couldn't help but admire her own body. Jan wasn't vain, more like proud.
At forty-six her 36C breasts still stood out nicely. Full, well shaped, with large nipples that hardened so well when stimulated. She was 5'7", and at 140 pounds, her ass and legs were the perfect foundation for those beautiful breasts. Over the years Jan had let her hair grow very long, then at times had cut it shorter than she could now believe. She had even colored it a couple of times, but now, it was just over her shoulders, and the brunette/auburn color seemed to shine as the natural curliness created shadows from the lighting in the room. Jan's beautiful green eyes could light up, darken, and actually twinkle depending on her mood. As she watched the screen, she noticed that now they were closed..., as she was climaxing...
"It just isn't perfect," Jan spoke to herself again after watching for the second time. "I need some help with this."
The sound of the garage door opening startled Jan. She quickly ejected the tape and turned the recorder off. Placing the tape in its box, she quickly stashed it in the cabinet out of sight just as Mike walked through the door. "Hi, hon, what're you doing home?"
Mike spoke as he walked through the kitchen toward the living room. "Wow! Did I interrupt something?"
Mike had stopped in his tracks and was looking at Jan, still sitting in front of the tv with her robe partially opened, exposing her breasts and the thick pubic hair at her groin.
"No..., not anything..., I was just..., checking channels..."
Jan stopped, realizing she wasn't making any sense. She also quickly, almost guiltily, closed the robe around herself.
"Awe.., you didn't have to do that," Mike gave his best pouting look, "You looked so sexy." Mike thought a second, then continued. "Really, what are you doing home? I thought you'd still be at the meeting you mentioned. If I'd known, I'd been home hours ago."
"Oh, the meeting canceled, and I was just messing around until you got home," Jan was beginning to get her composure back and stood up as she spoke. "And, I'm sure ready to mess around now that you are home," Jan walked seductively toward Mike, opening her robe as she got to him, then putting her arms up around his neck, kissed him passionately on the lips.
Mike was 6'2" 200 or so pounds, in good shape for fifty-one, and his blue eyes really looked good with his nearly white hair. Mike's hair had always been sandy-blond, but in the last several years had been turning a charming shade of white. As the two explored each other's mouths with their tongues, Mike reached down inside the robe and felt how hard Jan's nipples were.
"She's really turned on," Mike thought to himself as he gently squeezed both of the hard knobs. "And man! Is she ever wet," Mike had let his right hand leave Jan's left nipple and slide down her soft stomach to her soaking pussy. "Damn, what did I do to deserve this welcome-home?"
Mike started to rub the juices from Jan up and over her clitoris. The two continued their kiss and Mike continued his explorations of his beautiful wife's body.
"Just what..., or who, do I need to thank for this?" Mike spoke as their lips finally separated.
"Oh, I'll never tell." Jan grinned sexily, reached down and took hold of Mike's hand as she backed away, then turned and pulled him towards their bedroom. "But right now, I need you!"
Mike followed with no protest. Jan let her robe fall from her shoulders to the floor in one slight movement, then proceeded to help Mike undress. When his shirt was unbuttoned and removed, Jan leaned closer and took one of his nipples into her mouth. She always loved to suck and bite on his small nipples. It fascinated her how they would harden, just as a woman's do, and how he seemed to like it as much as she liked having her own sucked. As she continued to suck one, then the other, kissing across his hairy chest back and forth, she reached down and undid Mike's belt and let his jeans drop to the floor.
Mike stepped out of the jeans and Jan began kissing her way down his abdomen, licking the soft blond hairs, as she headed towards his groin. Using both hands, Jan slid his jockey shorts down his legs and took his now hard cock into her mouth. Jan, after removing his underwear, reached one hand under his scrotum and massaged his large testicles. With her other hand, she reached back up and began to squeeze his nipple again. Mike looked down at Jan's pretty hair, placed both hands on her head being careful not to interfere with her expert movements on his cock. Jan continued to suck up and down the length of Mike's cock. She soon had Mike about ready to explode in her mouth, and she wanted to feel and taste him.
"Wait..., just a sec hon." Mike gently lifted Jan's head, pulling her mouth away from his throbbing cock. "I really want to cum inside you," Mike whispered as he helped Jan to her feet.
Then he guided her to the bed and directed her to her knees on the edge of the bed in a doggy style position. Jan was so hot that she couldn't, and wouldn't, protest. She'd be able to taste his cum shooting into her mouth another time. Right now her needs, like Mike's, were urgent and she just wanted to feel his magnificent cock sliding into her well-lubricated pussy. Mike moved closer to the edge of the bed and placed his cock under Jan's pussy. Holding his cock with his left hand, he rubbed the side of it against her clitoris. With his other hand, Mike felt the wet warmness of his wife's pussy. Mike inserted a finger, and with a turn, easily found Jan's special spot that was so familiar to him after all of these wonderful years. Still making his cock rub her clitoris, Mike began to also jack his own cock off with his left hand. The feeling of her clitoris being rubbed, knowing that Mike was jacking himself off, and the extreme pleasure of his finger on her g-spot had Jan cumming in seconds. Just when she felt the orgasm begin to subside, Mike re-ignited her passion by inserting his cock, replacing his fingers, into her hot pussy. Mike put his hands on each side of her pretty ass and began a steady thrusting into Jan. Jan reached under herself and, finding her sensitive clitoris, began to manipulate it with her fingers much the way she would manipulate a small penis. As she felt Mike increase his pace, she also increased her pace of jacking off her clitoris.
"I'm gonna cum," Mike's voice was extra husky as he continued to thrust faster. "OOOH! OOH, YEA!" Mike groaned as he thrust into Jan and held still.
"That's sooo gooood, mmmm, yeah, ooh." Jan continued to moan and slowed down on her, now too sensitive clitoris, "That's so good..., hold it in me a little longer..., oh it feels wonderful."
Jan now let her hand leave her clitoris and reached further back and found the wet base of Mike's cock still buried deep inside her pussy. "Welcome home." Jan squeezed Mike's cock as she spoke. "Welcome home lover."
With these words, Jan could no longer support her weight with one arm and let herself fall to the bed on her stomach. This caused Mike's cock to slip out of her drenched pussy. Jan was too spent to move, and with her eyes still shut, her hand was still under herself, and she could feel their juices running out of her satisfied, and sensitive, pussy.
"I guess I need to clean up...," Jan, without moving, said in a dreamily way.
"Not really, not at all...," Mike spoke as he stared at Jan's wet pussy. "You look good to me..., in fact, good enough to eat."
With that Mike slowly leaned forward onto the bed and began to lick the combination of his and Jan's cum from her thighs. At first, Jan protested that she was too sensitive, but it soon felt too wonderful to stop him. Mike moved slowly closer and closer until he was finally sucking the cum out of Jan's pussy. After he had swallowed every drop of the delicious juice, he moved on up to Jan's tight anus. Using his strong tongue to start penetrating her hole, Mike reached up under Jan and used his hands to massage both of Jan's tits. In no time Jan, regaining strength, was pushing her ass up and onto Mike's tongue. And, in no time, Jan was again cumming. When Jan was so exhausted that Mike no longer felt any movement, he helped her into her usual sleeping position, then slid under the covers beside her. In seconds, the two exhausted lovers were asleep.
When Jan's eyes opened, she was facing the bookshelf with the clock beside the bed. She sleepily noticed that it was 5:45. She thought of the great sex before falling asleep..., had it just been an hour or so ago..., had it been overnight? It was dark in the room. Much darker than 5:45 in the evening..., but..., could she have slept so soundly that many hours? Jan reached behind her for Mike. The bed was empty except for her. Still groggy and confused, Jan got out of bed and went to the bathroom. The bathroom clock read 5:48. Had she totally passed out last evening? Or was it, maybe, cloudy?
"Well good morning Sleeping Beauty." Mike, noticing Jan enter the study, had turned around to greet his wife. "I wondered if you'd ever wake up."
"Then it's.., it's morning?" Jan's quizzical look made Mike laugh.
"You really aren't sure..., are you?" Mike continued to chuckle as he went on. "Yeah, it's morning..., and you slept three days."
Jan gave Mike a smile. "Sure, and politicians are honest." Jan looked more seriously at Mike as she continued. "I really can't believe I zonked like that. But then, I really can't believe how good you were." Jan walked over to where Mike was sitting in front of the computer and put her arms around his neck and kissed his head. "Thanks, sweetie. It was really great."
"Oh, my pleasure..., in fact REALLY, my pleasure!" Mike leaned into Jan and felt her firm tits through her robe while squeezing her into him closer.
"What're you doing?" Jan was now looking at the monitor and noticed the e-mail on the screen.
"Just reading our reader's responses."
Mike and Jan wrote erotic stories and put them on the web for others to enjoy. They enjoyed sharing their adventures and fantasies with others.
"Oh. That's from Susan. How did she like the last one?" Jan was reading the letter as she spoke.
"She was very complimentary, as usual." Mike started to explain the letter, then realized that Jan was reading it anyway.
"She's always so sweet."
Susan had e-mailed after the second story that Mike and Jan had posted saying she really enjoyed them. Since she had made a point of responding to everyone. Susan had let Mike and Jan know that she and her husband had actually attempted to duplicate a lot of the scenarios from the stories and really looked forward to each new one. Over time, she was more than one of the couple's respondents..., she had become a friend.
"Susan! Yes of course..., maybe..., perhaps?" Jan thought to herself as she finished reading her internet friend's letter. Then out loud she asked. "Do you have to go to the conference again today?"
"Yeah, it's all week." Mike looked up at Jan as he spoke. "And Friday it finishes up, but it will last on into the evening. Why? would you rather I skip?"
"No, it's fine, and I know you enjoy visiting with the other writers, I just wanted to know." Jan rubbed Mike's shoulders as she spoke. "Are you ready for breakfast?"
"Really, yes I'm starved."
Jan went to the kitchen as Mike began turning the computer off. "Leave it on Hon, I'm going to check my mail after breakfast," Jan said nonchalantly, but her mind was forming a plan.
When Mike had left, Jan returned to the study and went to her screen-name.
"Well, this is an omen," Jan spoke out loud as she saw her buddy list and noticed that Susan was online.
Jan sent Susan an instant message asking if she had time to chat. Jan wasn't the typist that Mike was and had installed the capability of verbal communication. She had talked several times with Susan who also had that ability with her computer. The friends had never given, or asked for, real addresses or phone numbers, mostly because it hadn't been necessary with modern technology. Even though Mike and Jan had agreed long ago to maintain a little anonymity with the readers, she would have had no problem with Susan having more information about them. After this long Susan was more than one of their readers, she was indeed a friend.
"Jan, are you there?" The voice startled Jan a little, and she hesitated before answering.
"Oh, yeah, hi Susan. You're up awfully early this morning. I was surprised to see you on the buddy list."
" Well, Greg's out of town this week, on a business trip, and I really don't sleep well without him... By the way, loved your last story." Susan changed the subject.
"Yeah, didn't Mike do a great job? It's one of my favorites too." Jan paused a moment then went right to the point. "Susan, I've got an idea that I need your opinion on."
"Sure, what?" Susan didn't hesitate to help.
"Well, I've decided on Mike's Christmas gift, but it just isn't working the way I'd like."
"What is it?" Susan asked innocently.
"Well, I'm going to make him a private video..., of me."
"You mean private, as in PRIVATE?" Susan's voice let Jan know she had gotten the meaning.
"Yeah, of me masturbating."
"Cool, you know, that's not a bad idea for Greg too. You don't mind if I copy you, do you?"
Jan relaxed now that she had it out and Susan was ok with it. Susan always had a very open and understanding manner about her.
"The problem, Susan, is it just isn't that good when the camera's on a tripod."
"Yeah, tell me about it. We've done a couple of home movies ourselves, and the technical stuff sucks." Susan thought a second then continued, "Hey, you film me, and I'll film you."
Jan couldn't believe what she had just heard. How easy Susan made it. What Jan might have fumbled around about was now right out in the open, almost as if Susan had read her mind.
"Well, you read my mind. That's exactly what I was thinking when I contacted you. Now though, how are we going to accomplish this? You live outside Atlanta don't you?" Jan asked then added. "And we live in Florida."
"Well, we could meet halfway..." Susan said without hesitation, then added. "And don't you guys have a motorhome?"
"Good idea!" Jan thought for a moment then continued. "Yeah, I could drive the motorhome to, say, Dalton, we could meet there, do a little Christmas shopping, then do the filming in the motorhome."
"Sounds good to me Jan. How about Friday? Greg's not getting back until Saturday."
"Great, then Friday it is. I'll meet you at the outlet mall around noon. Just look for our Itasca motorhome. I'll park where it's easily visible from the entrance."
"See you then, and looking forward to really meeting you Jan."
"Yeah, me too, Susan. See ya Friday."
As Jan drove north on I-75, she suddenly had a little apprehension. She had never met anyone for anything sexual without Mike. But this wasn't just anyone, it was her, no, their friend Susan. And it really wasn't sexual..., it was a gift for Mike.
"Sexual!" Jan spoke out loud to herself as she drove. "I hadn't even thought about that..., it will be sexual."
Jan's mind started to wonder about how this was going to occur. She would be naked, masturbating, in front of another woman.
"Yeah..., and is Mike ever going to get horny, especially when he realizes that Susan was there, and filming."
Jan began to feel a familiar tingle. The thought of Mike watching the film, and knowing how hot he'd get, made her warm all over. The miles went by quickly as Jan daydreamed of her and Mike's sexual escapades.
Susan was excited as she pulled onto the interstate and headed south. She had taken extra care that morning with her hair and make-up. But she kept wondering if it had been for the film that she knew Greg would love..., or was it for Jan, who she wanted to make sure liked her. As Susan drove, some old familiar thoughts that had resurfaced this week, went through her mind. She thought of high school and Karen, her best friend. She remembered the sleep-over when she and Karen had experimented with each other. As she thought again of how Karen's hands had felt on her small tits, Susan reached under her blouse and squeezed her nipple with her fingers. Driving with one hand, Susan remembered how wonderful Karen's mouth had felt on her tits. As her mind continued with her memory of Karen slowly and tentatively kissing down her belly to her pussy, Susan allowed her own hand to leave her long, erect nipple and slip down into her slacks and feel her own soft pubic hair. Susan rubbed her clitoris and thought of Karen's mouth sucking it so long ago. Susan then thought of the taste of Karen's hot pussy, how wet and delicious it had been, and she had been amazed at how much she enjoyed licking her friend.
A loud horn, sounding almost like it was inside her small car, suddenly blasted. Susan quickly regained her senses, realized she'd wandered across the line in her lane and was nearly side-swiped by a truck.
"Got to pay attention to driving" Susan muttered, then "and what I'm doing today." Then her mind wandered again, "What am I doing today..., what do I want to happen?" Susan contemplated her question a moment then, "I'm making a sexy film for my wonderful husband to enjoy..., and I'll meet and be with a wonderful friend. That's all, and from their stories and my conversations with Jan, that's all it'll be. Jan just wouldn't be interested."
Jan pulled off the interstate at the Factory Outlet Mall. She noticed a place in the parking lot at the back near the interstate but well visible from the entrance. "Perfect!" Jan said to herself as she crossed the lot in her motorhome. "I'll face it so the 'Itasca' is visible, and the noise from the highway will cover any noise that might come from us." Jan grinned as she speculated that one. Would she and Susan really be able to let go with the other woman there? She'd sure try, she wanted this to be a really great video for Mike.
Susan took the exit to the Outlet Mall and as soon as she turned into the lot saw the motorhome. Without hesitation, she drove to where it was parked and honked her horn. As she got out of her car, she saw the door open and Jan stepping out. Jan looked even better than her description in Mike's stories.
Jan heard the horn, looked out to see the car parked beside the motorhome and the woman getting out, then quickly opened the door to go greet her friend. As Susan stood up, Jan couldn't help but give her a thorough once-over. Susan was adorable. She was about 5'3" or so, slim, with small breasts that, with her sheer blouse and no bra, she was obviously not ashamed of. Her face was very delicate and pretty, and her light red hair was really unique. Jan noticed a gleam in Susan's light blue eyes as the two approached each other. "It's so nice to see you finally," Jan spoke as she reached around the smaller Susan and hugged her warmly. "And you too Jan..., really so nice."
"Shall we do a little shopping and get a bite to eat? I've got lot's of time..., and to be honest, I'm a little nervous about our..., well, movies." Jan blushed some as she finished. "Sure, can I put my stuff in the motorhome first? I brought a few toys." Susan got a small bag out of her car, locked the car, then handed it to Jan who put it in the motorhome. Checking to make sure she had locked the door, Jan took her friend by the hand, and they walked across the parking lot to the mall. The two talked a lot, bought a few items, then decided on a small restaurant to eat. After a very light meal, friendly conversation, and a couple of glasses of wine, they both agreed to go to the motorhome.
"This is really awkward," Jan said as soon as they were inside and the door was locked. "What do we do first?"
"I don't know." Susan grinned sheepishly at her friend. "I've never done this before either."
"Would you like something to drink?" Jan asked.
"Yes, please, my mouth is a little dry," Susan answered.
"I've got soft drinks, or how about some wine?"
"Oh, just water Jan."
"Yeah, for me too," Jan added as she fixed the two glasses of ice water. Jan handed Susan her glass, then sat in the recliner across from Susan. "Well, here we are..., all dressed up and somewhere we need to go." Jan raised her glass to Susan, who joined the toast by adding, "Yeah, but I guess we won't be all dressed up for long." They both laughed as they clicked their glasses.
"So, who goes first?" Jan looked seriously at Susan. "I don't care..., I will... if you want." Susan looked at Jan questioningly.
"Ok, let me get the camera ready, while you get dressed..., undressed..., whatever." They both chuckled a little nervously as Jan got her camera out and started preparing it. Susan removed her shoes and slacks revealing her red thong underwear. She then unbuttoned her silken blouse, leaving it open down the front but not removing it.
"I think I'll start just sitting right here on the couch." Susan leaned back, adjusted her blouse so it showed her small cleavage and a hint of her nipples, then looked at Jan holding the camera. "Ready when you are." Jan, looking through the camera, noticed how really lovely Susan was. She zoomed in enough to get a close up of Susan's pretty face, then scanned down to her cleavage and from one firm nipple to the other.
"Oh, by the way, action..., rolling..., the camera's on." Susan now smiled seductively for the camera.
"Hi, Greg." In her most sexy voice, Susan continued. "Merry Christmas, sweetheart..., and enjoy." With this said, Susan closed her eyes and began to massage her breasts with both hands. As she did, she also took every opportunity to squeeze her nipples with her fingers. Jan scanned from Susan's face to her tits. She couldn't believe how long nipples could get. As Jan noticed one of Susan's hands leave her breast, Jan let the camera follow the hand as it went down and inside the thong panties.
"This is really hot!" Jan whispered more to herself than to Susan. "Keep going, I sure hope mine is this good." With the encouragement from Jan, Susan began sliding the thong panties down slowly, exposing her well trimmed pubic hair and the wet, pink, clitoris protruding out. Then Susan's left hand went back up to her long nipple, and her right hand began fingering her clitoris. For several minutes Jan watched as Susan pleasured herself.
"Aren't you curious about who's helping me?" Susan had only partly opened her eyes as she again spoke to the camera. "Hand me my vibrator, out of my bag, please?" Jan kept silent. This was Susan's film. Keeping the camera as steady as possible, Jan looked to the bag, opened it, and took the vibrator out. "Would you please hold it to my wet pussy?" Susan was still looking directly at the camera as she spoke. Jan switched the vibrator on, then still looking through the camera which detached her from the action, watched as her hand appeared in the scene and the vibrator was directed to Susan's clitoris. Now Susan had both hands on her tits. Jan used the vibrator expertly on her friend's clitoris, then started moving it into and around Susan's wet slit. It amazed Jan at how it was as though she wasn't really there, just her hand. It was really neat and fun. As Jan scanned back up to Susan's tits, she heard Susan start to really moan loudly. Scanning on up to her face, Jan could tell that Susan was close. With this cue, Jan fully inserted the vibrating cock into her friend's pussy. Susan, now in total abandonment, began moaning even more.
"Yes, yes lover, fuck me!" Jan now scanned back down, slowing at the sight of Susan squeezing her own nipples, then back to her pussy being fucked by the dildo held by a feminine hand. Her hand. The movie star. "Jan's Hand," Jan thought out loud, "The new sensation in erotica, nominated for the Oscar." Jan chuckled then remembering her task, got quiet again and began to film the finale. As she heard Susan's obvious orgasm begin, Jan fucked her with the movement of the vibrating dildo the way she knew she would want. As Susan reached her peak, she leaned forward and tightly hugged Jan, causing the camera to wander off its target. Susan kissed Jan on the cheek as she hugged her. Jan, with the camera in her right hand to the side of their faces, and her left hand still moving the dildo, now slowly, in and out of Susan's pussy, was at Susan's disposal and Susan kissed Jan full on the lips. Jan, knowing Susan's passionate condition, allowed the kiss to last a little longer than she might have liked, but it was undoubtedly erotic.
"Oh, Jan, I'm sorry..., I just got carried away."
"Hey, no problem. That was really hot! Want to watch it back?" Susan leaning back away from Jan, reached down and took the dildo from Jan's hand and removed it from her soaking vagina. "Sure, I'm dying to see it. Was it good?"
"Unless I really screwed up the filming, Greg's going to love it." Jan rewound the camera as she spoke, turned the viewfinder around so both women could see, and played it back. When it got to the last part, both women watched as the camera had actually been in the perfect position to get their kiss. "Well now!" Jan grinned big and continued "I don't know about Greg, but that's Mike's biggest fantasy."
"Oh, Greg will love it too." Susan looked at Jan seriously. "I think it'd be ok if you want to include that scene, or any of this, in with your movie."
"Really? Thanks, and I guarantee that Mike will thank you." Jan thought for a second then continued. "And..., if you want, you can show Greg mine..., actually we could just leave them together..., of course on mine, we'll want to have my part first and your's second." The women smiled warmly at each other, then Susan leaned forward and again hugged Jan, who, having her hands free this time, hugged Susan back. Jan, partly to make Susan realize that what had happened before was ok and partly because she just wanted to, kissed Susan on the lips softly and sensuously but not for a very long duration. "Thanks for everything Susan, this is really sweet and fun."
"Ok!" Susan broke the moment as she got up. "Now it's my turn to film." Susan, still in only her unbuttoned silken blouse, looked at the camera she'd picked up.
"How's this work?" Jan began undressing as she explained the camera to Susan. When Jan had her shirt and bra off, Susan was looking through the lens and asked. "How do you zoom?" Jan leaned into Susan's back, reached over, and placed Susan's small finger on the correct button.
"Right there, now here for zoom in." Jan then moved Susan's finger back a little, "and here, for out." Susan, feeling Jan's large tits pressing into her back was momentarily speechless. "Do you have it?" Jan broke Susan's trance.
"Oh yeah.., now I've got it." Susan managed. "Ok, I'm ready when you are." Jan climbed into the bed at the back of the motorhome as she spoke. "Let me know when to start."
Susan turned around, and looking through the lens, turned the camera on. "Action!"
"Hi sweetie.., I hope this is everything you want it to be...," And with a sly grin Jan continued. "and, I think it will be." Susan kept moving closer to the bed filming the naked Jan. Susan couldn't help but think how great Jan looked naked. She had such wonderful tits, and she just radiated sexuality. "Would you like to be sucking these?" Jan held her full tits and squeezed her large nipples as she addressed the camera. "Your big cock would sure feel good between them right now." At these words Susan zoomed in on the tits and thought of how Greg would love to suck those large tits..., and his fantasy of fucking tits. Hers were a little too small to create a proper cradle for that. Susan also thought about how she wouldn't mind sucking them as well. "And," Jan moved one of her hands down her stomach to her thick pubic hair and into her wet pussy. "would you like to have your tongue in here?" Jan was really doing a good job of narration. Susan was sure that Mike and Greg would love the way Jan was speaking. She sure did! "Well, since you're not here...," Jan looked sadly at the camera and started to finger fuck herself slowly, "I guess I'll just have to take matters in my own hands." With this Jan closed her eyes and for several minutes she fingered her pussy while squeezing both nipples with her other hand. "Ooh..., I just can't get off this way..., I wish you were here..., but maybe a dildo..., yeah, ooh, that'd help."
With this Jan turned slightly away from the camera, being obvious to be speaking to another person. "Honey, would you hand me your wet dildo..., please?" Holding the camera on Jan the best she could, Susan backed up, found the dildo, then returned to the foot of the bed. "Oh, thanks..., now would you please rub my wet pussy with it?" Jan released her clitoris and moved her hand back to her tits where the other hand had remained. Susan watched, as Jan had done, as her hand and the dildo came into the frame. She slowly started rubbing Jan's large clitoris with the dildo, then turning it on, began to run it around and through Jan's slit. "Oh that's it baby..., oh yeah," Then Jan opened an eye, looked to the camera and continued.
"Mike, she's really doing that sooo good. Yeah Mike, see her sexy little feminine hand near my pussy with the dildo. Doesn't that get you hot?" Susan, realizing Jan's intent and direction, took the initiative and began to run the dildo into Jan's pussy, making sure that her fingers made a lot of contact with Jan's pussy and clitoris with each thrust. "Oh wow, and see how her hand's touching my pussy." Susan decided to go with what Jan wanted for her film, and what she wanted for her own pleasure. Sliding the dildo into Jan far enough that it would stay on its own, Susan could now rub Jan's pussy and clitoris with her hand and fingers. Jan really felt wet, smooth, and wonderful to Susan's touch. It was difficult, but Susan managed to keep the camera steady, and even to scan from Jan's face, now obviously in ecstasy, down to her pussy being manipulated by Susan's left hand.
Susan could tell that Jan was getting close, so close that Jan had actually taken Susan's hand and guided it to the most sensitive areas of her pussy. Once Jan even guided Susan's hand up to feel of her large breasts. Susan was now as hot, or hotter, than Jan. Holding the camera to the side as best she could, Susan leaned into Jan's pussy and licked her delicious clitoris. "OOOH, and see Mike, she's eating me. OOOh." With this, Jan looked down at her friend's head at her groin, saw the camera to the side, reached over and took the camera from Susan and held it herself. "Look, Mike, it's our friend Susan, and she's really eating my pussy, just for your Christmas present. It feels so good!" Susan was now on the bed, up on her knees beside Jan, and was really savoring Jan's delicious pussy.
Jan was really into it now, and as she filmed the action at her groin, she thought how Mike would like a scan of Susan. Jan scanned the camera over and down from Susan's head, stopping at her small breast. "And Mike, look at Susan's cute tits." Before Jan went on, she reached over with her left hand and squeezed one of Susan's nipples. "And aren't these long nipples neat? I'll just bet you'd love to suck them." Jan released the nipple, switched and squeezed the other, then began scanning on down Susan's trim body to her ass. "And I know you'll like this little ass, Mike." With this Jan was rubbing her hand over Susan's ass and down under Susan to feel of her wet pussy. "OOOh, and Mike, her pussy is really tight and wet...., yeah, you'd love to eat this, and fuck it too."
Jan's narrative, along with her hand, had Susan over the edge. As she felt her orgasm close, she concentrated more on Jan's pussy. Jan, sensing the moment near, began to finger fuck Susan's pussy, still trying to get as much as possible on film. Susan came first. Jan couldn't believe how much fluid could come from a woman. "Could she have urinated? No, it definitely wasn't urine. The smell..., the feel, it was just a flood of cum." Susan, now satisfied for the moment, was determined to get her friend off. Jan, now with both hands free, could better hold the camera for her finale. Susan began to fuck Jan's pussy with her tongue, while both of her soft, delicate hands worked on Jan's tits. It only took a few minutes for Jan to reach an incredible orgasm.
"Well, Mike, if you don't like this..., I give up," Jan whispered to the camera with obvious shortness of breath. "Merry Christmas sweetie." At this Jan turned the camera off, lifted Susan's face from her groin to her own face. "Thank you, Susan." Then Jan kissed Susan one more time sweetly on the lips. "No.., thank you," Susan put her arms around Jan, held her close, and gave her friend one last semi-passionate kiss. "We both know who enjoyed this the most..., thanks." Nothing more was or needed to be, said.
The two women held each other and relaxed for several minutes before getting up. As Susan dressed, Jan copied the tape for Susan to take. "Well, I really need to get going..., gosh..., this has been great." Susan, now dressed hugged the still nude Jan as she prepared to leave. "Absolutely great." Jan hugged Susan back then handed her the copy of the film. "We'll have to do another filming sometime." Jan winked and laughed a little as she spoke. "Anytime Jan..., anytime at all." Susan answered a little too quickly and little too seriously, then added with a little humor, "I think we could be movie stars." Both ladies laughed as Susan went out the door. Jan, her lack of clothing preventing her from going out, waved from inside the motorhome as Susan pulled away from the parking lot.
"Wow! Damn! I can't believe how great that was." Susan was speaking loudly to herself as she headed north on the interstate. She knew Jan was just making conversation about doing this again. Susan also knew now that she had really missed the experience of being with another woman. Greg had tried many times to get her to act on her fantasies, but she had never had the nerve. "Boy, is Greg ever going to be happy." Susan thought of her husband's reaction when he saw the movie. "And he'll love Jan..., and absolutely go nuts over Jan's tits." Susan continued to think about Jan, herself, the movie and Greg as she drove. "I wonder if I should contact Karen? She did give me her address and said to write to her at the twenty-fifth reunion last summer. She sure looked good..., and her husband seemed fun. I don't know why I was a little distant with her..., I'll write her a note when I get home." Susan continued to daydream the rest of the three-hour trip home.
"Well now." Jan sat, still naked, sipping a glass of wine. "I really can't believe what just happened. Mike is going to love this. And I really can't believe that I liked..., no..., I enjoyed the hell out of it." Jan smiled and thought of what had just happened. "Yeah, Mike's going to love it." Thinking more of Mike's reaction to the video made Jan a little horny. "And I'm going to be made love to by Mike...my man... In fact, I need to be loved by Mike now." Jan looked at the clock and came back to reality. She quickly dressed and headed for home.
Mike knew Jan had something really neat planned for today. She had been even more childish than usual about Christmas this year. He loved that little girl in Jan that came out even more during the holidays. Mike turned the coffee pot on as he passed the kitchen on his way to the study. Going to their "story" screen-name, Mike answered the letters. Then he switched to his screen-name. He had mail from Jan. A Christmas card no doubt. "Love that gal," Mike whispered to himself as he opened it. "Aw, that's sweet...," Mike said as he saw the card that Jan had sent and started reading her message. "Disc? Oh yea..., in the drive..., ok." Mike followed the instructions Jan had written and started loading the disc into the computer. "Damn!... Wow!... Neat!... What?... Who's, who?...Susan?...Yeah, it's Susan...Wow!...All right!...Damn!...And all I got her was jewelry."

It started early on in the evening while we were reading one of the Hot Wife forums. It had been hot during the day, and we had made a big batch of margaritas with tequila and had nearly consumed all of it. Well, I did have a few I guess, and my wife was feeling pretty randy.
She had just come out of the shower and had only a towel around her as she came and gyrated her nice butt before me trying to get me to take advantage of her. I started feeling her naked ass and was pinching her nipples when she really started getting turned on. She bent over and took over the job of pinching her nipples, so I started rubbing her wet pussy. She was really wet down there, so I then started licking her ass while I fingered her. She was very hot and loving all this. She asked me to put my dick in her sopped puss, so being the gentleman I am, I began to guide my hard cock into her. She started moaning right away as I stroked my cock in and out oh so slowly.
It had been a long time since we had done anything really nasty so I told her that I didn't want to finish her off but instead save our horniness and that we should do something really wild tonight instead. I sensed that the time was right and by her actions, I felt she was up to it too. She asked what I had in mind, and I told her that I thought we should drive down to the big city and go to the adult theater and see what might happen. She said OK, which kind of shocked me, as she had never agreed to that before when I suggested it.
Just to be sure she meant what she had just agreed to do I began stroking my cock in and out again picking up the tempo as I did, all the while telling her what the night had in store for her. She was getting into the talk as I told her guys would be in the theater stroking their hard-ons in front of her while I stripped her in front of them. I started fucking her faster as I felt her orgasm approaching while still telling her that all the guys would be so appreciative of seeing her naked at the show that they may even want to join in.
That must have done it for her as her mind played the images before her and she came with a gusher all over my cock. I tried to hold back my own orgasm and don't know how I did it because the images and talk were really getting me hot also but I did. I pulled my wet cock out of her and told her to go up and get dressed for the evening while I showered.
She came down just as I had gotten dressed. She was in a light summer dress that came about mid-thigh and was bra-less. She raised the hem of her loose fitting dress to show me one of her Victoria Secrets white lacy thong panties. I wanted to take her again right there as she had me rock hard instantly. But I knew we'd better get going so we hopped into the car to make the 150-mile drive. It's hell living so far from sleazy action, but it's the price we pay I guess for living up here in God's country so to speak.
Along the way we talked about a lot of different things; kids, getting a new car, work, etc. and I was hoping she wouldn't start to get cold feet and have me turn around to go home. That thought diminished however when out of the corner of my eye I noticed her unbuttoning some of the top buttons on her dress. She started rubbing her titties with both hands and pinching her nipples. She would pull on her nipples and bring them to her mouth and suck them. She covered them up when we passed cars with families but did it brazenly whenever we went past the big trucks. I looked up when we passed them to see if the driver would look. The ones that did sported huge smiles. This was also something she had always been too shy to do before so I really loved every minute of it.
She asked me if I really liked her dress. I looked over at her as she was unbuttoning it the rest of the way. I hadn't noticed in my excitement before, but her dress buttoned ALL the way down the front. She had all the buttons undone and pulled it open. She was totally naked under it except for the thong panties. She then removed the panties and except for the straps over her shoulders you couldn't tell she had anything on at all. My cock was straining to get out of its confines she had me so turned on. She was playing with her pussy and nibbling on her nipples as we streaked down the highway to playland. Her fingers were darting in and out of her pussy while she played and sucked on her tits. She was a one-woman orgy at the moment, and I know she was loving it, as she didn't let up even when we were passing pickups and cars with adults only in them. If anyone happened to look over while we jetted by, they could definitely tell what she was up to because she was not masking any of her actions. I didn't always look over as we passed as I was too busy watching the road and stroking her thigh or pussy or helping out any way I thought I could.
At one point she started rubbing me and got my cock out and bent over to give me a blowjob. When she did this, I reached over and scooted her dress out of the way so anyone looking in would see a naked woman's bare ass as she had her head in my lap. Again I didn't want to cum yet, so I had her release her talented mouth from my stiff dick and had her continue to pleasure herself. Soon we were out of the wooded landscape, and the bright lights of the city loomed in front of us. We found a parking spot right in front of the theater. It was at this point I again feared she would back out, and again she proved me wrong. What a woman!!
We walked into the theater, and I noticed it was remodeled from when I had been there before. Yes, I have been one of those guys sitting there stroking myself hoping some couple would come in and let me play with them. The attendant said someone had tried to make the place a drive-thru hence the remodeling. We paid our 7 dollars for the theater and walked through the double doors into what I knew was going to be my heaven.
Once in the theater, we stayed by the door for about a minute to let our eyes adjust to the darkness. We could see about 6 or 7 guys in the place scattered about. We picked a row without anybody in it, and I walked first all the way to the wall with her right behind me. There is a huge screen up front about 7' by 7' maybe, and around 12 rows of seats with about 10 seats in each row. The seats are rather comfortable as they are cushioned and have armrests. ALL eyes were on my wife as she followed me to our seats.
We sat down and began to watch the movie. Almost immediately one of the guys from a back row got up and came in our row and sat down right next to my wife. This startled her somewhat, as she didn't expect this kind of aggression so quickly. She clung real close to me and seemed to have tensed up. I assured her that absolutely nothing was going to happen to her that she didn't want to have happen and that the poor guy was just hoping to be invited to join in on something with us and wanted to get the jump on any of the other guys. With that, I leaned over my wife and asked the guy to move over away from my wife please. He said "sorry, sure" and moved away. I again assured her that one complaint from us would have anyone ejected from the premises if they "bothered" us. Guys who have been in these places know that, and there are usually signs telling this posted in the lobby. Not being asked or able to play with a couple may be disheartening but being there to at least watch what may unfold is better than nothing.
On the screen, a pretty blond girl was sucking on a big black dick while what appeared to be her husband was sitting nearby jacking off. Soon the blond had two dicks in her hands and was sucking one then the other. She took turns sucking one cock while being fucked by the other one and then alternated sucking the other one and getting her pussy pumped by the other.
I had my arm around my wife's shoulder rubbing it and was telling her that I was going to give the black guy a call so we could do that scene too as it is also one of my fantasies that we haven't lived out yet. It was either this talk, or her getting more relaxed at being in the theater and being more comfortable with the situation, but I noticed she was definitely starting to get into the movie AND the experience. I also kept telling her all night how wonderful she was when she let the slut in her out to play. I love it when she acts like a slut, and I mean "slut" in only the most endearing way. I could tell she was getting into it because she was rubbing all around my crotch and stroking my dick through my shorts. I was rubbing down the side of her chest now trying to get to her tits. I whispered to her that she could unbutton a few buttons and allow herself and me to play with her titties. While she did this, I looked around and saw that no one was watching the movie. DUH. She had a few buttons undone, and we were playing with her tits and nipples as I cupped and kneaded them as best I could for her benefit as well as the guys watching. I kept telling her that all the guys were watching and they really liked what they saw. I told her the guy right behind us had his cock out and was jacking off to our scene, as were some of the others.
Her top entirely undone and her beautiful tits out in the open being played with in a public place like this was really turning her on. I had told her for years and years that she would love something like this if only she would overcome her shyness to do so. While she and I played with her tits, I moved one of my hands down to the next button on her dress. Then I undid another and then another. I did this until they were all undone.
She knew what I was doing and when the last one was undone she spread her legs apart to give me full access to her sweet wet pussy. Exposing my wife to others is a huge turn-on for me. I don't understand why but maybe some of you guys enjoy this too and let's just hope our beautiful wives understand that we just like to show off what gorgeous women we have. The biggest turn-on yet for me is still burned into my memory when one night at a party when all but the host and hostess and us were left, I undid my wife's shorts while he stood behind her with his arms around her feeling her tits. I unzipped them and lowered them and her panties to the floor and helped her step out of them knowing that I was preparing her to get fucked by him as I watched/helped. Well, that's another story.
I brushed her dress aside, and she now sat fully and completely naked in this movie theater except for the straps on her shoulders. The guy in front of us didn't make any pretense about looking around slyly any more and actually sat sideways in his seat so he could look directly at her naked body and her spread legs with my fingers working in and out of her pussy. She was very wet and had her second orgasm in the theater by my playing and fingering her pussy. She had one earlier while we played with her tits I found out later on the drive home.
At several times the double doors opened up, and other customers walked in. When they saw what was happening, a beautiful naked woman was sitting there with a man finger fucking her while she played with and sucked on her tits, they came to sit close enough to watch and took their cocks out and began to stroke them. We never missed a beat anytime the doors opened, and usually, the new guys would do a double take to be sure they saw what they thought they saw.
My wife was sure into this now, and I think actually was enjoying it a lot more than I imagined. She was naked in the theater and coming and didn't care who knew or saw, in fact knowing they were there enjoying the show only heightened her state, (I say "I think" because we men NEVER REALLY know what goes on in your sweet minds).
I asked her if she wanted to suck my cock now and she said "Yes, please." What a wonderful woman huh? I scooted my shorts and underwear to the floor and spread my legs apart as I know from experience that when she sucks cock, she likes to lick balls and play with the whole area. She bent right over and took my dick in her mouth like it was going to be her last meal. She made a noisy blowjob out of it, making sure the guys around us knew what she was doing. She bobbed her head up and down and played with my balls and ass and was giving me one hell of a good blowjob.
This lasted for quite a while until I was ready to shoot my cum all over, but I know she likes to swallow all the cum that comes her way and this night I wanted the guys around to get more of a show than that. So I asked her if she wanted to straddle me and ride my cock for a while. She asked if we could actually do that in here? I swear that was the only dumb thing she said all night. I told her yes, that we could, and she stood up, faced me, straddled my legs and put my dick in her hand and guided it into her pussy. She started her up and down movements sliding my cock in and out of her pussy.
For the guys behind us, and for her, I cupped her breasts and showed them off to the guys in front and to the side. I bunched her dress into a small ball behind her back and spread her ass cheeks and fingered her ass a little while she humped me.
My wife was definitely getting into everything we were doing this night, and her first public display of fucking and sucking was something she was really enjoying. After a while of fucking like this, I could tell she was having somewhat of an awkward time of it with the armrests and all, so I asked if she wanted to stand up and take it from behind. She said sure and got off me and turned around as I stood up. As I got up, I glanced around and saw everyone's arm moving up and down stroking very obvious hard dicks. Too bad they weren't churning butter as we could have fed all the starving nations that night.
When I positioned myself behind her and started to poke my cock in, I heard several gasps from the crowd. "Doggie style, oh yeah." I didn't realize this was a favorite of so many. I guided my dick into her and began stroking slowly. This time I knew I was going to finish off in her pussy and shoot my cum, but I was going to make sure she came too, again.
I started slowly and increased the pace slightly. I bunched her dress up into a small ball again at the base of her neck so anyone looking would see her as completely naked; almost, except for her thin strapped shoes, which they couldn't see anyway nor cared about. So here we were in this public adult theater on a nice summer night. Her appearing totally naked leaning over the row of chairs in front of her with her nice titties hanging down with me stroking my hard cock in and out of her wet pussy and about 10 guys at this point watching nearby stroking their dicks watching. Damn, the scene gets me rock hard thinking about it, and I'm sure it will for a long time.
We were both working up to a good climax, and she was moaning as she was most of the night when she was getting worked over. I could feel her pussy muscles clamp down on me and her sobs and moaning and the gush of juices flooding from her pussy were telling me that she was having her best orgasm of the night. So figuring this was going to be the finale, I decided to let go and have my orgasm too. I pumped her pussy harder and harder. You could hear my stomach slapping against her ass cheeks as we bumped together fucking. I could feel the swell coming up from my balls, and my dick stiffened even more than it was as I erupted the first of many shots. My cum flowed into her like a river gone wild. With each blast I had my ass clenched and drove my cock in as far as it would go. I can't remember having too many orgasms as intense as this one was.
During our mutual climax, the double doors opened again, and another guy came in. I don't think my wife even noticed the lights from the lobby as the door opened. If it was the cops, she was going to finish her climax before we went to jail anyway and that was my sentiments too at that moment. With both cock and pussy spent we rocked into a slow rhythm with her doing her usual side to side action and clamping her pussy to drain the last drops of cum from me. When she was satisfied her pussy had milked the last drop of cum from me, she leaned forward to uncouple us. My cock was still hard, not rock hard but hard nonetheless, honest.
This had been a fantasy of mine for many years, and regardless of what some people say about the reality not being as good as the mind makes the fantasy, that is pure bullshit. This fantasy was every bit as imagined and better.
When we sat back down my wife buttoned up her dress, and I pulled my shorts back up, and we watched some more of what was on the screen. We talked about what we had just done, and she said she loved every minute of it, and it was a big turn-on for her to do what she did, and she would like to do it again. She even said that if the guy who intruded earlier had turned her on and had been more diplomatic about his desires she may have even had him help her with a couple orgasms and would have rewarded him with a big one of his own from her. We did bring some condoms with us just in case. We never want to be in a situation that would call for it and not have any, and we didn't really know where this venture was going to take us when we left home, so I picked some up when we stopped for a drink on the way down.
Seeing her swollen and well-fucked pussy filled with the bareback creampies of strangers. That's another fantasy of mine, and you folks will hear about it if it ever comes to fruition which it very well may be as her fantasies and mine now seem to be on the same track.

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