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The Ones That Got Away, Kinda


A couple of years ago we had some neighbors we got to be real close friends with. We were constantly flirting back and forth across partners. The sexual tensions were always thick at our parties, and we all knew we wanted to do each other. Sadly, none of us was bold enough to make the first move. Then one night my wife and I took some hot photos of each other with an Instamatic camera. To my surprise the next night as we were about to go out dancing with our friends she showed our pictures to our friends. We laughed and joked about it and went dancing. That night it seems I danced with my friend's wife more than my own and visa versa. As we left to go home, I 'jokingly' put my wife in the backseat with Chuck and Judy up front with me. I jokingly told everyone that 'we were gonna do some swapping tonight.' We teased each along the way home.


Halfway home Judy said she had to pee and asked I pull into a park so she could use the restroom. I did and being the 'gentleman', I escorted her in the dark from the car to the potty. This left Toni & Chuck alone in the car. When Judy came out of the potty, which was on the opposite side of the building from my car, she reached out, grabbed my crotch, and asked if I had to go. I was pleasantly shocked and Waldo sprung to attention immediately. I said no and we embraced and kissed and we both did a little grabby feelly. Thinking that Toni and Chuck would be wondering where we were, we unlocked our tongues, got in one last grope and hurried back to the car. As we walked back to the car in the dark, I saw Toni & Chuck in a serious liplock {the dog}. She told me later they did a little touchy grabby of their own and Chuck actually managed to get a little stinky-finger.


I hurried home and when we got there I had to go upstairs to my bedroom for something and Judy followed me. Once there she closed the door and opened her blouse to expose the most magnificent breasts I had yearned to see for months. She said she had been thinking about my hot pictures all night. I asked if she wanted me to take her picture? She did and she stripped down to what God gave her {and it was nice}. We took a picture of each other semi-nude {knowing we would have to show our significants something to 'explain' our time upstairs}. While we wanted each other in the worst way I held off taking her right then and there because I did not know what was going through Toni's mind at the moment. We had not talked about possible swaps at any time prior. Now I cannot say I did not imbibe in a little of Judy's wares, but we did not do the deed. I still envision my bending her over the edge of the bed and thrusting my engorged monstrosity into that cute {and as I found out later - that's another story} tight little muffin of hers.


So we go downstairs and what do we see? Chuck and Toni entwined on the couch with clothing amiss. Cool. I showed them the pictures Judy and I had taken and suggested they do the same thing. No arguments anywhere and up they scampered to our bedroom. Judy and I assumed their place on the couch and I whispered in her ear that I wondered what was going on upstairs? This got her hotter than hot and she jerked me off soundly {later to my dismay I learned she did not like oral sex - damnit I love it...and so does Toni}. I paid Chuck back for the sticky-finger he enriched himself from by shoving three of my fingers into Judy and working her to a climax as well. I put those same fingers in Judy's mouth and I believe she tasted herself for the first time.


I heard through my own bliss thumping sounds coming from upstairs which I thought meant Toni didn't have the concerns I did and was boffing the hell out of ole lucky Chucky. I liked the thought of it. Then later came the sound of water running - I knew what that meant - washcloth time. My wife once she lets go of her fears is ONE HOT fuck {excuse my French but no other word better describes it}. Later she told me she hadn't actually done him because she thought she was about to start her period, but other than that she would have.


What did transpire she told me was that they had no sooner closed the bedroom door than she tossed the camera aside and began to undress him, stripping herself down only to her panties. After a couple of grabs and feels she did what she loves to do and dropped to her knees and gave him what I am sure was the best head he had ever had. She told him not to cum in her mouth as she does not like that {remember that}, and after about 30 seconds he exploded all over her face and chest. They then cleaned themselves up played with each other a little more and took a couple of pictures because they figured they 'had' to. Again, they held back from their urges out of concern for what we might be thinking. I was thinking alternatively between...'Go Chuck Go', and 'Damnit Judy put the darn thing in your mouth PLEASE!'


When they came down Chuck was beaming {duh!} and my wife gave me a big kiss. He whispered in my ear I should take Judy upstairs and 'fuck her brains out.' I really really really wanted to, but for whatever reason {inexperience/apprehension/the fact I had already shot my wad?} I did not. The night then whined down with us paired up smooching with the other's and the girls actually going topless in front of each other. Of course, I think I instigated that by taking off Judy's blouse, as I just had to suck some more on those big boys. As I did it I peeked over at Toni and she responded by taking off her own blouse and putting one of her boobs in Chuck's mouth for his enjoying pleasure.


Eventually, they had to leave because of the need to take the damn babysitter home. {Thank goodness, we no longer have that problem.} My wife and I then had some of the best sex of our marriage that night. Moreover, since then and to this day she need only re-enact her and Chuck's encounter to get me really hot. Every so often, we will be in the bedroom and I ask her to live the experience again with me. What she doesn't know is that the reason it always ends with my bending her over the edge of the bed and entering her from behind is because I still wish to hell I had been smart enough to have done that to Judy that special night.


The next day we all talked openly about what happened and how we enjoyed it. We even agreed it should happen again. Unfortunately for whatever reason it did not because Judy had minor back surgery a week later, which set us back, and then they were transferred to Arkansas. Damn we missed some good times because we were all just a little 'hesitant' to go the next step. My advise to anyone reading this who is in a similar situation is -- take that step and see where it leads you.


Otis & Toni


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