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Truly Soft Swing

Mike and Jan

Libby was 18 when I first met her. Very short, very small framed, very small breasts and very cute face. She lived very near the trailer park that a bunch of us Combat Controllers were staying at that was just far enough from the base that we could be as wild as we wanted to be. I liked Libby the moment I saw her and must admit that I wanted to devour her cute little body bad. But, she was really too innocent for me. And she was really way too dating a fellow Combat Controller and friend. Off limits! I did see her at the NCO Club with Jack quite a few times and enjoyed talking, flirting, and dancing with her even though I knew that could be all there was. And, I could tell by her responses to my flirting that she had the hots for me as well, and that was fulfilling in it's own way. I guess it was because she and I weren't going to be able to ever be together that made her want me to date her friend. I told Libby that I just wasn't into 'dating' at that point in my life but she was very persistent and I finally, after an ordeal that's another long story, had my first blind date with my current wife of 34 years. And, that first blind 'double' date was the first of many 'double' dates with them. OK, that's the background and I'll bet you're wondering where it's leading to, right? I've decided to use this site as a sort of diary of my favorite erotic memories in my marriage and even though this first soft-swinging incident was actually before we were married it's very much part of my marriage memories now.


We'd all four decided to get some drinks and munchies and just go to a drive-in theater. This particular theater had two screens. The one facing the main road had a very scary movie on that night and the girls didn't want to see it. The second screen had a very sexy movie. It didn't take long for the girls to realize that screen two was for adults. Jack and I knew before hand but, hey, it was the girl's idea after all. Now this was a very long time ago and by today's standards that movie would likely only be rated R, but for the innocent little Libby it was a definite XXX! I figured that it would be fun but my date, my wife now, got immediately defensive and moved away from me in the front seat. Now don't get me wrong here, she can be very sexual and great sexually at times but she can also be very hung up about sex at times too. This was one of those 'hung up' moments and I was ready to just leave. Well, we sat there in silence for several moments and there was no fun whatsoever in the front seat. Just as I was ready to give it up and suggest leaving I heard one of the most erotic sounds of my life. To this day the only thing I could possibly hear that would top that sound at that moment would be my wife telling me that she's interested in swinging again. Breathing! That familiar heavy breathing that is uncontrollable but you can tell there are attempts at restraint. I wanted to turn around and look so bad but noticed that my date, who had also heard, was watching me to make sure I didn't. And the look on her face made it apparent that she wasn't enjoying this nearly as much as me. Swishing. Yes! Swishing. There is no other sound like it. That rhythmic swishing sound that only comes from a finger in a wet pussy. Damn! Libby, little sweet, cute Libby was being finger fucked right in my back seat. I glanced up at my rear view mirror and wondered if I could get away with adjusting it. No way! My date had moved ever further away from me and was literally holding the passenger's door handle to pull closer to it. But, she was watching me like a hawk watching a mouse and her glare let me know I'd better do nothing but figure out how to leave. Swishing, breathing, and more delicious swishing. Libby had to have the wettest little pussy ever and I was hard as a rock listening to the sounds only a few feet away. I closed my eyes and listened with my total being. Swishing, swishing, breathing, a low moan, then more and faster swishing. I could smell her. With my eyes closed I could, not only savor her with my ears but I could also, smell her. If only I could see her. Damn! I wanted to see her face as she was being finger fucked. I wanted to see passion on that cute little face!


'Let's go.' My date finally broke the silence from our front seat with her emotionless comment.


'Is everyone ready to leave?' I spoke softly not wanting to end the rear seat activity but knowing I needed to appease my prude date or pay for it later. Swishing, soft moaning, breathing. Swishing, swishing, swishing and more and faster swishing. 'If you want to,' Jack spoke with that nervous tone that comes only from sexual excitement, 'sure, I guess so.' The swishing had stopped. A short rustling sound of clothing being readjusted but no more swishing. No more breathing. No more soft moaning. But the smell was still there. No amount of prudeness could possibly stop the smell and I inhaled deeply, not wanting to lose that aroma. But my date rolled down her window as soon as we left the drive-in and I did lose the smell. It wasn't that late but that evening ended much earlier than any other before. We dropped them off at Libby's house and I drove the short distance to my date's house and dropped her off without much of a good night kiss.


When I got to my trailer I went in and got a bottle of Johnny Walker, a glass with some ice, and went back out to my car and got in the back seat. The smell was back. And, in my mind I could again hear the swishing, the soft moans, and the breathing. But the smell was real. Libby's smell. As I sipped my scotch I pulled my hard cock out of my jeans and jacked off to the smell of the cute little girl that I so wanted to devour every inch of.


We got married a little later and so did they. My wife did loosen up a little on about five different occasions with other couples but still has her tendency to clam up and go defensive when it comes to adventurous sexual fun. I'll tell of those occasions later. Our friends live a long way off but we do keep in touch at times and see each other every five or ten years. Libby, at least in my mind, is still just as cute as she was way back then. I still remember, vividly, that swishing, moaning, and breathing that came from her as she was being administered to. And, whenever I'm near her now, I still try to breath in that wonderful aroma that is her.

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    • By fredsgirl
      After speaking to each other long distance over the internet, Fred in Iraq and Lorrie in the States, both were eager to get some time getting to know each other more intimately. So, finally, on a spring day in May, they finally got their chance.

      The plan was for Lorrie to meet him at the airport on a Friday night to pick him up after a long flight. Hopefully, she thought, he was able to rest on the plane because she had big plans for him. They had been having steamy interactions long distance, and she wanted to have a live session this time. She couldn't contain her excitement. She had been planning what to wear, what to say…. would she be nervous…. would it be awkward? She didn't know but figured it would definitely work out. She was so horny for him. One way or another, she was going to get him.

      She decided on wearing a white blouse with a visible pink lacy bra and cleavage visible via the low-cut buttoned blouse, a floral blue short skirt with a loose flair to it, and no panties, definitely no panties. To top that off, she decided heels were in order. So Sweet and Sexy! She was off.

      On the ride to the airport, she kept replaying all the fantasies they talked about and kept getting more and more excited at every minute that passed…going to be a long wet ride.

      Finally, she arrived, parked the car, and entered the airport to greet him as he got off the plane. Still, in her head, wondering what would happen next. Nervously, she still had about 20 minutes to wait for his plane to arrive, and she figured she might as well go to the bar in the airport for a drink, just to ease the butterflies in her stomach.

      She headed back to the gate. "Here he comes," excitedly, she thought, with a grin on her face. Not surprisingly, he arrived with a matching grin. They both know what is ahead. After a hug, happy to feel him finally, there was some small talk; yes, both were a little nervous. How was the flight? Did you wait long? Both, all the while thinking, I can't wait to get down to fucking. Not being said aloud, but both could feel it anyhow. The sexual tension was palpable.

      They gathered up his bags and headed to the car. As Lorrie was walking, Fred took his opportunity to fully enjoy the view of Lorrie in its entirety. Although he saw parts while on the internet, she looked incredible in person. This was definitely a safe time to check her out from behind without her catching him. He knew now he wasn't crazy for all the things he had said and thought about up to now. He really did want her.

      As they reach the car, both of them think about what they had said about the car parked in the garage, fucking. Oh yeah, with just the thought, Lorrie felt hot already, hoping Fred would make some kind of advance. If he does, she thought to herself, I am totally going to do it. I just can't wait. She looked around, but no one was around. She could hear cars on other levels but figured, I don't care, I don't know any of these people, and will never see them again, fuck it. She opened the trunk, and Fred started loading his bags into the car. Lorrie watched him, hoping for him to do anything. Did he change his mind? Maybe he is nervous too? Lorrie decided to break the tension and had to make a joke or something. "So, I thought you were going to fuck me here? I didn't even wear panties. You're not gonna waste that, are you?" she laughed sarcastically. Fred just shot her a look that clearly meant… you're gonna get it now.

      Lorrie headed for the car door, figuring he was going to let her comment slide, not knowing Fred was very close behind her. Just as she opened the door, Fred pushed it back closed. Lorrie knew it, and she had a huge smile now.

      He turned her around, kissed her, and ran his hands up and down the outside of her thighs, up to her hips, pressing his body against hers. Her back was up against the car now, and she raised her leg up around his body, allowing him to get closer to her. She felt that he was hard now. She was really hot now, wanting him so badly. With her hands, she pulled him even closer now; he gladly pushed his cock on her pussy, knowing she had nothing on under her skirt. He was very excited too. Should we fuck right here, he wondered? They both really wanted to. It was very obvious to everyone who had driven by and the couple who had returned to their car parked beside them. They weren't distracted in the least, and they only had one thing on their mind.

      Fred realized we couldn't do this here; we could be here for hours. He whispered, "Can't here… let's go find somewhere else…..quickly." Lorrie was now frustrated. She didn't think she was going to be able to wait a minute longer, as she had been waiting since December for this. One more minute, and she was going to explode; at this point, she almost felt like if he waited a minute more, she would have let all her juices go.

      "Ok," she said, not saying how she really felt.

      They both got into the car, and Fred was driving. They finally left the airport and headed in the direction of home. Both were silent, but each kept glancing at each other. Lorrie down on Fred, mouth-watering, Fred on Lorrie's ample cleavage, and wishing her skirt was about an inch or two higher, so he could really view her.

      Lorrie just couldn't wait any longer. She leaned over to Fred, reached down and rubbed his package, and whispered in his ear," Is this ok?" Fred, without hesitation, agreed. She aggressively stroked him, and he was at full attention. Lorrie was definitely excited, ass he could feel herself getting wetter by the second.

      She was peering down, trying to imagine how he looked and tasted. She decided only one way to find out. Unbuttoning and unzipping him, she thought, thank god he had boxers on, not much resistance to access.

      He helped by wiggling his pants down a little so she would have full access, eager to feel her mouth on him. She leaned over, now almost lying across the center console, with one hand caressing him from his balls, up and down his cock as she pulled him into her mouth. Slowly teasing his head with her tongue at first, tasting his pre cum, yup, he's excited him, she thought. She continued to squeeze him with her fingers wrapped around his engorged cock as though she was going to milk the cum out of him. She then eased him further into her mouth, eagerly filling her mouth with all of his manhood that she could. Still, massaging him, sucking, licking.

      Fred desperately looked around for a spot to stop the car. He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted inside her, wanted to feel her hot, wet pussy on him. Her mouth felt so good, but he wanted more.

      Good, rest stop. He pulled in, and only two other cars there, "who gives a flying fuck? I don't," he thought. Lorrie was still excitedly sucking his cock without hesitation, writhing in her seat. Oh, she's ready. Lorrie raised up back onto her knees, Fred still in her mouth, hands still on him. He reached underneath her down to her throbbing pussy. She moaned as he began circling her clit and massaging it with his fingers. He could feel how wet she was as he probed a little further, pressing his fingers inside her. She moaned in enjoyment. Neither could wait, and both of them knew it.

      He put his left hand on the back of her head, assuring she would have to keep sucking him until he was finished making her climax. She asked for this; she tortured me for months. She begged for him to fuck her; how she couldn't wait any longer. He kept rubbing and probing her harder with each stroke. She was really wet now, and he knew it. She kept moaning louder and louder. He loved feeling that too. He was going to make sure he muffled her moans and, finally, her screams, with his cock.

      He smirked as she was fucking his hand now, moaning and then screaming. Shaking, her juices were now running down his hand onto his wrist and were now running down her thighs too. It was all too tempting for him not to want a little taste.

      After controlling the urge to unload into Lorrie's mouth, he ordered her to turn around, lay back, and present her pussy to him. Now she was helping him stroke her. Her back was pushed up against the door. Although this car was small, Fred was determined to try her. He leaned over and licked her now engorged pussy. She was so wet and willing, squirming under his tongue.

      He decided he was going to make her pay again for the torture he had endured. He licked around her clit. Driving her even more wild, he pierced her with his tongue, and now she lowered her hand to massage her own clit. She knew she was going to cum again. Waves of pleasure engulfed her now, her hips meeting his tongue movements. She came again as she was still begging to be fucked now while Fred sat back in his seat with a satisfied smirk on his face. Oh no, he's not, she thought; hehe's mine now.

      She got up, moved toward Fred, reached over him, and pulled the lever, which made his seat go into a fully reclined position. He just smiled; he knew what was coming next. She straddled him and unbuttoned her blouse. He took advantage of the access to her breast and pulled her bra down past her nipples, leaned forward, and began sucking. She was grinding up against him. She was teasing him before she positioned him beneath her and slowly guided his cock into her. She pushed him back with force and mounted him forcefully. She raised and lowered herself on him slowly at first. She knew he wanted it harder, but after what he did, she wanted to tease him. She couldn't take it anymore, and she wanted his cum deep inside her. Enjoying his cock harder and harder, he raised his hips to meet her, each time getting deeper. That was their goal, him as deep inside of her as he could.

      After riding him for a bit, she reached behind her to grab his balls, trying to massage the cum out of him. Looking at him, telling him how much she wanted his cum. Now slamming his cock deep inside her, she unleashed a huge orgasm; he could feel her tense up and squeeze his cock inside her, still pumping, milking him as he exploded. She now smirked as she was proud of what she had just accomplished. Leaned over and said in a low sexy voice, "Oh, you wait. That was just the warm-up round."

      The drive home had been extremely thrilling. Fred and Lorrie exchanged glances, smiling, laughing, and giggling the whole time. They spoke about how long it had been, talking about the sizzling plans they had made online, chatting almost every day for nearly five months. Both of them were still thinking about what happened as they had left the airport.
      Finally, after his arrival, at a rest stop shortly after leaving the airport, they were unable to restrain their eagerness to fulfill their desires. Now what?

      They decided to head to Lorrie's house before going out to find some of Fred's old friends. The night was still early, and Fred could use a bed to lie on.

      At Lorrie's house, which was small but charming, they entered. Again, both were nervous. Was this really happening? It was like a fantasy still, like one they had dreamed up while talking long distance, like one each of them had imagined in their head. Still, although nervous, each of them still wanted each other intensely, especially after satisfying their hunger for each other earlier.

      "You must be tired," Lorrie said. "No, not that tired, just wanna lay down for a little bit before we go out. Is that ok?" Fred responded.

      "Of course," Lorrie agreed, "You want the couch or my bed?"

      "Bed. Just don't let me fall asleep," Fred said, "or I'll never get back up."

      Lorrie grinned, "that shouldn't be a problem."

      She led Fred upstairs to her bedroom. Fred removed his shoes, laid back, and pretended to get comfy. Lorrie was onto his game; he had no intentions of resting. She knew this but played along.

      "Do you mind if I lie next to you?" Fred asked.

      "No, not at all," Lorrie replied.

      Lorrie followed suit, slipped off her shoes, and lay down next to Fred. Fred on his side facing Lorrie, Lorrie on her back, with a pillow propping up her head. She turned on the television just so he would think she wasn't onto his game.

      He lay there, laughing to himself; she really thinks we're just gonna lie here like this? Again with the tempting me. She's gonna get it.

      Fred looked at Lorrie, her long legs leading up to that short blue skirt, up to the pink lace peeking out of the white button-down shirt, which was unbuttoned to show her ample cleavage. Although all that was nice, he continued up to her eyes, which were peering forward toward the television. Really, is she really watching television right now? She's not gonna be in a minute.

      He leaned toward her, lessening the distance on the bed between them. Slowly he raised his hand to touch her thigh. First, on top, slowly caressing it. He looked toward her face again, no response.

      Lorrie was holding in a smile with all her might, her heart racing. He sensed she was playing now; game on.

      He continued caressing up and down her thigh, and slowly, he glided his hand to the inside of her thigh. Using long slow strokes now, he rubbed a bit harder toward her, higher and higher.

      Lorrie is now grinning, trying not to, of course, but unable to deny it.

      That was all he needed to progress completely. He had not forgotten that she was not wearing any panties under her loose skirt. All too tempting. He rose his body up to his knees, pulled her to the center of the bed, and put his knees between her legs, her head still propped on pillows. Still, only giggling on Lorrie's part, she wasn't helping. He grabbed Lorrie's legs and pulled her down with force, so she was now lying flat on the bed, skirt pulled up by his actions, with her legs parted.

      Fred was gonna have to punish her for this little display, the stoic looks, the not helping him in any way. Oh, she's gonna pay.

      He leaned forward, planted a kiss on the inside of Lorrie's upper thigh, and looked up at her. Lorrie wasn't giving in just yet. He thought to himself, oh really, now I am gonna torture her. He continued kissing, licking, sucking on the inside of Lorrie's thighs higher, but not high enough. Lorrie was squirming. Her mind thought he's killing me, son of bitch.

      Lorrie surrendered, reached down, and pushed Fred further up, presenting her pussy to him. He parted her with his tongue just so she knew he meant business, but he wasn't giving in just yet. Still, Lorrie holding his head, he resisted. Instead, he penetrated her with one finger very slowly, then two slowly. Lorrie was writhing now, frustration and anticipation rising. He sensed this and began to quicken his pace inside her. Penetrating quicker and deeper each time. Finally, allowing his tongue to explore her fully. Lorrie moaned, her breath deepening. Again, with his fingers still keeping pace, his tongue explores, slowly, then eagerly, circling her clit until she finally begs, "Come on." He giggles, then concentrates his tongue on her clit. That's what she wanted. Still fucking her intensely with his fingers, sucking and licking, Lorrie begins to moan louder and louder, writhing and squirming to meet his fingers. Cum, baby cum. Fred eagerly anticipated her juices to flow. Her moans now turn into shallow screams of pleasure. Oh, yeah, she's cumming now. Hmmmm. He leans back, laughing an evil laugh. I've got her now. Or so he thought.

      Lorrie's turn, she thought, Fred's fingers still inside her. She interrupts him, leans forward, and pulls him up to meet her. Forcefully she pulls his shirt over his head. Fred is now back on his knees; she concentrates on unbuttoning her own shirt, down past her little pink bra, completely. He watches. She unhooks the bra, which has a front clasp, and pulls it completely aside, revealing her breast for him. He leans in. She restrains him, pushes him back onto his knees, and leans forward.

      Nearly at eye level with the bulge now presenting itself in his pants, she unbuttons, then unzips his pants. Slowly, she pulls them down, along with his boxers. Now she means business. Now fully exposed, she leans in; he can feel her hot breath on him. She gently runs her fingers up and down his cock, lips almost touching. Fred watched this, almost trembling. She licks his shaft in one long stroke. Now, Fred can't take anymore, "Come on." Boy, isn't that familiar, she grins. Now she licks the head of his cock, swirling her tongue until she slowly greedily devours him. She sucks him lightly, then harder as she strokes him both with hands and mouth. He tastes good. Hmmm.

      Fred just can't take anymore; he's on the verge of cumming, when he pulls out of Lorrie's mouth and pushes her back onto the bed. He needs to cool down a bit.

      Now, back to those tits. Fred now zealously licks, then sucks, then gently nibbles on Lorrie's erect nipples while fucking her with his fingers again, jabbing inside her deeply. Again, she meets him with her hips to get him deeper. Oh, I can't wait til he fucks me again.

      He again leans back. Lorrie can see how hard he is. Now she can't wait till he enters her and fucks her like she's wanted him to. He slowly rubs her clit and pussy with the head of his cock. She's burning for him now. He slowly pushes into her. Her pussy is wet, hot, and tight; he enjoys this bit of resistance. He enters further, deeper; she is moaning, stretching her legs to allow him deeper penetration. He gladly allows her pussy to engulf him. He begins to fuck her, pumping, her hot juices glazing his cock with every thrust. Pulling out and stabbing her pussy. Feeling the head of his cock repeatedly entering her is making Lorrie increasingly excited. She loves her pussy pounded. Almost as if he sensed this, he began driving into her, drilling her, making her scream with pleasure till he could feel her pussy squeeze his cock.

      He continues till he almost erupts inside her. How dare she? Oh, not yet. You are not finished yet; neither am I.

      He pulls out. "Turn around." Lorrie obeys, smiling. With her ass presenting in front of him, he couldn't resist one good spank. "You deserved that." She laughs. He puts his arm around Lorrie's stomach. She's not going anywhere. She is ready for this; she has thought about this position many times. It is her favorite, after all. Still, with his arm holding her in place, he takes his other hand to guide his cock into her. Once in, he thrusts hard while pulling her onto him. Very deep. Lorrie moans loudly. He continues fucking her intensely. Lorrie meeting his every blow. Fucking harder and harder. Pounding her pussy. He hesitates for a moment, and he realizes Lorrie is still feverishly fucking his cock. He eagerly meets her blows. She is moaning, taking his cock as deep as she can take it. Feeling his swelling cock drilling her repeatedly, she feels her pussy tightening on him, milking. Feeling his stiff cock inside her makes her dripping wet. She's cumming. He knows it. As she screams, he releases his load into her eager pussy, both their juices now dripping from her freshly fucked pussy; they lay exhausted.

      After a much-needed nap, Lorrie arose to realize it was getting pretty late in the evening, and if they were going to get out and catch up with some friends, they'd better get going. Fred, asleep in the spooning Lorrie, was easy to wake by wiggling her hips and grinding her ass up against Fred. That woke him up. Although he would've liked to stay in bed with Lorrie, she insisted that they go out. After all, Fred hadn't seen his friends in months, since last summer, in fact. It would be hardly fair if she kept him all to herself. Besides, she would have more time with him. He is going to be in town for two weeks, and other than an occasional email, he hardly ever hears from them, not like the endless chatting they do daily online.

      Each showered and dressed, very casual, like all the bars in this town are, but of course, Lorrie had to sex it up a bit for Fred. She wore a baby blue blouse that clung to her curves and showcased her ample cleavage, a tight, short, jean skirt that revealed her long smooth legs down to her high heel summer sandals to show her pink painted toenails. Definitely on the hot side of casual. Fred wore his khaki shorts and a tee, not original, but still sexy to Lorrie. She was just happy to be with him after all this time.

      She is so mean. Fred thought to himself, ..she knows that I am going to be distracted all night by her, thinking about getting inside her again.

      Lorrie knew what she was doing; that was her plan all along, torture.

      They drove to a local club where both had been many times. A lot of familiar faces in this place. Fred and Lorrie just looked at each other, having discussed what they were going to run into in this town. Not knowing what would happen exactly, they both decided they weren't going to say anything to anyone about this relationship. Really no one else's business, so nothing was good enough for them. Besides, the majority would twist anything to make it sound juicier anyhow. It does add to the mystery and excitement and always gives a giggle when you finally hear what the tale has ended up being told about you. If people only knew.

      Being the beginning of May, with the air starting to warm up, Lorrie decided to have a summer cocktail, Strawberry Daiquiri. Fred, well, you guys all know, beer. They sat at the bar and started downing their drinks.

      Of course, Fred hadn't been in town for quite a while, so any and all of his buddies whom he hadn't seen in a while were vying for his attention. So, Lorrie expecting this, allowed him to meander and visit with everyone. She also meandered and socialized herself; after all, being from this small town, some of his friends weren't all that unfamiliar to her. After a while, a few drinks, and a few more shots, they had lost all hopes of being inconspicuous. Lorrie was looking mighty hot and, of course, after alcohol, getting harder and harder to resist. Lorrie, too, was having a hard time keeping her attention away from Fred. They had waited so long for this, for each other. They had not even come close to satisfying their craving for each other. They slowly made their way back together, still talking with friends, but being so close to each other, they had to touch, at least. So, just a little bump here, a little rub up against there, a hand low on Lorrie's back, slipping lower….Well, you know what effect alcohol has. Why would you think anyone would notice? Play dumb.

      "Yeah, I think I left my purse in the car. I'll be back," Lorrie proclaims, hoping Fred gets the hint.

      "I need to get some air. It's gotten hot in here," as he follows closely behind Lorrie out the door.

      His friends just roll their eyes and make little gestures to each other. They're not buying it. Like they didn't notice Fred rubbing Lorrie's ass.

      Once outside, Lorrie turns around, "Real smooth. I'm sure that they didn't notice a thing."

      "I don't care. Let's go," Fred said.

      He was right; why bother staying? The touching and rubbing were just going to escalate into something that was better off done behind closed doors or at least away from prying eyes.

      "I still want more of my daiquiris. Strawberries are my favorite," Lorrie said.

      So, of course, they stopped at the store on the way, picked up daiquiri mix, rum, ice, and of course…beer.

      Heading for home now, with Fred's hands gliding further and further up Lorrie's skirt.

      "We are almost there. Stop! I am trying to drive. Do you want me to crash when we are right down the street?" Both were laughing.

      They pull into the driveway. Lorrie, of course, her torturing temptress self, "I've got to make a drink!"

      Fred rolls his eyes. Come on!

      Lorrie heads into the kitchen, pulls out the blender, and starts mixing. Fred puts his beer in the fridge. Cracks one open. "You have that hammock you told me about up yet?" he asked.

      Lorrie smiles, "Yes, of course, I have it up out there; it's nice out now." Like she doesn't know where this is going.

      "I want to see it," Fred said.

      "What, you don't believe me?" she asked, giggling. "Alright…. grab your drink, let's go."

      It's a clear night, with some moonlight, but still very dark in Lorrie's backyard. The only light is from the cars passing by the house, and they don't reach the part of the backyard where the hammock is. Very quiet, very private, very dark…how convenient.

      They make their way back, Lorrie holding onto Fred, walking in her heels on the lawn; she needs a little help. "Why do you want to see this hammock now?" Laughing.

      At this point, Fred does not even respond. "Take them off!" he ordered.

      "Everything?" she asked.

      "Yes, everything!" he exclaimed.

      Lorrie hands her drink to Fred, and obeys his orders, first the top, then the skirt, then the bra. "I am keeping my shoes on; we are outside, you know."


      Lorrie again follows his command and props herself onto the hammock, still facing Fred. "Can I have my drink back now?"

      "No," he approaches Lorrie and stands between her legs.

      Fred pushes her onto her back. She just laughs; she knows what is going to happen. They talked about this hammock. She only thinks she knows.

      There she lay, naked and giggling, anticipating what he would do next.

      "You still want your drink?" Fred asks sarcastically.

      "Yes, I do!"

      "Alright." As Lorrie reaches for her glass, he pulls the drink away, "Put your hand down."


      "Put it down!" Fred ordered.

      She obeys, puzzled. What the hell is he doing?

      "Close your eyes," Fred said.

      "Why?" she asked.

      "Just DO it," said Fred.

      "Ok! They are closed!"

      He leans over her. Now she is just excited and a little nervous. Fred, still holding the drink, begins licking Lorrie, starting at her neck, trailing down to her breasts, and slowly teasing her nipples with his tongue. With the cool night air and his tongue on her, she gets goosebumps and shivers. Fred feels that.


      "No. I am not cold."

      "Are your eyes still closed?"

      "Yes." and they were; the anticipation of not knowing what he was going to do next was thrilling her.

      He continued teasing her nipples with his mouth, licking and nibbling, stopping briefly to drizzle a little bit of that daiquiri onto her nipples, one at a time, and eagerly licking it off. He continues from her nipples down to her belly button, where he licks another shot.

      "Keep going."

      Fred smiles; he knows where she wants him to go.

      "Hold this," he hands the drink to Lorrie, who, of course, has to take a sip.

      He just shakes his head. She leans down, grabs Lorrie's ankles, and positions her feet on the hammock, her legs completely spread. Now her pussy is totally exposed and presented in front of Fred. Unlike Lorrie, he doesn't care about getting dirty. He kneels before her.

      "Give me that drink back."

      Lorrie obliges. Why wouldn't she? She knows what is coming next and can't wait.

      "Don't use all of that," referring to her drink.

      "Didn't I tell you, no talking?"


      "Well, NO talking."

      Lorrie laughs because she knows what buttons to push. She isn't really pissing him off. She is just frustrating him a bit, making him a little more aggressive.

      How can I reward her for this behavior? He thinks as he kneels before her, legs spread. She knows I can't stop now. The temptation is just too great.

      He takes the ice-cold drink and rubs it on her. She feels the cold moisture dripping down her and wiggles. He drizzles a little on her, which drips down her, mixing with her own liquor, which has begun to well up in anticipation. Fred leisurely begins to lap up the cocktail which he has created. His warm mouth and fervent tongue are breathtaking for Lorrie, she moans.

      "You want your drink back?"

      Lorrie can hardly speak, "No."

      He laughs and continues licking, sucking, and exploring her with his tongue. This daiquiri is good.

      Lorrie is thoroughly appreciating this; his hot mouth on her wet pussy is bringing her waves of ecstasy. Writhing and moaning, he slides his fingers into her. She has to have him now.

      Fingers still inside her, she sits up and puts her feet down. Forcing his fingers deeper. Still squirming, writhing on his hand.

      "Give me that drink. Stand up." She says with a moan.

      He rises.

      "Take them off." She says while unbuttoning then unzipping his shorts, tugging them down, along with his boxers. Exposing his swelling cock before her.

      She downs the rest of the drink and looks up at him. He meets her mouth, enjoying the sweet juices, kissing deeply while she kneads his balls and rod. She pulls away and looks down at his fully engorged shaft. Her mouth-watering, she draws him to her lips. Lightly she feathers him with her lips and tongue, up and down the entire length of him. He pulls her off of the hammock so she is standing bent over in front of him. His hands pull her hair back, and she begins devouring his cock. Swirling her tongue and jerking him with her hands and mouth. Eagerly she sucks, savoring his flavor. "Mmmmmm," she moans. She is zealously consuming him.

      He pulls her up and turns her around. She bends over, face down on the hammock. She feels him probing her tight pussy. Driving into her, stretching her narrow tunnel, which impatiently awaits his entry. She grinds back on him, forcing him into her. He grabs the hammock, grasping the ropes in his fingers, and begins plunging his cock into her, which sends Lorrie rocking onto his rod. She screams in pleasure, "Ooooh! Yeah! mmmm…” She is throbbing with delight, squeezing onto him. She can feel every inch of him pulsing inside of her; she is cumming, juices dripping.

      He pulls out and turns her around. She jumps up onto the hammock facing him. She pulls her feet up, legs bent apart, sitting up. He thrusts into her; she wraps her legs around him. He begins filling her pussy deeper and deeper, swinging her onto his cock, faster and faster. "ooh yeah, fuck me harder, Fred!" Watching him drive into her. She is gripping his cock hard now, pumping him with the tight walls of her engorged pussy. He can feel her cumming as he crams deep inside her. He can't contain his load any longer and bursts his shot into her.

      "I know we've been drinking, but I am definitely cocked now." she giggles.
    • By let's do it again
      Guys, are you okay with your swing partner sticking her finger up your ass unexpectedly during sex?
    • By Olympus5246
      We are new to the swinging lifestyle. We were getting fairly annoyed because it seemed that what we wanted was not going to happen. See, being new to swinging, and never having been to that level yet, we wanted to feel comfortable, not like fresh meat. We wanted to be able to make friends and get to know others first, not just hop in the sack. We made a post in Curious About Swinging area, and got some good sound advice, but in between the posts, here's what happened.......
      Rainy and drizzle day, so we hopped in the car and took a trip to Carbondale to check out computer and electronics related stuff. Mr O is like that and loves to tinker around. After spending several hours in a couple stores, we got everything loaded in the car and drove back home. Putting everything away, and still rainy out so we couldn’t go for our nightly walk at the park, we figured we take and go over to the local bowling alley and toss off a few games. When we got there, we found it was not as crowded as usual. We got a lane, found our balls {bowling} and threw a few warm up shots. I went over to the bar and got myself a mixed drink {strawberry dak} and Mr O a bottle of MGD {miller beer}.
      As we played the first game, another couple came in, about our age, and got the lane next to ours. This meant we shared the same ball return. We made some idle talk at first, then introduced ourselves. His name was J and hers was S. He was almost the same size as Mr O, with black hair and brown eyes. He told us he was 51. S was 47, 5’9” and about 175 with red hair and hazel eyes {like me} with about the same build except for her breasts, they were a little smaller then my 38dd’s. J went up to the bar, asking if he could buy us a drink, we accepted. Mr O and I finished our first game and waited until J and S finished off their first one. They were fairly good, like us with an average in the 190’s.
      The second game, we decided to split the lanes, rotating between both lanes. S wanted to bet that the women could beat the men so we all agreed to bowl for drinks. They won and S and I had to go get them another beer each. While gone, S remarked that she thought MR O was good looking. I told her the same about J. We went back to the guys and started a third game, making the same bet. This time we won so the guys had to go trot off after our drinks. All the time S and I made small talk, and found that we had a lot in common.
      The guys got back with out drinks and this time the stakes were raised a bit by Mr O. He suggested that the winners get to do anything they wanted to, to the losers. There were no restrictions placed, but being in public we sort of took it for granted it would be clean. The guys whipped our butts. J walked up to S, grabbed her and gave her one hell of a passionate kiss, while feeling her breasts and butt. Not to be out done, Mr O grabbed me, sat me on his lap, gave me one of the wettest kisses he ever has and was using his hands on my breasts and between my inner legs, getting me all wet.
      Well, we played another game with the same bet, and this time they must have let us win because neither of them hit 125. S looked at me, and with her eyes questioned as to if she could approach Mr O. I just smiled and nodded okay. She walked up to Mr O and gave him a nice kiss on the lips, moving her hand {which she must have thought was not visible to J and I } between Mr O legs grabbing his manhood. Mr O kind of jerked back a little, surprised by S’s move. I walked over to J and did the same thing to him, but he just stood there enjoying it. Needless to say, we were all getting a little hot.
      Mr O suggested we go to a diner and grab something to eat and chat some more. We went to a little place called The Spot {it’s a Greek all night 24/7 place with great food and very comfortable}. We talked for about two hours, getting to know each other more. As the discussion got around to sex, we found that J and S were just as new to the new lifestyle as we were. They had never been in a swap, or in another sexual encounter with anyone other then themselves. It was getting late and they had to get home so they could get their babysitter off to her house. We exchanged telephone numbers and left it at they were going to give us a call today sometime.
      We got home about midnight or so. We took a shower and were getting into some very heavy petting when the phone rang. It was S. She said that her mom came over last night and picked up their son {15} and took him to her house and dropped the babysitter off on her way home. She said she was happy that we met and that we were still up. She asked if we were tired and I said no why? She asked if we’d like to come over so we could talk some more.
      I asked Mr O and he said sure, why not. So I get directions {which was very easy as they live two blocks from us} and we headed over. Of course we walked, even though it was drizzling rain out a little. Well let's see, it took all of about five minutes to walk over and getting there S opened the door. They gave us a tour of the place, stopping by the kitchen to get some drinks, and proceeded down to the huge open den area complete with video games, bar, hot tub and a movie like projection screen hanging on the wall.
      J turned on some tunes and we all sat down and started talking about our lives, our jobs and interests. Come to find out we have a lot more then we thought in common. J loves to hunt and fish and play around with computer stuff. He and Mr O went up to the “junk room” as S put it {where J has all the computer stuff} which left S and I alone. We were talking about our families and how we loved to go camping when S moved her hand over to my leg and started to rub it. It was soft and slow and she moved her hand up and down my thigh in a motion that felt good. She stopped and said she was sorry but couldn’t help herself as she was just so turned on. I had the same feelings and just looked at her in the eyes and leaned over and took a kiss. She responded by giving right back and began to move her hands up and very gently caressed by breasts. I responded by doing the same to her. I was getting very wet and I knew it. S reached under my blouse and under my bra and started to play with my nipple, rolling it in her fingers.
      About this time the guys came back and I faintly remember hearing J say that it looks like they’re having a good chat session. I caught myself, somehow, and can’t remember what did it, but I remember turning and looking at the guys and remember having my hand caressing S’s breasts. The guys, almost together, made a comment not to let them be the cause for us to stop. With that S moved her hand slowly down between my legs and started to rub so softly. I just could not take this any more and moaned. S stopped, sat up and took her blouse off. Reaching around she removed her bra. She had a very nice pair of breasts. Like I said, almost like mine, but a little smaller. She helped me get undressed and moved down taking one of my nipples in her mouth. This is the first time I have ever had a woman suck on them, let alone touch me. This just drove me off the deep end and I was so excited that I came.
      S was surprised at how I flowed {I am what MR O calls a flooder—when I cum the juices just flow and flow}. With this, she moved down and started to lick me, even though I still had my panties on. I remember helping her take the rest of her clothes off and going into a 69 position. We both were so turned on that I don’t think either of us remember seeing the guys get undressed. J was standing down by S and Mr O was up near me. S stopped licking me and must have started to suck on J as I did the same to Mr O.
      S got off of me {she was on top when in the 69} and moved over and had J sit in a chair. I got up and had Mr O sit on the couch where I knelt in front of him taking as much as I could in my mouth. I was never one that could DT him as he is too big for me, not just long {about 8”} but thick around. I knew he was very excited so I slowed down because I surely wanted him inside me. J and S moved over to the couch next to us, and S whispered in my ear that she would like to try Mr 0’s in her mouth. Without saying a word, I moved my head so she could go ahead and try. She licked it first and then took almost every inch down deep. Mr O just moaned and told her she was good. I moved over, took J’s in my hand and started to stroke it slowly up and down. This is the first time I have ever had another man's cock in my hand since I was with Mr O.
      J was a little smaller and no way as thick {about 7”}. I took and licked him and then took him in my mouth. I found it was much easier to go down on him, taking almost all of him. We had no intention on doing what came next. We wanted our first encounter to be a soft, same room, no full swap experience. Well that changed in a flash. S got up and without even so much as a look from her, sat down on Mr. O taking ever inch of him in her. She bounced up and down, facing away from Mr O for all it was worth. She had climax after climax. I was not sure I wanted to do the same with J because I did not want to take the chance of getting the big P as I was not safe but Mr O had a vas so he was.
      Sue looked at me and could tell something was wrong and told me “go ahead, he had a vas a couple years ago”. With that I got up and sat on him. It felt good, and excited me all the more to see Mr O pumping away in S and feeling J in me. I climaxed with such force that J was totally stunned by the wetness. What started out as a evening to get out of the house and do something active because we could not go for our normal evening walk, ended up with one of the most enjoyable nights that we have ever had. Mr O shot off in S’s mouth and she sucked all the more, taking ever drop. J unloaded in my mouth, but I could not take it all. We rested, and started all over again with the guys taking turns eating us out. We did MMF, FFM, MFMF and enjoyed every minute. S and I feel the same about anal, it is off limits, but other then that, all of us had a great night.
      The next day was sex free, as we all got together, met J and S’s son and took a ride to Howe’s Cavern. Had a great time. Since that first night, the four of us have started on a good friendship. The best part of this whole experience is it happened without any planning. It was totally great. J and S feel the same as we do, all four of us play together or no one plays. That’s the way we wanted things and its become so clear that it was meant to be. It makes Mr O and I think…….how many other neighbors do we have that are the same way?….
      J and S just left our home, 2:30 am, all of us having another great night of sex. There is one thing that we learned and would like to pass on. We are not sure if this is true with everyone, but we found that when you try hard to get something going, it takes effort and sometimes causes people to feel under pressure. We were not looking, we were out to have some fun, just Mr O and myself, and we ended up having a great night, having our first swinging experience, and to top it all off, found that the people we got involved with were our neighbors living only a few blocks from us. Guess when you keep a open mind, have a good attitude and be yourself, all good things can and will happen as we are living proof of this.
      Thank you all ever so much. Without reading some of the posts made here, I am not sure if we would have gotten this involved with total strangers in a bowling ally like we did. Mr and Mrs O
    • By Baconheads
      It was a cold January night in Denver as we ditched our (seemingly) vanilla coworkers downtown. We each pretended to go up to our room, but we ducked out to my car for a little journey out south of town. We got to the ranch a little late, maybe even for a Friday night, eleven or so. We got some wine out of the bottle we brought and started chatting with the couples left and found a couple, had to be thirty years younger than I, my girlfriend isn't quite as old as I... I saw it in their eyes that I could be their parent's age... good luck you two!
      Another couple from Wyoming we started chatting with seemed very nice and after less than five minutes the dude asks if we would like to play! I must have missed the signal.
      We had mentioned previously that were soft although we never discussed what that meant. We headed into the private rooms/booths and started peeling clothes off. We each started playing with our own girl and I encouraged my girl to suck on Kevin's(?) cock. Those two had a little powwow in which I heard the girl ask the guy, "aren't we soft?" They whispered another thirty seconds and then it was on! We each did our own girl side by side with lots of hand and mouth interaction between couples. I asked the other girl, Elizabeth, if she liked girls.
      Turns out she did. They get locked in a 69 and I kind of maneuver my girl around to where I can get my cock in as she's laying on her back and the other guy puts it into his girl from behind. My girl, always the scamp, steals the other guy's cock away and starts sucking it down, and sure enough, the other girl steals her man's cock back and stuffs it in her pussy. I turned the girls over and put it to my girl from behind, alternating between my girl's pussy and the other girl's mouth. The other guy was screwing his girl kind of sideways.
      That was all I could take. I erupted into my girl's pussy and collapsed in a heap. The other girl finished her guy with a blowjob, and we all whispered with our own mates.
      Five minutes later: dressed and were like, "Hope to see you all here again sometime!"
    • By Mistral Wind
      Bobby and Molly rolled apart basking in the warm afterglow of a lazy orgasm in which both came together. Molly reached over to the bedside cabinet, picked up the glasses of red wine, and passed one over to Bobby. She eyed him thoughtfully for a few moments. Bobby was aware she was on the point of coming out with something profound and he felt a concern about her seriousness.
      “Bobby I am going to tell you something which normally no woman would ever admit to or want to share with her man.”
      Bobby frowned “OK what’s coming then sounds really serious!”
      “You have seen me enjoy sex a few times now with Gerry and yourself, you know how much I enjoy it and how abandoned I can be.”
      Bobby said, “I get that.”
      “Well I tone down my sexual appetite depending on the man I am with. With you, I am more refined as you are inexperienced, and with Gerry, I can be a total cum slut with no boundaries at all, just sheer pleasure.”
      Bobby said, “What do you mean?”
      “OK look at it this way, all women are potential cum sluts, they all would love to be totally slutty dirty and fuck like whores, we all secretly want this. Depending on the man you are with and what he is comfortable then we tone it down to suit him."
      “Why?” Bobby asked looking confused.
      “Women have far more physical pleasure from sex than a man does. Our clits are three or four times more sensitive than his cock and we feel sex all over our bodies.”
      Bobby, “Really!”
      “Yes we do, but built into every woman is the fear that by being far too randy, horny, fuck me any way you want attitude, we would scare off our man so we do tone down what we allow him to see and hear.”
      “Wow!” was all Bobby could manage.
      “Most women will swallow or spit depending how they feel. A few would say I would never do such a thing but this is driven out of not appearing too slutty for him. Between our legs right to the top of our bottom, we have one big erogenous zone, play right with it and we are in paradise. If some women heard me say this they would be mad and demand I am wrong! But I know I am not.”
      “I am Gobsmacked!” exclaimed Bobby.
      “If you think about it men and women are programmed differently, a male sees a pretty female. She is ready to mate and he wants her so his desire is to fill her with his sperm by capturing her, she agrees, then he fucks her. His genetic program tells him to keep thrusting till he empties himself into her. Once he has done that he is no longer required so he comes over sleepy and his cock goes soft.”
      Bobby “Amazing!”
      Women are different, they have to choose a mate and will select the most skilled hunters and providers to look after them and her new baby. She is also genetically programmed to be able to repeat mate as often more than one male is present. That is why we can fuck the socks off three men without breaking into a sweat, and it is only porn stories where men get hard again in seconds and are back inside.”
      Bobby “Awesome!”
      “So you understand, we don’t have hang-ups about sex, we just have different needs. The trick is to release the woman from her male bonds and allow her to fuck slutty without making him feel threatened. For example, if on her wedding night she was the total slutty vamp, the shy young groom might say 'Shit, what have I married? She will never be faithful! She is such a whore!' In truth, she would only be doing what her arousal wanted from her. Do you understand what I mean?”
      Bobby “Oh God do I! Where do I learn this stuff?”
      “I have not finished yet, the best part is to come,” Molly giggled. “What happens, because of our high sex drive and the mental dampener, we are complex creatures and need special handling. All the very great lovers understood women and knew that to be a true love a man has to fuck her mind as well as her body, which means getting inside her head, understanding what I have just told you, and acting on the information. Your great urge is to get me wet and horny slide it in then thrust away until you come hoping I enjoy it as well. Correct?”
      Bobby “Mmmmm yes. But how?”
      “We are complex and so is our sexuality, our entire body is responsive. Make her feel you worship every inch, caress her neck into the hollow of her throat, bite the back of her neck, nibble her ears, eat her nipples but make sure you wet them first since caressing dry nipples is not good, and take lots of time before diving your face into her pussy. Tease her, make her wait, make her want your tongue inside her labia sliding around her clit. Most of all, once you are there, go under her pussy towards her bottom. The strip of skin is very sensitive and then run your tongue around her anus you will feel her jump for joy. You'll probably get a comment like 'rude bastard' or maybe encouragement to go into her bottom because she understands you are not fazed by her ability to fuck rude and let her enjoy it. Women are the rudest vampires on earth but will never reveal it to her man, you have to coax her into playing dirty by giving her permission.”
      “Teach me some moves please!” Bobby pleaded.
      “No, you learn them for yourself, you know what is required now. When you look at a woman, just open your eyes and see her beauty, look at her back, the shape, the curves, her belly the way it slides down into her pubis, her hands, her feet. In fact, every inch is fuckable, so use it when you fuck her. Hold back, slow down when it gets too hot, and get back into it when he has stopped trying to spit spunk into her every second.”
      Bobby said with a sly smile “Just thinking about it all has given me a big woody, can I kiss you all over right now!”
      Molly sighed “Not now. I need some food and we have Marline and Gerry coming around tomorrow night for our fun night. Do you remember I thought he was straight but he told you he is bi, and would like to play with you as well as me?”
      “Oh my God! I had forgotten about them. Do I have to?” Bobby asked.
      “You don’t have to but I want you to try it without any preconceptions. I suck cocks and pussies and love both, each is different and none are offensive. It is all inside your mind, so be open-minded and see what you think.”
      “When Gerry fucked your bottom it seemed to hurt a bit at first as it took a little effort to get it all in," Bobby recalled, "but then you loved it. Is that right, will it hurt me?”
      Molly replied, "Don’t be such a girl, you will love it!”
      The next day flashed by and Bobby could not get the thoughts of Marline, her beautiful body, her pert breasts, and the smell and taste of her secret garden nestled between her legs. The odd thought of Gerry ramming him silly also kept creeping in, how was he going to cope? Bobby showered early evening and for the first time used some moisturizing lotions on his body making ready for the evening. He dressed in a T-shirt and boxers with a pair of loose cutoffs and sneakers. He checked himself out in the mirror and felt like the real deal, the man about town with his new knowledge.
      Molly was in her wing of the apartment. She showered and made sure she was shaved to perfection with nothing to prevent her from enjoying the ultimate fuck night. She went through her knicker collection and selected a white silk thong with little or no covering, no bra, stockings and suspender belt, a white silk camisole top, and a white wrap over skirt with a tie at the waist. She thought to herself “All in white, I could be a virgin, he will know it when he fucks me!” Molly felt a strange feeling deep inside her lower belly and understood her eggs were on the move as she was ovulating which accounted for the aggressive temperament and the need for attention; she needed to be held down and fucked really hard tonight. Molly pinched her nipples gently then slipped her fingers into her cunt sliding them around in the thick creamy dampness, she felt the wetness start to form and her clit swell up with anticipation. “Stop now, save it for tonight” she commanded herself. She pulled her fingers out and sniffed them instinctively, noting the stronger female scent due to the high levels of female pheromones. Still sweet and sexy but very womanly, a cunt asking to be fucked. She was ready!
      7:30 p.m., dinner was ready, and the door chimes sounded and both rushed to the front door to let the guests in. Hugs and kisses all around, lots of 'how are you?' and 'what have you both been doing since you were here?' The idle chit-chat went on for a few minutes and Molly said, “Dinner is ready, let's get some wine opened and we can eat.”
      During dinner, Bobby was eying up Marline thinking about his mother's instructions, wondering where her boundaries would be tonight. She was dressed in a simple flowing dress, emerald green to offset her red hair and no sign of much underneath since he could plainly see her nipples poking against the soft material. He moved closely past her and breathed in her womanly scent, no perfume. A clean aroused woman which he had been inside and wanted to return there and discover what his tongue would find this time. As he passed by she reached back and brushed his groin and whispered “Can’t wait, Tiger? Are you hard yet?” Bobby stopped for a second, his hand slipped between her buttocks and gently probed for her pussy, then back away in a second. Marline said “Rude boy! Wait till later.”
      Molly was flirting with Gerry, who is never very subtle, and noticed Gerry was watching Bobby and his wife but trying to look casual about it. Molly closed up and started flirting with her hands getting touchy-feely so it was time to move out of the dining room. “Come on you three. We are all adults, we know what we want, so let's get down to my room and start a serious fuck me evening". Gerry struggled out of his chinos and dropped his T-shirt on the floor followed by his boxers, a semi-hard cock was swaying around not quite ready for penetration. Marline dropped her dress to the floor and she was naked. Bobby looked and had forgotten how beautiful her body was with those perky breasts topping it off, he went from semi to fully erect in a second with that familiar buzzing feeling deep inside his groin. Marline smiled and said “Come to Mama. Bobby, you look good enough to eat and I am hungry!”
      Molly turned to Gerry “Put your hands behind your back and undress me with your mouth. No buttons or zips, just ties if you want me naked to fuck me. Get going man!”
      Gerry went round behind her, found the camisole ties, and started trying to free them nuzzling her back as he did so. She shuddered and pushed her bottom back into him. She felt him get harder. He pulled around to the front to pull the camisole off and nipped her nipples quite hard to grip the silk. Molly felt the wetness start as her pussy responded. With a little effort the camisole was on the floor, nipples were kissed to celebrate, then the skirt! It would not undo, so Gerry gripped it with his teeth tugged like mad and the tie snapped, down came the wrap over skirt. Molly ordered him "leave my stockings on and once you can get your tongue inside me and lick me, I will take the thong off.”
      Gerry tried and tried to get inside her, and in frustration barged her backward onto the bed and dived between her legs. He managed to get his teeth onto the edge of the thong and pulled hard, the thin strap snapped and it pinged against his face. Undaunted his mouth was on her pussy in a flash. “Gently, my Lion King, you have won your prize now start slowly and take me into paradise.” His mouth started working miracles inside her cunt, which was flooding her bottom with her thicker, creamier juices driven by her lusts for sexual pleasure and nature's desire to conceive. Molly’s hips started to thrash about and she was moving slowly towards her first orgasm. Molly thought “NO! Too quick. I want a slow start, then a long horny fuck. I want him inside my mouth, my cunt, my bottom before he comes this time." She rolled him off. Gerry startled, wondering what he had done wrong.
      Molly smiled and said, “I was not quite ready yet, let's start at the top end and work downwards so we take some time and build this into a crescendo of orgasms.”
      “You’re the boss tonight,” replied Gerry.
      Gerry and Molly slid together and started necking like two giraffes in the African bush at sunset. He nibbled her neck, her ears kissed her eyes, then around the back of her neck until she was trembling with pleasure and felt her desire building inside her womb. They were making love instead of a pre-fuck warm up, and Molly loved it, she felt like the complete woman, that wonderful moment when a woman goes from wet and horny to cunt all over and Molly just reached it. She pulled him onto his side and gave him room to get to her breasts and her lower belly. Now the female arousal scent was heavy and her bottom was wet inside her cheeks.
      Gerry slipped his fingers inside her pussy and scooped out some of her creamy wetness sliding it around the crease of her bottom. Every time he brushed her clit she jumped with the electricity it generated. Her cunt was singing now, wanting to be filled with his hardness and fucked to destruction. Molly rolled onto her back and slipped a pillow under her hips, pulled Gerry towards her and gripped his cock guiding him into her. He got up on his knees and rubbed the tip along her slit, wetting the end. One firm push, she opened up and allowed him inside her. She needed it hard so she gripped his back, dug her nails into him, and raked his back. He grunted and responded with an enormous thrust driving her hips down into the pillow, his pelvic bone bruising her clit. She loved it rough, hard, and dirty tonight, her cunt was getting used by a real man. There was no love now, just an animal fuckfest, two bodies driving into each other. Molly started panting hard, building and building her orgasm, pushing him hard making him drive into her as hard as he could. She felt Gerry start to speed up and knew he was about to come, her body took over and she died in a firework display of orgasms. When they came back to earth, he was above his sweat dripping into her eyes. She pushed him off gently, rolled into him, and snuggled up too exhausted to do any more, enjoying the post-coital glow.
      They rolled onto their sides and watched the fun on the other bed. Bobby was missionary position above Marline who was starting to get very vocal and she got closer to her squirt come off. Bobby started to move faster and faster until he got to almost the point of no return. He stopped. Marline said, “What the fuck!!!” Bobby flipped her over and onto her knees. He lined her up again and rubbed his cock into her pussy entrance to get it wet and slimy, pushed a finger inside her bottom, and the replaced it with the tip of his cock. She gasped and put her head down on the bed preparing for the thrust up her arse. It came and she yelped “Ooooff, that hurts! You are bigger than Gerry. Oh fuck me now, I love it!” Bobby thrust away inside her then remembered his earlier pep talk with Molly. He slowed it right down, very slow keeping the pleasure boiling but not going over the edge.
      Gerry was watching the action intently; seeing his wife get serviced anally and loving it, he was hard again. Gerry slipped his fingers into Molly, scooped out the slimy wetness and spread it over his rock hard cock. He came up behind Bobby who had no idea he was there until he felt a hand spread the lubrication on his bottom and then grip his shoulder, and the pressure build against his anus. Bobby gasped "My it hurts, but it is so dirty and sexy." He tried to relax to let Gerry in, remembering what Molly had said. Once he allowed himself to open, Gerry slowly found his way inside him and they started to thrust together with Bobby still thrusting into Marline. She gasped and that action brought her over the edge with a massive orgasm shattering her body, that brought Bobby into coming, and Gerry followed soon after. They slumped down on top of Marline who complained bitterly about the weight of the two men.
      Bobby thought to himself my God it hurt at first, but then it was so rude, so dirty, so fucking wonderful, I absolutely loved it. Marline was tight just like I must have been.
      Molly lay back on her bed and relaxed, she felt her journey was now complete. Bobby had experienced enough to make him a whole man. He can stay out of my bed and join us in our swinging until he gets a full-time girlfriend.
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