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A Great Foursome...


I had been searching on one of those swinger sites for a couple that would include a single guy. It almost seemed fruitless…I’d get a response. Then there would be a couple of emails back and forth expressing what we were all looking for. Then there would be an email saying thanks, but no thanks, there is just no chemistry. I was about to come to the conclusion that there was just no place in swinging for a 60 year old single guy. Then the unlikely happened. A couple answered and wanted to know if I could come over on a Friday night and meet a friend of theirs. I said yes.


I thought Friday night would never come, but finally it did. I arrived at their home about 7:00 pm with a couple of roses and a smile on my face trying not to act too anxious. He met me at the door and invited me in, introducing me to his wife and his girlfriend. He was a nice looking guy in his fifties, almost bald, but well built. His wife was a little younger, very nice looking and nicely proportioned. His girlfriend was my age, attractive and very friendly. I gave each of the ladies a rose and expressed my appreciation at being invited to meet them. A little conversation, a little explaining of rules and a tour of their spacious, well thought out home. In the back there was a pool and a spa. A large brick fence surrounded the back yard offering total privacy. They showed me around the inside saving for last a nice bedroom set up just for sexual play time. Then they asked if I’d like to join them in the spa explaining that nudity was the order of the day. I accepted.


In the spa he slipped his arm around his girlfriend. It was not quite evident what she slipped her hand around, at least not at first, but the look of pleasure on his face was indication enough that she had his cock in her hand. His wife whispered in my ear as she began to run her hand up my thigh and encircle her fingers around my cock, gently tugging at it and at the same time offering me one of her luscious breasts to nuzzle and kiss the nipple already firm and erect. I began caressing her body. The water temp was about 105, not conducive to good sex so after a few stimulating minutes she offered to lead us all to the bedroom.


In the bedroom she turned me so that I was backed up to the end of the bed. I hadn’t paid a lot of attention to her husband and their girlfriend but when I looked over, he was on his knees at the foot of the bed, his face buried between her thighs, his hands covering her ample breasts and her ankles crossed across his shoulders and he must have had his tongue buried deeply in her quivering pussy. His wife pushed me gently and I fell backward on the bed. Before I could move she engulfed my cock, taking all six very hard inches deeply into her throat where she began the most sensual sucking motion I had ever felt. I knew that at any moment I would erupt down her throat and I wanted this to last longer.


I cupped her face with my hands and lifted her off my cock. I asked her if she could let me get all the way on the bed and maneuver her-self so that I could taste her succulent pussy as she sucked me. Without a word she turned, lowered her sweet lips to my waiting mouth. I wrapped my arms around her thighs and placed my hands on her butt, raised up slightly and began teasing her clit with my tongue and lips as she again began to deep throat me. I felt the bed moving as her husband lay on his back with his head at my feet so that he could watch his wife devour me. His girlfriend mounted him and began slowly moving herself up and down on his cock as she fondled my balls. I thought I would loose it for sure. My new-found friends were driving me wild with lust and desire. I let my partner know that I wanted to mount her from the rear. She moved into position next to her husband facing toward his feet so that he could watch me enter her as she moved into position to be able to help their girlfriend give him the most exquisite pleasure I have ever watched. She placed her face on his stomach as his girlfriend rode his cock. Her tongue reached out and began to attempt a dance of love on her clit. She rose up and let my partner have her husbands cock coated with her wetness. I exploded! There was no way I could have lasted a second longer watching that and feeling the tightness of her climaxing pussy clutching at my cock.


That was round one…

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      “If you think about it men and women are programmed differently, a male sees a pretty female. She is ready to mate and he wants her so his desire is to fill her with his sperm by capturing her, she agrees, then he fucks her. His genetic program tells him to keep thrusting till he empties himself into her. Once he has done that he is no longer required so he comes over sleepy and his cock goes soft.”
      Bobby “Amazing!”
      Women are different, they have to choose a mate and will select the most skilled hunters and providers to look after them and her new baby. She is also genetically programmed to be able to repeat mate as often more than one male is present. That is why we can fuck the socks off three men without breaking into a sweat, and it is only porn stories where men get hard again in seconds and are back inside.”
      Bobby “Awesome!”
      “So you understand, we don’t have hang-ups about sex, we just have different needs. The trick is to release the woman from her male bonds and allow her to fuck slutty without making him feel threatened. For example, if on her wedding night she was the total slutty vamp, the shy young groom might say 'Shit, what have I married? She will never be faithful! She is such a whore!' In truth, she would only be doing what her arousal wanted from her. Do you understand what I mean?”
      Bobby “Oh God do I! Where do I learn this stuff?”
      “I have not finished yet, the best part is to come,” Molly giggled. “What happens, because of our high sex drive and the mental dampener, we are complex creatures and need special handling. All the very great lovers understood women and knew that to be a true love a man has to fuck her mind as well as her body, which means getting inside her head, understanding what I have just told you, and acting on the information. Your great urge is to get me wet and horny slide it in then thrust away until you come hoping I enjoy it as well. Correct?”
      Bobby “Mmmmm yes. But how?”
      “We are complex and so is our sexuality, our entire body is responsive. Make her feel you worship every inch, caress her neck into the hollow of her throat, bite the back of her neck, nibble her ears, eat her nipples but make sure you wet them first since caressing dry nipples is not good, and take lots of time before diving your face into her pussy. Tease her, make her wait, make her want your tongue inside her labia sliding around her clit. Most of all, once you are there, go under her pussy towards her bottom. The strip of skin is very sensitive and then run your tongue around her anus you will feel her jump for joy. You'll probably get a comment like 'rude bastard' or maybe encouragement to go into her bottom because she understands you are not fazed by her ability to fuck rude and let her enjoy it. Women are the rudest vampires on earth but will never reveal it to her man, you have to coax her into playing dirty by giving her permission.”
      “Teach me some moves please!” Bobby pleaded.
      “No, you learn them for yourself, you know what is required now. When you look at a woman, just open your eyes and see her beauty, look at her back, the shape, the curves, her belly the way it slides down into her pubis, her hands, her feet. In fact, every inch is fuckable, so use it when you fuck her. Hold back, slow down when it gets too hot, and get back into it when he has stopped trying to spit spunk into her every second.”
      Bobby said with a sly smile “Just thinking about it all has given me a big woody, can I kiss you all over right now!”
      Molly sighed “Not now. I need some food and we have Marline and Gerry coming around tomorrow night for our fun night. Do you remember I thought he was straight but he told you he is bi, and would like to play with you as well as me?”
      “Oh my God! I had forgotten about them. Do I have to?” Bobby asked.
      “You don’t have to but I want you to try it without any preconceptions. I suck cocks and pussies and love both, each is different and none are offensive. It is all inside your mind, so be open-minded and see what you think.”
      “When Gerry fucked your bottom it seemed to hurt a bit at first as it took a little effort to get it all in," Bobby recalled, "but then you loved it. Is that right, will it hurt me?”
      Molly replied, "Don’t be such a girl, you will love it!”
      The next day flashed by and Bobby could not get the thoughts of Marline, her beautiful body, her pert breasts, and the smell and taste of her secret garden nestled between her legs. The odd thought of Gerry ramming him silly also kept creeping in, how was he going to cope? Bobby showered early evening and for the first time used some moisturizing lotions on his body making ready for the evening. He dressed in a T-shirt and boxers with a pair of loose cutoffs and sneakers. He checked himself out in the mirror and felt like the real deal, the man about town with his new knowledge.
      Molly was in her wing of the apartment. She showered and made sure she was shaved to perfection with nothing to prevent her from enjoying the ultimate fuck night. She went through her knicker collection and selected a white silk thong with little or no covering, no bra, stockings and suspender belt, a white silk camisole top, and a white wrap over skirt with a tie at the waist. She thought to herself “All in white, I could be a virgin, he will know it when he fucks me!” Molly felt a strange feeling deep inside her lower belly and understood her eggs were on the move as she was ovulating which accounted for the aggressive temperament and the need for attention; she needed to be held down and fucked really hard tonight. Molly pinched her nipples gently then slipped her fingers into her cunt sliding them around in the thick creamy dampness, she felt the wetness start to form and her clit swell up with anticipation. “Stop now, save it for tonight” she commanded herself. She pulled her fingers out and sniffed them instinctively, noting the stronger female scent due to the high levels of female pheromones. Still sweet and sexy but very womanly, a cunt asking to be fucked. She was ready!
      7:30 p.m., dinner was ready, and the door chimes sounded and both rushed to the front door to let the guests in. Hugs and kisses all around, lots of 'how are you?' and 'what have you both been doing since you were here?' The idle chit-chat went on for a few minutes and Molly said, “Dinner is ready, let's get some wine opened and we can eat.”
      During dinner, Bobby was eying up Marline thinking about his mother's instructions, wondering where her boundaries would be tonight. She was dressed in a simple flowing dress, emerald green to offset her red hair and no sign of much underneath since he could plainly see her nipples poking against the soft material. He moved closely past her and breathed in her womanly scent, no perfume. A clean aroused woman which he had been inside and wanted to return there and discover what his tongue would find this time. As he passed by she reached back and brushed his groin and whispered “Can’t wait, Tiger? Are you hard yet?” Bobby stopped for a second, his hand slipped between her buttocks and gently probed for her pussy, then back away in a second. Marline said “Rude boy! Wait till later.”
      Molly was flirting with Gerry, who is never very subtle, and noticed Gerry was watching Bobby and his wife but trying to look casual about it. Molly closed up and started flirting with her hands getting touchy-feely so it was time to move out of the dining room. “Come on you three. We are all adults, we know what we want, so let's get down to my room and start a serious fuck me evening". Gerry struggled out of his chinos and dropped his T-shirt on the floor followed by his boxers, a semi-hard cock was swaying around not quite ready for penetration. Marline dropped her dress to the floor and she was naked. Bobby looked and had forgotten how beautiful her body was with those perky breasts topping it off, he went from semi to fully erect in a second with that familiar buzzing feeling deep inside his groin. Marline smiled and said “Come to Mama. Bobby, you look good enough to eat and I am hungry!”
      Molly turned to Gerry “Put your hands behind your back and undress me with your mouth. No buttons or zips, just ties if you want me naked to fuck me. Get going man!”
      Gerry went round behind her, found the camisole ties, and started trying to free them nuzzling her back as he did so. She shuddered and pushed her bottom back into him. She felt him get harder. He pulled around to the front to pull the camisole off and nipped her nipples quite hard to grip the silk. Molly felt the wetness start as her pussy responded. With a little effort the camisole was on the floor, nipples were kissed to celebrate, then the skirt! It would not undo, so Gerry gripped it with his teeth tugged like mad and the tie snapped, down came the wrap over skirt. Molly ordered him "leave my stockings on and once you can get your tongue inside me and lick me, I will take the thong off.”
      Gerry tried and tried to get inside her, and in frustration barged her backward onto the bed and dived between her legs. He managed to get his teeth onto the edge of the thong and pulled hard, the thin strap snapped and it pinged against his face. Undaunted his mouth was on her pussy in a flash. “Gently, my Lion King, you have won your prize now start slowly and take me into paradise.” His mouth started working miracles inside her cunt, which was flooding her bottom with her thicker, creamier juices driven by her lusts for sexual pleasure and nature's desire to conceive. Molly’s hips started to thrash about and she was moving slowly towards her first orgasm. Molly thought “NO! Too quick. I want a slow start, then a long horny fuck. I want him inside my mouth, my cunt, my bottom before he comes this time." She rolled him off. Gerry startled, wondering what he had done wrong.
      Molly smiled and said, “I was not quite ready yet, let's start at the top end and work downwards so we take some time and build this into a crescendo of orgasms.”
      “You’re the boss tonight,” replied Gerry.
      Gerry and Molly slid together and started necking like two giraffes in the African bush at sunset. He nibbled her neck, her ears kissed her eyes, then around the back of her neck until she was trembling with pleasure and felt her desire building inside her womb. They were making love instead of a pre-fuck warm up, and Molly loved it, she felt like the complete woman, that wonderful moment when a woman goes from wet and horny to cunt all over and Molly just reached it. She pulled him onto his side and gave him room to get to her breasts and her lower belly. Now the female arousal scent was heavy and her bottom was wet inside her cheeks.
      Gerry slipped his fingers inside her pussy and scooped out some of her creamy wetness sliding it around the crease of her bottom. Every time he brushed her clit she jumped with the electricity it generated. Her cunt was singing now, wanting to be filled with his hardness and fucked to destruction. Molly rolled onto her back and slipped a pillow under her hips, pulled Gerry towards her and gripped his cock guiding him into her. He got up on his knees and rubbed the tip along her slit, wetting the end. One firm push, she opened up and allowed him inside her. She needed it hard so she gripped his back, dug her nails into him, and raked his back. He grunted and responded with an enormous thrust driving her hips down into the pillow, his pelvic bone bruising her clit. She loved it rough, hard, and dirty tonight, her cunt was getting used by a real man. There was no love now, just an animal fuckfest, two bodies driving into each other. Molly started panting hard, building and building her orgasm, pushing him hard making him drive into her as hard as he could. She felt Gerry start to speed up and knew he was about to come, her body took over and she died in a firework display of orgasms. When they came back to earth, he was above his sweat dripping into her eyes. She pushed him off gently, rolled into him, and snuggled up too exhausted to do any more, enjoying the post-coital glow.
      They rolled onto their sides and watched the fun on the other bed. Bobby was missionary position above Marline who was starting to get very vocal and she got closer to her squirt come off. Bobby started to move faster and faster until he got to almost the point of no return. He stopped. Marline said, “What the fuck!!!” Bobby flipped her over and onto her knees. He lined her up again and rubbed his cock into her pussy entrance to get it wet and slimy, pushed a finger inside her bottom, and the replaced it with the tip of his cock. She gasped and put her head down on the bed preparing for the thrust up her arse. It came and she yelped “Ooooff, that hurts! You are bigger than Gerry. Oh fuck me now, I love it!” Bobby thrust away inside her then remembered his earlier pep talk with Molly. He slowed it right down, very slow keeping the pleasure boiling but not going over the edge.
      Gerry was watching the action intently; seeing his wife get serviced anally and loving it, he was hard again. Gerry slipped his fingers into Molly, scooped out the slimy wetness and spread it over his rock hard cock. He came up behind Bobby who had no idea he was there until he felt a hand spread the lubrication on his bottom and then grip his shoulder, and the pressure build against his anus. Bobby gasped "My it hurts, but it is so dirty and sexy." He tried to relax to let Gerry in, remembering what Molly had said. Once he allowed himself to open, Gerry slowly found his way inside him and they started to thrust together with Bobby still thrusting into Marline. She gasped and that action brought her over the edge with a massive orgasm shattering her body, that brought Bobby into coming, and Gerry followed soon after. They slumped down on top of Marline who complained bitterly about the weight of the two men.
      Bobby thought to himself my God it hurt at first, but then it was so rude, so dirty, so fucking wonderful, I absolutely loved it. Marline was tight just like I must have been.
      Molly lay back on her bed and relaxed, she felt her journey was now complete. Bobby had experienced enough to make him a whole man. He can stay out of my bed and join us in our swinging until he gets a full-time girlfriend.
    • By padoc
      We discovered the lifestyle almost by accident about 3 years ago and our initiation came at a very nice on-premises club about an hours travel from Philly. At the time, I was 49 and Leann was 44. She is 5'6, 150, big blue eyes, killer smile, great legs and 40D's. Im 6' 215, fit with broad shoulders, blue eyes and neatly trimmed beard that matches my more salt than pepper hair. The night we went to the club, Leann was wearing a tank top, short skirt, thong & 'fuck-me' shoes. The night I'm describing was not our first visit to the club but was our first contact with another couple.
      After having a few adult beverages, we walked back to the play rooms, both of us excited by the activities going on around us. There is a glory hole room in this club where one can either participate or watch the action in the next room. We went in and luckily, there was another couple playing on the bed. We watched for awhile and my wife slid my zipper down while I exposed her tit and started to tweak her nipple. At this point, another couple came in and closed the door. They didn't say anything, just watched the other couple through the holes while occasionally checking us out. They were about our age {40's}, she had blonde curly hair, weighed about 130 lbs and was attractive but not a knock-out. She wore a long slit skirt and a pretty much unbuttoned blouse. I could see a little tit in the darkened room, but not much.
      The room we were in was very small and, since there were four of us, there was a bit of incidental contact, just enough to make it VERY warm. He soon had her shirt open the whole way and was sucking her puffy nipples. Leann turned slightly to be able to stroke me so the women were standing next to each other, the blonde with her shirt open and Leann with her top pulled down to her waist. What a hot sight for a couple of 'newbies', I thought my dick would explode. I looked and the other woman had her mans erection outside his pants. I was kissing Leann when she moaned softly. The other woman had leaned back against the wall and was stroking her man while running her other hand up my wife's leg. What happened next surprised me completely. Leann broke off our kiss and touched another woman sexually for the first time in her life. As she fondled one of the blondes tits, she said 'oh my gawd Sam, she has the softest skin, you've got to feel this'. Who was I to argue, I started to fondle the other woman.
      We somehow got turned so the blonde was leaning against my chest and Leann was facing her and leaning back against him. I had removed the blondes top and was running my hands up and down her body, over her smallish but very responsive tits and up the slit in her skirt to her trimmed and very wet pussy. Meanwhile, I could see Leann was now stroking the other guys dick while he pushed aside her thong and had at least 2 fingers sunk into her.
      This was the first time Id ever seen her play with another cock and the first time Id ever seen her touched by someone else. I was excited, a bit jealous, but damned turned on by the whole scene. The blonde & Leann kissed several times while we guys were working on their tits and pussies. I heard a familiar and particular moan from my wife and watched as her nipples hardened more and she came for another man for the first time in our relationship. It was an awesome sight and was intense enough that he practically had to hold her upright. That scene was what it took for the blonde as well.
      As Leann was cumming, I redoubled my efforts on my playmates clit and lips and, while she certainly didn't squirt, she flooded my hand as she came. We held each others women for a minute or two and then the blonde uttered the first words spoken between us other than 'oh god' when she turned around and said 'now its your turn'. She stroked me a few times {not that I needed it} and, topless, dropped to her knees and took my dick in her mouth. My wife watched this transpire, looked at me, smiled and took the husbands belt in her hands, opened it, and dropped his pants. I watched in amazement, my dick in a lovely blondes mouth, as my lovely mate used one hand to stroke the lady's husband while she used her other to spread his pre-cum all over the head of his dick. She had said several times that she wasn't sure how far she'd want to go with another guy, but probably wouldn't mind jacking a guy off. That's what I expected her to do so I was completely surprised when she went to her knees and took a strange dick in her mouth.
      At that point, I had my hands wrapped in the blondes hair as she gave me an excellent blow job. Watching Leann start to bob on the strangers dick finished me. I started to cum in buckets. The blonde pulled back after the first shot and I finished cumming on her face and chest. Knowing I was cumming on his wife sent the other guy over the edge too. Again, my wife surprised me. I expected her to finish him off by hand but instead, when he started to cum, she slid her mouth down his shaft and took as much of him as she could and let him cum in her mouth. She never loses a drop with me but I never expected to see her swallow with another guy, but that's exactly what she did. The blonde looked at her and said, 'Hi, I'm Michelle and the guy you just blew is Ed'. We laughed and introduced ourselves too and started to adjust our clothing.
      Before we left that little room, the guys shook hands and the ladies exchanged a hug and kiss. Apparently there was a fluid exchange along with the kiss because later, in a lighted hallway, I could see a spot of semen drying on Leann's tank top just above her still erect nipple. That was our first but definitely not our last lifestyle experience.
    • By SwingersBoard
      When my wife and I first got together I shared a story with her about a previous girlfriend I had. A couple of years earlier my girlfriend, Jennifer, and I went to Las Vegas. While we were there we visited a swingers club, a short way off the strip, where they allowed sexual activity on-site. It was mainly a voyeur thing on my part, but we had a great time.
      Late last year my wife began asking a lot of questions about this club and my previous visit. Amy admitted that it sounded like a lot of fun and would like to go experience it sometime. As we negotiated the trip, she agreed that she would try her first girl-girl experience while we were out there. She has always teased me about her bi interests but has never lived out any of them. We ended up booking flights and a hotel for an early March trip. We flew out on a Thursday and did the typical tourist things that night and during the day on Friday. Friday night we both got dressed up and headed out for the evening. Amy looked great! She had a short red dress outfit on and red panties to match. {Amy is 24, shoulder-length blonde hair, small breasts, killer ass. I had just turned 30 the month before.} After a nice late dinner and a few drinks we headed to the club. You pick up a pass to the club a couple blocks away and then drive to the party. As I got back into the car after picking up the pass, Amy looked pretty nervous. I asked her if she still wanted to go, she said there was no turning back now, and she wanted to see what it was all about.
      As we entered the club we left our liquor at the bar area and just walked through the main level. The main level has a bar, pool tables, dance floor, pool area, and it has both couples and a few singles the singles are mainly guys of course. There were a couple of TV’s with porn playing on them. We then headed upstairs which is restricted to couples only. On the 2nd level is a social area, restroom, and two large, open bedrooms; they, of course, do not have doors. There is a lot of activity in these two rooms, mainly couples doing the exhibitionist thing, but you would also see small groups. There were several rooms on the main floor that you could use when a few people wanted to be alone.
      Shortly after arriving we ended up in the smaller bedroom watching two girls with one guy on the bed. There were probably 5-6 couples around the bed watching the exciting action. The light is dim, but you can see all that is going on. I stood behind Amy and began to rub her ass, then to her shoulders and breasts. She reached behind and began rubbing my hard cock through my jeans, she was not removing her eyes from the scene in front of us. I slowly moved down and rubbed her legs, slowly moving her dress farther up her legs. As I reached her underwear, I began to rub her on the outside of her panties; she was so hot and excited! It was then that I noticed a couple on the other side of the bed. His wife was watching the threesome action, but he kept alternating between them and us. The exhibitionist in me started to get excited. I continued to play with her pussy and slowly pulled her panties down several inches; I knew that this strange man across from us could clearly see my wife’s pussy, and that excited me! I continued to massage Amy’s clit in a soft circular motion; it didn’t take long for her to come. As I glanced around the room while she was coming I saw several people watching us, it was so hot.
      The threesome on the bed soon ended and the room slowly cleared, there was a lot of massaging going on by several of the spectators in the room. Amy and I went downstairs for a drink and soon after headed back up to the couples’ area. We ended up in the larger room this time. There were two men and two women naked on the bed; the activity had been going on for awhile by the time we got there. The couples were fucking their own significant others while reaching over and touching each other. The younger couple was in their early 30’s and the other couple was probably mid-40’s. Both men were lying down with the women on top. Amanda and I sat down and watched for awhile. I noticed that the man from the younger couple kept looking our way. I leaned over to Amy and told her that he was watching her, she just kind of giggled. We were about four feet away from them and from our angle we could see his cock going inside her pussy, what a view!
      He began to motion Amy over to them while looking at me to see my reaction. I told her that if she wanted to she better go. She stood up and sat right beside them on the bed. He pulled out of his wife and rolled her over on her back. I then walked over and sat beside them as well, I hadn’t realized it until then but there were probably 12-14 people watching from various parts of the room. The man, who I later learned is Matt, asked Amy if she wanted to taste his wife, Cathy. Amy leaned down and began to lick her pussy, until then she had never had any experiences with women. I moved towards Cathy’s face and touched her breasts and hair while my wife licked her. Matt was rubbing Amy’s ass and legs. After a few minutes they switched places, I very much enjoyed watching Cathy lick her pussy. Amy was so nervous by the experience and the audience that she couldn’t come. Everyone got dressed and the show ended.
      Amy, Cathy, Matt, and I went downstairs for a drink. As we talked they seemed to have quite a bit more experience at this than we did. We ended up getting a private room on the main floor with the stipulation of being able to stop or leave if we got uncomfortable. As we lay down on the bed we kissed our respective spouses and slowly all of us got undressed. The girls faced each other and kissed as Matt and I rubbed up behind them. We stepped back and let the girls have a little fun alone. Cathy went down on Amy again and this time was able to make her come. I suggested to Matt that we trade spots so that I could touch Cathy and he could touch Amy. Matt asked if I brought any condoms, I did, but told him that I wasn’t sure if we were going that far yet. I laid back as I watched my wife lean over and begin kissing Matt, all of us were totally nude and I watched as Amy straddled Matt’s chest. I got scared thinking she was going to fuck him, but she just rubbed her pussy on his chest while they kissed. I then concentrated on Cathy and began to finger her while we French-kissed. She began stroking my cock and playing with my balls. I was so involved in my activities that I hadn’t been paying much attention to Amy when I looked over she had Matt’s cock in her mouth. I felt an urge of jealousy run through me, but the more I watched it became a very unusual excitement.
      Cathy was watching me watch them, but she had had enough watching and told me to taste her. I went down between her legs and began to lick her pussy. I soon felt a familiar mouth on my dick; Amy was engulfing me while I ate another woman’s pussy. Cathy began to come and I felt the urge building in me as well. I sat up and pulled Amy to me and entered her pussy. As I was thrusting deep into her, Cathy leaned over and began to lick her clit. Matt got behind Cathy and entered her pussy. All of the sex was making the bed bang into the wall. I shot my cum deep into Amy, soon after Matt filled up Cathy with his.
      Our time in the room was about over so we got dressed and parted ways. Later that night Amy and I decided that we were going to go back on Saturday night. We agreed that if the opportunity came up again we would allow each other to have intercourse with someone else, but if one did we both were going to.
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