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Giving My Husband to the Babysitter


Today, Jeff and I are your average, middle aged couple with two busy careers and two rambunctious children. But this hasn’t always been the case.


I met Jeff in college. His roommate, Evan, dated a girlfriend of mine, Sarah, for a couple years. In that time, Jeff and I were often thrown together socially as we each independently tagged along with our respective friends, either to concerts or on trips to Evan’s family’s cabin on a nearby lake. I wouldn’t say that we dated. We really didn’t see each other unless it was in the context of going somewhere with Evan and Sarah. Frankly, I really didn’t want the distraction of a boyfriend in school. So, Jeff was a convenient social companion for me (and I like to think I returned the favor).


Towards the end of our senior year, the four of us engaged in a foursome of sorts while visiting the cabin. We had been drinking quite a bit that day and the evening’s discussion had turned to sex. One thing led to another and we all wound in bed sucking and fucking together in every way imaginable.


Shortly after the orgy, Evan and Sarah parted ways. I think they were getting bored with one another even before we played around, so I wasn’t terribly surprised. I was, however, a bit disappointed.


I was far from falling in love with Jeff, but the foursome had cast him into a different light. He viewed sex as the same playful activity that I did and was a very talented lover. So, even though Sarah and Evan parted ways, Jeff and I continued to meet, mostly for outrageously fun sex. From time to time, we would include either Sarah or Evan in our play (but never both at the same time). Then, growing more adventuresome, we began to meet and play with other couples through a quasi-underground swingers group on campus.


At the start of our second year of graduate school, we moved in together. We told ourselves that it was mostly to save on expenses, but truth is we had become really, really good friends as well as lovers. Five years later, we were married.

Throughout all of our sexually playful years, we knew that we would eventually have to cut back. Each of us was concerned about continuing to play while at the same time raising a family. So when I turned thirty-four and deemed myself ready to start a family, we discontinued our playing ways. Frankly, this sounds like a greater sacrifice than it really was. We were each completely focused and deeply involved in advancing our careers. So a period of monogamy commenced and continued through the birth of our children, Jacob and Sally.


By the time Sally was two and a half and Jacob was almost a year, Jeff and I decided that we needed to set aside some time each week to take in a movie or go to dinner or do something else for ourselves. We weren’t quite ready to jump back into the lifestyle. But we did want a little time away from the omnipresent responsibilities of being parents. Of course, scheduling the time depended upon finding someone to baby-sit our young children.Living in a metropolitan area, you’d think we’d have no trouble finding a regular sitter. Not so. While a number of high school girls were willing to commit to the isolated Friday or Saturday evening here or there, no one was interested in completely foregoing a social life by giving up all Fridays or Saturdays through the school year. Being too busy to attempt to coordinate the services of three of four different sitters to get what we wanted, I decided to place an ad in the paper for a regular weekend sitter not really knowing what to expect.


After a couple weeks of interviewing spinster-ly women with no where near the energy necessary to keep up with my rambunctious three-year-old, I was near to throwing in the towel. Thankfully, that was when Julie entered our lives. Instead of the grandmotherly voice that I had grown to expect when returning ad calls, Julie’s voice cheerfully and youthfully rang through our receiver. Excited at the prospect of interviewing someone under the age of sixty for the job, I asked her to meet me the very next day.


Julie arrived promptly at 4:00 p.m. presenting a clean and professional appearance. We sat down and talked. In the course of the interview, I learned that she had just turned twenty and was taking classes at the local state college. She was looking for a part-time job that would allow her to make a little money and still be able to study. She was also a single mother of a one-year-old. She hoped that I wouldn’t mind if she watched her Rachael along with Jacob and Sarah. She assured me that Rachael would not be a problem. We agreed to give it a try that weekend.


So it came to pass that Jeff and I started going out one night a week without children in tow. Julie would arrive with Rachael promptly at 6:00 p.m. each Friday evening. Rachael and Sally would play quietly in the playpen while Julie read a story to Jacob. We’d leave for our date returning four or five hours later to find the kids asleep and Julie busy with her studies. Upon our return, Julie would put away her books, scoop up Rachael, accept her pay, and quietly be on her way. It was a match made in heaven.


One Friday evening, Jeff came home from work complaining of a bad headache and fever, I rushed to put him to bed and make him comfortable while completely forgetting about Julie’s imminent arrival. So, when she arrived at 6:00 p.m., I was faced with the prospect of turning her away, losing my night on the town, and caring for my two children and my loving husband all by my lonesome. I decided that I wanted some company. So, instead of turning her away, I asked her to stay and help care for the kids while I cared for Jeff.


While I finished settling Jeff down for the night, Julie took care of the kids. When I returned downstairs from our master bedroom, the children were all settled into what were clearly there routine activities. Sally and Rachael were playing with some toys in their play pen and Jacob was watching a Power Ranger’s video. Julie and I retired to the kitchen and gabbed while I fixed a quick meal.


I learned much about Julie that evening. Her daughter was the result of a stupid mistake she’d made with a boy that she really didn’t like. He was popular and she had wanted to be popular. So, she had dated him for status and he dated her for sex. She had actually become sexually active at a much younger age, loosing her virginity in her basement to a neighbor boy that she’d had a crush on since grade school. That relationship had lasted a couple years, and they had always practiced safe sex. However, she’d let her guard down one time with this one guy and, as luck would have it, the odds caught up with her. Of course, the guy had denied everything and she begged her parents not to take any legal action. Julie’s parents probably realized that the unborn child didn’t need a reluctant father that badly. Whatever their reasons, they respected her wishes (she being nearly eighteen at the time).


Of course, Rachael’s arrival changed everything for Julie. She was able to finish high school, but going away to college was now out of the question. She continued to live with her parents while attending the local state university. But her parents had set down some fairly strict rules as conditions for their continued support. Chief among them was that Julie had agreed not to take on a boy friend until she completed her undergraduate degree. To enforce this rule, they simply refused to look after Rachael other than during times when Julie was in school or studying at home. Accordingly, her social life was largely non-existent, not that she minded. Rachael was, in her opinion, more than enough to take care of for now. Julie had, in her words, no time or energy left for the care and feeding of a boyfriend.


I marveled at how mature this young woman had obviously become. She didn’t blame those around her for her situation. She was taking the obligations she had head on and doing the best that she could with them.


I also marveled at her physical beauty. She had to be 5’ 8” or more in height but couldn’t weigh more than 130 lbs. Having borne a child, her breasts were fully develop to a C-cup which completed her very shapely figure quite nicely. Her brownish blond hair was long, down to the middle of her back.


She quietly left that evening to return to her mother and father’s home. I returned to my husband’s bed.


Three weeks later, an incident happened that forever changed our relationship with Julie.


That night, Jeff and I decided to cut our evening short, returning home a solid two hours earlier than we ever had before. While Jeff took some materials out of the car to our shed, I went into the house. As expected, the kids were all fast asleep. However, Julie was nowhere to be seen. As I made my way up to our master bedroom, I noticed a low humming sound coming from our room and the unmistakable moan of a woman in passion. Then, I heard Julie’s voice softly saying Jeff’s name over and over again.

I froze in my tracks.


I don’t know why, but I immediately realized what was going on. Julie was using my dildo. She must have found it in my nightstand. And, she was fantasizing about fucking Jeff. The thought made me immediately wet.

I slowly backed my way down the stairs.


“Think fast,” I said to myself, “what should I do.” Jeff was going to be coming in the door any moment and I needed time to think. I decided that I needed to make some noise to give Julie a chance to cover her tracks. I went back into the kitchen and pretended to look for some glassware, banging dishes to make plenty of noise.


“Julie!” I announced, louder than I would usually do, “We’re home early!”


I continued to make some noise in the kitchen as Jeff came in the door. I heard Julie’s footsteps coming down the stairs and thought, “good, she’s heard me.” Julie came into the kitchen showing no signs of her recent covert activities.

“How was the evening?” she asked.


“Oh, it was OK,” replied Jeff. “There’s just nothing good playing at the theater. So, we decided to call it an early night.”


With that, Jeff started up the stairs. “Honey,” he called over his shoulder, “I’ll see you upstairs, OK.”


“Oh, I’ll be up in a little while,” I replied.


“Don’t be too long,” called Jeff, as he rounded the corner of the stairs, “Good night Julie.”


“Good night,” she replied politely.


“Can you sit with me for a moment, Julie?” I asked. “I have something I’d like to talk to you about.”


“Sure,” she replied.


“First, I’d like to check on the kids.”


With that, I quickly headed upstairs. As I passed our bedroom door, I noticed that Jeff was in the master bath taking a shower. I knew that he was very interested in fucking my lights out and would be shaving and putting on cologne in preparation for pleasing me.


The bed, while presenting a relatively neat appearance, still showed the depression where Julie must have been laying. I quietly opened the nightstand drawer and took out my dildo. It was still warm, and the scent of her musk was clearly present.


Next, I checked on the kids. They were all asleep.


As I headed back down the stairs I heard Jeff climbing into bed.


“Honey, I’ll be up in a few minutes,” I said to him. “Please keep your engine on idle and I promise you a night to remember.”

“Sounds good, but take your time talking with Julie. I can wait.”


Back in the kitchen, I beckoned Julie to sit with me in our breakfast nook. I couldn’t believe what I was planning. The only question was whether she would go for it.


“Julie, you are the most mature and responsible twenty-year-old I know,” I started.


“Why thank you Mrs. Phillips.”


“Please call me Kathy, Julie, and don’t thank me quite yet.”


“Why, what’s the matter, Kathy?”


“I think you know what the matter is. I heard you upstairs.”


Her face turned white.


“I don’t know what you mean, Kathy. You heard what upstairs?”


“I heard you playing with my dildo and moaning my husband’s name.”


Now all color drained from her face.


“I can explain,” she stammered, a little louder than I wanted.


“I hope you can, and please keep your voice down. I don’t want Jeff to hear what we are saying, do you?”


“No,” she sighed. “I’m so embarrassed. I was using your vibrator, but it isn’t what you think. It’s just that my parent’s rules are so strict, and I have no privacy at their house, so I have no opportunity to use a, you know…”


“Vibrator,” I stated quietly.


“Yes, a…vibrator…to help me cum. And, while I can masturbate with my hands, it has been forever since I’ve had an orgasm using a toy. I don’t have any time for a boyfriend right now, and my parents would cut me off if I started a relationship anyway, but I am horny all the time. I don’t know what to do. I found your vibrator six weeks ago. You’d left it out in your room. I didn’t use it that night or the next week, but I have been using it ever since. I am really, really sorry.”


I could tell that her remorse was sincere. However, my own sexual excitement was extreme.


“Well, that explains the vibrator. What about Jeff. Do you have a thing for my husband?”


“I have always fantasized when I masturbate. Using your vibrator was naughty. Using your vibrator in your bed was even naughtier. So, naturally, ….”


“…you started thinking about using my husband, too,” I said, finishing the thought.

“Exactly. I mean, he is very handsome and all, but I don’t have a crush on him or anything, if that’s what you mean.”


“Well, I guess I understand. Lord knows I’d be going up a wall if I couldn’t have an orgasm when and how I wanted. What I don’t understand is why you don’t hook up with one or another guy at school for a quickie every once in a while to take care of your urges. Surely there are guys out there that would be willing to do you from time to time without any strings.”


“Oh, I don’t have time for that, plus I really don’t want the reputation. Also, it would be just my luck that the condom would break or something else would go wrong. No, I don’t need any of that. What I really need is for things to stay uncomplicated for a while—that and a little orgasm now and then would be perfect.”


My panties were soaking. I had to handle this next question, very carefully.


“So, what you are looking for ideally is a cock that you can borrow from time to time, but that you don’t have to worry about talking or taking care of.”


“Yeah,” she said, sighing slightly, “but where is a girl going to find that?”


I took a deep breath.


“Upstairs,” I said, looking her squarely in the eyes.


“You mean it’s OK for me to keep borrowing your vibrator.”


“No, no, no. You misunderstand me. Actually, I was thinking of letting you borrow something else……”


I let the statement hang for a moment. I could tell from her eyes that she wasn’t catching my meaning—that I was offering to let that tight little pussy of hers fuck Jeff from time to time. It had been a fantasy of mine for the last couple years, to see him fuck a really young, tight pussy. Here was that tight young pussy, and it desperately needed to be fucked.


“I’m not sure I understand what you mean, Kathy. What is it that you’d let me borrow?”


“Well,” I said, “if you don’t want a real cock…..”


Suddenly her eyes went wide as saucers. “You mean Jeff?”




“Oh, I couldn’t,” she protested.


“Why? You said it yourself. You need a little cock now and then and I know you find him exciting.”


“Well, yes, but…”


“And, I am confident that he will find you exciting.”


“How can you be so sure?” she asked.


“Because I know men and I know Jeff.”


“Still, he’s your husband.”


“So what, for years before we had children we played around sexually with other people. I love watching him fuck and seeing him cum in another woman’s pussy and he loves watching me fuck and cum on another man’s cock.”


“I don’t understand. You have sex with other people? Is that what you do on your Friday nights out?” she asked a bit bewildered.


“We used to play all the time. But, we haven’t played since we started our family. It’s OK, really it is. We played around sexually both with each other and with other people long before we got married. We just enjoy sex. Like I said, we’d be helping you out to be sure. But, I’d be getting off, too, just watching. It’s fun. You’ll see,” I said taking her hand and leading her to the stairs.


I had her. I knew I had her, and I wasn’t going to let her go now.


“But, don’t you get jealous?” she asked. “I mean, seeing him with someone else in that way.”


“No,” I said, as we reached the top of the stairs. “I never have. I guess I’m too focused on the fun to worry about jealousy.”


As I approached the bedroom door, I heard the television. I paused to knock lightly and then slowly pushed the door open. I heard the sound of the television turning off as the door opened fully onto our master bedroom. Jeff was under the covers placing the remote on the nightstand furthest from the door. As a result, he didn’t immediately see that Julie had entered the room with me.


Jeff had taken the time to light several of the candles around the room and had broken out our collection of massage oils. The oils were now sitting on the nightstand next to him. “Way to go, Jeff,” I thought.


“Jeff,” I said, breaking the moment of silence, “I have a favor to ask.”


“Name it,” he said before turning around. It was then that he saw that Julie was with me in our bedroom.

“Honey. Julie is really, really horny and could use a very good fucking. Would you please stick that big dick of yours into her for me and give her a real good orgasm?”


A mini-tent appeared in between his legs almost immediately. “Wow,” he responded as he shook off the surprise, “I’d be very happy to fuck Julie if she wants to be fucked. Do you want me to fuck you, Julie?”


“Oh God YES!” she exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. “You guys have no idea how much I’ve needed this.”


She began unbuttoning her blouse immediately. The game was on!


“It has been over two years. I was beginning to think I was going to die without some cock.”

With that, Julie slipped her blouse off her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. She started walking slowly towards our bed as her hands moved to the waist of her skirt. I was standing behind her now. The cotton white straps of her bra shown plainly against the young, smooth skin on her back. Her hair was collected together at the back of her head by an elastic band. From there, her hair cascaded down between her shoulder blades barely covering the clasp of her bra. She slowly unzipped her skirt and allowed it to gently slide off her hips. The unmistakable smell of her musk now filled the room (or was that my musk?).


As the skirt fell away from her hips, her underwear came into full view. She wasn’t wearing a thong. Instead, she had on ordinary cotton panties with elastic leg opening and an elastic waist. The elastic along the leg openings perfectly followed the cup of her butt cheeks as though the panties had been tailor made to fit and accentuate her ass. Her cheeks were nearly perfectly pear shaped, obviously firm, rounded at the bottom, and ever so slightly pouty in appearance. Jeff was an ass man. I knew that he would not be disappointed.

She was at the side of the bed now, immediately next to Jeff. As she disrobed, so did I. I moved to sit in a chair we had in our room next to the nightstand. I slid the chair slightly closer to the bed so as to provide a front row seat to the spectacle that I knew would soon follow.


Jeff reached up from the bed and gently caressed the sides of her breasts still constrained in their cotton fabric prison. For a moment, he allowed the tips of his thumbs to slowly trace circles around each of her cotton encased nipples. Prisoners constrained by a few threads of cloth and a small bit of padding, Julie’s nipples were now fully erect and begging for an early release on account of good behavior.


Gently, Jeff sat up in the bed and swung his legs over the side. He was sitting up directly in front of Julie now, his rock hard cock visible as the covers slid away from his waist. If Julie reacted to the sight of his manhood, I could not tell. All I could see was the back of her head. Next, Jeff spread his knees slightly pulling Julie, still standing, towards him. He took her into his embrace, knees to either side of her waist and his arms encircling her back. He kissed her hard upon her lips. She took his mouth passionately throwing her arms about his neck and head. Though the kiss lasted only a few seconds, it seemed to go on for an eternity.


While they kissed, Jeff’s hands gently searched for and found the clasp of her bra. One at a time his fingers released each of the three hooks whose job it had been to stand sentinel over the release of Julie’s nipples and breasts. As the third hook gave way, the band at the back parted and the tension released from the shoulder straps. Then, one at a time, Jeff slid the straps off each of Julie’s shoulders and over her arms. The now useless garment was tossed away.


While I had missed Julie’s reaction to the sight of Jeff’s cock, I had a front row seat to witness Jeff’s reaction to the sight of Julie’s breasts. His eyes showed the undeniable passion and excitement that the release of these orbs so obviously engendered. Jeff’s hands slid from Julie’s back around to the sides of each of her cups. Ever so gently he raised one orb and than the other to his mouth so that he could take in the taste and the texture of her young, pert nipples. I heard a low moan escape from Julie as my husband alternatively sucked and tongued her chest.


As she moaned, I noticed that her hands had moved from Jeff’s neck to his lap. While her body blocked my direct view, the motion of her arms and the location of her hands suggest that she was now touching and jacking Jeff’s cock while he nibbled at her chest.


The sight of my nearly forty-year-old husband being jacked in this fashion by our twenty-year-old babysitter sent me over the edge. As I fingered my pussy harder and harder, the waves of the first climax of the evening passed over my body. I have never been a quiet fuck, and I certainly wasn’t about to change my vocal ways this evening. As the passion spread over my body, I began moaning gently at first, then louder and louder. “Oh,….oh…..oh….ah…AH..AHH..OAHHH, FUCK..YOU GUYS..ARE SO FUCKING HOT…TO WATCH…TOGETHER!!!”


With that, my body went into complete convulsions. My toes cured to the point that I thought my toe nails would dig clear through the under sides of my feet. My arms shuddered, my back arched. My pussy vibrated hard and fast to a beat reminiscent of a Jamaican nightclub band. I hadn’t yet removed my panties, but they were by now completely drenched as tough I had worn them in the shower.


My orgasm must have provided its own spectacle. As I slowly regained my senses in my post orgasmic bliss, I realized that the spectator had become the attraction. Julie had turned slightly in Jeff’s embrace so that both she and Jeff were looking in my direction. Jeff, of course, had his normal Cheshire cat type grin. Julie, too, was looking at me with a smile.


“Gawd, Kathy, do you always cum that hard?” She asked.


“No,” I acknowledged, “that was very, very special, indeed.”


“Jeeze, just watching you has made me even hornier.”


With that she turned back to Jeff. “I wish I had thought of this earlier, but I hope you have a condom. I simply cannot risk getting pregnant again, and I really do want to fuck this cock.” Her hand gently squeezed the base of Jeff’s dick.


“Oh he has something much better than a condom for birth control,” I spoke up. “He’s had a vasectomy. He shoots blanks. You don’t have to worry about pregnancy with Jeff at all.”


“Oh WOW, that’s GREAT!” She exclaimed as her thumbs quickly slid under the elastic band of her panties whipping them off in one quick motion. “I’ve only had sex bareback that one time with Rachael’s father. And, I had to worry about getting pregnant the whole time. So I wasn’t able to fully enjoy the sensations.”


With that, she placed her hand squarely on Jeff’s chest and pushed him back down onto the bed. She swung his legs up and over the edge of the bed and then started climbing onto the bed herself.


“Jeff, the foreplay has been nice, but I really need to fuck. If you don’t mind, I’d like to take you into me right now.”


She had, at this point, maneuvered herself so as to be sitting astride his legs on the bed. She was clearly ready and eager to take him in the female dominate position if he’d only give her the word. I knew that the word she was looking for was coming. I also knew that I wanted to be more than a mere spectator to this event. So I moved over to the bed and joined them.


“Please take me however you’d like, Julie,” Jeff replied. “This moment is about pleasing you. I just hope that I can hold out long enough to give you the pleasure you deserve.”


“Don’t worry. I am so fucking horny right now; I may cum before I am actually able to get you in. You are so much thicker than either of the guys I’ve fucked before.”


“Julie, do you mind if I hold his shaft while you start to sit on him?” I asked.


“Not at all,” she replied, “that is, after all, your cock that I am borrowing.”


With that, Julie scooted herself up Jeff’s torso so that her pelvis was directly over his cock. In repositioning herself, she exposed her vagina to my view for the very first time. Her public hair was not shaved, although it clearly had been closely trimmed as by a set of scissors. I assumed that she little opportunity at her parent’s house and no real reason to do more. Her outer lips were ruby red and obviously fully engorged with blood. The outer portions of her lips were parted and very obviously wet. The smell of her sex was both pungent and sweet. I thought to myself that watching this young and eager pussy impale my man’s love rod may be the most erotic thing I would ever witness. As best I could, I prepared myself to remember in detail every moment of the experience.


I took Jeff’s cock into my hand. It was extremely hard and very warm to the touch. I could almost imagine soft whiffs of steam coming off his head—the type you see spewing from manhole covers in alleys in low budget mysteries. The very tip of his penis head glistened from the near steady stream of pre-cum trickling from his eye. I aimed this eye directly toward Julie’s slit as she began to slowly lower her hips down to come into the most intimate contact possible with my husband.


“Bullseye!” I thought to myself as the very tip of his head parted the outer folds of Julie’s womanhood. I watched as first a quarter inch and then the first half inch of my husband’s cock head were taken within Julie’s slit. It was then that I could feel Jeff’s penis encounter some resistance.


“Wow, he is so THICK!” Julie exclaimed. Then, after thinking about it for a moment, she laughed, “and, it has been so long since I have had anything in there, too.”


“Well, hopefully you won’t have to suffer through another hiatus like that again,” I offered.


“I couldn’t agree more,” offered Jeff.


Throughout this banter, Julie continued to slowly work her way down Jeff’s shaft. As she took the second full inch into her, she observed, “It feels so different without the condom—the sensations are so much more intense and personal. I can actually feel the ridge of his head as it travels up my vagina. Oooohhhh, this is so, so hot.”


With the final exclamation, she settled down on Jeff’s pelvis. My hand had flattened on Jeff’s public region so that Julie’s clitoris was now in contact with the soft skin on the back of the hand in the curve between the thumb and first for finger. I slowly slid my hand from between their bodies and shifted myself around behind Julie so as to look at Jeff’s balls and cock.


Julie started rocking herself slowly back and forth on Jeff’s cock. I could tell from experience that she was concentrating on rubbing her clitoris against the base of Jeff’s dick allowing the gentle friction to slowly excite her. With every forward rock of her body, I could see the outline Jeff’s cock entering into her womanhood. I can honestly say that I cannot remember ever seeing Jeff’s scrotum appear as tight as it did that night. I could tell that he was working very hard to constrain his excitement and his cum. That she had elected to go with the female dominant position was a big plus. Jeff has always found it easier to control his own orgasm in that position over any other. Still, I knew that he was fighting hard to hold back. I decided not to do anything to break his concentration.


Julie’s own motion was starting to accelerate. I remember thinking, “good, she’s almost ready to cum.”


“Oh, Jeff!” she exclaimed. “Oh, this is sooo, sooo naughty.”


She was starting to do more than just rub against his cock now. Her ass was coming up slightly off Jeff’s legs with every cycle. I could envision Jeff’s head deep within her; moving slightly into then out of her vaginal shaft with each thrust. Jeff’s hands had grabbed hold of her hips so as to stabilize her ride.


“Oh, I never thought it could be like this,” Julie continued. “So free. So natural. So naughty. Oh Kathy, I love fucking!...I love fucking your husband!...Is that OK?”


By now, I had my hand deeply jammed into my own cunt. I knew that the question was completely rhetorical, but I had to answer it anyway.


“Oh Julie,” I said, “I love watching you fuck my husband. Please fuck him, fuck him real good.”


Her rhythm was near frantic now. I knew that the first waves of passion were starting to pass over her body. The convulsion-like contractions of a full body orgasm were only moments away. I could also tell that Jeff was near his limit. He was doing his best to remain still and restrain his own release. But a battle was now raging in the base of his cock as his semen-less cum sought its own escape.


“Oh,..Oh,..Oh,..I love feeling the skin of his cock in me. Oh,..Oh,…I want to…I want to feel his cum explode into me… Oh, Jeff, Oh, cum into me….I need you to fill my pussy with your cum.”


Jeff needed no more encouragement. Julie’s words were the key to his floodgate and it burst open. He grabbed Julie’s hips hard, arched his back, and drove his pelvis up to meet her next downward thrust. It was as though he was trying to drive his penis clean through Julie’s pelvis and out the other side. Simultaneously, the muscles all around Jeff’s scrotum began to contract intensely,..pulsing, pulsing, pulsing,..like a heart on overdrive beating unto itself.


“OOOOhhhhh Gawddddd, here I CUM!” he exclaimed.


Now, Julie was arching her own back, writhing like an animal attempting to escape a hunter’s snare.

“Aaauggghhhh! Ohhhhhhh! I feel your cum spurting into ME! OHhhh Ohhh GAAAWWWWD!!!” she exclaimed, throwing her head back, her toes curling and her body shaking.


Meanwhile, I was fixated on the source of all this raw expression of passion and pleasure. I could see the contractions delivering Jeff’s cum up his shaft. At the point where his shaft disappeared into Julie’s vagina, Julie’s muscles had clamped down. Her vaginal sphincter was desperately trying to keep Jeff’s man juice from escaping while simultaneously massaging out every last drop. Notwithstanding its best efforts, I could already see small globs of Jeff’s cum leaking out around the sphincter and onto the sheets.


Julie’s body relaxed and fell forward onto my husband’s chest. However, Jeff’s cock continued to twitch, no longer in a strong, consistent rhythm, but with enough force to still be delivering more of his cum into her womb.


As she lay further forward, Jeff’s cock slowly slid completely out of her. Though still semi-erect, Jeff’s rod was clearly deflating. The sight of Julie’s gaping cunt filled with and leaking my husband’s cum all over this leg drove me wild. The throws of my second orgasm of the night began to take hold of my body. I began feverishly fingering my clit once again in an effort to drive me over the orgasmic precipice that was approaching.


I again let out a vocal stream of sexual consciousness.


“Aaghaaaahgg.. ohh….your PUSSY is so FUCKING HOT….covered in My HUSBAND’S CUUUMMMM! AGHHAAAAAA!”


With that, I surrendered my body to the waves of contractions that had been building. Then, I collapsed onto the bed beside my husband and my babysitter. I rolled onto my side throwing my arm across them both. Together we enjoyed a collective moment or two of post orgasmic bliss.


After several minutes, Julie, turned to us both, asking “is it really OK if we do this again next week?”


“Next week?” Jeff quipped, “I was thinking about doing it again in about ten minutes.”

  • Hot! 2

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    • By MenPoundMyWife
      My wife and I have been married for over 10 years. She is 5'4, about 130lbs, 34F, and very fit. 
      We dated for couple of years before getting married. From the very beginning, she was the most sexual woman I had ever met. Soon after we started dating, she started to push me to talk about her former lovers. Slowly, I started to get turned on by the stories and became more and more curious about her past sexual experiences with boyfriends before me. Eventually, we got married, and few years later, she started to throw hints of wanting to raise her score. I quickly got on board and we started to regularly talk about how other men would fuck her and so forth.
      Finally, during a trip to Vegas, we decided to visit a sex club and she was very excited, although a little nervous. She wore a new tight black dress with red lingerie underneath. We got to the club and just hung out. She was very uneasy and she said she had never been to a place like this. About 30 minutes in, we were starting to talk about leaving, she suddenly pointed at a slightly older guy and said: "Go bring him here." My dick was hard as a rock. I walked up to the guy and asked if he is interested in my wife, he had been staring at her the entire time. He quickly smiled and said, "Oh yes, let's go."
      They shook hands, introduced themselves and we all decided to find the area with beds and more privacy (so to speak). We found a room downstairs that was only enclosed by a curtain. She told me to go and get condoms so she can get to know the guy for a few minutes. When I came back, they were just talking, slowly, she walked up to me and started kissing me. Once I let go, I gestured to the guy to go ahead; he quickly moved in on her. They started making out, he started kissing her all over the place, slowly, she dropped backwards on bed and pulled him on top of herself. 
      He lowered her dress and started sucking her big tits. She asked me to join in. We each had a tit in our mouth and we were both fingering her pussy at the same time. Slowly, I moved down and started eating her pussy. She is always fully waxed like a porn star. As soon as I stopped eating her pussy as she came, he went down and started eating it. Slowly, I moved back up and she took my dick in her mouth. 
      To our surprise, a crowd gathered and four other men wanted to fuck her. She shook her head but they all watched her get pounded. 
      The guy that went in there with us, quickly got naked and tugged at her red thong. She took it off and handed it to me. This whole time, she was playing with my dick, it's about 5.5". The guy was much larger, about 7". She looked at it and winked at me. She told him she likes it rough.
      He had it fully up and moved close to her pussy. She stared into my eyes, grabbed his dick and guided it to rub her pussy. He took his clue and shoved it in. She reminded him to not be gentle. He obliged and fucked her like a whore. She begged for more by saying, "Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard...look babe, he is fucking me so good, he is so big, look, he is fucking your wife right in front of you....oh yeah, fuck me." About four other guys and a couple were now watching her get fucked. I asked her if I should tell them to leave, she said no, she likes it. She slowly turned to them so they can get the full view of a dick in her pussy while she was playing with mine. 
      Once the guy got done, she said, "Okay honey, this was awesome," and kissed me multiple times thanking me for a great experience. She said she wanted to stay for a few before we walked out. She wanted to walk around and be noticed as the woman who had just been fucked, since rest of the crowd was just hanging out.
      We cannot wait to do it again.  
    • By Skhan
      It's a long ride on your way to your first threesome.  No matter if you are driving 2 hours or 2 minutes, it seems like you are forever getting there.

      You don't know if the thoughts in your mind or the blood in your cock will explode first.
      You have nothing to go on but a few grainy photos; usually one, maybe two if you are lucky.  And the eyes... the eyes are always blotted out in those photos. No one wants to be recognized by friends or family.  They never realize that friends or family would have to be swinging to see those grainy photos in the swinger magazines.  Those "dirty" magazines hidden in the back of the combination book store/record shop.
      Yes, you were nervous going to the checkout with those swinger mags, purchasing some mediocre cd or magazine to hide from the other patrons the depravity of the sex acts dominating your thoughts.  The relief you feel when you are sitting in your car with your treasure.  The thrill of looking through the candidates, sifting through the obese or obnoxious looking couples to find that perfect gem, the one couple that displays "couple or single male wanted."  You don't focus on the husbands, just the wives to see if they are hot.  Hell, they don't have to be hot, just the average to middling females who aren't looking for 10 inch cocks.  They nearly all ask for 10 inch cocks for a 7 inch cock holster.  You curse your parents for the mediocrity of your birth right.
      You find a few candidates. You mail to the reference number on the photo c/o the magazine forwarding service, enclose your Polaroids....and wait.  You buy an answering machine...and wait.  You check your messages for two weeks...and wait.  You wait and you masturbate to the thoughts of what you want to happen.  The answer doesn't come by phone, but by mail.  The couple writes and expresses interest.  Apparently your cock pick wasn't all that mediocre, or it's your young flesh she desires more than the cervix pounding from the other bullish candidates.  
      They send photos. Colored ones. Kodachrome.
      They give you a phone number. A city two hours away. They are a better than average couple.  No heavy weights. He is bi, she is straight. Your are 24.  They are 33 and 35.  You haven't tried bisexuality before, but your heart is racing now, anticipating something new, something erotic...your first threesome.
      You call the number. The wife answers and you give them the phony last name that you made up on the letter, and they give you the phony last name that they made up.  It's part of the game.   You banter nervously. They ask questions. You ask questions.  "What do you enjoy?"  "Do you like anal?"  "Do you like cum in your mouth?"  It doesn't matter.  If they said that they were going to cut your throat afterward, you would still go.  You are hooked. You set up a weekend meet at a motel at their location. King-size bed. Hard to explain to the motel clerk why you are asking for a king-size bed.  They don't ask. They've seen it all.
      The husband picks you up at the motel. Nice guy. Personable. Not his first rodeo. He drives you to their place, which is a surprise, but you are so nervous that you don't remember the address or how to get there. You go in. You meet the wife and son. She doesn't disappoint.  She is a looker. The teenage son is off to a friend's place and you are just someone going to a party with his parents. He doesn't know that you will be soon fucking his mother.  After the son leaves, they show you photos of their past swinging adventures.  If you had doubts, then now you are sure that this isn't their first rodeo.  Your cock or your mind. Both are about to explode.
      They follow you back to the hotel room that you rented.  Locked door, "Do not Disturb" sign.
      She kisses her husband and it starts. The disrobing. You are nervous. What to do first. Follow their lead and try not to appear overbearing or demanding.  She's on the bed, and he dives into a mouthful of vaginal bliss. You nervously start kissing her, massaging her breast, kissing her nipples.  Then you get on your knees and present your mediocre cock for her to devour.  She doesn't hesitate.  She has your cock buried down her throat while the husband buries his tongue in her bush.  The husband comes up for air, and moves to her breast, teasing.  You move to the holy of holies.  You lick, suck, and drink in the juices, probing with deep tongue thrusts, tasting the walls of her vaginal cavity while she is licking the husband's cock. Your member is not much different than his. You are relieved.  
      The position changes. She lays on her side. He enters her vagina from the rear, leaving her clitoris exposed. She discussed this with you on the phone.  Licking her while her husband fucks.  You go down and start to lick that clitoris, less than a inch from the pounding cock. You remember that he is bi. He wants this. You hesitantly reach up, and start to cradle his jewels, all the time her juices mingles with the fleshy taste of cock.  You can't bring yourself to put his cock in your mouth, so you go on licking the clit and fondling the balls until he grunts and fills her with cum.  He withdraws. You switch position.  His cum lubricates her vagina.  There is nothing sloppy about these seconds. You pound her while he licks and returns the favor of cradling your balls.  He doesn't suck you off, not sure if you will be offended. It doesn't matter he says. They just love fucking.  
      You release your semen into her, and you all relax, sitting and talking while a double load of cum streams from her pussy. You regret what the hotel maids will have to clean up. She pees. Returns. The ritual starts again. This time the cunnilingus is mixed with unfamiliar flavors. His cum. Your cum.  You don't give a fuck.  The thrill of the three-way has over ridden any social mores that you were raised with.
      More sex. More bi touching. This time you pull out and shoot your cum over her.  With that baptism, the holy rites have been completed. There are photos and kisses given. Promises of future sex.
      This was your first threesome.
    • By C3po
      This all started around forty years ago when my wife Beth and I had dated for a few years then married. It wasn't long after we married that I introduced her to her first big realistic porn star dildo.  When she first saw it she laughed and said, "That'll never fit in my pussy, are you nuts?!" But she agreed to trying and found not only did it fit but she really enjoyed it. She was amazed by how much she enjoyed it.  So much so that she requested I use it on her quite a lot. She also discovered she enjoyed big cock porn, she was fascinated by it. Soon was I combining using a huge dildo on her at the same time she watched big cock porn, this led her to experience huge orgasms. She couldn't get enough. She was finally exploring her sexuality and expanding her outlook on sexual pleasure.
      One night after some really hot sex I  questioned her if she ever fantasized about fucking other men, especially well-hung men. She responded that of course she did, stated that most women had this fantasy, and she believed it was quite common. So I pursued it further and asked her if she wanted to try another man's cock and how much did she really desire to do it? She said that it sounded exciting and fun but she would never do anything to endanger our marriage. I said,  "What if I told you that I wanted to watch you have sex with another man, one that had a really big cock. Would you then consider it?" She laughed and said she'd be game if it was something I was serious about and really wanted her to do. She said, "Come on, let's be real. It's exciting and fun to imagine it, but to really do it? Please! That's a major game changer."
      So I said, "I'm very serious. I've watched the way you enjoy the dildos especially while watching big cock videos. It turns me on big time seeing how excited you get and how many times you climax from doing these two things at the same time. I want to watch you do it for real. No BS, just watching you getting slammed by a big cock would be a huge turn-on for me. So what do you really think now that you know that I'm serious and am giving you this opportunity?"
      I could see her giving it some serious thought, she didn't get mad or upset at me or the idea, no resistance whatsoever to my request.  The more she considered the idea the more it appeared to me that she was very intrigued with the idea and it excited her.
      She started asking all kinds of questions, like wouldn't I be jealous, or think the worst of her, or what if she really enjoyed it and wanted more or didn't feel comfortable screwing another man, then what? Were there any rules and what were the consequences? Was I absolutely sure that I really wanted her to do this, because once done there was no going back!
      After she finished asking everything she had concerns about I answered all her questions and we talked about the rules/boundaries we would have in place to keep it fun and exciting without any reservations or guilt. This was to make sure she fully understood my concerns and alleviate all of hers as well. It seemed she came to a decision at which point she smiled and enthusiastically said yes, she'd do it! Did I have someone special in mind she wondered? She said she had to agree to my choices for her sexual escapades or it wasn't gonna happen.
       I then informed her I was thinking of Bruce. Beth squealed with glee, she admitted she has had fantasies about Bruce for some time now and I couldn't have picked a better choice for her first time. She would absolutely love to fuck Bruce. She said she was getting wet thinking about sex with him.
      A few days later I met up with Bruce for an after work drink. As we enjoyed several drinks we talked a lot. Soon I steered the conversation towards my wife Beth. I asked  Bruce to be honest and tell me what he thought about Beth. He admitted he thought Beth was smokin' hot. She had a killer body and was just gorgeous, always was friendly, and liked flirting with him when they were together. I asked him if he' ever had the chance would he consider having sex with her? He looked a bit concerned by my question but answered yes, he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of such an opportunity. So I told him that Beth really wanted to have sex with him, and that I was okay with them hooking up. I explained that was my kink watching her get fucked by other men, it really turned me on. Bruce considered it for several minutes then said okay sure, he'd love to fuck Beth. Just give him the details when we're ready to make it happen.
      When I got home I told Beth about my conversation with Bruce and what he said. She looked startled and said she couldn't believe I did that. So I asked her if what I did was so wrong and did she still want to go through with it? She excitedly said Oh hell yes she did, and no I wasn't wrong! So we made plans and set a date for Beth's first cock. 
      The night arrived finding Beth both excited and hot with anticipation. She was dressed to kill showing off her sexy body wearing no underwear. When Bruce knocked on the door I answered it and escorted him into our house. Beth entered the living room and gave Bruce a big hug pressing her chest and pelvis into him and then kissed him on the lips. Bruce kissed her back and he sat down pulling her on to his lap. Nether one of them wasted any time, tongues going everywhere, hands exploring and groping each other, clothes coming off. Soon they were both naked and Beth got a pleasant surprise, Bruce was very well hung. She giggled with delight.
      Beth took Bruce's hand and led him to our bed. She pushed him down on the bed and went to work on Bruce's big cock giving him an enthusiastic blow job. After a while Bruce flipped Beth on her back and went to work on her pussy and clit. Beth orgasmed in minutes, fully enjoying Bruce's skilled tongue. I stood in the background watching the show.
      Soon Bruce moved into position between Beth's legs. As he rubbed his cock against Beth's open pussy and clit she responded with loud moans and started pressing her pussy against Bruce's cock. As he slid his huge cock into Beth's pussy she had a big climax. As he went deeper he increased his speed and Beth climaxed again. She was enthralled with his big cock pumping her pussy, she was moving her hips and swearing, telling him his cock felt so good. She looked over at me and said she loved how good his big cock felt inside her. She told Bruce to stretch her pussy good, to fuck her hard. She was in sexual ecstasy, a place she'd never been before. Her facial expressions showed pure bliss and the sounds she was making were hot as hell. I never seen her so turned on, she must of had a dozen orgasms, many of which were huge.
      They fucked each other hard for a good twenty minutes then Bruce erupted into Beth's pussy, filling her with his cum. This gave Beth another climax. Afterwards he laid on Beth for a minute then rolled off her. He'd destroyed her pussy, it gaped open with his cum dripping out of her. They kissed and he got up to dress while Beth laid there spent. She looked at me and smiled big time. She said, "Your turn!", so I took sloppy seconds and enjoyed it beyond belief. Bruce watched us have sex then commented that watching real sex was so much hotter than any porno ever could be. He understood my enjoyment of watching my wife fuck other men. He said he'd like to do it again and Beth was all for it. So they made plans to hook up again. Then Bruce left.
      Beth and I talked about how well things went, and how she wasn't prepared for how much she enjoyed his big cock. It was mind boggling! She thanked me profusely for asking her to do this, the opportunity to experience such awesome sex. She says she'll never be the same again and is looking forward to more big cock sex. So our new lifestyle began.
    • By goatstar
      I am in a situation where there are two straight girls who like me and I know that they don't like girls but I want to have a threesome with them. But I know the only kind of threesome that would be possible would be a FMF threesome where the females don't interact. I have had FFM threesomes where the females interact, but never this scenario.
      How would you set about something like this because I do know that there are threesomes in which the females don't interact.
    • By Falcon88
      My wife and I have been together for almost 25 years. Through out the years sex has been fantastic. No complaints on either side. We are very faithful and never cheated on each other.
      Then one day two years ago we were having a few drinks and watching porn. We watch all kinds of porn. That night we were watching some really good gangbangs. Curiously, I turn to my wife and asked her if she ever thought about swinging and group sex. If it ever crossed her mind. Surprisingly, she looked at me and said she’s been thinking about it for while. So we ended up talking about swinging and group sex for hours. We got online and read stories on experiences about swinging and group sex. The pros and cons. It turned me on taking about it but at the same time I got a crazy feeling in my stomach. Nerves I guess.
      So to make a very long story short we ended up having an open marriage and took up swinging. We both decided to have (safe) sex with other people until we felt comfortable on having our first group sex. All this took very long planning and preparing, especially mentally.
      Finally last November we planned out her first group sex. We carefully selected three familiar friends to join in the fun. Of course they decided to do it and agreed on our rules.
      So, it finally happened that November night. I really enjoyed watching my wife get screwed by more than one man. She had the time of her life. She had multiple orgasms one after another. The crazy feeling never left my stomach but I really enjoyed watching though. After the guys left we kicked back and talked about our experience. Then we go back about agreeing on what we’re doing and never to do it without the other knowing. We keep an oath of trust. Every time we have a date with someone we let each other know. It’s always planned out days in advance so it will never interfere with our personal lives. We have a great understanding.
      Since last November she’s been involved in several group sex averaging 3-4 guys each time. Of course I joined in most of the time. Lots of lube is needed. But now she wants to go a little further. She wants to do a gangbang of 6-8 guys. Seriously.
      Lately she’s been playing with large toys to get her vagina ready. She wants to try double-vaginal penetration. I’ve been preparing her by inserting a dildo in her while I’m inside. Very carefully with lots of lube. We practice every time we have sex. She even carefully inserts a large thick toy in her vagina while watching a movie and keeps it in there. Yes, our sexual curiosities has increased tremendously. My wife wants to explore even more and I’m all in.
      Well the day we both have been looking forward too occurred this past weekend. We managed to round up 7 guys for an all night gangbang. It involved a lot of planning and phone calls. We’ve noticed that guys will be all in at first then drop out later. But eventually we got things going. That night when everyone arrived she was kinda nervous but excited to have that many cocks at once. Most of all, she finally had double penetration in her vagina from two guys for the first time. The strange thing I seemed more nervous than her. Lol But she absolutely enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed watching her. She came hard many times. She doesn’t like anal so that wasn’t attempted.
      So after joining in all the fun and after almost two hours of great sex we had the grand finale. My sexy wife knelt down and we all gave her an awesome bukkake. Her face was drenched with cum. It was one heck of a hot night. After everyone left we took a long shower and stayed up almost all night talking about it. We were both so turned on that we were already making plans for the next one. But we are gonna take a break for about three weeks. It’s just going to be me and her for now.
      Yesterday she mentioned about having a messy cum sex in the near future after watching a great creampie movie. I was like, a messy cum sex? She asked me what I would think about her having a messy gooey bukkake and creampie night. Having about 4 guys cum all over her face while 4 guys cum inside her. Then rubbing the cum all over her breasts. Man, just listening to her drove me crazy. My wife was willing to be explosive. But that would take lots of planning because we are very cautious. My wife cannot get pregnant anymore so that’s really something we don’t have to worry about. It’s about the unprotected sex. We do know many cool friends well enough that we can trust but still we must remain careful. Yet, I’m sure it’s gonna happen very soon.
      I’ve been asked if we have taken it too far. If there’s actually any sign of regrets. Some close friends wonder about my wife wanting too much now. Our answer is no because we enjoy it and have a deep understanding and trust. We are responsible adults and are having fun. We first talk about what we’re going to do and have to both agree 100%. Any sign of doubt from either side we will not do it. We are friends with our sex partners but no feelings are involved or ever shared. We have proven that to ourselves already.
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