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Neighbors Invite Us Into Their Swinging Circle


My wife Mallory and I are swingers, but we don't want anyone to know that. We have always been terrified that someone would discover our secret. This concern stems from growing up and living in a small town where everybody knows what everybody else is doing. The taboo factor of being raised in a Christian background made us both love and fear our secret swinging life together. It might sound trivial to some, but it was a significant problem for Mallory.

At the time of this story, we were both about 30 and had been with two other couples. Mallory enjoyed herself with the couples we had partied with in the lifestyle. Even though she had fun, it hadn't diminished her concerns over somebody in town finding out about our adventures.

This was before the internet. Meeting other couples was a long, drawn-out process that involved answering magazine ads by snail mail. This was a process that could take weeks, if not months before you would actually meet the other couple. But with Mallory's ban on any local activity, that's how it had to be for us at the time.

At the time, we lived in a small town a couple of hours from Dallas. We had a ranch house in a subdivision made up of homes that all looked the same and were built right next to each other. Everybody seemed to have their own lives, and we knew our neighbors only as people we passed on the street coming and going. We were on friendly terms but not social terms, if that makes any sense.

That all changed for us one hot July day. Chuck and Susan were our next-door neighbors. They, like us, were around 30, but other than that, we didn't know much about them. We greeted each other with a "Hi" or a wave when we saw each other, and we didn't know each other socially or travel in the same circles.

Chuck was a good-looking young man. He was about 5'10" with an athletic build. From the few times we had spoken, he seemed to have a fun personality.

Susan was what you could call a grown-up cheerleader. She was about 5'7" with sandy blond hair and a cheerleader's body: long legs, plump breasts, and a face of innocence. In short, she was the kind of girl guys have wet dreams about.

One July morning, I was out in the front of the house, taking the garbage to the street to be picked up before work. I heard Chuck and Susan's garage door open, and I glanced over that way and saw Susan dragging out a large garbage can. What really caught my attention was the way she was dressed. She was barefooted and wearing a thin pajama set made up of shorts and a button-up top.

She seemed to be having trouble with the heavy garbage can, so I decided to go over and help her like the gentleman I am. The thin pajamas did nothing to cover her lovely body.

As I walked up, I said, "Good morning, would you like a hand with that?" Susan acted surprised to see me and vainly tried to cover herself a little. "If you don't mind," she said, "it is heavier than I thought." I smiled, "No problem. Here, let me have it." I grabbed the handle from her and dragged it out to the street.

She followed along and thanked me for helping her. She was holding her arms across her chest, and she wasn't doing a very good job if she was trying to cover herself. Crossing her arms may have covered her nipples, but it only made her full breasts spill out to the side even more, stretching the thin fabric of her PJ top. The thin shorts also made it obvious she wore no panties. There was nothing between my eyes and her pussy other than the lightest polyester. I could see the slightest indention where her groove was.

As I forced my gaze back up her body to her face, I caught her gazing down at my crotch, smiling at the reaction she was having on me. "Well, thank you again," she said, "I think I had better get back in the house before being arrested for indecent exposure."

As she walked back up her driveway and into the garage, she stopped and said, almost as an afterthought: "Say, we are going to have some friends over Saturday for a barbeque. Would you and Mallory like to join us?"

"That sounds like fun," I told her. "I don't think we have anything going on this weekend, but I will check with Mallory and have her get back with you."

"Ok," Susan said, "talk to you later." She walked back inside as I walked back toward our house.

As I walked back inside to get my truck keys,  I found Mallory pouring a cup of coffee. "I see you were the ever-helpful good neighbor this morning," she said.

"Doing whatever I can to help a neighbor in need," I said. "By the way, Susan invited us for a barbeque. Do we have anything planned for Saturday night?"

Mallory said, "Not that I can think of. The kids want to go to the ranch this weekend to see Nona and Papa, so I think it sounds fun. I will go over later and tell Susan we would love to come. I can also see if there is anything I can do to help her prepare for the barbeque."

Saturday morning rolled around, and Mallory was busy making side dishes for the barbeque. This was the first time we had ever socialized with Susan and Chuck. We were both looking forward to expanding our relationship with our neighbors on a social level. I don't think either Mallory or I considered even the slightest possibility of anything more than that. About noon, Mallory loaded the kids in the car and took them to Papa and Nona's for the weekend. By 5:00, we had showered and made our way to Chuck and Susan's house.

Chuck and Susan's friends were already there, maybe 15 people, and the names were just too many to remember. We had a great meal and spent the evening awkwardly socializing since they all seemed to know each other exceptionally well. Of course, we didn't know any of them.

About 9:00, I found my way back into the kitchen area to freshen my drink. I found Susan in the kitchen tidying things up. The stereo played a slow song, and most other people were still in the backyard. Susan looked over at me and smiled, "Wanna dance?" I took her in my arms, and we glided around the kitchen.

As we danced, I held her close and enjoyed the feel of her breasts pressed against my chest. Susan rested her head on my shoulder, and I could feel her warm breath on my neck. I could also feel my cock coming to life and pressing against her. Her reply to this was to grab me around the waist and pull me into her. I was starting to get a little concerned that somebody might come in and catch us.

Susan tilted her head and whispered, "Can I ask you something in confidence that you won't tell anybody else?" I told her that her secret was safe with me.

"Well," Susan said, "everybody here is really close friends... special friends." She pulled slightly away from me, her eyes searching mine to see if I understood what she was telling me. I must have looked puzzled because she took a deep breath and said: "By special, I mean the kind of friends that get together every month or so for adult fun... naked adult fun. Chuck and I talked about it and would like to invite Mallory and you to join our little circle of friends, but only if you absolutely want to, of course."

I smiled at her and told her that we were not strangers to this kind of fun. I told her I would love to join them, but Mallory had concerns about this kind of thing with locals. We had partied with other couples, but they had all been from outside the area. Susan thought for a moment, then said she would see what she could do to convince Mallory to join them tonight. As an afterthought, Susan asked, "What does Mallory like in a sexual partner?" I laughed and said, "The same thing most women like. A nice-looking guy with nice-sized equipment who knows how to use it. "Ok, got it!" she grinned, "Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back."

As Susan left the kitchen, I watched her go into the living room and sit down next to Stan, a nice-looking guy that looked to be in his late 20s. After talking for a few minutes, I saw them look over at Mallory. Stan smiled at Susan and nodded in agreement with whatever she told him. Susan returned to the kitchen smiling.

Susan and I had been chatting for a few minutes when I saw Stan get up from the sofa and walk over to Mallory. He asked her something, to which she nodded her head. He took her by the hand, and they walked together to the small tile entryway and started dancing to the music playing on the stereo. I saw him place an arm around her waist and pull her close to him, and she responded by putting her arms around his neck and laying her head on his shoulder.

Susan gave me a wink and said, "Now I need to go talk to someone else."  Susan went out to the backyard and whispered something to Chuck. I saw him give her a kiss and run his hand up her skirt between her legs. She made a show of jokingly pulling away from him.

She came back into the kitchen. She asked me how Stan and Mallory were getting along? We stepped out of the kitchen into the living room and saw that they were still dancing in the entryway. Or at least I think that was what they were doing. We were standing behind them. I noticed that Mallory had her arms around his neck, and he held her with both hands on her hips, pulling her into him. Mallory moved to the music, grinding her crotch into Stan's crotch. Susan looked at them, then turned back to me and smiled, saying: "Oh yeah, I think she is ready for part two of my plan."

Susan gave me a kiss, slipping her tongue between my lips. As I placed my hands on her hips to hold her close, she pulled away and said, "Don't you go anywhere. I have some big plans for you later."

Susan then walked over to Mallory and Stan. Most of what happened next was told to me later by Mallory and Susan. At that time, I had no idea what Susan had planned and knew nothing about Stan other than he seemed to be a nice-looking guy and was one of Susan and Chuck's close friends. I was flooded with mixed feelings as I stood alone in the kitchen. I was simultaneously sexually excited and concerned that we were breaking one of Mallory's rules for this kind of thing. I decided to leave any activities that night up to Mallory. If she wanted to play, fine; if not, that was fine. I didn't want to put any pressure on her to do anything she didn't want to do.

Susan walked up to Mallory and Stan, put her arms around their shoulders, and hugged them. "I see you have met Stan," she said, smiling at Mallory. Mallory smiled back at her and nodded yes.  

Susan smiled at Mallory and told her, "Yep, he's a great guy. Come on, you have got to see what I mean. You won't believe what I'm talking about until you see yourself!" She pulled Mallory and Stan behind her down the hall and into her bedroom.

As I watched Susan taking Mallory and Stan down the hallway and out of sight, I was overcome with the need to follow them and see what Susan was up to. However, I decided to let Susan's plan play out. I felt foolishly alone standing in the kitchen, and the only thing I could think of doing was fixing a scotch and seeing how things went from here.

Susan ushered both Mallory and Stan into her bedroom. She guided Mallory to the bed, gently pushing her to a seated position, and sat beside her. Susan then motioned for Stan to come over to them. When Stan was standing in front of them, Susan turned to Mallory and asked, "Have you ever seen a cock over ten inches long before?" Shocked, all Mallory could do was shake her head no.

Susan reached out and started rubbing Stan's crotch. "Well, you are in for a treat because you have one right before you!" Susan said with a wide smile. Susan took Mallory's hand and placed it where hers had been on Stan's growing cock. Mallory told me later she couldn't believe how big it was, and it wasn't even fully erect yet. Susan started undoing Stan's belt, telling Mallory she had to see this thing; it was unbelievable.

Stan's pants fell to the floor. Stan was left standing in front of the two girls with only a pair of boxer shorts between them and his giant cock. Susan grabbed both sides of Stan's boxers, and with a yank, she soon had his boxers on the floor around his knees. Mallory said it was the most enormous cock she had ever seen, and it was only half erect. "You haven't seen anything yet," Susan told Mallory, "you must see it when it gets fully hard. C'mon, let's get it that way!"

With that, Susan pulled down the front of her halter top, exposing her breasts, and told Mallory, "C'mon, baby, show him your tits. Let's give him double sexy to look at so we can watch him get hard."

Mallory hesitantly undid the straps on her sundress and let the front fall open, revealing her breasts to Stan. With the heat of summer and her firm perky breasts, she had not bothered wearing a bra. Susan took Mallory's hand and placed it on Stan's cock. Stan reached down and started massaging both girls' breasts simultaneously.

Susan reached around Mallory and pulled her skirt up around her waist. Smiling at Mallory, she said: "It's only fair that if you get to see his cock he should get to see your pussy!" Mallory didn't resist. In fact, she raised up off the bed so that Susan could completely remove her sundress. After the dress was off, the only thing Mallory had on was her sandals and her panties.  

The crotch of Mallory's panties was visibly wet with her juices. Susan ran her forefinger up the damp material, separating Mallory's swollen labia. When Susan's finger got to the top and hit Mallory's clit, Mallory jerked. "Mmmm," Susan teased, "little missy, you will catch a cold wearing wet things like that! Let's get those wet things off." Mallory didn't resist. She raised herself off the bed while Susan slid her panties down her legs.

Stan smiled, reached between Mallory's legs, rubbed her pussy, and slowly inserted a finger into her. Mallory closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his cock in her hands and his finger in her pussy. Stan removed his finger and knelt beside her between her legs. He gently placed one leg over each shoulder and slid his face to her pussy. As he alternated between licking and sucking her clit and pussy lips with his tongue, Stan soon had Mallory on the brink of her first orgasm of the night. Mallory leaned back on the bed, letting Stan work his magic on her. She let the flood gates open, and with gasps of joy, she ground her pussy into Stan's hungry mouth.

While Mallory was enjoying her orgasm, Susan had removed her own clothes. When Mallory opened her eyes, she saw Susan standing nude beside Stan with her arm resting around his shoulder. Susan smiled at her and said, "See, I told you he was exceptional, but you haven't seen anything yet!" Stan was smiling up at her from between her legs which were still draped over his shoulders. His face was wet and glistening from her juices.

Stan untangled himself from between Mallory's legs and stood up. His cock was now fully erect and standing straight in front of him. Susan smiled at Mallory, "Stan needs a little TLC. Mallory, would you like to help him out? Why don't you give him a little head? I'm sure he would enjoy that."

"It's so big," Mallory said, "I don't think I could ever get something that big in my mouth!"  Susan smiled and said, "I know a trick!" and moved in front of Stan, reached behind her, and guided his cock between her legs. Mallory smiled at Susan standing there with a cock sticking out in front of her. It looked like she had a short cock of her own, like a man and a woman simultaneously. Susan looked down at the cock protruding from her crotch, smiled at Mallory, and giggled: "Come here and suck my cock!" Suddenly Stan's mammoth cock didn't look all that scary to Mallory.

Susan helped Mallory off the bed and onto her knees on the floor in front of them. Mallory had never had any bi interest, but it seemed natural to lean forward and lick the head of Stan's cock only a couple of inches from Susan's pussy. As Mallory licked the shaft of Stan's cock, her face touched Susan's pubic area, coming in contact with Susan's wiry pubic hair. Susan's scent filled her senses.

Mallory licked Stan's cock back toward the head, then opened her mouth wide and slid as much of his giant cock into it as she could. Mallory worked her head back and forth, sliding Stan's cock in and out of her mouth, sucking it as best as she could.

As Mallory gave Stan her best blow job, Susan started moving her hips back and forth, sliding her pussy over Stan's cock. She was coating his cock with the juices flowing freely from her pussy. For the first time in her life, Mallory experienced the essence of another woman. Susan thrust her hips forward so that Stan's cock was no longer protruding, and Mallory's mouth was fully resting on her pussy. Susan put a hand behind Mallory's head and held her close, almost daring her to take the next step. Mallory slowly stuck out her tongue and licked Susan's clit. To her surprise, the taste and smell weren't too unfamiliar; she enjoyed it.

Susan moved her hips back again, bringing Stan's cock forward and back into Mallory's mouth. Mallory found herself alternating between a cock in her mouth and her tongue licking a pussy as Susan would move her hips back and forth. The passion fires in Mallory were raised to a fevered pitch. She wasn't the only one getting worked up. Stan was also feeling it. The friction on his cock from sliding it between Susan's thighs and Mallory's blow job had his breath coming in gasps.

Susan stopped moving her hips and gently pushed back. "We seem to be getting Stan all worked up," she said, smiling at Mallory. "We don't want him cumming just yet, do we?" Mallory smiled and shook her head. "No, I think we need to enjoy him a little more before that happens."

Mallory slowly stood as Susan removed Stan's cock from between her legs. "Stan," Susan asked, "would you like to feel your cock in her pussy? Mallory, you don't mind if Stan slides his cock in your pussy, do you?"

"Oh no, not at all," Mallory replied. "I don't know if that monster will fit in my little coochie, but I'm willing to try!"

Stan eased Mallory onto the bed he laid down between her widely spread legs. He placed the head of his mammoth cock at her opening and started to push. Mallory squirmed as the girth stretched her in a new way. Sensing her struggle, Susan leaned down and whispered in Mallory's ear. One hand stroked Mallory's forehead while the other gently tugged at one of Mallory's nipples. The gentle distractions from her new female friend were enough to help Mallory adjust to the largest cock she had ever taken. When Mallory's discomfort had passed, Susan said, "You two seem to be playing very nicely together. I think I will leave you on your own for a while."

After I had watched Mallory, Stan, and Susan disappear down the hallway, I waited in the kitchen for what seemed like hours. Eventually, the rest of the party started in earnest in the living room. People began filtering back into the house from the backyard, and clothes started coming off.

Rick and Sue were sitting on the sofa in the living room and started some heavy kissing and foundling. They both stood up and started removing their clothes, and Sue knelt in front of Rick and took his cock in her mouth.

Another couple was now naked and in a 69 position on the floor. The TV was on and playing an X-rated movie. The sites, sounds, and smells coming from the living room had my cock coming to life. Just then, Linda walked into the kitchen, totally nude.

Linda, Rick's wife, was a dark-skinned beauty that I later learned was half Spanish and half Italian. She was about 5'5", with large breasts, round hips, a plump ass, and jet black hair. Her nipples were dark and large, about the size of silver dollars.

Linda smiled at me as she walked into the kitchen. "There you are," she said. "What are you doing in here all by yourself? I've been looking for you." She rubbed her hand over my cock. "Hmmm," she said, "you seem ready for a little fun, but you're all alone. Is something wrong?"

I told her about Mallory's concern over partying with locals, and Susan trying to convince her that it would be alright with this group. I explained that I didn't want to start with anything, only to have Mallory come out not wanting to. Linda said she understood and asked me if I had checked in on them to see how things were going yet? I told her I was giving them a little space and letting Susan see what she could do to convince her it would be alright. "Well," Linda said, "I don't think it would do any harm to just take a peek in on them and see how they are doing."

With that, she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the hallway. Linda stopped in front of Susan's bedroom door and placed a finger in front of her lips as a signal to be quiet. She quietly turned the door handle and eased the door open a crack.

As we looked in, I saw Susan standing beside Stan. Susan was nude, and Stan was kneeling on the floor, naked from the waist down. Mallory was lying on the bed naked with her legs draped over Stan's shoulders, and her eyes were closed. Stan's face was buried in Mallory's pussy, and she had both hands around his head, pulling his face into her. Mallory was panting heavily as she worked her pussy against Stan's tongue and lips. It was evident that she was rapidly approaching an orgasm.

Linda eased back away from the door and slowly closed it. Linda reached behind the door and wrapped her hand around my cock as the door closed. She stroked my cock through my pants and didn't let go as we eased back down the hallway. We stopped at the far end of the hallway.

"It looks to me like Mallory is enjoying herself, and it's apparent from the size of your cock you enjoyed that fact. Would you like to take your clothes off, or would you like me to rip them off you?" she said with a smile. I removed my clothes and left them in a pile in the hallway. "Oh, that's much better," Linda purred as she stroked my cock.

I leaned down and kissed her, thrusting my tongue into her sweet mouth. My hand found her breasts, and I fondled them and pinched her hardening nipples. We eased our way down to the floor, still locked in a passionate kiss, and my hand found its way down to her pussy. I rubbed it feeling the wetness and heat, then slowly inserted a finger into her. I broke our kiss and moved up to a kneeling position. I kissed my way down her body to her breasts. I licked and sucked her nipples as she found my cock and started stroking it again. I kissed and licked down her belly, flicking my tongue into her navel.

As I began licking down toward her pussy from her navel, Linda let go of my cock and pushed me back a little. Linda straddled my head, facing my cock. She stretched out, lowering her pussy to my mouth as hers found my cock. This girl was a master in the art of giving head. And a master in the art of reading her man. She could tell when I was getting close and would back off, letting me cool down before starting again.

I don't know how long we had been going at it, but I was enjoying the taste of Linda's pussy and the feel of her mouth on my cock. I was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of a smack as a hand slapped Linda's big bare ass.

I looked up to see Susan standing there nude. She smiled as she said: "You slut, I told you I wanted him first!" Linda light-heartedly said, "Well, sexy bitch, I didn't think you would mind sharing him!" Susan leaned down and kissed Linda on the lips.

"Where's Mallory?" I asked Susan, looking at her from between Linda's legs. "Oh, she is still having a little fun with Stan," she said. "Come on, I'll show you."

Susan stopped in front of her bedroom door, placing a finger to her lips as she eased the door open. Now Stan was lying on his back, and Mallory was on top of him. His cock was buried in her pussy, and the muscles in her ass were quivering. Mallory slowly started to rise up, sliding his cock out of her. At this time, I first saw just how thick Stan's cock was. It was like a coke can. I could see my wife's pussy lips stretched to the max like when she had given birth. Mallory continued rising until about what looked like a legit foot-long cock rested with its tip inside her. It fascinated me how her labia stayed splayed open as she held herself there. Then she started lowering herself back down on it. I watched as Stan's cock again disappeared back into her pussy, and her pussy lips slowly stretched taut as a drum. Without thinking, I uttered an "Oh, wow."

Both Linda and Susan shot me a look, and Mallory looked back to see us standing in the doorway. "Hi, honey," she said with a smile. "Hi babe," I answered, "looks like you changed your mind about locals?". She said, "I certainly have. Would you guys like to join us?"

"It looks like you two are having fun," I said, "I think we will just leave you guys alone for a while and let you enjoy each other for now, if you would like that?"

"If you don't mind, I would like that," Mallory said. "We will get together in a little bit if that's all right with you?"

"No problem, you two have fun," I said, closing the door again.

I looked over at Susan and Linda as we stood in front of the closed bedroom door. "Wow," I said, "he is hung like a horse. Have all you girls fucked him?"

Susan answered for both of them. "Yes, we have all fucked him...in every way," she added. I looked at them incredulously, "You mean...back there too?" They both nodded. Linda explained, "Some women in our little group here are happy staying in their comfort zones, and that's perfectly fine. Susan and I...well, let's just say we have no boundaries. I may have a big voluptuous ass, but my asshole is small. Stan was super gentle, as always, but I really thought I had torn something that night, and I was uncomfortable for several days. It was worth it, though. I thought I had finally found my sexual limit, but when I was able to push past it, the feeling was indescribable". I swear I saw Linda give a slight shiver as she mentally went back to that experience.

"But enough about my poor little stretched asshole," Linda said. "That was then; this is tonight. We haven't been fucked by anybody tonight, and we are the only two girls here that haven't been fucked yet. But big boy, you are about to fix that!"

We stopped at the end of the hallway, and Susan kissed me driving her tongue into my mouth. Both Susan and Linda were easing me back on the floor. I lay on my back, and Susan wasted no time with pretenses. She straddled my hips, grabbed my cock, placed it at the entrance to her pussy, and lowered herself down on it. I was enjoying the feel of her pussy wrapped around my cock and watching her tits bounce as she moved up and down on me.

Linda straddled my head again and lowered her pussy to my mouth. With the night's excitement, I knew I couldn't hold on too long with these beautiful women working on me like this. I did the best I could, and when Susan moaned with an orgasm and slammed down on my cock it drove me over the edge. I grabbed Susan by the hips, holding her down on my cock as I filled her pussy with what seemed like a gallon of cum. It was running out of her and down the insides of her thighs when she got off me. Susan lay back, breathing deeply with a smile on her face.

Linda looked over at her and said, "Oh, you dirty little girl. Look at you, your fresh fucked little pussy all nasty and sloppy with cum, both his and yours. I'm going to have to clean you up a little bit."

Linda got up and moved over to Susan. She leaned down and kissed her while pinching her nipples. Linda started kissing her way down Susan's body. I had never seen two women together like this in person before, only in adult movies. I didn't think it would happen again this soon but watching these two girls already had my cock hard again.

Linda was now between Susan's legs with her mouth on her pussy. She mumbled while she licked Susan's vagina, "Dirty little slut, pussy all nasty with cum. Little cum slut, aren't you? Bet you wish you have an ass full of cum too right now, don't you? I'd clean that too if you did. Would you like that? Me licking cum out of your nasty dirty ass?"

The dirty talk was clearly turning both women on. A routine they had practiced many times before, I was sure. I got up and moved to where I was on my knees, straddling Susan's head. She looked up at me and smiled as she grabbed my cock, pulled it to her lips, and went to work. Suddenly she jerked, and her blowjob got more intense. I looked down, and Linda now had a finger probing deep in Susan's rectum as she continued to lick her pussy. "You like that, you little ass slut?" Linda asked, "you like my finger deep in your dirty little ass, don't ya?"

I was amazed at seeing these two suburban housewives put on such a carnal display. Given that, I still couldn't have believed what came next.

"How about you, big boy?" Linda huskily asked. Before I could even clear my head to figure out what that meant precisely, Linda had drilled two fingers of her other hand straight into my asshole. Her fingers were already slick with a mixture of Susan's pussy juice and my cum, the perfect lube for my first anal penetration. Her talented fingers went straight to my prostrate, and I literally yelped s the semen exploded from me into Susan's mouth. The intensity of the orgasm was almost scary, and I had never experienced anything like that before.

Just as the last spurts of semen were almost painfully exiting my cock, I noticed Mallory and Stan standing there. They had arrived just in time to see everything. They were both naked, and Mallory's usual immaculately-styled hair was lying limp and wet. Her pussy lips were swollen and protruding. They had their arms around each other's waist and satisfied smiles.

I wasn't sure how my conservatively-raised Mallory would react to this. Anal play was something we had never experimented with. Seeing a virtual stranger with fingers on both hands buried deep into two asses, one of which was her husband's ass, I was afraid was way, way too much.

I shouldn't have worried. Mallory knelt down and gave me a kiss on the lips. I ran my hand up her thigh and rubbed her pussy. She smiled and said, "Having fun, honey? Did those fingers in your ass hurt a little but make you feel so good? Just like Stan's huge cock stretching my poor little pussy hurt a little but felt so good?"

I knew then things had changed. Like Linda had described, our boundaries had been pushed past. We now were not only open to new sexual experiences, like Linda and Susan, but we would also seek them out.

Over the next few years, Mallory and I managed to have sex with every member of this group in all sorts of different ways. We formed a special relationship with Susan and Chuck. When Chuck was away from home, sometimes Susan would come over to our house to party with us, and sometimes when I wasn't home, Mallory would join them. It was all open and fun for all.

We enjoyed our little group for many years before it started to break apart. One by one, the couples in the group began to move away, chasing better employment in other parts of the country. We tried to keep track of everybody. But especially in those pre-internet days, as time went by, the contact with them became less and less until we lost track of them altogether.

It was sad, and we truly missed each of them. At first, we tried to replace missing members of the group with people that reminded us of the missing member. It never seemed to work out because they were not the same. Then it dawned on me one day that you can never replace somebody special with somebody else. Everybody is different and has to be enjoyed as an individual. Our expectations were set to something that could never be obtained. We were trying to recreate memories, which is impossible to do. The new people we meet now, we look on them as special memories in the making and enjoy each as a new adventure in their own right. I don't know why something so simple is sometimes so hard to see.

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What an amazing story and what you described is my absolute dream scenario!  That night would literally be a dream come true.  I can’t imagine the fun you had living right next door.  I’d love to hear more of your adventures!

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      Being at a swinger’s club isn’t really her thing, but fucking in front of people or listening to them fuck is a big turn-on for her. Since we don’t live close to any swingers’ clubs or anything of that nature, we don’t get many opportunities to do anything like this.
      A couple of years ago we got a chance to go to another club. Yes, one of those clubs. We were looking for a little fun and hoping to find something as good as the last time we were out. We talked to many people as the night went on and my wife was trying to figure out what we were going to be doing to have fun that night. There was a hot blonde that was interested in us and kept on grabbing my cock which my wife was loving because this was getting her going. My wife and I decided that this was not what we had in mind for tonight, so we just kind of let that slide and we went on to pursue something else. She said she would know it when she saw it.
      My wife had put a couple of drinks down and was feeling pretty good now. She was a little more daring and said she wanted to go change outfits like she did when we had been to a club previously. We had brought the very same sexy outfit that was see through, so she went and changed into it. When she came back out, there was not one guy's eyes on anyone but her. Even the women were looking on in awe. She is a beautiful woman that knows how to control a room.
      One guy came up to me and told me he was jealous. He said he would do anything to get to fuck my wife, but she just didn’t feel right with him, I guess. As we were standing around, in came this well-built younger black guy and I think she almost came right there. The look on her face was almost mind blowing. She got this horny grin and told me she was ready to start our night. As he walked by her, she gave him this dirty smile and took her hand and rubbed down by her cunt. He stopped walking and came over to her and asked if he could help her with anything. She just smiled and said that I think you already know what you can do. They danced around a little bit, but I could tell she couldn’t take it anymore, so she quickly unzipped his pants and took out his cock and grabbed it and lead him into another room like a dog on a leash.
      I stayed back a couple of minutes to give them some time to get to know each other. When I did finally get to the other room, they had already undressed and she was sucking his cock. It was larger than mine. Not much longer, but thicker. I could tell she liked it.
      My wife had picked a room where people would be able to watch if they wanted to. I stayed back in the wings and was kind of hidden so she really didn’t know I was even there.  As I watched my wife in action, I could tell she was enjoying every second of this guy’s cock. She was sucking it like there was no tomorrow.
      Now it was his turn to return the favor. He got his face down to her pussy and started licking like it was candy. She was turning red and I could tell she was already about to cum. She was squirming and shaking and he was getting her cunt all ready for his big shaft. But before he fucked her, he now spread her legs out and started fingering her pussy to the point that she started squirting fluids all over the sheet they were laying on. It was like the flood gates had opened up and all the juices were flowing.
      She finally had all she could take because I’m sure she had cum multiple times already and I could tell she just wanted to have him inside her. I heard her say to give me your big, black cock. He asked her if she wanted him to put on a condom and she told him no, she wanted to feel him inside her cunt.
      He took her and spread her legs wide and slowly inserted his bbc into her tight cunt. She told him to go slowly because she said it was so big that she needed to get used to it. After several minutes of the slow movement, she said she needed him to fuck her harder so he started to go full penetration into her dripping wet cunt. She was telling him how good his cock felt, and how she loved fucking him.
      They switched positions multiple times with her sitting on top of his cock and riding him like she has never ridden before. My wife took his whole cock inside of her as deeply as she could, rubbing back and forth and cumming time and time again.
      They finally switched back to missionary style and were fucking hard when I heard her say to him, she wanted him to cum in her pussy. She said she wanted to feel his cum drip out of her pussy all night long. When he heard her say that, he started to pick up the pace and finally started moaning and said he was about to cum. My wife was now cumming herself and as he shot his load inside of her, she started squirming and shaking with every pulse of his exploding cock. Her body was red from all of her orgasms, and I could tell she was getting worn out. They had gone for almost 40 minutes of nonstop action. Not to mention that all the other people that had gathered around to watch started going to other parts of the place as they had gotten a show that they would remember forever.
      When he pulled his now soft cock out of my wife, I could see the cum dripping down her ass. She was getting what she wanted, I guess. She would be able to feel his cum dripping out of her the rest of the night. But I didn’t realize that she was not done yet. She wanted more. My wife took his cock and started sucking on it again. I guess he was young enough that almost instantly he got hard and she took his cock and guided it into her cunt and said she needed more of his cum. He fucked her for another 10 minutes until he exploded with more cum inside my wife’s pussy again. Again, as I watched the cum drip down her ass, she was getting what she wanted. She was going to feel this the rest of the night.
      They both started cleaning up a little and I slowly came out of the crowd that had gathered. She saw me and gave me that dirty little smile she sometimes gets. My wife asked me if I had enjoyed her show. She said she needed to have a little more cum in her pussy tonight and she now wanted mine. Her new little friend just kind of sat back in the corner and decided to watch us.
      I knew I wouldn’t last long because I had almost cum multiple times just watching her. With some of the crowd still watching I got undressed, and slid my wet with pre-cum cock into my wife’s cum-loaded pussy. I fucked her until she started cumming. Her cunt convulsed so hard that it squeezed my cock and made me start to cum. I came in her pussy, mixing my cum with my wife’s new fuck buddies cum. I pulled my cock out and watched it all slowly slide down her ass. She got up and went over to our young fuck buddy and she gave him a long passionate kiss and said thank you for such a great time. He gave her one last little finger fucking and handed her a card of his if we were ever in the area again.
      He left after he got dressed and we got cleaned up and went out to the main room. I had multiple people including women and even the bartender say that my wife was one of the women they would like to fuck if they ever got a chance after seeing her in action. I guess I’m the lucky one here.
      Later that night when we were driving to our resort, she slipped her hand down pants and put her fingers in her pussy. She brought them out and rubbed them on my face. She smiled and said we gotta do this again sometime as we pulled into the parking lot to call it a night.
      And what a night it was.
    • By C3po
      This all started around forty years ago when my wife Beth and I had dated for a few years then married. It wasn't long after we married that I introduced her to her first big realistic porn star dildo.  When she first saw it she laughed and said, "That'll never fit in my pussy, are you nuts?!" But she agreed to trying and found not only did it fit but she really enjoyed it. She was amazed by how much she enjoyed it.  So much so that she requested I use it on her quite a lot. She also discovered she enjoyed big cock porn, she was fascinated by it. Soon was I combining using a huge dildo on her at the same time she watched big cock porn, this led her to experience huge orgasms. She couldn't get enough. She was finally exploring her sexuality and expanding her outlook on sexual pleasure.
      One night after some really hot sex I  questioned her if she ever fantasized about fucking other men, especially well-hung men. She responded that of course she did, stated that most women had this fantasy, and she believed it was quite common. So I pursued it further and asked her if she wanted to try another man's cock and how much did she really desire to do it? She said that it sounded exciting and fun but she would never do anything to endanger our marriage. I said,  "What if I told you that I wanted to watch you have sex with another man, one that had a really big cock. Would you then consider it?" She laughed and said she'd be game if it was something I was serious about and really wanted her to do. She said, "Come on, let's be real. It's exciting and fun to imagine it, but to really do it? Please! That's a major game changer."
      So I said, "I'm very serious. I've watched the way you enjoy the dildos especially while watching big cock videos. It turns me on big time seeing how excited you get and how many times you climax from doing these two things at the same time. I want to watch you do it for real. No BS, just watching you getting slammed by a big cock would be a huge turn-on for me. So what do you really think now that you know that I'm serious and am giving you this opportunity?"
      I could see her giving it some serious thought, she didn't get mad or upset at me or the idea, no resistance whatsoever to my request.  The more she considered the idea the more it appeared to me that she was very intrigued with the idea and it excited her.
      She started asking all kinds of questions, like wouldn't I be jealous, or think the worst of her, or what if she really enjoyed it and wanted more or didn't feel comfortable screwing another man, then what? Were there any rules and what were the consequences? Was I absolutely sure that I really wanted her to do this, because once done there was no going back!
      After she finished asking everything she had concerns about I answered all her questions and we talked about the rules/boundaries we would have in place to keep it fun and exciting without any reservations or guilt. This was to make sure she fully understood my concerns and alleviate all of hers as well. It seemed she came to a decision at which point she smiled and enthusiastically said yes, she'd do it! Did I have someone special in mind she wondered? She said she had to agree to my choices for her sexual escapades or it wasn't gonna happen.
       I then informed her I was thinking of Bruce. Beth squealed with glee, she admitted she has had fantasies about Bruce for some time now and I couldn't have picked a better choice for her first time. She would absolutely love to fuck Bruce. She said she was getting wet thinking about sex with him.
      A few days later I met up with Bruce for an after work drink. As we enjoyed several drinks we talked a lot. Soon I steered the conversation towards my wife Beth. I asked  Bruce to be honest and tell me what he thought about Beth. He admitted he thought Beth was smokin' hot. She had a killer body and was just gorgeous, always was friendly, and liked flirting with him when they were together. I asked him if he' ever had the chance would he consider having sex with her? He looked a bit concerned by my question but answered yes, he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of such an opportunity. So I told him that Beth really wanted to have sex with him, and that I was okay with them hooking up. I explained that was my kink watching her get fucked by other men, it really turned me on. Bruce considered it for several minutes then said okay sure, he'd love to fuck Beth. Just give him the details when we're ready to make it happen.
      When I got home I told Beth about my conversation with Bruce and what he said. She looked startled and said she couldn't believe I did that. So I asked her if what I did was so wrong and did she still want to go through with it? She excitedly said Oh hell yes she did, and no I wasn't wrong! So we made plans and set a date for Beth's first cock. 
      The night arrived finding Beth both excited and hot with anticipation. She was dressed to kill showing off her sexy body wearing no underwear. When Bruce knocked on the door I answered it and escorted him into our house. Beth entered the living room and gave Bruce a big hug pressing her chest and pelvis into him and then kissed him on the lips. Bruce kissed her back and he sat down pulling her on to his lap. Nether one of them wasted any time, tongues going everywhere, hands exploring and groping each other, clothes coming off. Soon they were both naked and Beth got a pleasant surprise, Bruce was very well hung. She giggled with delight.
      Beth took Bruce's hand and led him to our bed. She pushed him down on the bed and went to work on Bruce's big cock giving him an enthusiastic blow job. After a while Bruce flipped Beth on her back and went to work on her pussy and clit. Beth orgasmed in minutes, fully enjoying Bruce's skilled tongue. I stood in the background watching the show.
      Soon Bruce moved into position between Beth's legs. As he rubbed his cock against Beth's open pussy and clit she responded with loud moans and started pressing her pussy against Bruce's cock. As he slid his huge cock into Beth's pussy she had a big climax. As he went deeper he increased his speed and Beth climaxed again. She was enthralled with his big cock pumping her pussy, she was moving her hips and swearing, telling him his cock felt so good. She looked over at me and said she loved how good his big cock felt inside her. She told Bruce to stretch her pussy good, to fuck her hard. She was in sexual ecstasy, a place she'd never been before. Her facial expressions showed pure bliss and the sounds she was making were hot as hell. I never seen her so turned on, she must of had a dozen orgasms, many of which were huge.
      They fucked each other hard for a good twenty minutes then Bruce erupted into Beth's pussy, filling her with his cum. This gave Beth another climax. Afterwards he laid on Beth for a minute then rolled off her. He'd destroyed her pussy, it gaped open with his cum dripping out of her. They kissed and he got up to dress while Beth laid there spent. She looked at me and smiled big time. She said, "Your turn!", so I took sloppy seconds and enjoyed it beyond belief. Bruce watched us have sex then commented that watching real sex was so much hotter than any porno ever could be. He understood my enjoyment of watching my wife fuck other men. He said he'd like to do it again and Beth was all for it. So they made plans to hook up again. Then Bruce left.
      Beth and I talked about how well things went, and how she wasn't prepared for how much she enjoyed his big cock. It was mind boggling! She thanked me profusely for asking her to do this, the opportunity to experience such awesome sex. She says she'll never be the same again and is looking forward to more big cock sex. So our new lifestyle began.
    • By goatstar
      I am in a situation where there are two straight girls who like me and I know that they don't like girls but I want to have a threesome with them. But I know the only kind of threesome that would be possible would be a FMF threesome where the females don't interact. I have had FFM threesomes where the females interact, but never this scenario.
      How would you set about something like this because I do know that there are threesomes in which the females don't interact.
    • By SPaige24
      My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years. I have always been bi- curious, but kept it as secret until the last month. Little did I know that he had a small feeling (thanks to a few drunk nights with my friend). Our marriage is very strong, and we are very opened with each other. I told him that I wanted to have a have sexual encounter with another female. He is on board, and we even talked about a MFM threesome as well.
      Here is my issue... How do I find someone? That friend is no longer a friend, I can't do dating apps because of my job, and I personally don't want someone we know. I have looked into Swinger Clubs, and I realize that finding a bisexual/lesbian female who is single is hard. We are opened to a couple if need be. I just want my husband there and or involved.
      My question is... What is it like going to a swingers club? Will there be people our age (27-30), are "predators" real, and how do I find a club? We are located in Washington, PA.
    • By jjtrindc
      It's Monday so I thought we all could use a fun post to kick off the week. I just read a thread about "indicators or signs" about how you can identify yourself as a swinger which reminded me of a fun podcast I heard where they listed off all the ways you may be able to tell if your neighbor, co-worker, etc is a swinger.
      So I'll kick it off...
      If you see your neighbor's wife headed out the door in a trenchcoat on a Saturday night...in August...well, they just may be swingers.
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