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Threesome MMF

Erotic swinging stories involving two males sharing a sexual experience with one female.

Another MMF Story

By lotsoffun201, in Threesome MMF,

The other night we we had decided to go out for a few drinks and a good time with no intentions of doing anything other than being with each other. On my way home from some errands which were going to take a couple of hours my wife called me to ask if I had any attire requests for the night. I told her to wear a short dress she had recently purchased but had not had the opportunity to wear yet. When I got home she was nearly ready looking amazing in the short one piece dress with a pair of over the knee boots. I quickly got ready and out we went.
Our first stop was a local club which is exceedingly popular with live music but no dancing or anything. We had a few drinks and some food when she told me she was ready to leave. It was about 10pm so it was rather early. I asked her what she wanted to do when she told me she was in a good mood from the drinks and wanted to go someplace "happening". I told her it was her night and she would decide where we would go. She mentioned a club and off we went.
We were at the club for a while when she mentioned this guy she saw and found him to be kind of hot. She asked me if it would be okay if she asked him to dance and I said it would be fine and to go ahead and have a good time. I watched them dance a few songs and she began grind dancing with him (I think that is what it is called) His hands were all over her and hers on him. I found it to be very exciting to watch. When they were done she brought him over to where we were sitting.
He was extremely polite and introduced himself as Charles. He was in his early 30's and I found out he was a former pro athlete here on vacation. The flirting between the two of them was obvious and when he excused himself to the bathroom, I asked her what she wanted to do. "I'm not sure, but I think he has the biggest cock I have ever felt". I told her to do whatever she wanted and that I was totally okay with it. After a bit of time I went to the restroom to leave my wife with our new friend alone. When I returned she whispered in my ear, "he wants to meet us later at our house." I asked her if she wanted him and her reply was, "hell yes'!
She gave him directions to our home and he told us he had to find his friends to let them know he was leaving and since he had a car, he had to make sure they all had a way home. The ride to our house was strangely silent, when she said, "I am so nervous." I told her not to be and that she should just enjoy herself and that I found this strangely erotic. She squeezed my hand as I drove.
As we arrived at our house she asked me what I thought she should wear and I told her what she was wearing was great but if she wanted to change, I though she should try a schoolgirl type outfit that she had. About 10 minutes later she emerged in a short plaid skirt with a button type white blouse which was unbuttoned and tied. High heels and white thigh highs completed the ensemble. I went to the bathroom to freshen up a bit when I heard voices from the living room. Our guest had arrived and they were getting to know each other. "She is amazing looking", he said. "I know, and she is all yours. Your guys can do whatever you like, but two rules are I am always present and condoms for penetration." Apparently he had his own since he mentioned that he always used them.
We adjourned to the bedroom and he was definitely the aggressor. Within minutes she was moaning and sighing with pleasure. I was laying on the bed next to them taking it all in. He positioned her so that her head was near my lap and he proceeded to go down on her gently. Using him mouth and fingers he quickly had her to orgasm. She must have needed to see his cock since she quickly unbuttoned his pants and began to fondle him. "Honey this is the biggest cock I have ever seen"! There was no way she could even get her mouth 1/3 of the way down his shaft. "Fuck me with that please"!
He excused himself to put on a condom and gently entered her. "Not all the way yet" she said. Her head was on my lap and he began slowly and built up a bit of rhythm until she exploded again. They changed positions with her on top bringing herself to another screaming orgasm.
Our new friend Charles had not cum yet and I was still dressed taking all of this in. "Can I do you from behind"? he asked her. "Please" she said. Her head was near my lap again and at this time she undid my pants and began sucking me as he was pounding her for all he was worth. You could tell she was enjoying this since I was getting the blow-job that I always dreamed of. About 5 minutes of this and we all came together. Charles deep inside her, me in her mouth and she swallowed every drop while she came for the 4th or 5th time.
We all cleaned up for a bit and exchanged some small talk. We found out that he comes to town frequently and we exchanged numbers promising to do it again. After our friend left, we talked for a bit. "Did you like that" she asked. "Yes very much" I said. I explained to her that the single most pleasurable thing for me is to see her enjoy herself and that as long as I was present, whatever she wanted to do was fine with me. "I love you" she said, and with that we had our own little session. I know I was not nearly as good, but nevertheless, being inside my wife after being taken by another man was very exciting. I think we both slept really well that night and awoke in the morning to another session.



By oncewere, in Threesome MMF,

Our thirty-one year marriage has been very good, by and large. Troy is a good husband and father, spending lots of time with the boys, fishing, sports, and scouts. He even goes to music recitals and to ballet several times. He’s always been well employed and we’re both pretty good with money management so we’ve never wanted for much. Lately, though, I’ve realized that we haven’t done well in bed. I began to realize it when I read that Penthouse magazine I found in Cal’s room. Of course I dismissed everything as pure male fantasy but one particular letter from a woman who "enjoyed the hell out of sex" stuck in my mind. Sex with Troy was usually a little grabby grabby, get it in, get it off, and he’d fall asleep. When I’d needed relief, I’d often get myself off while he slept. I didn’t know any better. I thought everyone was like that, until that Penthouse letter made me start to think. Throughout our marriage I just gave Troy what he wanted, enjoying the closeness and loyalty he had for me, but the sex had been for him.
One day our next door neighbor, Belle, dropped a bombshell on me, actually two bombshells. The first was that they were getting a divorce. That wasn’t too much of a surprise since they were always fighting. Belle is pushy, loud and intolerant while Edgar is quiet and polite. The second bombshell, though, really floored me. She went on and on about how much she was going to miss the mind-bending sex they had. She enjoyed the sex? She quickly surmised that I didn’t get much out of it and proceeded to tell me how much I was missing. I didn’t appreciate her laughing at my "lackanooky" disease but again it made me think.
Fast forward eight months. Our three boys were in other states, college and jobs, Belle was gone, we’d gotten to be much better friends with Edgar, and I was wondering more and more what it felt like to enjoy sex. Edgar and Troy had gotten home from a week in the woods as scout leaders so I fixed them a real home-cooked meal that night. We had a bit too much wine and the conversation got around to how much Edgar missed sex, now that Bell was living in England. I was suitably embarrassed at the sexual talk but they had been talking about it every evening at the camp once the scouts were sent to their sleeping bags.
Edgar left and I finished off the wine. As we were getting ready for bed, Troy brought up Edgar’s dread Hawaiian disease: "Lakanookie", the same word Belle had used. I don’t know what came over me, the wine, all the thought of enjoying sex, who knows? I quietly suggested that he let me help Edgar out. Troy looked at me a bit funny but didn’t say anything. I was kind of sorry I’d said it but, being tipsy, it really didn’t seem all that bad an idea. Of course, sober, I regretted it... but not completely.
Troy is an accountant. Nuances don’t compute for him. He takes things literally and goes right for the bottom line on everything. It shouldn’t have been a big surprise but it did take me unawares when he came home after helping Edgar install a ceiling fan and let me know that he’d talked to Edgar about my suggestion and Edgar was all for it.
"Exactly -- what -- suggestion?" I asked haltingly, suspecting what he meant.
"Edgar’s coming over this evening. We’ll have dinner, the wine he’s bringing, and satisfy his sexual needs, just as you offered." Flabbergasted didn’t describe how I felt. Needless to say, we had a long, intense discussion. I was a bit torn. Actually, the thought of being with the guy that gave Belle crazy, wonderful, sex was very intriguing but on the other hand, wasn’t that cheating on our marriage? Troy recounted stories Edgar had told him about wife swapping and swinging, how it was becoming very common. He assured me that he loved me, all that stuff. On the other other hand, it wasn’t... but...three glasses of wine later the clincher was what my mother told me before our wedding: "Always give him what he wants in bed." That’s what I’d always done, so... so be it. I was fixing dinner wondering just how it might be.
Dinner was nice, if highly charged with unsaid possibilities. Troy, true to his nature attempted to plan the evening but Edgar insisted that we just see what happens. Somehow that appealed to me much better than a plan. Two more glasses of wine took more of the edge off of things. After clearing the table dear blunt Troy got right to the point: "Let’s go to the family room and take care of Edgar’s problem." With great trepidation but some anticipation I found myself holding hands with both of them walking into the family room. Troy hugged me, kissed me then handed me over to Edgar saying "Go for it." Actually, I thought, This was about the same amount of foreplay Troy always gave me. I was more ready than I thought I would be.
Edgar hugged me, kissed me on the forehead and asked if I was OK with this. As asking was more than Troy ever did I just nodded my head. I just let my mind wander, enjoying the kisses and the touches he gave me. His hands on my boobs sent me flying. I got higher and higher with his kisses, lips, ears, neck. It was a new experience. I felt Troy unzip my dress and unhook my bra. It startled me but soon Edgar’s hand on my bare back lulled me back into comfort. Soon his hands on my bare front felt even better as my dress and bra fell to the floor. Somehow I wasn’t at all embarrassed, standing there in only my panties being kissed, fondled: pleasured by someone other than Troy. I felt as if I were being wafted away on gossamer clouds. Edgar nuzzled me and, kissing my ear, whispered to me: "Would you mind undressing me, Kay?" Somehow, that was exactly the right thing to say. He continued kissing and fondling me as I undid his shirt buttons and bared his chest. Snuggling my bare breasts into his furry chest felt like heaven as we kissed and shuddered together. Feeling his erection through his shorts prompted me to undo his belt and fly. His shorts fell to the floor. Thinking of them intermixed with my dress and bra down there gave me a little chill, a good chill.
I could feel his erection even better with just his boxers. I unsnapped them and they joined our other clothes on the floor. We separated a bit to look long and hard at each other and he was hard. Never having seen a circumcised cock before, I had to look long and hard at it. Troy pulled my panties off and I had no compunctions at all with the two of us naked. Glancing up I saw that it was three of us naked. Troy told me to go down on him so he could screw me from behind. "Not yet." Edgar said softly. "She’s not ready yet." I melted as he held me close, kissing me softly, rubbing our naked bodies together, feeling his cock probe at me as we hugged. I melted then melted more yet when he kissed me deeply. Oh I was getting hot.
My hands reveled in his furry chest, his back, and finally, taking things in hand, feeling his cock, his big hard uncircumcised cock in the midst of my fingers. It felt sooooooo great. I couldn’t resist any more. After another long lasting deep kiss I went down on my knees and took his cock into my hand, fondling his lovely balls with my other, observing every bit of his genitals, memorizing them both by eye and by Braille. Troy’s uncut cock often needs washing, sometimes it smells bad, but Edgar’s smelled so good, so inviting with that little drop of precum poised in his little slit at the end. The purple head, overflowing the shaft was so inviting that I had to kiss it, kiss all around it, then engulf it within my lips. As it slipped within my lips I shuddered with delight.
I felt my hips being raised by Troy. "Ho man, we won’t need Vaseline tonight." He said crassly. He slipped it in and started pounding. "Take your time, slow down, Troy." Edgar enjoined. "We want this to last, don’t we?" Troy did slow down and I enjoyed his thrusts much more than I usually did. My mind boggled at the sensory overload. I could feel my pussy tingling with excitement, not to mention the feeling of the strange new wonderful cock in my mouth that I was exploring and tasting with my tongue and lips. His was not all that much different from Troy’s but it surely felt and tasted so different.
Just as I was feeling Troy get ready to cum Edgar must have sensed it too. He pulled away from my mouth and me away from Troy’s cock. It was terribly disappointing but it did arouse me considerably not to have it over quickly. My feelings soared, bounding about inside me like the ball in a pinball machine. Edgar lay me down on the quilt Troy had spread on the carpet. He leaned over me, kissing my lips, my ears, my eyes, my neck, my lips, my boobs, all around my boobs, down my tummy to my pussy. HE WAS EATING ME! Talk about great feelings. I reached out and dragged Troy’s cock to my mouth. Normally I’m turned off by my taste but my pussy juices on his cock tasted of ambrosia. Flying on a cloud, the tension rose and rose. Troy rarely eats me and when he does he doesn’t do it long but Edgar ate and ate and ate, doing such a wonderful job, touching me, licking me, nibbling me as never before. In a rush I was overcome by the most wonderful orgasm of my life. My whole body was electrified then released. Troy was lucky his cock slipped out of my mouth as I gyrated manically, I might have bitten it off.
Words can’t describe what I felt as it went on and on and on and on, morphing from electric shock to release, to incredible pleasure to soft pleasure and finally to coming down to earth enough to take Troy’s cock into my mouth again but that wasn’t the end of it. Troy kept eating my pussy, changing his style, using his tongue, his lips, his fingers bringing me up and up and up again. Feeling Troy’s cock jumping in my mouth began another cum for me. Just as the electric shock turned to release, Troy filled my mouth with wonderful tasting hot cum which I savored as I swallowed it, burst after burst, adding immeasurably to the feeling of my masterful orgasm. I came down and down, enjoying every millisecond, loving the feeling of Troy’s contracting cock and Edgar’s ministrations. I was away on cloud nine.
But Edgar had stopped. I was devastated until I felt his lovely cock parting my pussy lips, entering me for the first time. The physical feeling was great but in my frame of mind, the emotions were even greater. My first new cock, only my second in all my life. My mind boggled as he bottomed out inside me, our mounds rubbing together. I was still enjoying Troy’s flaccid cock within my lips but he pulled back. It was a bit disappointing until Edgar began kissing me deeply in time with his slow deep thrusts.
I remember every moment, every feeling but not like a story teller, not so that I can explain. I remember with my emotions, my roller coaster feelings. They were so wonderful. With each slow circling thrust I rose a little more then he’d change his position somewhat to bring me down a bit, then more and more, higher and higher, every bit of me tingled. What was he actually doing with me? I don’t know but it felt won-der-ful. The tension was like a guitar string tightened to E two octaves above middle C, even a tiny bit tighter would snap the string or bend the guitar in two. Then he raised it even higher and I began screaming with pleasure through his kisses. This wasn’t an orgasm, this wasn’t anything like what I brought myself to after Troy had fallen asleep. This was massive tension that would have hurt if it hadn’t felt so good. He kept thrusting, kissing, fondling my boobs, fucking me as I’ve never been fucked before. I’m trying to describe the feelings but I can’t. There aren’t words. I didn’t want the release, I wanted the feelings to continue forever but when it came it was like the first time I did a stall in the Cessna, It was going up and up, ever so slowly, then little by little it began to fall off and I got that horrible empty feeling in the pit of my stomach but this wasn’t horrible, it was horribly good, wonderful, intoxicating. I remember shuddering and shaking, feeling my pussy muscles milking his wonderful cock. I was well on my way down from my release when Edgar groaned, thrusting faster and harder for a while. I was spent but his burst of energy as he filled me with his spunk was a real emotional high. He kept it up until his shrinking cock slipped out of me.
BUT HE DIDN’T ROLL OVER TO DOZE OFF! He continued fondling me and kissing me, telling me how wonderful I had been for him. Wonderful for him? I thought. What about me? I’d never felt so good. Troy was lying next to me as Edgar rolled to my other side. We lay there for quite some time, just fondling and mumbling meaningless things, reveling in the aftershocks.
After a while Troy mentioned that he was amazed at Edgar’s staying power. Edgar told him that he hated to go too fast, that he enjoyed taking his time, getting the maximum pleasure from sex. Troy obviously was perplexed at that but he played along. Finally, he jumped up and asked Edgar if that had taken care of his needs. Edgar just looked at me and said: "It’s your needs that matters, Kay, not mine. How do you feel now." He asked with great concern in his voice. I resisted the urge to tell him that I’m running away with him. I just smiled. He asked: "Are you OK with all this, Kay?" I nodded again. He turned to Troy and thanked him for sharing with him. After a long pause he asked if this were a one off thing or whether there would be repeats. That took Troy by surprise. He thought a moment then said "Sure, why not? This was hot."
Edgar then turned to me and asked me the same question. I just nodded. Edgar rose, turned on the radio and found some dreamy music. He helped both of us up and pushed us together. "I think you ought to dance with your wife, Troy." "Naked?" Troy asked, surprised at the thought. "Absolutely." He smiled. "Then after you’ve danced a while you need to make married love with each other. It’s the only fitting end to such a wonderful evening. He picked up his clothes and blew me a kiss as he went out the back door, still naked.
Troy and I danced for over an hour, talking, talking about what we’d done. I talked a bit about how I felt and managed to get a few words from him about how he felt. He wasn’t jealous, especially after we danced away to our bedroom. He kissed me with more feeling than he’d done since we were married. He was hesitant, he’d never cum twice in one night but I urged him on. I won’t tell you about that connection, it’s kind of private, somehow, it belongs just to us, husband and wife. I’ll just say that it was the most satisfying lovemaking session in years. It was for me and I made sure that it was for him too.
Was it the wine that made it so easy or what? The next day Edgar made sure that we understood that he wasn’t going to interfere with our marriage, he just wanted to do what we like. It took the better part of four hours to get things all talked out. I remember feeling kind of the same kinds of wonderment when I was twelve reading one of my books. I’d learned something very important. I could have loved Edgar but he made sure that we both knew that he was an adjunct, not a competitor. Maybe I still love Edgar at least a little. He’s special. I kind of invited him to try out our bedroom but he demurred. "Let’s make sure I’m not interfering with anything before we try it again."
We did try out our bedroom a week later and it was wonderful. Troy has been learning and I learned to ask for what I want. Next time I’ll tell you about the first time Edgar brought a girlfriend over for a foursome. But that’s another story.

It was a Saturday night we were sitting at home; all the kids had made plans with friends so we were alone. My wife, Nichole, suggested we go out and hit the local bars. We live in a very small town and there are only two bars left. We started at the quieter of the two so we could have a drink and play some darts. Nichole ordered a Long Island Iced Tea and the bartender fixed her up with a very potent concoction. Feeling good she decided to have another which really kicked her into the party mood so we decided to head to the other bar which generally has more people and some music. My wife is a woman in her 40s, blond, pretty and a killer body (34DD-25-34). Having decided at the last minute to go out, Nichole had just thrown on a pair of jeans, heels, and her new Hedonism III tank top she bought last week while we were there.
As we arrived at the second bar I suggested to her that the tank top she was wearing really was not intended to be worn with a bra. She agreed, removed it promptly and we headed inside. The music was loud and the crowd kind of young, but we ordered some drinks and played another game of darts. Occasionally Nichole would wander out on the dance floor and dance with no one in particular and all together we were having a great time.
Close to last call a guy closer to our age approached her and remarked that he had been to Hedonism III years ago with his ex-wife and that seeing her in that tank top had brought back a lot of great memories. He introduced himself as Jack and she in turn introduced him to me. We sat and talked for a few minutes about our trip and all the fun we had. As the conversation progressed he over and over would remark as to how hot my wife was and what a lucky guy I was to have such a hot wife, taking every opportunity to rub up against her, brushing the back of his hand across her nipple on more than one occasion. Nichole responded by flirting back, smiling and at least once brushing her hand against the bulge in his jeans. As 2 AM rolled around the bartenders started to kick people out as it was closing time. Jack told us he was in town just for tonight had played a gig with his band in a nearby town. He had a room at the hotel across the street and invited us up for a nightcap and we accepted.
Once in his room, Jack poured us a couple of glasses of scotch. Nichole sat on the bed and we talked and drank for a while, Jack sat down on the bed next to her telling her again how great she looked. He then leaned over and began to kiss her neck running his hand up under her tank top fondling her breasts as he laid her back on the bed. He lifted her top and sucked her nipples, then licked his way down her stomach undoing her pants. As he reached her waist, he stood up and removed her boots and her pants. He then knelt between her legs and started to lick her pussy to approving moans. I rose from the chair where I had been sitting and reached into the pocket of my coat and removed my camera which I always carry in the car. I trained the camera on them catching the hot scene on video. I moved around to the side of the bed and removed my clothes and positioned myself so she could take me in her mouth. Jack looked up and at me and asked, “can I fuck your wife?” we answered almost simultaneously “yes” but you must wear a condom. He didn’t have any but I had come prepared and produced a pair from my pants pocket.
As he rose and took the condom she sat up and grabbed his cock and started to suck it, he reached down and removed her tank top so she was now completely naked and she lay back on the bed to take him but he said, “You fuck her first and I’ll film you two”. I handed him the camera and moved over to in front of her and she sat up again this time taking me in her mouth and sucking me rock hard before laying back and telling me to fuck her. I climbed between her legs and slid my cock inside her as she let out a groan of pleasure. I fucked her hard as she played with his balls and sucked his dick. . I grabbed the camera from him and shot some of her sucking him while I fucked her, this also gave him a free hand to open the condom and slip it on. Seeing that he was ready I moved and we switched places. She gasped as he slid his cock, a good 9 inches and thick deep inside her.
I just stepped back and filmed as he fucked her hard, cumming after about 5 or 6 minutes. I then climbed back on the bed and flipped her over picking up where he left off, as he grabbed the camera and filmed us again. As I fucked her doggy style she slowly crawled up the bed and took him in her mouth sucking him hard again. Watching this was more than I could stand and I shot a huge hot load inside her. Jack now being hard again flipped her over once more and entered her again fucking her hard to orgasm after orgasm until he too groaned loudly as he came. I fucked her once more after that while he stood beside the bed and stroked his cock with both hands finally cumming for a third time, this time on her tits.
She laid there exhausted for a while until we decided to put or clothes back on and go home. Jack took our number and no doubt will call next time he is town.

Have you ever wondered what your wife gets up to when she is away at work? Does she come home later than expected, and rush upstairs to wash and change before you even have chance to exchange a few words? Does she avoid intimacy on the excuse that she had a tough day at the office? Does she wear inappropriate underwear for work? If all of this sounds familiar you should read on. I would like to share a story with you about a situation which developed at work a year or so ago.
At the time I was working in the busy service department of an electrical retail company. There were about ten guys servicing all kinds of domestic appliance. We had a couple of girls working on the help desk and customer reception down stairs, but our floor was pretty much a male dominated environment, so you can imagine the delight amongst the guys when our service manager employed a really pretty young cleaner. She only worked part time but watching her breasts wobble as she wrestled with the electric floor polisher every morning became quite a distraction. At 11:30 she would make the tea and coffee and bring it round to each of our desks on a tray. The guys would always be up to mischief, tickling her while she had the tray and generally fooling around. She was a bit embarrassed at first, but it wasn't long before she was giving back as good as she got.
She had a fantastic body, which she squeezed into a tight little white nylon overall, she always seemed to have the top couple of buttons undone, revealing just enough cleavage to have all our tongues hanging out. It was all I could do sometimes to keep from just grabbing a handful when she bent over with my coffee. Then one hot day in the summer we had persuaded her to stay and wait for us after her shift so that she could come out to the pub with us for an extended lunch. Our boss was away on leave and no one was intending rushing back. We all had quite a few drinks and Sue was clearly getting a bit tipsy. She was flirting with the guys, sitting on their knees and putting her arms around their necks while she laughed and talked. After lunch instead of going straight home the guys persuaded Sue to come back into the office for a coffee and to collect her bag. Looking at the clock and realizing that I had a lot of catching up to do I left them in reception and headed for my office, reluctantly picking up my tools and getting started.
I had just started working on a product when, Mark put his head around my door. "Come here", he gestured, "I have something to show you".
Puzzled I followed him into his office and he closed the door behind us. I was surprised to see that Sue was inside, looking very flushed and disheveled. Her hair and lipstick were all over the place. Watch this, he said as he pressed Sue up against the wall. Sliding his hand between the poppers on the front of her uniform he slowly popped them open one after the other, until the garment was flapping open from top to bottom. I could see her wonderful tits almost bursting out of her white lacy bra. Sue made no attempt to stop him or cover herself as he reached behind her and unclipped her bra.
"Come on", he said, "don't you want to have a good feel at these beauties?"
I couldn't believe what he was doing; but in moments he had lifted away her bra allowing her full breasts to fall free. As Mark hungrily kissed her open mouth, I at last sank my fingers into the soft flesh of those perfect tits, Feeling the warm fullness in my hands as I lowered my head to suck on her hardening nipples. I looked down and saw that Mark now had her knickers halfway down and his fingers well inside her pussy. As he probed, Sue was allowing her legs to fall further open to accommodate him. I could tell she was getting really turned on by her rapid breathing and the way she was responding to our kisses.
"Let's bend her over the desk, I am going to fuck her", said Mark.
"No", Sue gasped, "you mustn't", but she was already starting to bend over the desk without our help.
I pushed a heavy box against the door as Mark held her firmly by the shoulders and slowly eased his big hard cock into her waiting pussy. My eyes were transfixed on her as I moved around the desk. A few days ago she had seemed unattainable and now here she was almost naked in front of me with her wonderful big tits bouncing as my friend relentlessly pounded her pussy.
I took hold of her by the hair lifting her head slowly from the desk and squeezing her tits as I offered my cock to her lips. She obediently opened her mouth and let me slide in. The excitement was more than I could stand and it wasn't long before my spunk was jetting over her face. Mark quickly followed pumping his cum deep inside her.
"Please don't tell the others", Sue pleaded as she dried her face on a nearby towel.
It turned out that Mark had tried it on with her when we got back and she had offered no resistance at all. I guess the alcohol had played a part, but now we had gone this far there was no turning back. It was worth keeping to ourselves, we have kind of an understanding now. While the other guys still fantasized about their dream girl, we have her any time and any way we choose. She is such a slut now, every morning we watch her kiss her husband goodbye as he drops her at the front door, knowing that in just a few minutes our cocks will be fucking that sweet mouth. Several times I have actually had my cock inside her, humping her from behind as she waved him off from my office window. She used to get as exited as we did; admitting to me once that it was not the first time she had taken on more than one guy at the same time.
It turned out that when she was about 15 and holidaying in Spain with her parents, a group of about five local boys pounced on her and dragged her into their apartment. I guess with the intention of gang raping her, but in the end she couldn't get enough of them and even returned the next night for a further session. I don't think that she had ever shared any of this with her husband.
As time went on we became more and more daring, I was a key holder for the office and asked her to come in for a couple of hours on one Saturday morning. The office was closed of course, but she made the excuse to her husband that we were stock taking. When her husband Steve dropped her off, Mark and I were waiting in anticipation. As soon as I turned the key in the door, we had her stripped naked in seconds and started fucking her right there in reception. I don't think Steve's car had even quite left the car park. I had brought in a double quilt from home and we stretched her out over the canteen dining table and fucked her for a good three hours in every conceivable position. I must have done her about four of five times and my balls were aching. Mark was just finishing off in her mouth when we heard the outside bell. I looked out of the window and saw Steve's car outside.
Instead of panicking, I can't believe we did this, but while Mark finished off in her mouth I went down and made Steve a cup of coffee and asked him to wait down stairs in reception for her, before returning to fuck Sue one last time. We kept him waiting for another twenty minutes while I emptied another load into her. I think that it was the excitement of knowing her husband was only down stairs, which heightened our arousal again. After she had washed and Sue had applied fresh makeup, we accompanied her down stairs.
"Looks like you have all been working hard", Steve commented, seeing Sue's flushed cheeks.
"She works like a pro", I responded with a smile, "I don't know how we would manage without her."
I don't know what excuses she made to him, but on Monday she confided that we had made her so sore that she hadn't been able to have sex with Steve all weekend. Fortunate that she had rested because we had another session planned for her at lunch time. We had her many times after that, both in working hours and out. Even at the office Christmas party, whilst one of our colleagues kept Steve talking at the bar, we sat Sue down between us and proceeded to finger her discretely under the table. He was just a few yards away, but had no idea what was going on. We each put a hand on her leg, forcing them wide apart and allowing us unrestricted access to her pussy. In the end I removed her soaking wet underwear completely, placing the tiny thong into my pocket as a souvenir. I remember us all getting so turned on by what we were doing that we took her into the hotel elevator and after reaching the top floor, I wedged open the door with my foot, while Mark and I had her dress pulled up and our hands all over her tits squeezing them hard making her nipples stand out. Then we made her kneel on the floor between us while we both wanked furiously into her open mouth.
We took crazy risks, anyone could have come out of their rooms and caught us, but I guess that made it seem all the more exiting. When we had finished with her, some of our spunk had splashed onto her cheek and Mark wouldn't let her wipe it off, making her walk through the hotel lobby before he would hand her a tissue. When we arrived back into the bar, Steve was still chatting and drinking and hadn't even noticed that Sue was missing. It was that night that we pulled the most daring stunt yet. Mark and I kept buying Steve whisky until he could barely stand up, then we helped him back to his room allowing him to pass out on the bed. We stayed talking in their room for about half an hour, and while Steve was still out cold, we scooped his wife's tits out of her dress and played with her nipples as we talked. It was so tempting to fuck her again right there on the bed next to her sleeping husband, but we thought that might just be tempting fate a little too much. Sadly all good things have come to an end and we said goodbye to Sue at the end of last year when Steve's job forced them to relocate to Frankfurt. Although I am sure you can imagine we gave her a leaving party to remember, but that's another story. Goodbye Sue. Thanks for all the good times.


My Time With Maria

By ynnad99, in Threesome MMF,

I got an email through AFF while I was assigned to do a job in Iowa. It was a very simple letter explaining that they were looking for someone to help them break into the lifestyle and they liked my profile. I told them where I was staying and asked them what time to expect them to arrive. They gave me a time and then asked what they should wear. I just told them to dress casually since there was a possibility that they may not want to go through with the whole thing.
They arrived at the hotel looking very anxious. I had gone down to get some coffee and meet them as they came in. Of course the nervous look gave them away, so I gave them a big smile. She had described herself to me in her emails as a big woman, but she carried her weight very well. We all sat down and she started asking me questions about how things normally went, but she said there were some questions that she needed to ask but not in the lobby of the hotel. We then went up to my room, so she could be more open about things she wanted to know about the lifestyle. Her questions were very direct but her husband was quiet for the most part.
They told me that he was having problems because of all the stress in the workplace and the long hours. They had discussed making the leap and allowing her to play and they liked my profile. She was still quite anxious and tense. I volunteered to give her a neck massage to help her out a little. Her hubby said that that would make her feel so much better and might make things progress a little quicker. I went over and starting massaging her neck and shoulders ( I have been told I am a very good masseuse) and even let my hands wander a little bit. I asked her if she was feeling any better about things, but could feel and see that the stress was starting to break down. I asked her to stand and I helped her to remove her top and bra. She removed her pants and I saw a very nice pair of peach bikini panties. I made a comment about how good the color looked on her. I had her lay face down on the bed and started to give her a full body massage. I massaged my way down her back and briefly rubbed her butt cheeks and then proceeded down her legs to her feet.
As I worked my way back up her legs, I slipped my fingers under her waistband and started sliding her panties down her legs. She looked over at her hubby and said, “well so much for keeping on my panties.” She relaxed and allowed me to run my hands over her very nice ass and she slowly opened her thighs to allow me a little access to her sweet pussy. She was very wet and gave a little moan. I looked over at her husband and he just nodded. I had her roll over onto her back and I came back up to massage her neck and down to her tits. I rolled her nipples between my fingers and played there for a while to get her a little more aroused finding that she loved to have her nipples twisted and pulled, but not too roughly.
I worked my way down her stomach and brought my hands down to her muff. She did not shave and did not like to as her hubby liked her natural. Her legs split and I brought myself between her lets and let my hands work her thighs and continue to slide up to her waiting clit.
After teasing her for a while, I dove in face first into her muff and starting licking and sucking on her clit. She told me that she was a selfish lover and needed to cum, but I would have to work at it since she was still nervous. Well, just give me a challenge to work at to make me happy. I just slid down there and started eating away while sliding in a finger trying to find her sweet spot. She did prove to be a challenge since I was having problems just getting her well lubricated, but once I got my second finger in, which was a challenge since she was so tight, I got her going and she started bucking and moaning. She called for her hubby to come to her so she could suck on his cock while I was still having a great time with my head between her thighs and my fingers stuffed up her snatch.
She removed her hubby from her mouth and asked him if she was the one who was in charge right then. He said, “absolutely honey, whatever you want.” She said, “I want his cock in me and I want it now.” Well, until this time I still had on a shirt and gym shorts, no skivvies, and I was up and out of them in a flash. Her eyes got big and said give it to me big boy. I slid up and put a pillow under her butt to get a little elevation on her, I grabbed my cock and slowly slid it into her love canal.
Her pussy was like a velvet glove that was nice and snug and felt so good. I was able to keep my thumb on her clit while I slid in and out a little at a time until I got all of my cock buried to my balls in her. She let out a moan and I pulled out and drove it home with a good hard thrust as I watched her titties bounce around. She was outstanding and really getting into it now. I still had a little apprehension since I had just met them and was not sure how he would react once I was pounding away on his wife’s delicious pussy. But, he just sat back in the chair and watched me have my fun and listened to her moan away and also watch her titties sway. With her legs in the air and her titties making opposing circular motions, I reached up and started to massage those beautiful globes, pinching her swollen nipples. Her eyes were clinched shut except to look over at her husband and smile at him as he was playing with his cock and balls. She was moaning and rocking giving me quite the sensation as she would tighten up her pussy muscles and then relax. She was sex starved and taking all of her aggressions on my cock.
Even though this was not my first time with a couple that the wife was wanting a little extra or the hubby wanted to watch, until you get comfortable, you just don’t know. After five minutes or so I came so hard that I thought I would pass out. I collapsed on her and just played with her pussy and sucked some more on her big titties. Maria was in bliss and her hubby was smiling away. The only thing that could have made the night better is if they could have stayed longer. But when you need to arise at 4:00 am for work, there are priorities.
I have been able to get back to their area more and was able to meet Maria again for a very nice times, even though once again short. But as they say, that is another story.

My wife, Glenda, and I were two who met after other failures in marriage and were both looking more for a great lover than a mate. We met at a convention and seemed to immediately catch each others eye. I'm a big believer in pheromones and that some people are highly sexed and that we can feel each other without knowing exactly who we are sensing. During the obligatory drinks and camaraderie with the other conventioneers, we exchanged information and found we were from the same city. I, of course called, and we went to the fireworks show on the Fourth with my three kids and had a great time. One thing led to another and a year later we were married. We had one of the most incredible sex lives any couple ever had. Neither of us were raving beauties or had chiseled bodies but what ever those things do for you just could not be any better than what we got out of our bodies and minds.
We made love at least 5 days (or nights) (or 5 days and 5 nights if we looked at each other right) every week for seven or eight years. We were so in love and so in lust with each other it was incredible. Amazing what you can do when your own powerful desires let you enjoy the other one's pleasure and passion the same as your own. We, of course, began to fantasize about threesomes and other couples after we used every other toy to stretch our enjoyment of each other. Her fantasy was my desire, mine hers. So we put our profile in for swinging at 57 years of age. We had a million responses but most just wanted to fuck us because we were virtual virgins. We found early on that we could enjoy our experiences more if we at least enjoyed the other couples company before we headed to the bedroom. So we swapped with two couples before we found a couple who liked the swing instead of just wanting to fuck some one else's wife or husband. We wanted to play games with another couple in which sex was a part but not all of the evening.
We would dress for the evening as southern gentlemen and ladies or western night or Frenchmen or mini-golf night. We played strip darts, cards, scrabble, and I Spy. My wife and I always stay together because the reason we are swinging is to enhance "our" sex life. We get immense feelings for the others orgasms whether I caused it or not. I told Glenda that the night we did our first threesome that I felt as if I were positively glowing with lust for her and the situation. The other couples wife's sister showed up unexpectedly and so Bill came alone. I was so hot for this night and what wondrous things I had planned for my Wife.
We began the evening about five hours before Bill arrived with an afternoon of teasing, tickling, and fondling. As we walked around the town and the national park we would kiss passionately and fondle each other so the people around us did not know. But, boy, we knew. Seems I had a hard-on for at least eight hours but I know it did take breaks. I must say that my wife really, really loves a good hard dick or two and sometimes even three. And she has a really beautiful set of tits for her age and really, really sexual mind. And, we found out, got into sucking dick while I got mine sucked or ate pussy. She really likes for me to eat her pussy while she is watching another woman get eaten out on tv or in real life.
Back to the night of nights. Glenda, Bill and I decided to play mini-golf and if I won then she would do whatever I wanted, if Bill won we would do whatever he wanted. Of course, being gentlemen, we threw the game because we wanted to do what she wanted anyway. After each hole that she didn't win she would rub the winners dick through his pants and if she won a hole then we would stand and block anyone seeing and would fondle her tits. By the time we finished the game she was SO HOT (and so were we). But we then went to a nightclub and sat in a back corner. I watched as another man finger fucked my wife at that table and she had a dick in each hand. Her pussy was so wet I just licked my fingers (I just love the way my wife tastes). So does Bill and he did the same thing. I kept a hard on because when she wasn't dancing with Bill and rubbing all over him on the dance floor then she was doing the same thing to me. My Baby was going to get everything she wanted tonight.
When we got to the condo we began by slowly dancing with her between us and slowly undressing my lady as sensually as we could and while he was rubbing her wet pussy gently up and down her slit. I was passionately kissing her and gently playing with her lovely and inspiring tits. Bill slid two fingers into Glenda and began to slide in and out then up to the clitoris to tweak on it then back down. Now Glenda can hardly contain herself and shakes as if in a chill and said "I have to have a dick in my mouth, Baby, while he is doing all that down there to my pussy - Don't you dare stop". I quickly shucked what clothes I had left and so did Bill and there was puny little old me at 7 inches and then Bill at 8 inches of hard big dick just like my Baby likes them. I always give my Baby what she wants. Man Glenda can suck a dick and look up at you with those big brown eyes and you want to give her everything she wants. Then Glenda sat on the end of the bed while we stood in front of her, two very erect cocks and two horny men and my Lucky Lady rubbed those two dicks on her cheeks, chin, neck, and titties and back up, sucking in one big dick and slurping loudly for our benefit. God I love fucking my woman. Glenda did the rubbing and sucking thing for about ten minutes then told me to eat her because she wanted to suck Bill's big dick while coming. I can make my wife come about 50 different ways (she says all of her orgasms are different) and I am always looking for #51.
I got down there and spread her lips apart and slid my tongue up and down, moving gently but erratically, then seizing her clit in my lips and then sliding back down to the bottom and starting over. Man what a turn on to look up through your wife's bush and see her smiling at you with a dick in her mouth and love in her eyes. I sucked, licked, and penetrated her sloppy wet pussy with my tongue, lips and fingers while she worked over Bill's huge dick with her mouth, hand, lips and tongue and I know what he is feeling. And we are so close that I "almost" know what she is feeling and I swell with love and lust for my woman and want to give her more of everything so stretching it out as long as I could cause her orgasms get bigger the longer it takes to get her there. Seeing her convulse, coming like a banshee screaming, “I’m Coming" without letting go of his dick was awesome as the young ones like to say. I mean she came and came and convulsed for what seemed forever until she finally reached down and pushed me off her clit. She said, “I need a big hard dick in me now” so I looked up and said, "OK Bill give my woman the fucking of her life". Bill said "I plan to fuck Glenda till she can't go anymore." I laughed and knew that when Glenda gets a good hard dick in her she is the one in control because she can make a statue come with that pussy and sexy mind.
I watch very closely as he slid that big swollen head into my wife and watched as it slid in to the hilt in my wife's pussy and she hissed out "oh,Yesssssss." Bill started a smooth steady fucking and I crawled up to Glenda and kissed her deeply while another man fucked her and she was ecstatic. I said "Baby I don't think I have ever been this turned on and I know I have not seen you this turned on before either." Man this was so erotic watching another man's dick fucking the woman you love and getting turned by her ecstasy. She looked that look at me and said "I love you so much and I KNOW you love me. Thank you Baby. Now put your dick in my mouth, Big Boy." Glenda sucked my dick and fucked Bill for nearly 20 minutes and then had another massive orgasm or ten. She looked into my eyes after she finally opened them and told me again how much she loved me. I just kept getting harder and one time reached down and fondled her hugely swollen clit while Bill's dick was fucking her. Then I looked at my Baby and said he's getting close, you want to feel his dick swell as he's coming. You want to feel him shoot that hot come in your hot pussy Baby and she whispered ‘Oh, yes, yes, yes,” and then smiled and I knew she was taking over.
When my wife starts to work that pussy on your dick for real it just don't take long before she gets that come and this time was no exception. Bill came in buckets it seemed and Glenda loved every squirt, would squeeze down on his dick and he would just keep coming. Finally he was finished and rolled off of her. Immediately some of Bill's come leaked out of her pussy so she started to get up and go to the bathroom and I gently pushed her shoulders back to the bed and said "I have never had sloppy seconds so I think this would be the way to start-with my wife". I didn't think that she could grin any bigger than she already was but she did and I did. She was so wet that we didn't have to guide me at all It just slid right in and was she ever the softest, sloppiest, wettest pussy I ever had and it was wonderful. I looked in her eyes as I hit bottom and paused and said our "Honey, I'm Home" and laughed and fucked with a vengeance and she had that completely sated look of one who had been treated, loved, and fucked as a Lady should. And she is my Lady!

steve as is

Sandy Gets Randy

By steve as is, in Threesome MMF,

Just to let you know Sandy and I had been together for seven years when this encounter took place and are still happily married today. We often fantasied about having an extra person in bed and I tell you the sex was hotter every time we talked about it but would we ever put our fantasies into practice? Maybe, if the chance ever arose.
One summery night we where entertaining our friend Andrew having a BBQ and a few drinks when the conversation turned to sex and how great our sex life was. Well, Andrew piped up and said he had been experiencing a dry spell for some time with a laugh. Sandy who was dressed in a very short white cheesecloth dress and a pair of white bikini panties on and no bra, with her pert nipples quite visible to all through her dress turned to me and said maybe we might be able to help Andrew out with his dry spell if you really want to put your fantasy into practice. I was a bit taken back but quickly said only if you're sure as you have had a couple of drinks. She turned, licking her lips, and said let's make it a great night and planted a big kiss on me, which got me hard instantly.
Andrew witnessing the kiss said, gee I feel left out here, with a laugh so Sandy walked over and gave him a peck on the cheek and said, looks like rain, the drought might be breaking, and walked back towards me stopping to bend over to pick something up off the grass, exposing her white panties to Andrew who looked intently and whistled and said nice arse.
With our meal finished it was time to adjourn to the rumpus room where we had a bar and TV set up with a very large sofa, while sandy refreshed our drinks. As there was only the election on TV at the time, I suggested a bit of porn hoping that would set the mood and encourage Andrew into a threesome, but we still hadn't sounded him out. Sandy bent down to put a video in the player exposing her panty covered butt with a nice crease line for all to see. Andrew's eyes were glued to her butt and I'm sure he was excited.Pushing the play button Sandy suggested we dim the lights to watch the movie and all agreed. Andrew and I were on each end of the sofa and Sandy sat in between us. The movie was a hot threesome with MMF action. What a superb selection to set our fantasy into reality. I knew Andrew always had the hots for Sandy and tonight he would get to feel and taste the pleasures she can provide if he agrees.
The action was hotting up on the TV and Sandy started to snuggle closer to me and lift her feet up onto the sofa and rest them right next to Andrew. Sandy started rubbing my thigh as both us guys were wearing shorts, her rubbing started to get me aroused and she was sliding her hand up the leg of my shorts which had an instant result in making me hard. I said to Andrew that Sandy loves her feet being massaged and it makes her horny as hell with a laugh. Well Andrew waisted no time starting to massage Sandy's feet. I started commenting about the action on the TV saying that I bet Sandy wouldn't be able to suck one guy while she was being pounded by another and Andrew agreed she is too prudish and wouldn't be able too. Sandy sat up and said, I can match anything they do on there and I'll prove it if you both want me to. I was quick to say sure and Andrew looked hesitant and said, well you did say it looked like rain so we might have some fun getting wet.
Sandy said drop the shorts boys and knelt in front of Andrew helping him slide his shorts off and releasing his mammoth cock that was much larger than mine. Sandy quickly started to suck on the shaft and fondle his balls then attempting to try to swallow as much as she could. Andrew glanced my way and I just nodded, just relax and go with the flow. Sandy was struggling with that huge cock in her mouth and I said, lets get more comfortable. We went to the bedroom and as I laid on the bed Sandy shed the dress but left her white panties on and crawled up between my legs and started giving me a blow job. I beckoned Andrew to cover the other end like they had done in the movie.
Andrew now naked moved up behind Sandy staring at her panties and I said mate you better unwrap that nice and slow. Andrew started peeling Sandy's panties down and licking her cheeks all the way down until she rolled off me and quickly ripped them off getting back in the bed on all fours and lowering her mouth om my cock again. Andrew had just seen Sandy's clean shaven pussy for the first time, glistening with wetness from the anticipation of the great sex to come.
Sandy turned back to Andrew and gave him a big kiss and said, now it's time to eat your desert. I i nearly blew right there and then and she leaned down to me and said, here we go no stopping now and started to suck my cock. Andrew was now slipping his tongue all over Sandy's pussy and clit and I knew he must have inserted a couple of fingers into her as she started sucking wildly. Andrew was working her pussy for all it was worth and had her on the brink of orgasm when she stopped sucking my rock hard cock, turned to Andrew and said, show me your fingers and started sucking her own cunt juice off them and said to him, now I want your big cock in me.
Sandy leaned forward and gave me a big kiss as Andrew entered her slowly. Bit-by-bit ,slowly getting in further and further, Sandy was nearly chewing my tongue off and looked up at me and said, this doesn't feel right I've never done this before are you ok with this ? I said, holding her head in my hands, does it feel good having your pussy pumped while you have a mouth full of cock? She said, it's the best feeling ever and I told her just enjoy the night. With that she smiled and slid her mouth over my cock and started sucking like mad.
Andrew was slapping his balls against Sandy's butt with powerful thrusts and I knew he was ready to explode as Sandy and myself were both on the verge of orgasm. Andrew lets out a yelp and blows his load into Sandy as I erupt into her mouth with Sandy suffering an earth-shattering orgasm. When Andrews cock stopped convulsing jism into my hot wife he pulled out and laid down beside Sandy watching her lick the last drops of cum off my cock. Finishing the clean-up, Sandy rolled in between us not saying a word but gently grabbing our cocks in each hand, she said Andrew your cock is still leaking and moved her head towards his limp leaking cock and started licking and sucking it and of course positioning her butt right at my face so I could see how her gash had been opened up and Andrew's spoof oozing out. It was the best sight i had ever seen and I could feel a rumble in my cock.
When Sandy said, Steve your desert is served, eat it while its hot and goes back to sucking Andrew who is semi-erect now and not far from a full hard-on. I had my doubts about starting to eat Sandy out but her pussy full and bulging looked like a delicacy so I slowly ran my tongue up her slit backwards and forward a few times and cleaning the outer area and getting used to the taste. I found it a bit salty and put it out of my mind as my tongue probed her inner lips and licked for my life as I know Sandy loves being eaten. Slipping a few fingers in as I licked her clit, Sandy started writhing and squirming but being muffled by Andrew's cock in her mouth, she pulled off him and let out a big fuck me as she squirted all over my face,which seemed to last forever and went back to finishing Andrew off and sucking feverishly making him blow again in no time flat. She stayed there swallowing every drop until his cock limply fell from her mouth .
Sandy laid back and thanked us for a great orgasm and planted a big tongue kiss on me sharing her mouthful of Andrew's come with me and said I love you and this is great but added that now she knows were ready for another go too. Getting her breath back Sandy said now for the big finale she worked our cocks back into action while we fondled and kissed her beautiful tits. Andrew sucking one and I the other. Working my hand down to her pussy while she worked on our cocks I started playing with her clit and slowly started fingering her. If there's anything Sandy likes as much as being eaten out it's being fingered any place anywhere and anytime.
I even let her let this guy finger her at the pub the other night while he was dancing with her. I dared him and he said no way, I said go on I bet you can't and he agreed to have a crack not realizing I already told Sandy I was going to dare him. She was wearing a sexy short denim skirt with sexy white panties on. A a slow dance came on and the room was pretty dark and as they danced I could see this guy working his hand up my wife's leg and slowly under her skirt felling her panties he told me they were wet and slipping two fingers under her panties inserted them into her hot wet snatch and as the dance slowed down Sandy was writhing with the music and two fingers up her snatch. Once she came she grabbed his hand licked his fingers and said make sure you're here next week for me to return the favor.
I will have her finish the finale in part two keep watching as there's lot more to cum.

I have known Nancy for about six months now. She and I will get together every now and then. We may go to a house party together or to one of the adult clubs in Dallas or Oklahoma City. We both have friends in both cities, both singles and couples in the lifestyle. Some times she and I will just go out to eat and then end up at her place or mine for some good hard sex. She sees other people and so do I so you would not call us a couple, just fuck buddies. There are a couple of things about having sex with Nancy that do bother me sometimes. One is she will never get completely nude. She always has on garters and stockings and she wont take them off. That makes my hot tub and pool a little useless when we are at my place. The other is she just wants it doggie style. I have nothing against doggie style fucking but at times I would like to look into a woman’s eyes while making love. Suck on their nipples or just watch their tits bounce when they are on top riding my dick. Don’t get me wrong. I like Nancy and we always have great sex with each other and others but at times I would like a more romantic position with my mate and not just slam it home from behind.
I had a coworker take another job with a different company and decided to give him a small going away party before he left. The last Friday that he was there some of us in the department decided to go out to this small club for a few drinks that night. It was a small and quite club where you could go and have a few drinks, some snacks and dance a little on the small dance floor that they had. Unlike the large dance halls in town they did not have a band but the music was from the jukebox in the corner.
There were about 100 people there when we arrived. We had called ahead that day and had a table reserved for the eight of us. We were there about 20 minutes when someone whispered in my ear." Hello sweetie what are you up to" I looked up and it was Nancy and she told me she was with some friends and to come over and join them if I wanted. I told her we were having a little going away for one of the guys and I would be over in a little while.
After about an hour and a couple of drinks some of the guys needed to head home to their families, so I walked over to the table where Nancy and her friends were. She was setting with a couple and she introduced them to me as Pam and Ronald. I ordered a round of drinks for all of us and found a chair to set down in. We were just sitting and talking for a while when a song started playing that Nancy liked so she got up and told me let's dance. It was a slow dance and Nancy had on a blouse and knee length skirt with high heels on.
As we danced I noticed that Ronald and Pam were also dancing Ronald is about 50-52 stands a little taller than my 6’ and was about 190 lbs. Pam on the other hand stood 5’5" about 135lbs, but had one of the best set of tits I had seen in a long time. She had on a white button up blouse that clung tightly to her body that just made her 36’ers stand out. She was slim at the waist and had a prefect ass that looked like she was poured into her Wranglers and a pair of blue boots on. Her red hair hung down to about 3" past her shoulder. I told Nancy that they were a good-looking couple. She looked at me and asked who? I nodded towards where they were dancing and said Pam and Ronald; they are a good-looking couple. How long have you known them?
She just kind of laughed and said they were not a couple. Pam was a co-worker at the hospital where Nancy worked and Ronald was an old friend. Nancy said that Pam was widowed and her daughter and grand daughter lived with her while her son in law was doing his second tour in Iraq. Sometimes she and Pam would go out for a few drinks just to get Pam out of the house for a few hours. They had been here for just a few minuets when Ronald walked in and saw them and joined them.
After the dance we all went back to the table and talked for a while before another song that Nancy liked started, and she and Ronald got up to dance. I asked Pam if she would like to dance and she agreed.
Not knowing Pam very well I did not hold her as close as I wanted while dancing, but she still felt good in my arms, one hand I held in the small of her back with her right hand in my left. She was a good dancer and danced with such ease it was like we had been dancing together for years. I learned that she was the Head RN for the Operating rooms at the hospital. She was in the Air Force as a RN when she got married to a pilot. Her husband was killed in the first Iraq war, so she stayed in the service, raised their daughter and retired after her 20 years. I told her that Nancy had told me about her daughter and son in law, and he would be in my thoughts for a safe return. The song ended to fast for me so we went back to the table and joined the others.
Time went by and after a few more dances with both girls, it was getting close to 10 PM. Nancy and I got up to dance again and I could tell that she was getting giggly from the drinks. Nancy told me that Ronald was going to stop by her place after we left the club and she wanted to know if I wanted to come over also. I looked and her and asked will Pam be joining us. She laughed and looked me in the eyes and said you like her don’t you. I answered that I thought she was interesting. She said that as far as she knew Pam was not into the lifestyle, besides she had to get home because her daughter was also a nurse at the hospital had to go to work at 11, so she had to get home for the grand daughter. I asked what would Ronald think about me showing up, and she reminded me that Ronald was an old friend. One that was in the lifestyle and had been in his share of 3-somes, besides he wanted to get fucked tonight as much as I did as she grabbed my growing dick. I told her that I thought she was in one of her playful moods tonight, and she asked how’s that. I slid my hand down her legs to her garters and up over her ass to the small of her back. Garters, stockings, and no panties I said your wearing your fuck me outfit. She leaned up and kissed me and said that I know her to well.
When we got back to the table Pam said that she had to be leaving, and Nancy told her that she wanted to stay a little longer and that one of us would give her a ride home. I told Pam it was nice meeting her and as the good byes were said I could not help watching Pam’s ass as she walked out of the club. When I turned back to the others Nancy was just looking at me and smiling. She told Ronald that I would be joining them at her place and we should give it at least 10 minutes to give Pam enough time to drive off.
We arrived at Nancy’s house with her riding with Ronald and me in my car. As we walked into the living room Nancy asked if we would like something to drink. I could tell that Nancy was feeling a good buzz, and really did not need another drink at that time so I just told her I wanted some water. Ronald declined for the moment also, I guess he thought the same as I did. Nancy went into the kitchen and returned shortly with my glass of water and her drink.
Nancy walked to the middle of the room and took a big drink from her glass and set it on the end table. She turned towards us and said that we all have done our social thing for the evening, and that both Ronald and I were perfect gentlemen around her friend. She started to unbutton her blouse and said but we all know why we're here so its time to get naked and start fucking. With that she dropped her blouse, unhooked her bra, slid her skirt down and stepped out of it and waked down the hall towards the bedroom in her garters and stockings.
Ronald and I followed her down the hall and when we entered the bedroom Nancy was already laying down in the middle of the bed. I went to one side of the bed and undressed and Ronald did likewise on the other. We both set down with Nancy in between us and she instantly reached up and grabbed our hard cocks. She pulled us both up towards her head and said with two hard dicks what is a woman to do. With that she started alternating between Ronald’s cock, and mine licking, kissing and sucking our balls. Her tongue would run up my hard shaft and then down Ronald’s, then up his and back down mine. She tried to take both of our dicks in her mouth at the same time but we all knew that that was not going to work. I reached down and started to finger her wet hot pussy and both Ronald and I were massaging her tits with one hand each. I pulled my fingers up from her pussy and they were dripping wet with her juices. I held them down by her mouth and she instantly started to suck them getting all of her own wet pussy juice off them. I knew that she wanted to suck a dick dry and she also wanted one of us to go down and eat her pussy. I started to slide down towards her hot wet box as she took Ronald’s cock as deep into her mouth as she could. When I got down between her legs she had them spread as far as she could. Her lips were almost fire red compared to the blond cunt hair and I knew that she would not take long before she was begging to be fucked.
Sue had told me that Nancy’s ex had always wanted her to go down on him and suck him dry, but he never would go down on her. Her first time to have her pussy eaten was when she just started into the lifestyle and her coworker went down on her when she was sucking the husband’s dick. After that first time Nancy would cum within seconds if anyone was licking her pussy. Tonight I was going to make this fact work to my advantage.
I would start to lick her cunt until I could feel that she was starting a climax and then I would stop and kiss her inner thighs. I could here her moan and groan with Ronald’s dick buried in her mouth. As she started to calm back down I would start to lick and suck on her pussy again until I started to feel her climax grow again. I would look up and see that she was taking Ronald in as deep as she could and she was sucking him for all she was worth. At one point she pulled his dick out long enough to tell me to stop that and eat her so she could cum. I kept doing what I was doing until I started to hear Ronald start to moan and say that he was about to cum. At that point I dived into her and started to suck, nibble and lick until I knew that she could stand no more. As I have said Nancy is not a quite person when she has a climax. She started to open her mouth to scream about the time Ronald shot his first stream. She caught it all in her mouth and took his dick back into her mouth for more. That just made me try harder to get her screaming in pleasure again. She once again opened her mouth and got out "yes, god I am coming!" when Ronald shot another stream across her mouth which about half went in and the other half started to run down her check. She again jumped right back on his dick so not to lose any more of his juices. At that point I sucked as hard as I could on her cortex and she lost it all. She just started to shake and scream that she was coming over and over. Ronald’s last shot went all over her chin and tits as Nancy fell to the bed in a quivering whimpering mass.
I got up and went into the bathroom and got a wet washcloth and when I returned Nancy was coming back to reality. She said you did that on purpose didn’t you? I told her that I did and handed her the washcloth and said that she needed to clean up a little. Ronald was sitting there with a satisfied look on his face and I told him that I did not want to fuck Nancy until I found out if he wanted to taste her pussy. I know that I did not want to eat a pussy just fucked by another man and I did not think he would either. He said that he was glad that I didn’t fuck her because he did want to taste her and he started to slide down between her leg. I slid up towards Nancy’s head as she said just what was she supposed to do. To which I replied go with the flow.
Nancy pulled my hard shaft towards her mouth and said for me to give her all I had. She started to suck with a vengeance like I had never before known her to. Ronald being an old friend of Nancy must know about how fast she cums when having her pussy eaten and he was taking his time just finger fucking her and kissing her inner thighs. I don’t know if he was just trying to prolong her or was he stalling for time so he could get back into the game. This went on for several minutes before he dove his tongue into her box. As predicted it did not take Nancy long to reach another orgasm. She started shaking and crying out again about her cumming. She jumped up and got on her knees between my legs with her ass up in the air and told Ronald that he needed to start fucking her right then. When he positioned himself behind her I saw him thrust forward as hard as he could. I could just picture his 8" dick driving to the hilt into her pussy with one powerful thrust. Nancy just started screaming "God yes fuck me hard and fast". She grabbed my dick and reinserted it into her mouth taking me deeper that she has every done in the past. Ronald has pumping her hard and fast from behind and with every thrust forward seamed to drive my shaft deeper into Nancy’s mouth. She was sucking and moaning and enjoying the service of two hard dicks at once. Hearing Ronald’s balls slamming on here soft round ass with an ever increasing temp started the fire glowing down inside of me. I did not say a word when I started to unload my cum in her hot mouth, but I am sure she felt my dick starting to swell as it always does when I cum. She pulled her head up so just the head of my dick was in her mouth and started sucking even deeper and harder. She started to stroke my exposed shaft to bring all my juices up to her eager tongue and mouth.
My first stream exploded into her mouth and that just got her started in milking my dick for all the cum she could get out of he. She was swallowing it as fast as I could deposit it in her mouth. Nancy likes to be talked to dirty when she is nearing a orgasm and I could tell with my cum spurting into her mouth and Ronald hammering her pussy with his dick that she was building into another outburst. I told her to mike my dick, get it all you cock sucking slut. I want every bit of my cum in your mouth, and she responded by sucking and stroking until I had completed all I could at the moment.
She raised and started telling Ronald to fuck her harder she wanted his dick in as deep and as hard as he could go. I kept talking to her and telling her to fuck his dick, milk his cum out of him with your pussy like you did mine with your mouth. Fuck him you cock sucking dick fucking slut. I told her that for tonight she was his and my cock sucking dick fucking slut so she had to do what either one of us said. Ronald was getting into it also telling her to take his dick. " Take my dick you bitch take it all." Nancy exploded, her body was quivering, and she was begging Ronald to put his cum deep in her pussy, begging him to come inside of her. I think they both climaxed at about the same time because Ronald gave one big stab into her and held her ass tight against him as he also started to quiver. Although I was not part of their mutual climax it was a wonderful sight to see. They rolled over on their sides as one with Ronald’s dick still embedded in her pussy. Their breathing was short and labored. I could see beads of sweat on Nancy’s forehead. I reached over to brush her hair off the front of her face and she looked at me with a stargazed looked in her eyes and whispered that she needed something to drink. I thought a beer would go down good right about now and asked Ronald if he would like something and his reply was a very weak water.
Nancy keeps a bottle of tequila sunrise mix in her icebox and after making her one with a generous shot of Quervo stirred in, I returned to the bedroom with the drinks. Ronald was setting up with his back leaned up against the headboard with Nancy sitting crossed leg facing him and was about even with his waist. I set down on the bed on the other side of Nancy with my back also against the headboard. Ronald and I both had a direct view of her wide-open swollen just fucked cunt. I could see some of Ronald’s cum seeping out between her redden lips. Not a word was spoken as Nancy downed her drink. She then rubbed the glass of Ice across her forehead and set it between her legs and pushed it up against her pussy. She took a deep breath and said " God I needed that" I asked her what, the drink or the fucking to which she replied both.
Nancy leaned off to the side of the bed and set her glass on the floor. As Ronald and I were still sipping on our drinks she started to rub our inner thighs with her hands. She would rub her fingers around our balls and twirl our now soften dicks with her fingers. She asked if we were both giving up for the night, and Ronald responded " God girl don’t you give a man time to regroup". I started laughing and told Ronald that when her poo wanted a hard night fucking she did not give anyone a break. I told him that I have seen her at a house party one time do 5 men one after another and never took a break and she still wanted more.
Nancy just laughed and said, "to change the subject, What did you two think of Pam?" I answered like told her earlier that night that I thought she was interesting. Ronald said she seemed like a nice lady but he was not into redheads that much. Nancy was still rubbing both mine and Ronald’s cocks when she asked if I wondered what Pam’s pussy tasted like. I just laughed and told Nancy that she was really in one of her moods. Nancy said that she wondered if Pam had a red bush or did she shave. I said that I had no idea to which she replied " Don’t try to tell me you haven’t thought about it". I replied no I hadn’t. (I don’t know if it was the fact that Nancy was slowly rubbing or that her questions about Pam, but my dick started to come back to life and stiffen up).
Nancy could tell that I was rejoining the game and she just kept going. She said that she would like to have me sitting in a chair naked with Pam naked also riding my dick with her back to me, that way she could watch her big tits bounce and when we both came she could lick both of our juice’s from my dick and Pam’s pussy. (I have experienced this with Nancy and Sue at a house party that we went to. Sue was riding my shaft backwards and Nancy kneeling on the floor between our legs licking both Sue and me at the same time. I remember how hard Sue and I came and Nancy was licking all over us and saying how good our mixed cum was.) I was now rock hard just thinking about Pam riding my shaft and Nancy was sitting there just smiling and stroking my hard cock with her hand. I told her that I thought when she was in one of her moods and thought she had a one track mind, but I was wrong she thought about dick and pussy alike. She answered no she just thought about one thing, Sex, and it did not matter to her if it was male or female as long as it was sex.
She leaned over and kissed the head of my dick and then set back up and said at least I got you thinking about fucking Pam. I did not want to admit to her that I was, so I said no I was just thinking how beautiful I thought Pam’s green eyes are. She said bullshit You were not watching her eyes as she walked out of the club tonight you were watching her ass. Speaking of ass I was thinking of that tight ass of yours. She had a smile come over her face and said that I must be a mind reader and now that she had two dicks to play with tonight she wanted it with a twist. She said that Sue had told her about Don, and I giving he a DP at times and how it would drive her over the top, and she wanted to try that tonight. I was rock hard by now and Ronald was getting there but not quite there yet. Nancy told me to get behind her and start fucking her pussy while she helped Ronald get back into the game.
Nancy got on her knees and started to lick and suck Ronald’s dick. As I got in position behind her I saw that her pussy lips were still swollen and still had a red tint to them. I saw that Ronald’s cum was still oozing out of her pussy and I wondered just how much cum he unloaded into. With her still being wet from fucking and his cum still inside her she was lubed up enough that my dick slid in without and trouble at all. I started a slow rocking back and forth and noticed that every time I would push my dick into her more of Ronald’s cum would seep out around my dick. I put my thumb down so his cum would coat it as it was pushed out of her pussy by my dick. When it was coated with enough of it I inserted my thumb into Nancy’s ass and started to give it a slow short fucking. She started moaning and telling me that it felt so good having something working her ass. She licked and sucked Ronald’s shaft and nuts for a few more minutes and then said she thought he was ready to join in. I told her with her juices and his cum I didn’t think we would need any lube for her ass.
Ronald slid down so he could lie flat on his back. I pulled out of her pussy and she straddled him and held his know harden dick straight up so she could lower cum filled pussy down onto it. I told her to just rock back and forth on his dick a few times while I got into position. She was saying how good his dick felt when I told her to lean forward onto his chest so I could get into her ass. She asked me to take it slow so she could see if she could handle it. Just as I thought we did not need any lube because my dick just started to slide right in. She was saying "Oh God take it easy Oh God I feel so full". I took it slow and easy and would work in and out until she was comfortable with what I had in her ass at the time. She would tell me when it was time to go deeper and all the time she was telling Ronald to stay still. He said that he could feel my dick going in deeper and deeper with every in stroke. All the time Nancy was saying how full she was feeling. When I had my entire dick in her ass that was going to go in I started to lengthen my strokes until I heard her say how good it was feeling. I told her I was all the way in and she could start rocking on Ronald’s dick so he and I could get our rhythm down.
I don’t know if Ronald had ever done a DP before but it did not take but a couple of strokes until we were in sink with our rhythm. I would push in as he pulled out and vise versa. Nancy was saying over and over that we were so big and she felt like she was going to bust, but she begged for us not to stop. We started out slowly and would pick up our rhythm, as Nancy would ask us to. We would hold our pace until Nancy would tell us to go faster. It did not take long before she exploded in a rant of " Fuck me, fuck me harder, fuck my ass, fuck my pussy, Oh God don’t stop fuck me. I could feel her whole body starting to shake, and her repeated cries for us to fuck her was starting to have its effect on me. I felt my eruption start at the base of my balls as I grabbed her by the hips and impelled her ass on my dick. I shoved into her as far as I could. I could feel every thrust of Ronald’s shaft going deep into her pussy. I don’t know how much cum I deposited deep into her back hole; all I knew was that I just kept squirting until my mind finely went blank. As my mind came back to the room and what was going on I could hear Nancy screaming yes, yes over and over. I could feel Ronald pumping her pussy hard and fast. He made one last deep thrust into her as she screamed "Ohhhh shit, yes". As she went limp and fell forward onto Ronald’s chest my now softening dick slid out and just hung there. I leaned back on my legs and was trying to catch my breath and slow my heart rate back down. I looked at Nancy as she lay whimpering and quivering on Ronald’s chest. His spent hardon had slipped out of her pussy and I could see cum seeping out of both of her holes.
I laid on my back beside them and looked over into her eyes. She had that glassed over look to them. Her eyes were open wide but I could tell she wasn’t seeing anything at that moment. A few minutes past and Nancy rolled off Ronald and laid between the two of us. I leaned over and kissed he on her forehead and told her I needed a shower. She just made a soft moan to let me know that she heard me, so I got up and went into bathroom.
I was in the shower just letting the hot water cascade over my body and feeling the relaxing warmth of it when the shower door opened and Nancy stepped in. She put her arms around me and lay her head on my chest. I turned her so the water would hit her back and I asked where Ronald was. She said that he was dressing because he had to go to work in the morning and he needed to go home and try to get some sleep. We stood holding each other for about 5 minuets feeling the hot water run down our bodies. After we washed and rinsed and dried each other off Ronald had already left. I took one look at the bed and said we can’t sleep in that tonight. Nancy took my hand and said that is why I have two bedrooms.
As we lay there and I look at her falling off to sleep I can’t help but think. "If you were to meet this woman at work, shopping, or just on the street. You would think that she was a professional, good-looking very classy woman, which she is. You would never know that she could be a sex maniac. One that could and would fuck at the drop of the hat, and the more the merrier male or female.
Once again I leaned over and gently kissed her on the forehead, and laid down, closed my eyes, and with the most vivid image running through my mind of Pam I drifted off to sleep.


Adult Theater Fun

By Doc433, in Threesome MMF,

I live in Central Michigan. I was told by a friend of an Adult theater about a half hour from my home so I decided to check it out. When I got there the man at the counter, a guy named John, told me about all the adult toys they had, then he asked me if I wanted to check out the theater. He said it was "members only" so I paid the fee and went in. There were several couches and recliner chairs. A large screen TV had a hot orgy going on so I sat and watched. There was only me in there and then I heard someone come in. It was a woman about my age and she was wearing a nightie. She sat down on the couch next to me and then smiled as she raised her nightie. She had on no panties and as she started to finger herself I could hear her squishing. She told me to jack off so I undid my pants and pulled them down and started stroking.
She said "mmmm" and then put my cock in her mouth while still masturbating. I could hear her breathing getting faster and she came hard. Then she laid back on the couch and told me to fuck her. No problem! I entered her and she told me to fuck her hard and deep. I heard the room door open and saw another guy come in. He saw me fucking her and he took out his cock and made her suck him while I was fucking her. She raised her nightie up and started pinching her nipples and then came again. With that she sucked the other guy harder and he came in her mouth at the same time I came in her pussy. She thanked both of us and got up and walked out. I cleaned up a bit and went back out to the counter. She and her husband were sitting at a table near the toy section. Found out that couples came in there every weekend to play. This ladies favorite was a gang bang and she delighted in having many guys cum in her. Went there every weekend and there was always an orgy going on in the rooms.
This is a true story and any folks from Central Michigan know what place I am talking about. And thanks to the folks that made my fantasy nights become realities!

This is a long story for any woman who loves two different men – written by a woman who got between two different men. If you are a guy, and you read this to the conclusion, you are probably great in bed. So read on…
I just had the most erotic experience of my life. Last weekend, my husband and I were on vacation with this really tight group of friends. One of them was Mark, his college roommate, an incredibly attractive guy who has always piqued my interest. Please note that I am totally in love with my husband Brad. But I definitely could have fallen for Mark, if things had worked out differently. I reserve a corner of lust for this man - in my heart, and in many other places. I connect with him every time we sip a cocktail, every time we share a raunchy joke, every time he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes. And whether I realize this or not, I have encouraged Mark to come on to me. Every chance I get.
The cool thing is that my husband knows this, and he hasn’t tried to stop it. Quite the opposite. Brad is completely confident as a male. He knows I’m a wild woman with Scots blood, and that I have to run my course. But I believe it is better to run openly, that to run behind his back. I'll be the first to admit I am quite a brat. And a dick tease. And just a bit of a whore. In the past, Mark and I have had intimate conversations which have aroused both of us. Yet we always pulled away from doing anything about it. Other people were in orbit around us. We had to think of them. Friday night certainly started the same way. Let me paint a pretty XXX picture for you…
Five couples from the Beltway are vacationing together in the Islands. Our beach condos have a common party area. We have three blenders set up at our outdoor cabana. The air is warm and balmy, and soft moonlight bathes the brownish thatch above the cabana. The sound of crashing surf is silenced only the churn of rum and strawberries in the blenders. Things start to get a little wild. This really cute blonde from the Netherlands, a relation of one of our friends, is trying to seduce my husband. But he just looks over at me and smiles. Not his type. Besides, he has me waiting for him! He wasn't going to take the bait. That makes me feel really secure. But…there is still Mark. After drinking way too many daiquiris, I start talking sex. And he starts talking back, very graphically. It's all cool until he leans forward and gently touches the inside of my thigh. He never went this far before. I was still in my beach thong, wearing a tight, cutoff Mets shirt and no top. I have truly awesome breasts, and I know my nipples are poking between the M/E and the T/S {they will go all the way in ’07, by the way}. Mark’s hand on my leg sends an electric shock up my crotch.
All of a sudden, I feel intense desire, but also some guilt and confusion. Ted is twenty feet away from me. I wish I could just feel one way or the other. And at this moment, I wish he would pick up that Dutch blonde. Mark’s hand quickly withdrawals. Every once in a while, Brad walks by and catches snippets of our conversation. Always something about positions and orgasms. Once I caught Ted smiling playfully at me. Mark's girlfriend also stops by our end of the table. Cindy is a little older, and I think she's a little uptight. But to her credit, she has also subtly encouraged me to flirt with Mark. Cindy has been doing some night swimming, her body is incredibly fit. Too fit, in my opinion, not soft where a woman needs to be soft. She now wants to go to bed. Too early, in my opinion, too early when a great guy like Mark is still outdoors. She kisses Mark, hugs me, and off she goes. I'm thinking to myself, 'She has to know that we're attracted to each other. Why leave a guy like this on his own?'
The party starts to break up. I'm definitely a little tipsy. But I know what I’m doing. Ditto for Brad and Mark. They have iron constitutions. They drink like fish, and then cycle fifty miles at daybreak. I'm thinking that I should also be heading to bed, but part of me wants to keep teasing Mark. Ted is still talking to the Dutch girl, who appears a little disappointed that he hasn’t made his move. Finally, Miss Netherlands leaves with all the others. Ted pulls up a stool beside me. He takes a long draught of his drink and proceeds to blow me away. 'Bridgett, you have been mercilessly teasing this poor bastard all night. If you talked to me that way about sex, we’d already be doing it right on the bar top. Don't you think you owe Mark a little something?'
I am absolutely floored by his suggestion. I cup my husband’s face in my hands as if to capture his attention. 'Do you have any idea what you are saying?' I have never done anything like that in my life. I continue to protest, but Brad simply pushes into me on the bar stool and parts my legs with his massive thighs. Mark is just inches away. He places his strong hands around my ass and kisses me passionately. It gets interesting now, sports fans. My mind does a 180. I start a complete sexual meltdown. My back is now to Mark. Ted runs his hands under my thong and gently pulls it down – under the chair, down to mid-thigh. I admit this suit doesn’t leave much to the imagination. But having that tiny sliver of fabric clinging to my crotch – that at least keeps me on this side of decency. Losing it before two guys means a trip to the wild side. A fantastic trip. My back is still to Mark. He is watching every bit of this – the hands, the thong, the ass, the slender valley of exposed white skin. For me, the turn-on of showing my ass to a friend is just unbelievable. To show it to Mark… that’s beyond comprehension. Two men – good men - are absolutely ravenous for every square inch of my body. I am entering an erotic pleasure zone the likes I have never known.
A quick decision is required: Should I choose the pleasure that comes from having sex with two of my favorite men? Or should I consider the complications that arise from a threesome among good friends? Guys don’t think about this. They just act. Girls are supposed to be the enlightened ones here. That’s the nature of the beast. But…oh, sweet temptation. Brad's mouth is near my ear, beneath my sun-bleached hair. 'Here is the only rule, Lover. Just don't do anything you don't want to do.' I quickly make up my mind. I side with pleasure. But, smart girl I am, I quickly add, “Mark can do anything he wants to do. Except he can’t fuck me. That’s only for you.” “That works for me, sweetheart” he said.
Brad looks over my shoulder at Mark and just nods. A cool, subtle nod, like Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter. On cue, I feel Mark's hands reaching behind me. I close my eyes, as if in disbelief that this could possibly be happening. Mark is moving down my butt crack, now completely exposed. My body shivers as I hear ice cubes rattle on the cabana bar. Suddenly, a piece of ice is moving over my anus. I then remember that at dozens of different gatherings, I have told Mark everything that turns me on sexually. I wonder if he has started a dossier on me, storing it deep inside his mind. At this moment, I imagine he is mentally flipping through those files, finding all the right reference points, all the right spots, all the right moves. Then, I have a nasty thought. I never told Brad that ice on my ass drives me wild! And he has never tried it. I look up at Brad. He is looking down at my ass with utter amazement. What else have I kept back from him? Have I subconsciously saved some special knowledge only for Mark? As the rest of the night unfolds, I realize the answer is… Yes.
I am grinding my hips now and moving my ass slowly up and down on the oblong ice cube. Each time I come down, it moves further in. I could probably have cum anally within seconds. Something about that may have gotten to my husband. He may be having second thoughts. Or jealousy may be overtaking his voyeuristic passion. He breaks his kiss and abruptly swivels my bar stool. I am now facing Mark, my newest lover. Within the span of three minutes, life has changed completely. I now raise my arms above my head and intertwine them, clasping my hands, like two writhing snakes joined at the top. My body is Athenic {sorry, no modesty required}. Long legs, curvy hips blending into a slender waist, large, beautiful breasts, delicate neck, auburn hair, pretty face. I am also very tan. Everywhere. In college, I was a cellist, first chair. I always wore low cut gowns. And I straddled that instrument on stage. I played good music. But I sometimes imagined three-quarters of the audience was never listening, only watching, and fantasizing. That included all the men and half the women. I was the cellist they always wanted to fuck. More than once, I came with a cello between my legs. Just from the vibrations of the bow moving across the string.
Mark reads my cue. I am not subtle now. He reaches down to pull off my shirt. It hangs up on the edge, and then all of a sudden breasts leap out like prisoners going on furlough. I love the feeling of freedom this gives me, to be disrobed in the night air. And I also love the candy store look on Mark’s face. He has never seen me like this before. He pulls the shirt the length of my arms and up over my hands. Then the thong completes its journey down my smooth, shaved legs. “What do you think, my friend?’ Brad reaches from behind and pinches the nipple of my right breast. “Is she everything you ever imagined?” Mark replies, “You have no idea, my friend. You have no idea. She is everything I dreamed she would be.”
Ok, time to throw all my New England Puritan upbringing out the window. Time to tattoo a Scarlet A on each breast. This is a treasured prohibition for any woman. To be naked before two adoring men, and to have them positively fawning over you – that is the definition of erotic. They are like puppies at this moment. I absolutely control them. I arch back and Mark starts sucking on my left breast. The ice cube is still inside me, burning me with pleasure. I fall farther back on Ted as if lying on a hammock. I am oblivious to everything around me except my desire, but Brad is more mindful than me of our situation. We’re outside, I’m completely naked, Mark’s lady is sleeping beside an open window, all our friends are within yards of us. We are shielded only by the thatched roof of the cabana. We need to be cool, and quick. “Let’s get on with this, shall we?” says Brad.
I flip my legs on to Mark’s back and straddle his neck, opening myself to him, submitting to his oral whim. Mark drops to his knees and starts licking my clit. “OH WOW,” I think to myself, he is completely different. Ted always moves his tongue softly over me, directly over me, leading up to a slow, gradual cum. That’s what I always told him I liked. But Mark’s tongue is thicker, stronger, and also more practiced. He licks off to the side, with much more pressure. I must have told him that I like it that way. It’s more of that special knowledge I have stashed away just for him.
I’m wild now, the ice cube dripping out of me, my ass sliding on the stool. My husband is my chaise lounge, his best friend is my vibrator! I start to cum first in my ass, then on my clit, then up my vagina. A sort of burning sensation moves inside my tummy, then outwards to every part of my body. For any injustice a woman may have ever suffered, I am now the consolation of an entire gender. No man can cum like this. Nature saved this just for me! A scream involuntarily erupts from my lungs, but Brad is quick to cover my mouth. Ted - always my responsible knight in shining armor. I think I bit his finger, half in protest at being stifled, half because I was cumming so wildly.
Mark stops his tongue motion just at the right time, just past the peak of my climax, just before it could start to hurt. He reads me so well. I flop helplessly in Brad's arms like wet cardboard.At that instant, a stiff tropical breeze blows from the ocean, swaying the palm trees. I am chilled to the skin but too satiated to even think about clothing. No jacket required. Then I think about the turnaround, and in a heartbeat my sexual imagination is reignited. I will finally get to suck Mark’s cock! At the beach, or in his backyard, or at my boyfriend’s parties, how many times have I watched him - in a bathing suit, or in a pair of shorts - wondering what he looked like? Once, Mark stood on a diving board in a Speedo and caught me staring. Now, it’s lady’s choice. Now, it’s my turn to undress him!
I bolt up, not even thinking about Brad. “Take off your shorts, Mark!” I demand. “Let me see it!”He smiles and obliges me. His magnificent prick comes tumbling out of its cotton holster. Mark has a tennis player’s body, athletic and extremely trim, with thighs so firm and muscular he could make a girl cum simply by rubbing on them. But now I learn that his legs are not his best asset. Not by a long shot. “Ohhhhhhh!” I breathe in quickly. He is absolutely beautiful! Slightly longer than Brad, but considerably thicker. The most striking part of his manhood is the head. It is perfectly formed and symmetrically curved, like a sculpture, or like the smooth rounded nose of the space shuttle. The tip of that gorgeous instrument is much bigger in proportion to the shaft – at least compared to other men I have pleasured. But certainly not grotesquely so. In the moonlight, his head is purple in color and pulsing. The skin also gleams as if polished by frequent use. Mark has the most perfect male specimen I have ever seen.
For an instant, I think selfishly to myself, “I could be going to bed with this every night…”Wasting no time – because time is slipping fast – I drop supplicant to my knees and start to do my stuff. Giving a guy a BJ is one of the biggest turn-on's I know. I regard it as a core feminine life skill. The prospect of having this cock in my mouth is incredible. I start with his tightened scrotum, massaging every part of him with my tongue. I then move on to that ramrod shaft and lick up and down that erect monument as if finishing off an ice cream bar. Precum quickly leaks into my mouth – sweet, slippery, like pancake syrup. I constantly use my eyes during oral sex. I use them just as I use my tongue – to tease, to tantalize, to torture. My eyes meet Mark’s eyes on every upstroke, and then my eyes disappear as I lurch back down to his balls. When I resurface, with my tongue near the top, my eyes once again meet his, as he is waiting for me! I am blowing away this wonderful man with a sex gaze. By rubbing my legs together, I make myself cum while blowing Mark. Not like the first one. More like a tease to me. Like I want much more.
Mark is close to ecstasy, but not quite there. I won’t let him finish, not this way. I want to feel that warm cum way up inside me! I pull away my mouth and I stand before him. He asks me turn around, and before I know it, that cock is gently massaging my freezing butthole. He makes those slow, lazy circles that I confided to him were a favorite. Then he turns me around again. I leap at him, kissing him passionately, in full view of my husband. His cock touches the outside of my vagina, and I shudder with excitement. I push a little tighter. This changes everything because I now want Mark to fuck me in the worse way. So I immediately turn to Brad and start b-e-g-g-i-n-g. “Sweetheart, I changed my mind. I want him inside me!” Brad replied, “You said no just a few minutes ago, Lover. That’s what you didn’t want to do.” My reply was quick “Please, Brad! Just this once. He drives me wild! Please let me! Just once! Please let me!” "No!" is Brad's reply, and a small argument ensues. Rage boils in me, and I begin to think of monstrous ways to get back at him.
Just as I’m about to storm off to my room, he relents. But Brad is a smart man. He adds a caveat. In the sexual license, there is always a caveat. And Brad is a master negotiator, a rising star manager for a hedge fund. He looks at me intently. “If you agree, he gets to fuck you any way he likes. Anyway he likes. And so do I.”
I am completely stunned. I know exactly where Brad is going with this. I let my husband do a lot of things, and he often gets me to cum anally with my toys. I fake some other times, just to keep him happy. Faking can be a girl’s best friend. But this is my line in the sand. Anal penetration with a cock just scares me. I admire girls who think differently, or who at least act differently. Just not for me. But now, my own desire has trapped me. Clearly, if I want the wildest sex of my life, I have to take the risk. “Yes, Brad. He can take me any way he wants. And so can you! Now just get on with it!”
“Alright, then. Let’s go” he replied. Time for this girl to go for broke. I jump up over the bar face down and place my feet on the rungs of two bar stools. I calculate the height perfectly, as both men are about 6’2”. Dripping wet, last of the ice water dripping over my clit. There is some hushed conversation between the two and something small and cold lands on the small of my back. I later learned it was a quarter, and that they flipped to see who would go first. How hot is that! I feel lips moving around my ass, with soft kisses and long strokes of a tongue. It is definitely Mark’s, and I breathe tense gulps of air with desperate anticipation. What will he do? I thought. Where will he fuck me? In a minute, the perfect head of that perfect cock starts performing slow circles around my clit, like a high-performance aircraft doing loops in the sky. Then it moves lower to my opening and starts doing the same. Oh, thank you, Mark!
My sex barometer rises as firm hands now alight on my ass cheeks. Prepare for impact. Mark pushes inside me, and my body heaves with orgasmic excitement! With one hand, I grasp one edge of the bartop to steady myself and reach down to my clit with the other. And then I clamp my thighs down against the other edge. I feel the full size of Mark’s beautiful humanity. My body shakes as if standing at the epicenter of an earthquake, and I cum as I have never cum with another man. It is completely different from the first. It is localized, and intense, almost stinging pleasure that splits me from the vagina out. “Bang me hard, Mark! Fuck me, Mark!” I start to scream, as loud as I want to scream and as long as it takes my lungs to give out. And no one stops me. Some lights come on near the condos, but I refuse to stop cumming. Mark then starts coming fast and furiously, shaking my body violently as he fills me with liquid warmth. He screams in a lyrical baritone, almost in harmony to my passionate alto.
For any woman has ever had the pleasure of first time forbidden sex, you know well the exhilaration I speak of. For anyone woman who has not, you seriously need to give this a try. When Mark pulls out, his fluid immediately oozes out of me. I am sexually wasted. But I have to give my husband his due. I am certain I know how he will take me. I wait for him to ravish me. But it never happens. He is gone, missing in action. Brad has walked quietly away. No explanation, no excuse. I don’t know why he didn’t take me next. He simply allowed me to do his friend in privacy. I decide not to go looking for Brad. Because I really don’t want this night to end. Not yet. Mark and I grab a blanket and move down to the beach. We spend another hour talking, caressing, stroking, moonbathing, fucking. He performs every other trick on me that I taught him.
A line has been crossed, and we both know it. A big line. Tomorrow, life will be very different. Relationships are like solar systems – add a new planet to the mix, and all the orbits start to change. All our orbits are about to change. But for now, I want to stay lost in pleasure, not in consequence. Because the pleasure I felt was so wanton, so magnificent. So…fleeting…
One postscript. We all returned home on Sunday. On Monday, Mark's girlfriend called and invited us over for dinner this weekend. Standby for more fun...That is my true story. Serious commentary welcome, as I continue to explore this. I enclose a pix of myself and Brad. Soon, another pix may appear with Mark. Oh, here's to hoping!


Our First 3sum

By njvoyeur, in Threesome MMF,

Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to the site and find it very informative and exciting. I love reading the stories members submit and decided to share one of ours. I decided to post it in two parts, since it was hard to post two hours of fun into a couple of paragraphs.
I'd like to tell you about our first 3sum adventure, what we refer to as our 'sessions'. It was actually our 2nd session, but the first one was pretty tame, kind of awkward, but good enough to want to continue. A quick background on us. We're a mid 40's couple living in Northwest NJ. All we've ever done is had 3sums with a mutual male friend of ours. Never been to a swingers club, house party, etc. Kind of a long story how this all started, but over the course of two years we enjoyed them on a fairly regular basis.
After our first session, we made a plan to get together two weeks later. Planning our get together wasn't easy since we had three young children and we 'entertained' at home. All day I could tell my wife was feeling a little anxious and excited. Two weeks prior she had a small sample of what would turn into some really hot sex for all of us. The first time was mainly foreplay, touching kissing and oral sex, no intercourse. Our buddy is pretty well hung, and it really excited her to try out his 'tool' as she put it. She's not obsessed with size, but lets face it, something new after 15 years of being with only one man has to get you pretty worked up.
Matt and I went out to shoot pool for a while until our kids went to bed. Ann called me on my cell about an hour later and said everyone was asleep. She sounded really nervous. She greeted as at the door in a short robe and I got us all a drink to help ease some of the tension. I really don't like getting drunk, but I was nervous as hell and wanted something to help loosen me up. We sat and talked for a while and Ann's legs were looking so nice when she was sitting on the couch next to Matt. My wife stays in really great shape, has great legs, a killer ass and small breasts with wonderful nipples. She's on the thin side but looks great naked. I moved next to her and started rubbing her neck and shoulders. Matt was a gentleman and waited until I got things started. He was on the opposite side and started doing the same.
Ann was getting very relaxed and her robe was starting to open revealing a really hot black bra and panty set. I asked if she would like a full body massage, so we put down a nice soft comforter on the floor and helped her onto it. We removed her robe, lay her down on her stomach and started giving her back a nice deep massage. I moved my hands down to her ass and legs and Matt followed my cue. We rubbed the insides of her thighs, barely teasing her crotch causing her legs and back to break out in goose pimples. I unhooked her bra and slipped a finger under her panties, she was soaking wet.
After the initial nervousness, it started to feel very natural and comfortable doing what we were doing. We both started playing with her pussy and Matt removed her panties. I started kissing and licking her lower back, moving down slowly until I got to her clit. She let out a gasp and started moaning very softly. At this point we were still both fully clothed, so Ann took Matt by the hand and pulled him to her side. When shifted to her side and I watched as she rubbed his erection through his pants and unbuckled his belt. She pulled down his pants and it looked like his hard-on was ready to rip through his briefs.
Ann continued rubbing his cock while I went down on her and I could tell that she was going to cum pretty soon. My wife has really strong, vocal orgasms, and sometimes I can make her cum in less than two minutes. I LOVE going down on her. I stopped for a minute and removed my own clothes while Ann helped Matt off with his jeans and briefs. She lay on her back and Matt and I changed spots. Turns out Matt loves pussy too and immediately got busy.
My wife stroked and licked me, but was pretty distracted because she was right on the edge of cumming from having her swollen and hot pussy licked. I bent down and licked her hard nips and her breathing really kicked up a couple of notches. Matt kept getting her close, backing off and then close again. My wife was ready to burst. I have to say at this point I was so totally into watching her I didn't even realize she had my dick in a death-grip and her nails were starting to hurt a bit. She let go and grabbed Matt's head with both hands and her whole body started shaking while she came hard and loud. (She does a lot of praying when she cums,oh god oh god oh god oh god) and she had to be careful so she wouldn't wake the kids!
Now after almost 20 years of marriage I know one thing for sure, after my wife cums, she wants one thing, a good and thorough pounding. No gentle lovemaking, she wants it hard and she wants it now, preferably doggy style. This time was no different as Matt found out.
Ann quickly turned over, raised her ass in the air and motioned for me to get behind her {I guess she assumed I should be first}. I told Matt he earned it, and I think Ann almost came again when I said that. I cant tell you how erotic it was watching him get behind her and start to work his erection inside. I never would have believed I could be so turned on watching my wife about to get screwed by another man.
Like I mentioned before, he's pretty thick and it took a few strokes for her to get used to it. Just listening to her moan and gasp with each thrust was driving me crazy. I just kind of moved aside and watched as my friend screwed the hell out of my wife. Now you know why I call myself njvoyeur, I love to watch. :}
He was slapping up against her hard and she was pushing back to meet him. He screwed her like that for a really long time {I was amazed at his staying power} and she loved every second of it. He pulled out and starting eating her from behind and Ann started working on me again. We switched spots and I alternated between eating and screwing my wife. I've never seen my wife turned on like this. We kept switching positions and taking the occasional potty break. I had already cum once, but Matt hadn't. Ann had at least three orgasms from what I remember.
We lay on the ground, my wife between us both and she stroked us both back to full hard-ons. We took turns eating her and this time I brought her to another orgasm. Her knees were kind of raw from the carpet and blanket so she pushed Matt down on the floor and sat right down on his cock. She rode him kind of slow at first, which was cool to watch and I moved around to get a better view. I was so into watching again and stared at him sliding in and out of her. As it turns out, Matt's weakness is when a woman gets on top. He was about to cum and Ann jumped off and stroked him to orgasm. She took me in her hand and did the same to me. I think I lasted about 30 seconds.
We all lay there for a while, laughing, joking and already making plans for the next time. For the first six months we got together almost every other week and it just kept getting better. My wife eventually agreed to letting me videotape a couple of them and I continue to watch them all the time. Sadly we don't get together anymore, the kids are older and it's almost impossible to arrange anything anymore. I still have a fantasy of doing another videotape of my wife with another couple or with two guys.
Anyone else out there enjoy watching as much as I do?

Steve enters the room and finds Julie and Chuck. Chuck is sitting on the couch and Julie is sitting across from him on the love seat. Steve says, “Hi Chuck, I didn't know you were here, it’s nice to see you”. Chuck says, “Hello”. Julie says, “Hi mo, how was your day?” Steve says, “Great”. Steve walks over and gives Julie a kiss. Steve ask Julie, “Where are the kids?” Julie replies, “They are spending the night with friends”. “OK” says Steve. Steve says, “Chuck, can you stay for dinner?” Julie says “Well, that’s not exactly why he’s here Steve”. “OK…What’s up” Steve asks. Julie tells Steve to sit down in the chair across the room.
After sitting down, Steve asks again “What’s up?”Julie tells Steve that she and Chuck have been talking for about two hours and he has asked her some questions that got her thinking. “OK, like what?” Steve ask. Julie takes a deep breath and says “Steve, we will tell you but you cannot get mad and if you do not like what you hear, we'll act like this never happened”. Curious, Steve agrees.Julie asks Chuck, “Do you want to start, or should I? Never mind Chuck, it will be better coming from me”.
Anxious at this point Steve says, “Someone please start talking” . Julie takes two very deep breaths and says ,“OK, here goes”.“Steve, Chuck came over to tell me that he has often thought of me in a, you know, ‘spieling’ way”. “OOOK” Steve says. Julie jumps in “we never have Steve, he is just now telling me this”. “Chuck says that he has fantasized about me for years, he even, you know, thinks about me when he is alone” “Alone?” Steve says. “You know…. when he makes himself cum”. Steve sits silent. Julie continues, “Chuck came over today to ask, in a gentlemanly way, if he and I could make love” Julie sighs, “there I said it!” “isn't that right Chuck?” Chuck smiles and nods. “OK, and what did you say Julie?” Steve asks. “Well do you want to know the truth?” Julie asks. Steve says “Yes”. “Well, I have thought about it in the past too” a trembling Julie replies. “But, I have always fantasized that you would watch then both of you would, well, you know, take me one after the other” . 'Ok” Steve replies. Julie quickly says in a loud voice, “Remember Steve, you can’t get mad and we can all act like this conversation never happened”, Steve says, “I know, I know.” Julie continues “I would like to experiment and see what having one in each hand feels like” “I am so embarrassed” Julie says. Steve says, “Don’t be. “Good” ,Julie goes on “ because I am embarrassed but so excited!” Julie then says, “I told Chuck that we would all talk about it and if it was ok with you, it would be ok with me”. “So, what do you think Steve?” Steve takes a deep breath and says “Julie, if you want to, I want to” Julie breaks out in a nervous smile and says “OK, with you Chuck?”, he smiles.
Julie says “I don’t know how to start, but here goes” She walks over to the couch and sits next to Chuck. She places her hand on his inner thigh, then leans over and kisses him deeply while slowly moving her hand up his leg. Steve adjusts the way he is sitting because he begins to feel himself getting hard. Chuck places his hand on Julies breast and begins to rub them. Julie sits back, unbuttons her shirt, and removes her bra exposing her soft breast. Chuck resumes rubbing her breast and she slowly lifts her chest while lowering his head so that he can lick and suck her now hard nipples. While gently sucking and licking her nipples, Chuck unbuttons her slacks and slides his hand toward her now wet vagina. Julie turns to Steve and says, “do you enjoy watching? I can see that you’re rock hard” Julie and Chuck continue. Julie stands, slips her slacks off, walks them over, and hands them to Steve. Julie walks back over to Chuck and says, “Where were we?” Julie, standing in front of Chuck, reaches down and unzips his pants. She slowly examines his hard penis. While lightly fingering his penis and testes she says, “I think it’s the longest and thickest I’ve ever seen”. Julie leans over and kisses him again deeper than before.
Now wearing just her panties, Julie begins kissing him on his chin, then neck, and works her way to his chest. “Do you like that?” she asks in a sultry voice. He begins to lightly fondle her breast and nods. She continues kissing and lightly biting his body as she works her way down to his stomach. She touches the end of his penis, takes a drop of liquid, and coats her lips. Steve begins to notice himself getting harder and wet. Continuing on, Julie slides to her knees and begins to flicker her tongue on the head of Chuck’s erect penis. She kisses, and bites at the head and then in one swift motion she take it in her mouth. Slowly she begins sliding up and down with her mouth. Suddenly she stops. She looks up to him and says “that’s enough of that for now”. She stands up, takes his hand walks over to Steve and takes his hand then leads them both to the bedroom. Julie closes and locks the bedroom door then walks over to the bed and sits on the edge. She slips off her panties leaving herself completely nude.
Julie lays back and motions for Chuck to come to her. He walks over and lay next to her. He leans over and kisses her. While kissing her he slides his hand up her thigh and lightly touches the soft hair covering her vagina. He continues up her body touching her soft skin leading to her supple breast. He leans over and begins to kiss them again, while continuing to softly rub the top of her pubic hair. She begins to finger his penis again. He slowly kisses her soft body. First her mouth, then her breast, her stomach, the top of her pubic hair and then he places his lips on her inner thigh. She lightly moans and says, “Kiss me”. He begins to flicker his tongue at the base of her vagina, slowly moving up to her lips. Her lips, now wet and throbbing seem to call out for his tongue. He slides his tongue between her lips softly then begins to nibble and suck the outer edges of her. She moans deeply. Steve, now sitting nude on the bedside chair, interjects “don’t touch her clit. It’s sensitive and she doesn't like it” Julie quickly returns “Suck on my clit Chuck, I like it” She then turns to give Steve a wink. He moves up to her clit and begins to flick it with his tongue, he uses his fingers to expose her clit and begins to kiss and suck it. He continues to deeply kiss her between her legs. Julie takes Chuck’s head in her hands and pulls him up. She deeply kisses him.
Steve is shocked because Julie has never kiss him after he has been between her legs. She winks again, teasing Steve. Julie grabs Chuck’s penis and whispers “I want you deep inside me”. He stands at the foot of the bed and spreads her legs open wide exposing her now dripping vagina. He leans over and slides himself in her. She moans loudly. “Oh Chuck!”.Chuck slowly begins sliding in and out of her. She lifts herself to meet his penis with every stroke. Julie becomes flush, her chest, and breast turning red. With her head back she cries “faster!, faster!” He thrust his penis deep inside of her repeatedly. Julie cries out again “oooooh, I’m going to cum” She continues “oooooh Chuck, explode inside me! I want to feel your hot cum” He begins thrusting faster and she cums! She moans long and deep. “Oh my, I have never cum so much or so hard” She pulls Chuck’s body on top of her and kisses him. “You may very well be the best I have ever had” She looks back over to Steve and gives another wink. Chuck raises up and stands to one side, then Julie says “I want you now Steve”
Steve walks over to her, leans over and kisses her. She quickly says “go in me” he slides her legs apart and slips his penis into her wet and open vagina. She grips him and he moans, “You are so tight Julie”. Julie whispers “I am ready to cum again, so get busy” Steve slides in and out of her occasionally slipping deep into her and holding himself there. With her head still back she tells him “make your balls slap against me”, “oooooh, I want to feel your hot cum all in me, let me feel you cum”. Steve starts to thrust faster and faster, she moans and begins to sit up. Surprised, Steve watches her while she motions to Chuck to come to her. Steve continues in and out of her. Chuck knells on the bed and Julie begins to suck his still hard penis. She lays back and Chuck straddles her chest resting on her breast while she continues to lick and suck him. Steve arches his back and cums deeply inside of her. Julie slides Chuck’s penis from her mouth and says to Steve “watch your cum spill out of me”. Steve leans over and watches a load of cum drip, then gush from her vagina. Julie takes Chuck back in her mouth and with one hand begins to take the cum dripping from her and rub it over her body. She tells Chuck, “cum all over me”. Chuck slides back and begins to slide his hand back and fourth on his penis. Steve slides toward Julie and she slips his penis into her mouth. She begins sucking him hard while Chuck unloads his cum on her breasts and stomach. Julie uses both hands and rubs both loads of cum on her body, occasionally lightly licking her fingers. Julie once again kisses Chuck deeply, while Steve lay next to Julie. Chuck slowly gets up, without speaking a word dresses, and leaves. The evening was never mentioned again.

We recently joined the board and posted that we were beginners looking to test the waters. Actually we have tested the waters once with mixed results. I thought it went pretty well. Sue has mixed feelings. You can decide on how well it went for a first try.
After talking and fantasying about it for about two years we decided to take the plunge. We read a lot of the give and take on this board will finally gave us the courage to give it a try. We discussed trying MFM and FMF but had a hard time finding just the right person for either one. We decided a stranger would be best to start with but did not have much luck meeting with anyone that we thought might be a match. We finally narrowed it down to a guy who my wife thought she might like based on his photo and some e-mails. We are in our 50’s but my wife could easily pass for a woman in her 30’s. Mike, the guy, is 35, single and never married or so he says. All photos exchanged were fully clothed.
We agreed to meet at a hotel restaurant where Mike had a room. We had agreed over the phone to meet for dinner and if things went well we would go to the room. Mike was very charming and a perfect gentleman to my wife all through dinner. When the band started in the lounge he proved to be an excellent dancer which further impressed the wife. During a slow dance he pulled her close with his hand on her ass. After an initial hesitation she stayed plastered up against him as they did a slow dance together which I confess got me pretty aroused. When they got back to the table I could see signs of arousal on her face. We agreed that he would proceed us to the room and we would follow in a few min.. When he left I asked if she was sure she wanted to go ahead with things. She said yes but she had one reservation. She said as he rubbed up against her while dancing he felt positively huge. Nothing in all our communications involved discussions about cock size which she found a refreshing change from a lot of other respondents. She has always said that size was not a factor to her and a huge cock was not something that she required. As she put it, she would rather jump toward it than away from it.
After getting to the room Mike opened a bottle of nice wine and proceeded on to the seduction phase, which was received very well by her. They started making out on the bed while I watched from across the room. I told them to just pretend I wasn’t there. He skillfully brought her to a heightened state of arousal that I had not seen in her for a long time. She glanced at me several times with that glazed over look in her eyed that told me she was very turned on and I nodded and winked which told her all she needed to know. She got up off the bed and going into the bathroom she said she was changing and when she came back she expected to see him with a lot fewer clothes on.
He then proceeded to disrobe and pull the blankets off the bed. As he slid between the sheets I could see that he was very well endowed even though not yet completely hard. He unwrapped a condom and placed it on the bedside stand. He told me that Sue was incredibly hot woman and thanked me for inviting him to be her first partner in the lifestyle. When Sue came out of the bathroom she was wearing my favorite short nightie which really leaves nothing to the imagination. She pulled back the sheet to check him out and her first response was “oh my god”! She said that she thought he was too big for her but they could still have some fun. As she laid down beside him they started making out again. The sheet was over them but I could see that his hand was busy down between her legs as they French kissed. He slowly made his way down her neck then started kissing and licking around her nipples while continuing the hand action. Within a minute or so she experienced her first orgasm which was evident by her moans and arching back. As she laid back panting a bit he pulled her nightie up over her head and threw it aside. He then moved up kneeling with a leg on each side of her head and brought his cock up to her mouth. It truly was of a size you see only in the porno movies. She wrapped both her hands around it and it still looked like four or five inches sticking out capped by a large purple head. She took it into her mouth which by itself seemed like quite a feat. She started stroking him with one hand while rubbing his balls with the other while sucking the head of his dick. He tried to force more into her but she gagged and turned her head away. I asked if she was okay and she said she was fine. We had decided on a safe word for her to say if she wanted the action stopped but she seemed in no hurry to use it. She took him in her mouth again. He leaned forward with his hands above her head and began to literally fuck her mouth. As his hips moved up and down more and more of his cock disappeared into her. She was gamely trying to deep throat him but I could tell she was getting distressed as she would gag and pull back before going on again. She finally said “enough, I can’t take this anymore, lets try something else”.
She had him roll over on his back and proceeded to lick up and down his shaft as she played with his balls. She then reached for the condom and with some difficulty got it over the knob and most of the way down his shaft. She then told him to just lay there and not move. She kneeled over him and slowly took him into her pussy. I moved to the foot of the bed so I had a nice view of it sliding in. She went down with a moan and took about half of it in before rising back up. She then slowly began fucking him the way she likes to do when she’s on top but never taking more than half of his length into her. As her movement quickened I could tell she was nearing another orgasm. It’s at this point that she usually likes to roll over and be fucked hard and thoroughly till she has another orgasm. I was sure this was not going to happen due to his size and I was right. She continued to ride him to a thundering orgasm. He raised his hips and tried to pull her down onto him but she raised her hips to keep him from going deeper. I was starting to feel sorry for him but I knew he would probably hurt her if he rammed it all the way in and she did too. As her orgasm slowly subsided she slowly lowered onto him. She whispered for him to stay absolutely still and let her do the work. She slowly eased down and down and finally I could see that he was buried to the hilt. She told him not to move as it was very uncomfortable for her. She eventually raided her hips up and up till he popped out of her literally with a pop. From behind I could see her reddened and stretched out pussy and I almost blew my load right there.
At this point she was worn down and tired out. He was still stiff as a board and obviously in need of relief.
She had him sit at the foot of the bed and she went down to her knees in front of him and began a good old fashioned blow job using both hands and her mouth as best she could after taking off the rubber. He put his hands on her head as if to force her down lower but knew better than to actually do it. He started moaning and whispering “suck it suck it all you bitch, take it all.” She quickened her movements and from time to time said “do it do it do it give me your load. Fuck my mouth you bastard give me your load”. To say I was shocked to hear my sweet wife of 25 years use such language was at the same time shocking and a real turn on. Eventually he started moaning and saying “it’s cumming’ its cumming, it’s cumming” and eventually it did. She gamely tried to swallow it all and finally had to give up. The head of his big prick jerked and spewed burst after burst into her hair and face. She did her porn star imitation and licked the head of his dick clean before getting up and going into the bathroom.
After a few min. Mike got up and started to dress. I could hear Sue in the bathroom brushing her teeth then hitting the shower. Mike waited for her to come out so he could say good bye. She came out wrapped in one of the big hotel towels and kissed him good night. Mike told us to stay as long as we wanted and to charge breakfast to the room if we wanted. It was all on his card anyway then he left.
I looked at Sue and asked her what she thought. To my surprise she said, “Oh my god, never again”! “What”? I said. “I thought you had a good time”? She said that she had a good enough time but if she ever did it again she was going to check out the guy's cock ahead of time. She said that Mike was a nice guy but she could see why he wasn’t married. Oh well, I thought, at least she qualified the never again so there probably will be “another again”.
Oh yeah, I had my turn on my poor wife. She got down on her knees doggy style and I easily slid into her hot worn abused pussy. It took me about four strokes to get off much to her relief. She said she’s in no hurry for another MMF. Maybe a FFM would be the next thing to try. God, I love this woman.

After much discussion we decided to take the plunge and try out a club. We had to go to Vegas for a business meeting and decided while we were there let's try out a 'club'. 11/6 came and we decide to go to the Green Door, yeah some people think that the Green Door is touristy but we said what the heck now or never.
So she put on a hot fish net body suit under a nice black and white dress, I dressed casually. We were nervous but took a cab to the place and yes it did look seedy at first but once we went in we discovered all kinds of naughty places to play in. We were both very nervous but remained polite and collected. The place was dark and somewhat deserted; I guess Mondays are not big public sex days! {Duh}
After we settled in we decided to take a seat in the fountain room that was filled with couches. We talked for a bit then started to make out. I started to lift her skirt and began to push a couple fingers into her pretty little cunt, my wife is in actuality a pretty straight-laced woman but if you pump as much as a finger tip into her she is yours to toy with.
After a few seconds of manual stimulation, Fae starts to breath really heavy then she leans over and asks politely if she could suck my cock. I say of course, but aren’t you nervous? She returns my comment with a smile and begins to open my fly and pull out my cock, immediately sucking me hard and fast. This goes on for about 10 min. She then pulls off of my cock to ask me if I would fuck her right here, right now and before you know it I'm filling her properly and she is riding me like crazy.
I then decide to give our spectators a show and lift her skirt so they can see the action. I'm breaking a sweat at this point and could explode at any moment; Fae is working on a monster orgasm herself when I looked up and notice a really cute couple feeling each other up while I am being blown.
He is fingering her and she is gyrating to his hands {very hot}. Not too soon after this we decide to go to a voyeur’s room {actually her idea}. As soon as we got into the room we saw the cute couple already on a center stage having sex. Fae and I decide to follow suit and take a side stage. That night we had the sex of our lives in front of countless people. It was mind blowing for us; we never did anything like that before! Then as soon as we finished we decide that was enough for the night {baby steps}..but we both thought that this was to be continued the next night{11/07}.
The following night we decide to go to the Green Door again this time a little wiser and knowing what we wanted. When we arrived it was much the same as the day before, barren. But we hung out a bit and next thing you know we are making out on our same ol' couch again. This time without provocation Fae drops to her knees immediately and pulls my pants down, she was hot to trot and ready to go!
After she begins to blow me I'm in heaven, next thing you know we start another crowd and this time she looks up to see what she called a 'cute' guy. The guy is about 6 foot with blonde hair and a good build {right up her alley}. Before I know it she stands up and asks the guy if he would come into the back room with her and me. The guy's jaw drops! It was great. He says 'ya ya ya yes'.
He goes to the semi-private room with us and as soon as we enter Fae starts to feel his crotch. She then immediately takes his pants off and pulls out an average length, but really thick dick. This is all my wife needs to drop to her knees and start blowing him. I, in-turn drop her pants and begin to mount her.
As soon as I do, the guy says 'I think she likes what your doing she is sucking me harder'. She does this for about 10 minutes when I say “why don't you guys hop on the bed and start fucking.”
He drops to his back on the bed and she straddles him. I am amazed, never in a million years do I think that my wife would ever do this and not only is she doing it she is cumming hard on this guy's dick. He sits up and bends her back putting her into a missionary position; I lean over and have her blow me while he pounds her. I cum hard and then sit back and watch the show. He finishes off with her legs in the air right after she cums one more time.
After that we decide to call it a night, we were told literally everyone in the place was watching the action. When Fae and I returned to our hotel room we were so turned on that we started to make it again like teenagers. We retun in April 07!! Hopefully we'll have more stories then!

A few years ago, I was introduced to a woman by a lady-friend whom I knew through business. Her name was Sandra. She was married with two children.
We met and quickly became sexually active. Time was scarce and secretive but we developed very deep sexual feelings towards each other. The relationship lasted for about 5 years.
Within several months she was sharing her deepest sexual dreams and wishes. One of them was threesomes with another man or men. As I had never had a threesome of any kind, it sounded delicious. Here's how it all began.
One evening about 5PM I called at her office and asked if she would like to meet my best friend Peter for a drink. I had talked about him before and our solid friendship many times. So I thought now was the right time to suggest a threesome. Sandra worked close by where Peter and I were having a drink at a Bar/Motel. Sandra finished work and drove right over.
I introduced her; we talked and sipped drinks for little while. Having not eaten, the drinks were having an effect on us. At some point I leaned over and whispered in Sandra's ear and asked if she’d like to have a threesome with Peter right now. Without batting an eyelash, she agreed. I flew downstairs and got a room, leaving them to walk down to the room. The chemistry between us was boiling. Although I was a bit nervous and so was Peter. I had never been naked in front of another man, so this was a bit exciting and cautious too. I could hear and feel my heartbeat.
I opened the door and we settled down with a small drink. I pulled the bed sheets down and suggested we take showers. Sandra and I took a shower together, and then Peter took his.
There we were wrapped in towels, looking a bit silly and shy. I put my arm around Sandra bringing her close to me giving her a hug and a kiss. Peter came right over and we all held each other with Sandra in the middle. No words were spoken, but the silence spoke volumes. Peter then took her by the hand towards the bed, with me in pursuit. We sat on the edge of the bed with her between us. We still had the bath towels on and the room lights were bright and glaring.
I moved close to her, embraced, and kissed her deeply while Peter softly caressed her legs. Her towel partially dropped, exposing her petite perky breasts. The lights seemed to cast softness over her that I had never saw before. Her eyes were wide open and her breasts were heaving and she was breathing faster. She whimpered something as I began to caress her breasts and suckled her nipples. Peter’s hand was slowly inching up her legs towards her love nest. I saw that her legs quickly parted. We could see she was enjoying all the attention from our attention as Peter and I always made eye contact with each other making sure that she was enjoying, all throughout the evening. Sandra then began giving instructions and told us how she felt. She wanted to be rubbed a little harder there, squeezed here, fingered inside and so on. I pulled her towel away and mine too. Peter had already taken his off earlier.
Peter moved up on her other side and began to suck and lick one breast with me on her other breast. We both caressed her legs at the same time. She moved in rhythm to our touches. My hand slowly went up and down her thigh using my finger tips while Peter did the same on her other leg. We played and kissed her body all over in unison. Never did we touch her love nest. The sounds from her throat encouraged us to play ever more. She spread her legs wide apart for us to see her full glory. I took one leg and kissed and licked her inner thigh, Peter did the same on her other thigh. Slowly we went up and down, stopping now and then to give her deep licks on the lips of her nest. Then we rolled her over on to her stomach, caressed, and dropped kisses all over her ass and fingered and tongued her rose bud. I had a full erection and felt a little embarrassed at it. For some reason Peter manage to hide his erection. After what happened that night I know why.
Sandra got up abruptly, and wanted us to stand before her. Like two slaves we got off the bed and stood in front of her as she knelt before us. We stood there touching and feeling her hair and face. Now she became active. Peter and I were standing side by side. I looked down at her and for the first time saw another man’s cock. I heard Sandra gasp when she saw it. It was huge. She too had never seen such a huge cock before. She expressed fear that Peter was too big for her. I too had never seen what other cocks looked like and never knew that some men were bigger than others. She reached up and grabbed it and began sucking Peter’s cock-head. I was totally engulfed with what I was seeing. With her other hand she grabbed my cock and began sucking mine then switched back and forth between our cocks and compared the size of our cocks. She rubbed our cocks together, and then rubbed them across her face and lips. My legs were shaking with passion. She sucked Peter hard and fast. He was really big and I thought for sure that she wouldn’t be able to take him inside her. She could not wrap her hands around him plus he was long enough for more than two hands in length, even when she was sucking him it seemed that his cock-head was too big for her mouth. She eventually stopped sucking me and concentrated on him.
I was transfixed now at how she sucked him. It was a sight to behold. She giggled, licked, nibbled, pummeled it, tried to find how much she could fit inside her mouth,sucked really hard making Peter yelp, squeezed his balls and fingered his rose bud. She kept telling to get it bigger, which he did later. I was totally transfixed as to what was happening before me. I was still trembling with excitement and lust.
I was so excited I could not be a part of what she and Peter were doing that I pulled her up and laid her down on the bed. I laid in front of her and spread her legs apart, kissed, and tongued my way up to her love nest. I opened her soaking wet lips and drank from her wetness. The scent and taste of her was engulfing. Peter took charge of the rest of her body, sucking and caressing her breasts. All the while she moaned with small whimpers. She was in ecstasy. I dove my tongue into her love nest, then inserted several fingers , playing with the side of her love nest. I sucked out as much as she gave her juices. She almost came, and I slowed down to tease. I kept it up and now traced my tongue around her pussy lips and on to her engorged clit. She then came repeatedly in rapid succession. My mind was lost in what I was doing. I even forgot that Peter was there. Then all of sudden I felt Peter’s hand on my arm gently pulling me away from her. Quickly he replaced me and began to suck her clit, while I move up and began French kissing her. As I lay along side her playing, flicking & tweaking her nipples, I watched Peter eat her out and I mean eating her. It was more like out-of-this-world. Her facial expressions were exquisite. I had eaten her many times, but never saw how much she really enjoyed it. Again and again, she climaxed. She held his head and pushed her pussy against his face. Peter rolled over on his back for a breath of air with his pole sticking high in the air. We took a very short break. We could see Sandra stare at his cock as if it were something out of science fiction {so did I}.
Now it was time to enter her. Peter was the gentleman and asked me to do the honors first. I looked at her and saw a bit of disappointment on her face. I declined. I thought it would be nice if we could all experience something together and suggested that Sandra and I get into the 69 position with her on top of me. This way she could suck me and I could suck her clit. We started eating each other. She was very wet. I was so damn horny I almost came. I had to restrain myself. She came once and then I felt some heaviness over me. Peter was about to enter her in the doggier-style position while her and I were in the 69 position. He lifted her rear-end up a bit, just off my face and rubbed his cock all around her pussy lips and over her clit. I watched in awe. My eyes were glued to the size of his cock and how he used it. What a cock! I think I was transfixed with his size. My face was just inches away. I could see everything. He used it like a paintbrush. Then slowly he placed his weapon up against her opening, just with his cock-head. She immediately stopped sucking me and asked him to push all the way in.
Peter took his sweet time. His cock-head was shaped like a fisherman’s cap and a lot larger than his shaft, which was huge too. He just played inside her opening. Then he slowly pushed all the way inside her. Sandra bit my cock as he drove all the way inside her. When he was fully in, all I could see was his testicles hanging in front of my eyes. Then he began to pump her slowly at first then in a circular grinding motion. My neck was beginning to ache, so I placed a pillow under my head and in doing so, my face was even closer to her love nest. Her cl it was right there if front of my mouth, and I began to suck on it. She moaned loudly. She was being fucked and sucked at the same time. I think she tried hard not to cum, but cum she did. Peter’s pace increased. His thrust was deep, hard, controlled and steady with piston like precision. Sandra had vaginal muscle control and could squeeze his cock in tandem. She used to do it to me, so I knew what Peter must have felt. With his size he automatically hit her G spot with every pump. Oh how she came. The sound she made was a whimper and gurgling all rolled into one. Peter had stamina. It seemed like only minutes, but it was over a half hour that we were locked in that sweet lustful position. At one point Peter fucked her so fast and hard that his cock slipped out and landed on my face. And before I had time to react, he was back inside her. But that feeling of a cock on my face left an impression on me. I momentarily had the feeling that I wanted to slip in my mouth. I was trapped beneath them.
Finally, Peter began pumping her in a different rhythm while I concentrated watching his cock glide effortlessly in and out. I was no longer concerned if he was too big for her as he pummeled her love nest. I could not believe how with each in and out motion her cunt lips were pushed all the way inside her and stretched all the way back outside and away from her nest, time and time again. He thrust her into total submission. She had stooped sucking me awhile earlier, so I was a momentarily voyeur. Then he came. He came in heavy forward jerking motions and made groaning sounds. Sandra cried saying she could feel his squirting inside hitting the top of her vagina. I guess he did cum a lot. As he continued to slowly pump her his cum squirted out along the sided of her nest. I rolled away from beneath them as he continued to slowly pump her. Then Peter moved back and his cock slipped out making a wet popping sound. He rested on the back of his heels and admired her wide open love nest. I had some envy about that as when Sandra and I did it her love nest never stayed open. Peter was very slow to lose his erection.
Sandra remained in the same doggie-style position motioning me to enter her. I positioned myself behind her, quickly burying my cock inside her. I almost choked. It was hot as hell and wet from his cum, plus her love juice plus all that friction. AND I MEAN HOT! My God I never had this feeling before. My cock was totally engulfed with all that hot wetness. I began slipping in and out of her. All I could feel was that wetness, not the sides of her nest, I was just floundering away inside her. I took my time as it felt nice and hot. I kept staring down at my cock slipping and sliding in and out. Then I wanted to cum now and I did . The feeling was absolutely overwhelming. I came with a bang inside me and my whole body experienced a warm glow. I cried aloud and fell back on the bed. Sandra still remained sucking to his cock and made him cum. She kept it in her mouth offering to kiss me and transfer some of his cum in my mouth but I backed off. Peter laughed and accepted it instead.
We were all exhausted but in another 10 minutes, she was ready to go again. I looked at my watch, it was 12:30AM, and she had to get home.
The following day Peter and I discussed what happened. He started to apologize, but I cut him off. We discussed in detail what took place and we were totally satisfied. Sandra had multi-climaxes, which Peter really felt. He could not believe how she could squeeze his cock with her vaginal muscles. I was shy to ask him about his size but in the end I did. He was anxious to have another go at her love nest. So was I!
About a week later Sandra was told me she still felt as if Peter’s cock was still lodged inside her. She was still ultra sensitive and very very horny.
We continued this threesome for some years. It was always highly charged and satisfying. We had a suitcase full of sex toys and THAT always added to her sensations. The number of positions we tried were many and always satisfying. But we all remembered our first threesome and frequently talked about it.


French Connection

By funCouple77, in Threesome MMF,

This one is writen by me. The previous 2 series of 'Our First Threesome' were written by Jas. This is the second encounter we've had and I can't describe how excited I was to tell my side of this erotic incident.
Alain is French. He visits us twice a year for his business trips, usually in the fall. One fine morning, Jas got an email from Alain saying he was gonna come visit us.
I realised this was the moment to get the ball rolling. We had sometimes included Alain as a part of our fantasy and we really get wild and wet. I usually end up with multiple orgasms. So, I secretly wrote an email to Alain asking if he'd be interested in a threesome with us. Its not that Alain has never cast eyes on me. I had always felt the vibes when he was around and I knew he'd jump into bed at any indication of invitation. I didn't tell Jas anything about our emails coz I wanted it to be a surprise.
A few days later, I got a reply from him and in the mail were two words 'Why not ?'. I knew somehow, Jas was in for a big surprise this time.
To cut the story short, Alain arrived and stayed at the usual hotel. He called in the late evening and I picked the phone. It was the usual chit chat of life and business and weather in France, however, I could feel the tension created deep down inside. The next day was Friday. We planned on getting together for dinner.
I got ready 6:30 PM. Jas seemed a little preoccupied and somehow I could sense he knew somehow. He seemed quiet all throughout the evening since he returned from work. He asked me if everything was ok, I replied in a very playful manner that everything was fine.... Somehow I sensed he's expecting something was definitely gonna happen tonight.
Alain is 31 yrs old, French, and he's a good looking guy above average and I was definitely attracted to him. Jas knew I was flirting with him the year before when Alain had visited us and that's when Jas wanted to see me have a sensual sex with him. ...
We arrived at Room 302 and Alain invited us in. We started the casual chit chat over a glass of white wine. I had a glass of red.
The conversation went on from business to weather to Iraq and to movies and finally ended up in sex. By then, we had finished two bottles of wine, a white and a red. We were feeling nice and of course tipsy. Alain inquired if anyone was hungry, but we all passed saying it was too early and we weren't hungry yet. Finally the conversation took a turn to threesomes and orgies, which was my whole charade throughout the entire evening. Jas was watching me carefully and I knew he was enjoying the subject. I also noticed that he was getting an erection. It's so easy to know when he's horny, and I was getting horny myself. It is so easy for him to make out because my face kinda turns pink and my ears red, and I'd sound a little nervous and stammer. Everyone was quiet.
To get the conversation going, I started, 'So, Alain ! Have you ever had a threesome? ' He replied 'Of course! Its fun.' I gave a wicked eye towards Jas and gave an inquisitive glance if he's up for it. He replied with one of the most wicked smile and said nothing. I knew he was ready and rather dying to watch what happens next. Alain was somehow intercepting the silent communication between Alain and I, so he politely asks what we were up to.
Not mentioning anything about the email, I said 'Jas was wondering if you'd be interested in a threesome with us?' Alain gave me a wicked smile. Somehow he didn't know Jas and I have not spoken anything about my email.
Both of them looked at me as if it was entirely up to me. I said it was up to Jas if he wanted to. Jas walked straight up to me and started kissing me. I responded with my lips wide open and kissed back. I stood up and walked towards Alain and gave him a wet and passionate kiss and we started frenching. Jas gave me a sly look and smiled as a sign of approval. I knew he was so horny and we were up for some real fun.
I love to play a lot and be fondled and licked and kissed and sucked, which really turns me on. Jas walked over to the chair and sat down quietly, watching what was developing between us in the room. I lit up a joint and passed it on. By the time it was over, we were kinda relaxed and started loosening up ourselves. Alain started kissing me on the neck again and started fondling with my breasts, pretty perky by now, a nice shapely 34c. Jas sneaked up slowly from behind and started playing with my right breast in a slow circular motion, zeroing in to the nipple. He helped me take off my dress and then unhooked my bra.
We all were feeling so horny by now. Alain couldn't keep his eyes off my breast. Alain joined in. He started licking my left breast, and then the nipple, and playfully asked me if I wanted to taste a French dick. I playfully replied 'Why not?' and then helped him out of his jeans, and then his underwear. I noticed he was already erect. I then slowly pulled it down and took it in my hands. It's such a wonderful feeling to have someone else's dick in my hands other than my boyfriend's, and I was enjoying the 8' and the thickness. I slowly started caressing and took it slowly in my mouth and started licking, sucking and playing with it. It was such a pleasure to see Jas enjoy every second of the moment, as I had always wanted to see him enjoy and savor a scene like this. I then kissed him so very passionately and helped him unzip his pants.
Alain helped me out of my tiny pink thong which hardly covers my trimmed pussy. At that moment I realized I wanted to give Jas more than he was expecting. I wanted to tease him and play with Alain, and I whispered in his ears 'Honey, enjoy the show.. as you have always wanted', and we both went down for a 69, with me on top.
Jas came up behind me and playfully started licking ass and pussy, it was such an indescribable pleasure to have two tongues tango on my clit. I was moaning, enjoying the moment and savoring every second and never wanted it to end. Then slowly Jas inserted his middle finger in my ass. I was wet like hell and my juices were flowing down my thighs.
It was about time somebody fucks me. Sooner than I could think , Alain got up and inserted his 8-incher and started fucking me. Jas was savoring every moment of it as he was playing with his cock. The room filled with Ohhhhssss and AAhhhhhsss and there were chills running down my spine. I thought this was one moment I will always remember all throughout my life.
Alain and Jas took turns and fucked me four times. I can't remember how many more times I came. We were all exhausted and fell asleep together and woke up at 11:00 the next morning. When I opened my eyes, Alain was licking my pussy and was making it real nice and wet, but this would be another story.
We've had a few more times together with Alain that season before he left for France.

My wife, Beth, and I had been talking about doing something “crazy” sexually. We are both middle-class people with a family. My wife is a sexy brunette with a great body and very sexy long legs. We talked about going to swing clubs and watching other couples play, so that we could see if we would have the courage to join in the fun. Our biggest fantasy so far, is to have a threesome with my wife, myself, and another man. We questioned if a swing club would be the best place to find an interesting and attractive male to help fulfill our fantasy. We placed an ad on a swingers site and expressed our interest in finding someone who was in a similar situation, in their early 30’s, in half decent shape, and most importantly, new to the swingers scene. We were not interested in someone who had been in a lot of threesomes. My wife and I wanted to be in control and having someone with “experience” was scary to us. Needless to say the entire idea was kind of scary.
After sorting through a bunch of ads we found a guy that my wife thought was cute. Matt was 31, in good shape, with short brown hair and very friendly in our messenger chats we had with him. He too had a fantasy of experiencing a threesome. The idea of a woman having 2 men as her play things seems to excite more men, than are willing to admit it. For me, the idea of sharing my wife brought out a lot of fears, but the excitement of the idea of watching her fuck another guy, was too much to not at least explore the possibilities.
We came up with a plan and set up some rules that we covered with Matt before we agreed to meet him. The first rule was that if my wife or I became uncomfortable with the situation, we would stop immediately. Second, Matt needed to wear a condom before his cock went inside Beth. And lastly, when the experience was over, Matt had to leave. In other words, Matt would not be spending the night with us.
We booked a room and one of those erotic hotels, with a large bed, a hot tub, fireplace, and a large shower. Beth and I got there early and got settled. There were plenty of fresh towels and we made sure we brought the other items we would need to enjoy our night. We agreed to meet Matt at a local bar so that we could chat a bit and get comfortable with each other first. We also decided that we were not going to make a big deal out of this and dress in a way that we would not normally dress. Part of being comfortable for us was not going too over board. We were already nervous as hell, so we didn’t want to make it worse. We agreed that jeans would be fine and Beth wore sexy, black, see though boy shorts and a see though bra, under her nicely fitted sweater. We took one last look around the room and reassured each other about the rules. If one of us was not cool with things, we would stop.
We drove a mile or so to the bar. We sat in a booth and ordered some drinks. Matt arrived a few minutes later. He was also dressed casual and you could see the nervousness on his face. He sat across from us and got a drink. We spent the next 20mins chatting and a laughing about the nerves we were feeling. We did not want to have too much to drink because we did not want to let the booze make us do something we would regret later.
Beth and I had a code for whether or not we were going to take the next step. I would ask her if she wanted another drink and if she said yes, we were not ready to leave. If she said no, she was ok, then we would get ready to head out. After about an hour of drinks and snacks Beth was ready to head back to the hotel. My stomach was in knots. I was feeling so many emotions, but I couldn’t let go of the idea that I was going to do something that would be so pleasurable for my wife.
Matt followed us back to the hotel. We entered the room and started a fire in the fireplace. We had brought some drinks with us so we sat around the table and had another drink. You could tell that each of us was very nervous. I thought of a good way to break the ice. We agreed that we would play cards for clothes. We would play blackjack and Beth would be the dealer. If Matt or I lost to the dealer, we would lose one article of clothing. If Beth lost she would take something off. We said that once you were down to your under ware, you were out of the game.
It was exciting as we all starting shedding our clothes. It was funny to see the look on Matt’s face when Beth lost her shirt and then again when she took off her bra. I could see that his cock was starting to swell. Most of the nerves had pasted by the time we were all in our undies. Beth looked so hot in her see though panties. Her nipples were hard and I could tell she was now looking forward to being with 2 men. I too was excited, thinking about the fact that my wife was going to have a night she would never forget.
Not long after we lost our clothes, we thought it might be nice to use the big shower. I suggested that Matt and I head in and Beth could join us when she was ready. Matt agreed and we headed for the shower. The large shower had two heads, so it was sort of like a locker room situation. Matt had an average sized cock and was trimmed neatly. He told me how hot he thought Beth was. I thanked him and said, “Just remember this night is about her.” He agreed.
After a few minutes Beth joined us. She gave a shy “hello” and pressed her body up against mine, facing Matt. She looked over his body and I could tell that she was getting very excited. She offered to wash each of us. So Matt moved closer and Beth soaped up the “poof”. She started by washing his chest and then brush by his cock and moved to his legs. As she brushed it, his cock became fully erect. Seeing this made Beth very hot. She dropped the wash cloth and began washing Matt’s hard cock with her hands. She was slowly stroking his cock with one hand a gently caressing his balls with the other. I grabbed the wash cloth and began to wash her back and her ass. As I slid down to wash the back of her legs I could feel the heat coming from her wet pussy. She turned her attention to me, and began washing my cock with her hands. I felt like would cum right away. Matt was rubbing her shoulders and started to explore her body with his hands. His cock was brushing against Beth’s ass as he moved his hands up and down her body.
She turned around and bent at the waist and took Matt’s cock in her mouth. I watched as his head lean back as he felt her warm mouth slide up and down his cock. I positioned myself behind her, so I could see him cock moving in and out of her mouth. I then crotched down behind Beth and began licking her very wet pussy, slowly licking her up and down, and rubbing the inside of her thighs. She opened her legs enough to give me access to her moist pussy. I love tasting my wife. It was exciting to hear the noises from her sucking Matt’s cock and his moans of pleasure.
Matt told Beth how wonderful it felt to have her sucking him. I continued to lick her wetness. Matt could not hold out any longer and told Beth he was going to cum. Beth pulled his swollen cock out of her mouth and finished him with her hand, his cum spraying all over her chest. She moaned “oh yes” as his cock let out a long flow of hot semen. After rinsing Matt’s juices from her we switched positions. Beth turned her attention to my throbbing cock and Matt began eating her pussy. As I look down I could see that she was locked into the moment. One hard cock in her mouth and a warm tongue licking and sucking her pussy, it was almost too much for her to focus on sucking me off.
After a few minutes I began to feel my orgasm building. I told her I was going to cum, and she gave me the same treatment as Matt, stroking my cock until it exploded all over her chest. She stood up and smiled taking both of our cocks in her hand, “wash me, now”, she said. Matt washed her back and I washed her front. She looked at me but did not want to speak, I know she was completely ready now, and I was excited to be giving her this special treat.
We finished rinsing off and turned off the shower. After drying off, we thought in would be nice to give Beth a “4 hands” massage to thank her for the incredible blow jobs we had just received. She laid a towel down on the bed and lay on her stomach. Matt and I each took a side with Beth between us. We use some of the moisturizing cream we had brought to act as the lotion. Slowly we moved our hands up and down her body. She was quiet and still as we slowly caressed her body. As we moved down to her legs, she slightly opened them so that I could brush my finger against her pussy. Slowly I moved my finger inside her pussy as Matt rubbed her ass and lower back. We told her to flip over and we each told one breast in our hands. Massaging them and rubbing her hard nipples between our fingers. She would open her eyes for a moment and then close them again, wanting to fade away into the bliss she was experiencing, 4 hands touching her and slowly working her to an orgasm.
Beth brought her legs up and Matt moved down to lick her steaming pussy. I know it would not be long before Matt was getting to taste Beth’s wetness as she came. I moved both my hands to her breasts and began squeezing her nipples. Her hands were buried in Matt’s hair pulling his tongue deeper into her pussy. She shook as the first orgasm rushed though her. I lower my mouth to her tits and began sucking them. She was almost breathless when she finished cumming. “Oh my god, that was so hot”, she exclaimed as she dropped her head down on to the pillows to catch her breath.
Matt and I lay on either side of Beth as she recovered from her orgasm. We were all quiet and Matt and I slowly rubbed Beth’s chest and tummy. Her hands moved down to our cocks which were begging to be touched. She moved her hands up and down a made sure we were both good and hard. She sat up and grabbed a condom from the night stand and slid it over Matt’s cock. Then she climbed on top of him and pushed his cock inside her. Placing both hands on his shoulders, she ground her pussy against him. His cock was completely buried inside her sweet pussy. Matt grabbed her hips and braced himself as Beth rode him. I used my hand to rub her ass cheeks as she fucked Matt. She was moaning with pleasure as his hard dick moved in and out of her. She told me she wanted to suck me as she fucked Matt. So, I stood up so she could take me in her mouth. The feeling was incredible as she moaned in pleasure with my cock slipping in and out of her mouth. Matt was enjoying looking up to see Beth sucking me, as his cock plunged deeper and deeper.
I told her to turn around and sit on Matt’s cock but with her back to him. Matt slid up a bit on the bed so that Beth could lean back against him. I got out her vibrator and placed it on her clit as Matt continued to fuck her. She came again with a loud cry and bucked harder on Matt’s swollen cock. He grabbed her tits and squeezed them as she came. Beth moved to the edge of the bed to allow me a chance to experience her now dripping wet pussy. I guided my cock inside and began moving in and out, slowly teasing her sensitive clit. Matt moved next to her and began stroking his cock inches from her chest. She was so excited, getting fucked and watching a guy stroke his hard cock for her. She came again as I slowly lowered the vibrator and pressed it against her clit. Seeing her cum had a reaction on Matt and he sent another hot load across her chest. The site of his cock wetting her chest made Beth’s orgasm even more intense. I could feel my orgasm rising and could not long hold out. I exploded inside her. I pushed deep so that she could feel every drop of my cum, as it filled her pussy. Exhausted, once again, we collapsed onto the bed in a heap of flesh, sex, and lust.
After a few moments Matt went to the bathroom and got a warm wash cloth for Beth. He washed her chest and tummy leaving no trace of the juices she had coaxed from his cock with her orgasm. I got up and brought over some bottles of water. We were all spent, and needed to take a few moments to gather ourselves and clean up a bit. “That was so hot, you guys”, Beth said. I knew that Matt and I were just as sexually satisfied as Beth. “I knew this would be a real thrill for the 3 of us”, I said. Matt nodded in agreement as he took a drink of his water, “You guys are a dream come true”, he exclaimed.
After a half hour or so, during which Matt and I continued to caress Beth’s warm skin. Her hands moved back to our cocks. She told us to sit at the edge of the bed and we quickly obeyed. She knelt down before us and starting sucking Matt’s cock, while stroking mine with her free hand. After a few moments, she switched and took my manhood into her mouth and stroked Matt. She switched back and forth until both cocks were swollen and ready to please her. She got another condom and placed in on Matt’s cock and then, to my surprise, place one on my cock as well. After she had both cocks wrapped in protection, she exclaimed, I want you both inside me. Matt lay back with his feet over the side of the bed and Beth climbed on top of him and buried his cock inside her. I took my place behind her and began slowly teasing her ass with my finger. She moaned as I slid my finger into her ass, just deep enough to allow her to adjust to the feeling of it. Beth was fucking Matt really hard as my finger pushed deeper into her ass. She pushed her body down so that her chest was pressed against Matt’s and I could tell she was ready to feel two hard cocks ravishing her body. I pressed my lubricated cock against her opening and slowly fit in it.
Beth was paralyzed, she was unable to move now that her pussy and her ass were both filled with hard men. Slowly, Matt and I found a rhythm and began fucking Beth together. She could hardly make noise other than short “Oh’s” as our cocks brought her to an orgasm. We both kept pace and continued to move in and out of her and she cried out in pleasure. She came a second time as soon as her first orgasm ended. The fact that Matt and I had Beth pinned between us made for a sensation she could not control. After the second orgasm, she begged us to stop fucking her and slowly we allowed her to straighten up and lay down on the bed. It seemed that 2 orgasms in as many minutes was just the kind of pleasure Beth was hoping for in this first time experience.
After taking a moment to recouped, Beth realized that she now had two very hard cocks that needed attention. She went to bathroom and rewet the wash cloths. Matt and I removed the condoms and sat on the edge of the bed. Beth stroked both of our cocks as she massaged then with the warm cloths. “Cum for me guys” she whispered, I want to watch you stroke your cocks.” With that she climbed up onto the bed and lay back. We each took a position next to her and she used each of her hands to play with our balls and inner thighs. Matt reached down to touch her breasts but she stopped him and told him, “I just want to watch”. Matt start to lean his head back and I could tell he was going to cum. I was surprised he had any left in him after the 2 orgasms before, but he cried out as he jetted his cum onto Beth’s tummy. I could see the pleasure on her face as the warmth splashed across her. “Your turn” she said to me as she caressed my ball and thighs. “Oh Beth, oh baby, yes”, I moaned as I came with the same force as Matt just had, leaving a trail of wetness across Beth’s beautiful breasts. Matt had reached for a towel and covered Beth’s body with it. We again, sat exhausted on the bed.
It was now three hours after we arrived at the room. Matt asked if we wanted to take a group shower again, but Beth said she wanted to relax for a bit. I chimed in by saying maybe it was time to get some sleep. Matt headed for the shower to clean up for his ride home. I sat on the bed with Beth and asked her how she enjoyed her night. She just smiled and said “I love you”. I knew that what had happened was all about sex and pleasure, the love part of the night would only be shared between Beth and I. Matt came in dressed to leave. Beth, now in her robe, got up to hug him and said she had a wonderful time. We agreed that we would do this again sometime. Matt headed out the door and Beth headed for the shower. I filled the hot tub with warm water and got in. It felt so good on my body. Beth joined me and we sat holding hands. We keep giggling about what we had just done. We relaxed for an hour in the tub, then dried off and pulled the comforter off the bed, to expose the clean crisp sheets below. We climb in and quickly fell asleep.
The next morning we awoke and I headed for the shower. Beth followed shortly after and began washing me. She paid special attention to my cock that had now grown hard from her touch. Rinsing me off, she knelt down and began sucking me. Moving her hand up my shaft and sucking the head of my cock. I felt myself beginning to cum and I let her know that. She didn’t move and kept sucking as I came into her mouth. The feeling was incredible, the warm water on my back and the shock waves pouring over my body as she sucked me though my orgasm. It was almost too much to handle. She looked up at me as my orgasm finish, so she could see the pleasure on my face. She rose and hugged me tightly. I whispered to her, “What was that for”, she answered, “thanks for last night”…

My wife and I have been together for nearly 10 years and have a pretty good sex life. My wife is very attractive with a great set of tits that gets her compliments all the time. For years we have had fantasies regarding threesomes, especially MFM. We even had an experience where a friend and I made out with her a few times three years ago. It involved a lot kissing, she ended up naked and we sucked on her tits, and I fingered her to an orgasm. It was very erotic and I got turned on by the experience ever since.
Well anyway, this year we had some people over for the 4th of July and my friend Scott has been flirting with my wife for years and she returned the flirtation. However things seemed to heat up lately. We recently went on a one day trip with him and his girlfriend and on the way back my wife and Scott stroked each others arms and kind of held hands while I drove and his girlfriend slept. She found it to be very erotic. My wife and I didn’t know what to make of what happened and I told her not to worry about, I mean nothing really did happen.
Last night things really happened. We had a group of friends over for some fireworks, food, etc. Scott came over to the house and was by himself, his girlfriend was not feeling well. No big deal, we had other people there and it wasn’t uncommon for him to come alone on occasion. Tonight, he really began to put the moves on my wife.
He kissed her in the garage and in the house whenever he had a chance and even fingered her a few times when they were alone. One time she was in the bathroom and he came in and took his cock out for her to touch. After everyone left our house, he ended up staying the night and we had a private wet t-shirt contest and it was a treat to say the least. She told me every time I left the room, he kissed her and slipped two fingers into her pussy and that it felt really good getting fingered by him.
When I found out what was going on, I was blown away. In fact, he told her that he wanted to fuck her and I could tell he wanted me to go to bed so it could happen. My wife was not ready for this so it went no further. The thing is that we really like his girlfriend and don’t want to hurt her. In addition, my wife would love to have sex with his girlfriend who is rather hot as well. I don’t know if I could let my wife fuck him unless it was in a group situation and I could fuck his girlfriend while he fucked my wife. My wife said that she might want to fuck him. I am wondering what happens next time we are all together.
After our July 4th experience with Scott, our sex life really picked up. We had sex five times in the last week and I think all the sexual energy from her getting fingered by Scott and making out with him and really charged both of us up.
Well Scott and his girlfriend came over for dinner the other night and we just hung out, lit some leftover fireworks off and had a bonfire. Again, when my wife went inside, he followed her and they kissed in the house. Nothing major, he didn’t try anything further but she said that she knew he wanted to sleep with my wife. Scott and I also had a conversation after our last experience and things were cool between us and I told him my wife would be the one that called the shots and he was fine with that. If she didn’t want to do something, it didn’t happen.
The next day my wife and I exchanged text messages and we discussed her having sex with Scott but neither one of really would come out and say, “yes” or “no” to the idea. It was like well, “I don’t know.” We were both intrigued by it but, would we take the plunge?
That evening, Scott called me late and said he was going to stop by, he had dropped his girlfriend off so I was thinking hmm. I told my wife he was stopping over and she perked up a bit and you could tell that both of us wondered what lay ahead.
Right before he arrived, I looked at my wife and asked her, “wet T-shirt contest?” She nodded like maybe. I then knew something might happen. As you recall from my last story, Scott held her arms while I poured water over her shirt and it was hot. I felt if that happened again, things might get crazy. Well, things went totally crazy.
After Scott showed up, we both had a couple beers and surprisingly my wife didn’t. As we started to get a bit of a buzz, I made the remark, about the wet t-shirt contest. Scott and I both dropped hints and finally she said ok. My wife lay on the floor and Scott held her arms back as I poured water over her 36DD tits and chest. After a few moments of this I got bold and started to rub her tits and then told Scott to do the same. At that moment our relationship went to a new level. We then stripped her naked and preceded for the next 5hours to have some of the most unbelievable sex I have ever experienced.
We took turns with her until the sun came up. He would be kissing her and massaging her tits, while I would be eating her sweet pussy and then she grabbed his cock and I watched her give him an amazing blow job, then Scott and I would switch and then he would eat her out and I would get a blowjob. Then things went up another notch as we then took turns fucking my wife. My wife has only had sex with me in her life so it was something to see her take only her 2nd cock. As Scott entered her, the sexual desire and lust on her face was priceless and she kept grinning at me and told me she love me. As Scott picked up his pace, she wrapped her smooth as glass legs and sexy feet around and pulled him in deeper. Scott and I proceeded to switch on and off fucking her until the sun came up. It was the most erotic experience I have ever had in my life. My wife said it felt different having someone else fuck her, especially because he is about 5-6 inches and I am 8 inches. I have a tinge of jealousy because my wife experienced another man’s dick besides mine, but at the same time, I would do it again because we have had fantasies about this night for years. I reassured my wife that I was ok and she told both Scott and I that she didn’t want us to look at her as a slut and we both agreed that would never happen.
The amazing thing is that the whole experience seemed so natural. My wife said she lost count of how many orgasms she had but she said it was near 40 for the night. I asked her if she would do it again and she said probably so I know she enjoyed and the thing is my wife loves to be the center of attention so she was in her glory. Scott text message her this morning and asked her was she OK and said that he didn’t think his girl friend would do something like this but none of us seemed to regret what happen. I feel bad that his girlfriend was not apart of it, but I don’t regret doing it. His girlfriend is hot and I would like to fuck her and so would my wife but it appears from Scott’s perspective it won’t happen and I can kind of tell she is not that daring. I guess I should be glad my wife is, and even though I have a bit of feelings of insecurity, I think it will happen again.

I paused before entering the room. I knew my wife was inside with another man. I didn’t know how I would feel – I knew they would be heavily engaged in some type of sexual act. Would I be jealous or angry? Would I do something that I would be embarrassed about or regret later?
I grasped the knob, and entered the darkened room. I had never been here before. It was lit with a black-light and had glowing space-related objects on the walls and ceiling. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw a totally naked man lying spread-eagle on a mattress on the floor. My wife was kneeling between his wide-spread legs, going down on him. Her well-proportioned ass was elevated as she bobbed her head back and forth, slowly stroking his dick with her lips. She was wearing only a pair of black, crotchless, fishnet pantyhose. He was moaning in pleasure. For a few seconds I stood there and stared. Neither gave any evidence they had heard me enter the room.
Seeing them there, all of my doubts and concerns vanished. I knew exactly what I had to do to them!
I pulled off my clothes as quickly as I could and immediately caressed my wife’s smooth ass, and stuck two fingers in her pussy! She moaned, and we were off on the best night I have had in recent memory!
This was our second swinging experience. Our first was with another couple, when we simply exchanged partners in a motel room. Since then we planned to experiment with a MFM combination. Neither my wife nor I had ever experienced a threesome. So we arranged a meeting at a Swingers Club in Dayton with a man my wife knew. I had never met Dave, but my wife had a relationship with him in the past. She said he might have some difficulty with a third person in the room. In truth, I didn’t really know how I would react to the situation. So we met at the club, and after some general conversation, my wife led Dave away. I was to follow in a few minutes, after I was sure they would be into something hot!
My wife and I have trouble having sex in the doggy position because our legs have very different proportions, making “docking alignment” difficult without some type of step or other support for one or the other of us. So, I finger-fucked her while I stroked my cock, and she sucked Dave. She gives excellent head, and I knew from Dave’s almost continuous moans that she was really having an effect on him. I could tell from the increasing heat radiating from her ass and pussy that her excitement was also building.
Then she stopped and said, “Why don’t you two change places?” We didn’t need any other prompting and I found myself on my back with my wife’s long strawberry blond hair caressing my thighs as she sucked, licked and nibbled on my dick and balls. All the while, Dave was behind her. I don’t know what he was doing, but it was having a very positive effect on her passion level!
I was so turned-on, watching her give me the best blow-job I’ve ever had while she was rocked back and forth by Dave, that I was close to shooting in her mouth. She could tell by my reactions, and she stopped and said, “It’s too early for you to cum, baby. The night is still young!” I was greatly disappointed, but could see the wisdom in her words.
So, we changed positions. This time she was on her back, and I was laying on my side, perpendicular to her, my cock thrusting into her wet pussy. Dave had his back to the wall, squatting over her, as she held his dick and sucked on it. I could see this was making her more and more excited, but before she could cum, the stress on her neck of sucking Dave’s cock became too great and we had to change positions.
My already hot wife then wanted us to stand side by side as she alternately sucked us both off. This really turned her on, and suddenly she said, “Dave, I want your magic hand!” Apparently Dave gave fantastic finger sex! She lay on her back while we both sucked on her rock-hard nipples, and Dave employed his “magic fingers”. She was so wet, I could hear Dave’s palm smack against her clit as he finger-fucked her. Her moans increased, and her legs began to tremble and jerk. I grabbed her thigh to keep her spread wide, and in just a few minutes, she had a powerful, wet orgasm!
We lay there for a few minutes, then Dave dressed and left. I looked at my wife and said that I still wasn’t satisfied, so she rolled over and immediately started to suck my cock. It had limbered up a little in the cool-down after her orgasm, but two strokes of her hot lips up and down my shaft brought me back to a full erection. In a short time I started to buck, grabbed the hair on the back of her head, and unloaded my semen into her mouth. She took it all, and sucked me clean.
We dressed and went back into the common areas to cool off and get something to drink. A little later, she took Dave away for a little one-on-one, while I played pool with another couple. It was a very good night! I couldn’t have asked for a better way to lose my “MFM virginity”.


The Beach

By wackytaz, in Threesome MMF,

Hello all, I am new to this website. Here is a story that happened awhile back. This is what got me thinking that I should swing.
I went to a nude dance club in San Francisco. It's the kind that has private booths to watch nude ladies dancing. As I was watching these beautiful ladies strut their stuff, I notice that I can see the booths next to mine from the mirror that is behind the dancing ladies. I can see a couple in one of the booths. I had my Johnson out and was stroking like there is no tomorrow. I looked again at the couple in the next booth and the girl in there motioned me to come over. I walked out of my booth (of course after the window came down), and knocked on their booth. They opened to door and the girl was bottomless with her top pushed up. The guy was completely nude. This was a sit down booth and I noticed that their clothes were sitting on the chair. She was beautiful and he had a cock that would shock me. I went in and they told me to take off my clothes, I hesitated at first because I didn't know what to expect. She dropped to her knees and started to undo my jeans. She slowly gave me a blowjob. I wanted more, I asked them if they would like to go somewhere else. We decided to go down to the beach.
Here I am at the beach. I was waiting for them to show. 10 minutes has gone by and I was wondering if I was a sucker. More minutes passed by and they drove up and parked in the lot of the beach. They told me that they were so horny that they had to stop for a quick one. The girl took out a large blanket and laid it down on the sand. We all got nude and she told me that this was their first time with another guy. They said they had other women, but never a guy for a threesome. She wanted me and her boyfriend to do her at the same time. He put his cock in her anus and I was in her pussy. Let me tell you, the feeling was enormous. We both came about the same time and she was yelling at the top of her lungs. We all laid there and relaxed a bit. It was around midnight and there wasn't much foot traffic around. He went to the car and brought back a bottle of vodka, and a six pack. We drank it all and was buzzing. She then proceeded to give me a blowjob. I was pretty blasted. The next thing I knew, he started to suck my cock while she was licking my ass. I was too drunk to stop him, plus it felt pretty good. I came in his mouth and he drank it all up. He then told me that was the first time he ever did anything like that. He wanted to know if I had a girlfriend or wife that would do a foursome. I got their number and drove off.
I went home and was thinking how I can get my wife to join in. Will she get mad at me for being unfaithful? I wasn't sure. She once told me that whatever I do, just don't let her know. I told her I had a friend that we are going to get together for dinner. About two weeks later, we all got together at a restaurant. We all got along fine. My wife excused herself and went to the bathroom. While she was in there, this girl dropped down below the table and proceeded to give her boyfriend and I an alternating blowjob/handjob. My wife returned to the table and noticed what was going on. She was shocked. I told her that she could help her out by sucking him off while his girlfriend suck me. She got mad and stormed out of the restaurant. I excused myself, zipped up and went after her. She was around the corner and was crying. I said I'm sorry and that we should go home. We haven't discuss this ever and I haven't kept in contact with the couple.
I have been trying to find the right guy to make love (actually FUCK) to my wife. I am longing to see a large cock fucking her. I've been really depressed lately be cause she is not giving me enough sex. I told her that I want a threesome with another woman. I am hoping to find one to break the ice and eventually get a foursome.
Thank you for hearing my story.


Fringe Benefits

By Corwyn13, in Threesome MMF,

As a contractor my labor force is definitely on the unreliable side. So it wasn’t really a surprise when one of my workers flaked on me just before a project was due to start. Scrambling for a replacement I thought of a kid that works in maintenance at my wife’s job. Jason is a nice guy, young about 5’7” 150, but he worked like a dog and I knew he could use the money. Since we had to leave for the job very early in the morning and we would stay overnight near the jobsite it was easiest that he just come over the night before and crash in the spare bedroom. My wife never said anything or did anything at all through the evening, but I could tell that there was a slight edge to her behavior. And while we, mostly me, have talked some about swinging, our most recent discussion was one where she made it clear in no uncertain terms that she had no desire to actually try it.
We decided to go to bed early since we were going to hit the road at 5 a.m., with a 3 hour drive and an 8 hour work day. As we started to get ready for bed, my wife was already undressed as I was getting all my things ready for the morning as I would be gone for two days. As I was packing she came up behind me wrapped her arms around me and told me how she was going to miss me. While saying this her hand slipped down into my shorts and started to stroke my cock. I reached behind me to touch her and found that she was already all wet.
I turned around and looked her in the eye and said - you’re not really thinking about missing me, you’re thinking about having that cock in the other room aren’t you? Before she could react or say anything I grabbed her by the arm and started pulling her down the hallway towards the guest bedroom. She resisted but tried to keep quiet as to not let on that there was anything going on in the hallway. As we got closer to the guestroom door a mix of emotions ran across her face - fear, nerves, a look of shock and excitement. Finally she just kind of came along not really believing that this was happening but at this point just going along.
I opened the bedroom door without knocking and Jason sort of jumped up out of bed surprised to see anyone walk in, much less seeing my wife naked in front of me (as I pulled her around and in front of me when walking through the door) and said - “thought you might not be quit ready for sleep yet “. Silence hung in the air for a few seconds as neither my wife or Jason believed that this was actually happening.
I took this opportunity to guide my wife over towards Jason, who was by now sitting up on the edge of the bed, by guiding her with both my hands on her hips. When she was right in front of him and standing between his spread legs I guided my wife’s hands down between his legs to grab is cock through his shorts. Jason slowly reached up with both hands and cupped my wife’s breast as he started kissing her belly. With my hand on top of hers we both started to play with his cock, stroking it as it became hard. I don’t know if Jason didn’t care, or still in shock, just didn’t know that it wasn’t just my wife’s hand stroking him, but his cock responded.
As Jason’s worked his way down with his tongue to her crotch she lifted her left foot and put it up on the edge of the bed so he could get to her pussy more easily. As he was doing this we were still stroking his cock which was hard by now and fully out of his shorts. I turned my wife over so she could lay down on the corner of the bed with her feet on one side and her pussy exposed for Jason’s to explore while I walked to the kitty corner of the bed by my wife’s head so I could offer her my dick to suck on.
She started taking me deeper and deeper as Jason’s tongue started to bring her to orgasm and then she shivered as the first waves hit her. As she finished cumimng Jason rose up and looked at me questioningly as he got ready to enter her. A slight nod from me was all he needed and as he tried to mount her my wife rolled halfway over so he would get into a spoon position. As he slowly started pumping her, she took my cock in her mouth again and started sucking me. I slowly laid down on the bed in a 69 so she could continue to suck me while I buried my head between her legs and started sucking on her clit. Jason was pumping away and as he was sliding in and out my tongue was gliding over his cock and my wife’s clit at the same time. I could tell that both he and her were close to exploding and I wasn’t too far off myself so I decided to slow things down a bit by reaching down and pulling his cock out of her.
I got off the bed and rolled my wife on top of Jason and as I started sucking on her breasts Jason entered her again. As I continued to suck on her tits I reached down to grab my cock and started rubbing her clit with the head of my cock as Jason continued to slide in and out of her pussy slowly. My wife was beginning to cum again as I slid down her belly to stand between her and Jason’s leg. I knew there wasn’t much time left before Jason unloaded even though he wasn’t fucking her real hard. So I reached down to grab his cock and slid it behind my wife’s pussy and into her ass. Slowly she eased onto Jason’s cock and the beginning of an orgasm started to shake her body as his cock slid deep into her ass. There was only one thing for me to do - I slowly slid my cock into her wet pussy and we all started cumming together.


Looking for Trouble

By 2much, in Threesome MMF,

It was a long time fantasy of mine - one that we had lived out a few times and were usually not disappointed with the other guy who joined us. Lisa was more into having another woman join us in bed but it is tough finding the right lady whereas there's a willing single guy on every corner it seems.
So we were up late partying one night - Lisa was a dancer at a topless club. Tall, blonde & hot - she got home a little after 2:00 and we were both horny, drinking a little & surfing the internet looking for trouble. We found it in a local 'couples' chat room.
We met a guy online twice before - one hit, one miss. We were a little hesitant, but like I said we were partying and looking to get into something. Mike owned a bar that was about a mile from our house - he was closing up and surfing the net also looking to get into some trouble. What a coincidence we thought - before I knew it we were chatting away and making plans to meet up and hang out.
As we waited for him to arrive Lisa mentioned that she hadn't even thought to ask about his looks or mention anything remotely related to the topic of sex - so we were holding out breath when the doorbell rang about 15-minutes later.
When I opened the door Mike was as normal as we could have asked for and the three of us let out a collective 'whew' and had a very comfortable laugh!
We adjourned to the living area of our bedroom and sat on the floor pillows sipping our drinks and getting to know our new guest.
He quickly acknowledged how lucky I was to have a woman as beautiful as Lisa and commented that regardless of what may or may not happen between us we seem very nice and he invited us to his bar for dinner & drinks on him anytime. Speaking of drinks, I offered refills and went downstairs to retrieve them.
We were drinking hot Sake, so it took some time to prepare. As I climbed the stairs to our second floor I was thinking about how comfortable we were with this man who we had just met about a half hour prior; I then heard their conversation and paused for a second when I heard her flat out asked him if he had a big cock. I entered the room and saw the two of them holding hands, sitting very close. I made light of the comment, 'did I hear something about a big cock?' 'Mike and I were just talking about body parts,' Lisa said. 'He's a boob man, just like you honey' - I commented that Lisa had some of the nicest I had ever seen and when she volunteered that they were fake Mike said he couldn't believe it. Before he could ask, she pulled down her top and revealed her 34ddd beauties.
Mike was in awe and I immediately began massaging her left breast; Mike commented that they were beautiful and I then asked him to give them a feel. Mike was on Lisa's right and I on her left, we massaged them for a few minutes and as I leaned in to kiss and suck on her nipple Lisa moaned softly and pulled her head back, arching her back - I told him to give them a suck and he asked her if it was ok - 'oh god yeah' she replied. Together we kissed and sucked her chest for about ten minutes or so when Lisa broke for a drink and to put on something sexy for us. Mike and I sat talking about how lucky we both were - me especially We put on a pay per view channel showing a 4-hour block of porn movies, little did we know it would turn out to end before we did!
Lisa cam out of our bathroom a short time later in full makeup, hair done and looking about as amazing as a woman could look - Mike and I have not seen a better sight in our lives for certain. She was wearing her 6' white patent leather heels and a white boustiere that let her gorgeous 34ddd's stand out more than they already did. The panties she wore were tiny & white, with nothing more than a small string covering her freshly shaved pussy. She batted her eyes at us and said 'Hi boys, how do I look?' We howled and smacked our lips like starving heathens about to sit down to a full Thanksgiving meal.
She smiled at the selection on TV, it was a woman riding a man while she sucked another man's cock. She sat down between us and said, 'Let's just enjoy the movie for a while', as she laid her hand in each of our crotches and very slowly and softly rubbed our crotches through our jeans.
Every so often she would stop to take a sip of her sake and would comment on how hot it was in the room. I commented that she had no idea how hot it was and she said she liked it that way - then she went back to rubbing our cocks through our jeans and said, 'It's a good thing I have these two big hard cocks to keep me nice and hot.'
After about 20 minutes of this, and it was an amazing turn on watching her rub his cock - her hands are perfectly manicured, she always has a nicely done french manicure and as she rubbed us she would glance at me and smile, as we occasionally fondled her breasts and kissed her neck. She then announced that she couldn't take it anymore & 'had to see those two huge cocks for real' then began unzipping our jeans. We of course helped her and took our cocks out for her to stroke. My cock is about 8 inches, very fair in color, circumcised with a nice head, it is not extra thick but is a nice one. Mike's cock was also very nice looking - same color, cut, a little thicker and almost as long. His balls were larger than mine, but he was not shaved like I am. Lisa stroked us for a while as we sat on either side of her - she knows this is a big turn on of mine.
After a while I moved my kissing down to Lisa's thighs and as I pulled her string panties to the side to lick her swollen and soaking wet clit I looked up to see her and Mike passionately kissing. I smiled and began lashing away at her pussy, it was freshly shaved and so wet as I licked and slid my tongue into her, then sucked her clit into my mouth as she squirmed. I told Mike to have a taste of it and he obliged, licking away at her clit as I slip my finger into her and kissed her passionately as well.
She pushed my head down and also grabbed Mikes head so that she was forcing us to lick her together {though force was not needed!}. The two of us were taking turns sucking her clit and licking her lips, rubbing her soft thighs as she writhed in pleasure. We had been going at this foreplay for some time now & our cocks were swollen and dripping with precum as we broke away from her pussy and both almost in unison knelt up so that our cocks were swaying hard as rocks right in front of her face. She gently cupped our balls in her hands and massaged them, then wrapped her hands around each of our cocks at the base and stood us up, then lead us into the bathroom by our cocks. It was amazingly erotic.
She said she needed to take care of something before we continue this and she started to run a bath. We caught our breath for a few minutes, soaking in her absolute hot beauty as the tub filled. The three of us climbed into our jacuzzi and commenced kissing, rubbing and sucking Lisa as she stroked us. It wasn't too long that Lisa made her intentions clear regarding the bath - she had Mike stand up and reached for the shaving cream and razor. She lathered him up without even asking and said 'if you are going to fuck me, I need you nice and clean' she said as she began shaving him. I was in awe, as I am sure was he. I was watching intently and closely as my hot blonde girlfriend shaved our new friend and also almost instinctively, I reached out and lifted up his cock for him so she could get to his balls. He did not flinch then nor when she handed me the razor to finish up.
The bath did not last long - we needed to relieve some of the intense tension that had built during the last hour or two of scorching hot foreplay. We moved to the bedroom where she knelt and began sucking Mike's freshly shaved cock until it was rock hard in her mouth. I sat on the edge of the bed watching intently as she swallowed him, slobbering all over his cock and mimicking the slurping and spitting sounds that were coming from the scene on the television.
I threw myself to my knees and grabbed her by the head, kissing her deeply and tasting our friends clean cock juices on her hot mouth. He pulled our heads together from above as we kissed, kneeling in front of him and his cock. We were all naked, still glistening wet from the bath only briefly. I put my hand on top of hers as she wrapped it around his strong hard cock. We stood and they kissed, then she and I kissed and the three of us then all got into our bed.
We kissed, the three of us - I had never kissed a man before, although I was not really kissing him but we were pretty close, our tongues intertwining with hers. It was to say the least, an incredibly hot scene. I grabbed our friend's cock and aimed it at Lisa's soaking and eager pussy - as it slid into her I could not get over the room, I slid my fingers into her wetness as he fucked her from behind. She and I kissed deeply as he slowly pounded her and it took a little work but I managed to get on top of her and work my cock into her pussy as well so that we were both now fucking her at the same time, our first double vaginal penetration. The truth is that it looks easier in porn than it is in real life - but hey, pro football seems easy from the sofa!
We continued on for some time, going at it well into the morning. Mike and I gave Lisa her first double vaginal as well as anal/vaginal double penetration. We faded off to sleep in our clean white sheets, our bodies exhausted and naked, draped over each other. Mike left sometime in the afternoon, we did not even hear him leave. Mike called to thank us later the next evening, telling us it was one of the greatest experiences he had ever had & again inviting us to dinner. A perfect gentleman, he proved a very worthy partner who we enjoyed a great deal again and again.

It had been a few months since I lost my wife. She had finally succumbed to the cancer that has spread so fast the doctors couldn’t keep up with it. The love of my life was gone and I was really feeling desperate. I hadn’t been out socially for over a year as I spent our last months together taking care of her every need. Its really hard to loose someone you have loved for forty years.
I guess a little background is in order to help the story line to be more understandable. J and I had a great life together. We shared everything. Everything, that is, except each other. Many times over the years we had fantasized about sharing each other with other people, but we had never taken the plunge. Swinging for us was just a fantasy…nothing more. I don’t think we avoided it because of jealousy or anything like that…we were just too wrapped up in each other to consider actually letting someone else play with us that way. But our sexual escapades were the richer for the fantasy. We enjoyed tremendously watching porn together and getting really hot so we could have tremendously hot fuck sessions.
There had been one occasion years ago where we had actually considered getting together with a couple we had met through some friends. They were both good looking and they seemed to have quite an interest in us. We just never broached the subject of sexual activity with them. In fact they were our favorite fantasy couple. We would each pretend to be fucking one of them when we had sex and would describe the feeling of the experience as we pleasured each other. J especially liked it when I called her by T’s name as I plunged deeply into her hot and steaming pussy. And she would call me R as she cried out to me to fuck deeper as she came.
One night, just before her passing, J asked me if I would ever consider fucking T. I told her I didn’t know but she asked me to promise her that I would at least consider the idea since she didn’t want me to live without sex. I told her I would consider it A few days later she was gone.
As I said in the beginning it’s been a few months since J passed. Last Friday I got a call from R and T. They wanted to know if I would like to go out with them for an evening’s fun on Saturday night. I told R I would think about it and call him back. A few minutes later I got a call from T. She told me that J had asked her to tell me something when the time was right, but she would only tell me in person. I agreed to meet them for a couple of drinks at a local watering hole. Saturday night, I met them and the story begins:
I was sitting at the bar when R and T arrived. Dressed casually, R looked very comfortable and was drawing the attention of the single ladies in the bar. T was turning every head with her sexy outfit and tempting good looks. She was very enticing to say the least. They came over and T gave me a peck on the cheek and R shook hands. I ordered a round of drinks and we began to talk about a lot of things. Finally, I asked T what J had wanted her to tell me. R interrupted and said that it would be best if we had that conversation in private and so why didn’t we just leave and go to their place. I figured why not, paid my tab and we left.
When we arrived at their condo, T excused herself to go to the bathroom and R and I began to talk. He told me that T was going to do something for J that she had requested and that I was to go along. I really had no idea what was about to happen, but if I had the anticipation would probably have caused me to severely stress out. About that time T walked back into the room wearing a see thru teddy and nothing else. She came over to me, put her arms around my neck and said that J wanted her to fuck me. I looked at R and he said that it was alright and that if I wasn’t up to the job he would be there to take up my slack…that is, if it was all right with me. I was speechless.
T didn’t wait for an answer as she wrapped her arms around my neck, pressed her marvelous breasts to my chest and proceeded to kiss me. No, she didn’t kiss me…she pushed her tongue into my mouth and got her lips on my tongue and I thought she would suck it right out of my head. My hands immediately went to her luscious ass and pulled her to me. My cock had instantly gotten hard as was pressing against her mound through my pants. She reached down with one hand and unbuckled my belt while she held the back of my neck with the other. Before I knew what had happened, she had my cock in her hand and my pants were around my ankles.
As I stepped out of my pants and kicked off my shoes, T kissed down my chest and began to nuzzle into my pubic hair. I’m not one for shaving my cock and balls and she commented that she loved that just before she took the throbbing head of my cock into her mouth and began to run her tongue around the head. I was in heaven. Within what seemed like only seconds I began to cum like I had not ever had sex. I don’t remember ever having cum that way before. T swallowed most of my cum, but saved some for me as she stood and kissed me inserting her tongue into my mouth sharing with me. At my age {61} I thought I was just a one-shot wonder, but amazingly, my cock stayed hard and I was ready immediately for more. R had been caressing T and playing with her pussy with his fingers and he had her really wet.
She led me to the bedroom, pushed me down on my back and sat down on my cock immediately taking all of it as far up her pussy as it would go. Rocking back and forth and humping up and down she rode me for all she was worth. R got on the bed beside us and offered his cock to her. I am only about 6 inches long give or take a half inch but my cock felt a foot long that night. R, on the other hand, is a good eight inches and she had no trouble at all taking all of him, holding him in her throat, his balls against her chin as she slowly ground her clit against the base of my cock. Within minutes she was cumming with a tremendous surge of pleasure washing over her body. She pulled away from R and kissed me as I began to fill her pussy with my own climax. As I began to come down from the highest high I had ever experienced, she lifted her sexy ass off my cock, slid down and engulfed my cum drenched cock into her throat and R filled her wet and hot pussy with his massive cock. She began to cum again.
I suddenly remember {as T sucked me to a third climax in less than thirty minutes} that she was supposed to tell me something J had wanted me to know. When I came back to earth R was just emptying his balls deep into T’s hot pussy and her mouth was still full of my cock. Once again she climaxed and then just slumped down on the bed holding my cock in her hand with a look of satisfaction that could only come from complete sexual exhaustion. I asked her what it was that J wanted her to tell me. T said that J and she had talked years ago about being intimate with her and R, but they had decided against it as we were such good friends. She also said that J had told her she had always wanted to become a swinger, but she just didn’t have the courage to do it. J had told T that she wanted me to have the best enjoyment sexually I could and that she wanted T and R to be the ones to give it to me. Wow is all I could think of to say.
We spent the rest of the night exploring each other and all three of us had a wonderful time. Maybe sometime I will write about the rest of that night…but for right now this is enough. I feel alive again and what a gift I have received from J. I will never stop loving her.

It was in 1976. We had 'swapped' with one couple a few times a few years earlier, but it had ended with the other husband getting jealous and ruining a friendship.
One night, my husband and his best friend went out drinking and got pretty drunk. They called me to come pick them up at a titty bar down town. I think it was called Little Caesar's. It has since been torn down for a parking lot. When I got there, they were both waiting outside and looked pretty bad. Hubby jumped in the back seat ahead of Bill because he said he 'needed to lay down for a nap.' He really did need to! Of course Bill was not in much better shape.
As I drove toward Bill's house, we started talking about why men went to strip joints. He said it was a cheap thrill to get a hard on with all the dancing and touching but is was also very frustrating because usually the tease is all you get unless you pay for a blow job or quick fuck. While we talked I could see a bulge developing in his pants. I had always wondered how Bill would be in bed although I had never mentioned it to hubby since it was his best friend. As I noticed the bulge growing, I started to get a little wet and my nipples started to firm up.After a while I got brave and told him I thought he might tear through the material in his pants if he did not give his dick some room! He was startled, to say the least. His shocked look gave way to an even more shocked look when it hit him that hubby was laying in the back seat!
He laid his crossed hands in his lap and told me I should not notice such things. I told him I always took notice of such things and encouraged him to go ahead and take it out so I could see it. Reluctant at first, he finally unzipped his pants and took his already hard dick out for my perusal. I smiled and said, 'Nice cock.' It was not quite as large as hubby, but it was shaped different and has a nice plumb like head. At first embarrassed, he started feeling kind of cocky, no pun intended, and moved is such a way to accentuate his cock's length, and worked his balls out in the open as well. By now, I am real wet and wanting to taste the treat waving next to me.
Knowing I had to have him inside me, I suggested that he really did not need to go home without his car and so drunk, so why didn't I get a hotel room where he could sleep it off and then I would take him back to his car. I also suggested perhaps we could 'get to know' each other a little better while we waited. Knowing full well what I meant, he asked what hubby would say about this. I said it really didn't matter since he was zonked out in the back seat and would probably sleep through the whole thing.
We pulled up to the Holiday Inn on the Katy Freeway and I went in to get a room. When I came back out Bill was stoking his cock slowly in anticipation of what was about to cum, uh, I mean come. {grin} We pulled around to the side and right in front of our ground floor room. We got out of the car and I went up and opened the room, purposely leaving my purse in the car. As soon as we crossed the threshold Bill put his arms around me and gave me one of the hottest deep throat kisses of my life. I think I almost came right there. I told him I left my purse in the car and would be right back and to get undressed while I was gone. I went back to the car, opened the door and slid into the driver's seat acting like I was looking for my purse. When I got in, I said, 'Well, I know you're not sleeping and I suspect you set this up. With that said, hubby sat up smiling ear to ear and admitted he had, in fact, wanted this to happen. He actually wanted to see me fuck his best friend. I asked him if Bill was part of the set up and he said, 'No, not really.' He said that they had talked in general about messing around and that he had told Bill that we had done so a few years back, but other than that, Bill was totally in the dark. I told him that I, too, wanted to fuck his best friend, but that I wanted him all to myself the first time. Hubby agreed to wait in the car. When I checked in I had gotten two keys so I left one with hubby and told him to wait thirty to forty-five minutes before coming inside the room.
When I got back to the room, here was Bill, laying under the covers, but with his cock still obviously hard as evidenced by the tent in the sheet. I said, 'Let me have another look at that beauty.' With that I pulled the sheet back to take a look. It looked even better now than it did in the car. I sat on the edge of the bed and reached out to stroke his really lovely cock. It felt so different from any cock I've ever held. It was wonderful. I told him to kiss me again. Damn he was a good kisser. After a long sensual kiss that again almost made me cum, I slowly kissed down his neck and pecks and tummy all the way down to that awesome looking cock. I licked around the head slowly and cupped his balls with my left hand. With my right hand I held the base of his cock and slowly jacked while my mouth and lips were playing with his cock head. I know that hubby likes to have the underside of his cock head licked and did so to Bill, gently nibbling at it as well. Finally! , I engulfed his cock in my hot wet mouth. He tasted so good I did not think I would ever want to quit. But as he announce he was about to cum, I stopped and said, 'No! Not now! I want you to cum in my pussy, and I want it now! I ripped off my clothes, straddled him, and lowered myself on his pulsating cock. I rode him hard and fast, knowing, of course, that this would hasten his orgasm, but also knowing I was not finished with him by a long shot. And when he did cum, he came in jerks and twitches reminiscent of my early days with teenage boys. It was wonderful. While I had yet not cum, it still felt great. I relaxed on his chest, letting his collapsing cock remain in my body.
After he got his breath and lit a cigarette, he asked, 'What is hubby going to say?' At that precise moment, almost as if it were scripted, hubby opened the room door. Bill was shocked and tensed up. I smiled, did not move my position, kissed him lightly on the forehead, and said, 'Why don't you ask him?' Sensing Bill was about to panic, hubby smiled and told him not to worry, that he had been set up. Hubby told him he had long wanted to watch him fuck me and that since he still had not 'seen' it happen, he wanted us to do it again. Bill started to relax a little, but said it would be a little while before could do it again. Hubby said, 'No problem. We've got time. And anyway, I've got to clean up that mess you left in my wife's pussy.' Oh yeah, hubby loves cream pie. Always has.
I rolled off Bill to his right side and spread my legs for hubby. I continued stroking Bill's deflated cock gently with my left hand while pinching my nipples with my right. Hubby dove right in licking and sucking in as much of Bill's spent cum as he could. Reaching deep in my vagina with his tongue he cleaned my insides good. Then he licked all around the outside of my pussy and got all the 'droppings.' Once almost completely clean, he concentrated on my clit and tongue fucked me to my first orgasm of the night. Bill's cock was starting to come back to life with all the action going on around him. As my orgasm subsided, l told hubby that Bill's cock might need some help getting ready for the long slow fucking that I so desperately needed. Hubby took his cue and told Bill, 'I see there is some pussy juice still on your cock and balls that needs to be cleaned up.' Bill's face almost went white. I said, 'Well, you've had more than one surprise tonight, haven't you?' Hubby moved swiftly to get Bill's cock in his mouth before Bill could think about it and potentially back out. It didn't take hubby long with his mastery of cock sucking to have Bill so turned on he did not care who sucked what! I was fingering myself feverishly while hubby worked his magic on Bill's cock. I had only seen this once before with that first couple we swapped with. But I must tell you it really turns me on to see hubby give head to a man or woman. Strange fetish, huh? Bill was about to burst and hubby wanted him to so he could swallow a big fresh load. But I made him slow down and eventually stop so that I could make use of Bill's reinvigorated tool selfishly.
I pushed hubby out of the way and told Bill to, 'Take me!' And take me he did. At first slowly, gradually increasing his speed and his stroke. He sensed my every need and responded. Hubby sat on the bed touching us in special places and making the experience more enjoyable, but being careful not to do anything to rush the grand finish. Bill's kisses finally brought me to my second, orgasm of the night. His magnificent fucking technique brought me to my third, forth, and fifth orgasm before he finally shot his second load deep inside my womb. I held him close not ever wanting to let him go. We all fell asleep in that position, with his failing cock still barely in my hole. A few minutes later we began to stir, and Bill rolled off me to my left. Hubby was sitting there lighting a cigarette when Bill, to our shock, said to hubby, 'Did you forget to clean something?', and pointed to his flaccid cock. Boy were we surprised. We went from 0 to 60 in a few seconds with me sitting on Bill's face giving him a tasted of his own cream pie while hubby sucked Bill off to his third and final orgasm of the night. Hubby swallowed every drop like a trouper!
Well, that was twenty-four years ago. And to this date, we still have Bill for a treat once a week or so. Bill's wife does not have a clue. Bill has talked about bringing her in on the fun, but hubby has absolutely no desire for her. In fact, doesn't even like her. We are retired now, at only 50. Bill still has to work for a living so we travel out of town with him and take care of just about all his sexual needs. We have a wonderful marriage, a wonderful lover, and a wonderful life.

We had placed an ad on a swinger website just to test the waters so to speak. When we discussed the possibility of swinging she would say she wasn't interested but would get very wet. After several months, we received a response to our ad from a single male named Jack. His e-mail intrigued Ann because it was well written and very polite.
Over the next few weeks he and Ann exchanged e-mails and she got comfortable with him. We then followed with several phone calls and she agreed to meet with him for a drink. The drive to the bar was very tense, neither of us knew what to expect. He was already there when we got there and once we met all the tension went away immediately. He was a good looking guy, with dark hair and a very pleasant personality. She was very attracted to him and I could tell he was attracted to her. We had a great conversation for about an hour and a half and told him that we would get back to him later that evening.
The drive home was very different than the drive there, she was very interested in meeting with him again. We had rented a vacation condo for a week and she called him later that evening and invited him to join us there several weeks later. The next several weeks were nerve wracking but we were both ready after many years of discussion.
We met him for lunch at a place near our rented condo and continued our conversation. I could tell Ann was hot by her body language and when he excused himself to use the bathroom she told me she was ready for him.
When he returned I told him that I had some errands to run and she would drive to our place with him. They spent some time alone getting to know each other then arrived at our place together. Jack and Ann sat on the couch and I sat in a chair across the room and continued the conversation.
Ann then excused herself and went into the bedroom to change. She came out in one of her hot outfits and there was no doubt she was ready to play.
She sat next to him on the couch and kissed him as he began to feel her very ample tits. It was very erotic to see Ann give herself to another guy while I watched. She unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock that was very hard by this time. She put it into her mouth and sucked him like only she could do. We were all naked by this time and my cock was as hard as a rock as the events unfolded. She left him briefly to suck my cock and get my assurances that I was Ok. I told her I was and told her to go for it. She then opened a condom, rolled it onto his hard cock and climbed on him facing him.
She guided his cock into her hot pussy and pumped up and down on it. There she was fucking a hot guy of her choice right in front of me with my encouragement. The look on her face was shear lust. It was incredible. After a while she climbed off his cock and got down in front of me on all fours and asked me to fuck her from behind. As I fucked her he put his cock in her mouth and she had a cock in both ends for the first time. She asked me to cum in her so I shot the biggest load of my life into her hot pussy as she sucked his cock.
The three of us spent the next four hours fucking and sucking in every position imaginable and she had the time of her life. We had all cum multiple times and we just lay on the bed together exhausted. He dressed, kissed her and thanked me for sharing her with him. She had that freshly screwed glow on her face for days and was already looking forward to the next time. We just set the stage and nature took its course.

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